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February 23, 1969 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-23

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Striking tenants claim harassment by Ian


With the rent strike only one week old,
several tenants already have charged that
tandlords have been harassing them for
payment of rent. The rent is being held in
escrow until the strike is settled.
"Although the Tenants Union expected
harassment in a more sophisticated man-
ner, some landlords have been using less
than reputable tactics," claims David Gold-
stein, Grad, .a member of the rent strike
steering committee.
The steering committee his responded to
the tenants' charges by warning landlords
that any costs incurred by alleged harass-
ment tactics would be deducted from Tents
held in escrow.
A group of law students is employed by
the steering committee to handle any legal
aspects of alleged harassment by landlords.
Steering committee members say such

harassment will be used in court to chal-
lenge any eviction attempts by landlords.
Many tenants have been calling rent
strike offices to check statements by their
landlords on the strike. One tenant said
that her landlord told her many strikers
already had been evicted and she would be
next if her rent was not paid immediately.
However, there have been no evictions and
no formal proceedings have been started
against strikers, says Dale Berry, Grad,
another steering committee member.
Several tenants have reported being told
by their landlords that all the steering com-
mittee members already have paid their
rents for the entire year and are misrepre-
senting the strikers.
Janet Handy, Grad, a committee member,
denies the charge. "It is almost as ridiculous
as the rumor about David Goldstein ab-
sconding with the escrow fund to Brazil,"
Miss Handy said.

Although similar rumors have been wide-
spread, other tenants have reported more
serious incidents, steering committee mem-
bers claim.
Six girls who rent an apartment at 1520
Hill report persistent "harassment" by their
landlord, Edward Kloian of Arbor Manage-
Last week they were informed by a police
officer that cars parked on Kloian's prop-
erty would be towed away. Two cars be-
longing to their guests were ticketed, and
a third car belonging to a tenant was towed
away because she was not there to move it.
The tenants met with Kloian last week.
They told the steering committee that
Kloian informed them that they had no
right to strike and that they did not have
any valid complaints about their apartment.
However, one tenant, Eileen Liska, '70,
claims apartment residents have tried to tell

Kloian their complaints but he refuses to
listen to them.
Miss Liska adds that Kloian told the
tenants "they would be very cold soon" and
would be evicted during finals.
And last Friday, Miss Hertz noticed that
an oil delivery truck from Abbot Oil Co. had
not serviced the apartment. She says the
driver told her he had been ordered to
halt delivery to 1520 Hill until further
Jay Huntington. head of Abbot, told her
Kloian had asked that no oil be delivered,
Miss Hertz says, and Huntington told her
she could not start a new account.
Miss Hertz complained to Goldstein, who
notified the Public Health Office that no
oil was being delivered and asked if this
was a code violation.
Goldstein says that he was told the word-
ing of the law was "tricky" and that this

might not be a violation. However.' a public
health official agreed to check with the oil
Miss Hertz says that Huntington called
back and said oil would be delivered if she
took responsibility for the account because
"it was an emergency.".
Oil was delivered yesterday. Kloian denied
any knowledge of oil service being halted
and says that heating was written into the
lease as Miss Hertz's responsibility.
Miss Hertz says the oil bill is in the
name of David Sinclair, a tenant in the
other apartment at 1520 Hill. Under the
disputed lease, she says, each apartment
pays for one third of the bill and Kloian
is responsible for the remainder.
She adds that she is now paying two
thirds of the bill and will have Kloian's
share deducted from rent held in escrow.
Kloian yesterday denied saying anything

that would imply he intended to turn off
the heat.
"They h1ve no complaints against me,"
Kian said. "They have no legal right to
do what they arec doing" He added that the
girls will be evicted by "due pro'cess of law,"
KIoMan also says that no parking privi-
leges are written into the lease for the
Miss Liska claims Lt tenants had been
parking there without complaint until the
Not only do the girL not know what their
lease says about parking, they don't even
know what their lease says-at all.
Elizabeth Hertz, '70, another tenant, says
none of the girls or their parents who co-
signed the lease ever received copies of the
Kloian says they all received copies and
See RENT, Page :

Tenants score


C, r

Sir i+a


Afth- --01-7

The rent strike steering committee yesterday denied
charges by the Ann Arbor Board of Realtors that the Uni-
versity was officially sanctioning the rent strike.
Instead, the committee charged the University with
"contributing to the seriously deficient rental conditions in
Ann Arbor.".
"We disagree with the Board of Realtors and it is clear
to us that the University has maintained a neutral position,
a statement issued by the committee said.
By remaining neutral, however, the committee said the
-,University was letting the
7 'landlords take advantage of

Vol. LXXIX, No. 122 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 23, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Ea stern,
stay quiet


- -



n iu al ei is thle u othe students. From Wire Service Reports p
"From this pint on," the state- Eastern Michigan University
ment said, "we expect the Uni- and the University of California
versity to take affirmative action at Berkeley remained calm yea-
to petitiol mnsupport of student demands by terday after several days of vio-
building extensive low cost hous- lent protests on each campus.
ing. At Eastern, where 12 students
"Furthermore," the committee's were arrested Thursday for refus-
o r I a fra statement continued, "we expect ing to leave the administration
the University to take a position building, students engaged in no
By TOBE LEVin support of- the Tenants' Un- specific action yesterday.:.
ion, since such a stance is o n Iy Thursday's protest was held to'
The newly formed Ann A r b o r proper and humane." emphasize a list of 10 student de-
Committee to Keep Biafra Alive "And we hope the University mands aimed at improving black-
is planning a massive petition drive will resist any pressure from land- students' education and campus
for the week of March 10. T h e lords and boards of realtors to life in Ypsilanti.
petition will be sent to President oppose the strike." the. statement The demands included the ap-
Nixon and important senators and concluded. pointment of a black as a vice 1
congressmen. In its newsletter Thursday, the president for minority affairs and'
John Gourlay, chairman of the Board of Realtors had charged the the institution of a black studies
committee, says the petition w ilI University with giving "official program with the curriculum con-r
ask for three things: American sanction" to an "illegal rent-with- trolled by blacks.
pressure on the: United Kingdom holding strike." A class boycott was attempted
to eliminate shipment of arms to At a steering committee meeting on Friday to re-emphasize those#
Nigeria; American economic a i d yesterday, members discussed the demands and to obtain amnesty
sent directly to Biafra instead of possibility of extending the rent for the arrested students. Hove}-
through Nigeria; and American strike to Ypsilanti. ever, EMU officials denied amnes-
pressure on both Nigeria and Bia- Most members felt it would be ty and action on the demands was
fra to agree to peace talks. advantageous to the Ann Arbor delayed when black students walk- yibo atI(1 alienafiu
The actual petition is not yet strike if a similar strike w e r e ed out of the negotiations.
written because the committee be- started in Ypsilanti because sev- Meanwhile, the University of Noted existential psychologist Dr. Rollo May discusses myth and s
wieves there may be a change in eral major landlords hold proper- California at Berkeley was tense before an overflow crowd last night at Trueblood. May, a leader
lievesAtereay beo an chne in ty in both cities. but peaceful yesterday. A token theorists, criticized the alienation inherent in American life.
tAroHowever, the committee decided force of National Guardsmen.
not to "commit any of its re- summoned after violence two daysG
The petition drive would begin sources" to an Ypsilanti strike ago, remained nearby. 'DROP U.S., JOIN MARKET
with a diag rally March 10. Gour- because the work involved would Most of the 1,000 guardsmen,
lay said there also may be a be too large a load for the com- ' on standby at a naval supply de- '
torchlight parade that same eve- mittee to handle. Furthermore, pot close to the campus were
ning, committee members believed t h e withdrawn after striking teachers eG au lle's rejected i
The committee is planning a people of Ypsilanti should con- and students kept emotions in
teach-in March 11 where Biafran duct their own strike. ~check at a noisy rally Friday.
students on ampus, members of "A rent strike is supposed to be "Don't give them an excuse,"' **
the political science and sociology people-based, and if Ypsilanti is monitors had urged about 2,500 to B I ritai 1 slio l is AIl
department and Senator Charles really concerned, it will conduct students and members of the
Goodell (R-N.Y.) who has sup- its own grass roots effort," Stuart I striking American Federation of
ported Biafran independence, will Katz, Grad., press liaison for the Teachers. LONDON (A')-Western Europe strict silence yesterday to avoid
speak. - committee said. "We wanted a peaceful demon- was in an uproar last night over linking the controversy to the
During the week of the drive the The committee assured those 1 stration," Ysidro Macias, a leader a reported deal offered by Presi- President's trip.
Biafran students will give lect- 'hopeful of extending the strike of the Mexican-American Student dent Charles de Gaulle to let But the United States is deeply,
ures in all the dorms and possibly that any procedural advice would Confederation, s a i d afterward. Britain into a watered-down'involved in the broader question,
in Guild House, Canterbury House be readily available to organizers ."But Monday might be different." Common Market in exchange for of U.S.-Europe relations. It seems
and the Ark. in Ypsilanti, however. When classes resume tomorrow breaking with the United States. certain that European leaders will
In addition to the petition ef- The committee also decided to i university officials will be armed The French were furious with bring the matter up with the'
fort, the committee will distribute begin a fund drive to cover i t s with authorization, approved 18-3 the British for spreading what President at virtually every stop.
stamped envelopes for students to legal and publicity costs. Sponsor- by the regents, to suspend stu-
use in sending letters to congress- ing a dance and soliciting contri- dents when "there is reasonable called sensationalized accounts of cha Stewart said Britain would i
men and senators, butions, from faculty, have been cause to believe" they disrupted the plan and said it contained not pay the French price--an end '
Gourley said that the drive is mentioned as possible money rais- the campus with violence, threats nothing new, to the North Atlantic Treaty Or-'
for education as well as political ing activities so far, or destruction.n
purposes. He said that until six The committee will obtain fur- Strikers hurled rocks, bottles, The French said that by dis- ganization and to Western Eu-
months ago "very little informa- ther funds by selling Tenants' Un- tear gas canisters and firecrackers closing it, the British government rope's political and defense ties,
tion about the war has been avail- ion membership cards to students at police for about three hours was trying to block a reconciliation with the United States.
able and Nigeria has been distri- living in University housing. When Thursday. between President Nixon and De In their place, De Gaulle would
buting most of it." the union is officially organized, Gov. Ronald Reagan declared a Gaulle. Nixon arrives in Brussels have a "European directorate" of
The conimittee will hold a meet- these students will be given t h e state of emergency on the 28.000 today for a European tour. France, Britain, West Germanyj
ing tomorrow in 3516 S.A.B. at ' voting rights of a separate land- student campus before the guard However, U.S. policy-makers and Italy to guide policy.
7 p.m. lord. was alerted. from Nixon down maintained Reaction from other Conmon

The literary college curriculum committee is expected to
produce long-awaited recommendations on the language re-
quirement and on a black studies curriculum at its meeting
What the committee will recommend concerning the con-
troversial language requirement is uncertain,
Although committee chairman Prof. James Gindin of the
Er.;lish department privately has endorsed either abolishing
the requirement or substituting an entrance requirement,
most other committee members probably will not form def-
inite opinions until tomor-t'-
row's six-hour discussion.
Recommendations on both the
language requirement and theS
black studies program are needed
from the committee tomorrow so
that the literary college faculty
can consider the issues at theirI
March 3 meeting.
The black studies proposal,
which will be submitted to the
committee from a special sub-
committee, is expected to win the
approval of both the curriculum Republican candidate for mayor
committee and the faculty. Richard E. Balzhiser said yester-
"Passing the proposal may take day he would 'release a detailed
somemeuttawould statement of his financial assets,
soetimeut thrclarficatoo "perhaps early next week."
be time used for clarification of
the proposal and consideration of Balzhiser's statement came in
administrative problems," Gindin response to a challenge by Demo-
said. cratic mayoral candidate Prof.

Daily Sara Krulwie
ymbol in interpersonal relations
of the existential psychology




In its tentative form, the blackv
Market countries was negative. studies proposal recommends a which charged the Republican to
Italian Foreign Ministry offi- concentration program which make known his financial in-
cials were among the first to label would include four new broad terests.
the plan unacceptable. One said courses and three couses spe- Last week Harris made a detail-
it would dismantle "what Euro- 'cializing in cultural history of ed statement of his personal fi-
pean unity has been achieved Afro-Americans, social psychology nances and his organizational af-
through the Common Market thus of American racism, and world so- filiations.
far." cial thought. Harris said he disclosed his fi-
In Brussels. Common Market "Most courses presently being nancial status "so that the elec-
diplomats were shocked. An envoy taught in the college are not di- torate could judge, well before the
from one of the market's thiee rectly applicable to the program," April 7 election, whether my per-
small countries, Belgium, the said Prof. Lois Lowenthal, chair- sonal interests might conflict with
Netherlands and Luxembourg, man of the subcommittee. the public responsibilities of being
said they would "never accept di- "I think it's very possible that Ann Arbor's next mayor."
section by the so-called Big Four." 'I thk tsvypssbeht
rein ynh er le Bg Four the committee won't reach a final Harris' statement of assets in-
Foreign Minister Joseph Luns agreement regarding the language cluded his home, his furnishings,
of the Netherlands, one of the! requirement," Gindin explained and car totaling $35,000, and U.S.
most outspoken advocates of a yesterday. "There may well be a savings bonds valued at $1,525 at
more united Europe, called the majority and a minority report." j maturity.
whole thing "a storm in a tea Gindin said that if the commit-
cup" and claimed De Gaulle's tee drafts separate majorit-y and IHarris also listed four savings
tee rafs sparte ajoityandaccounts in trust for his wife and
plans would.get nowhere. minority recommendationshon the three children, which were left
Although West Germany react ed language requirement, the one b i iesmteH e hi
cautiously to De Gaulle's plan the proposal probably will call for aluhisat $380mother. He set their
Germans declined to fall in with alteration, the other abolition
his proposed arrangement. At the committee's weekly meet-. Harris' primary source of in-
"We see no great need for haste ing last Monday, a suggestion for come is his salary as professor at
in the matter," a government a straw vote on the requirement the University. Additional income
spokesman said. was rejected. during 1968 included a $150 speak-
According to George Soames, a "I think that does not represent ing fee and interest on bonds.
British diplomat in Paris, De a fear of commitment on the part Recent affiliations include the
Gaulle proposed his new Common of committee members, but simply American Civil Liberties Union
Market plan at a Feb. 4 confer- an indication that they hadn't (ACLU), Americans for Demo-
ence. yet made up their minds," Gindin cratic Action (ADA), NAACP, Na-
As Soames outlined the talk, said. - tiopal Committee Against Dis-
De Gaulle would scrap the Corn- Although Gindin believes that crimination in Housing, New De-
mon Market and replace it with a proposal to alter the present troit Committee, and the Washte-
a larger and looser free trade language requirement would have naw County Legal Aid Society,
group lacking the market's po- failed five or six months ago, he Inc.
tential as a federated Euroce. said, in the last two months, "The
Other European countries in faculty has really considered Harris stressed that neither he
adition to Britain would be wel- whether it's a good thing or not.estate
wheherit' a oodthig o no. ,interest aside from his house.
come. NATO would be scraoped he said.
and Europe would be independent I think it is important for the
in what De Gaulle called "world See PANEL, Page 10 next mayor to be candid with the
terms." electorate about these aspects of
High French sources yesterday his personal life," Harris said.
denied that De Gaulle's o rtice Balzhiser said that he is work-
had aareed to any such reco'd ing on a similar disclosure and


Managing Editor
Tensions and tempers a
the math department over
tween the chairman and a
sident, generally younger
At issue is an intradepa
agreement over the extent
chairman and the executi
should inform the rest of ti
of policy decisions.
A potentially explosive e
narrowly avoided Friday w
f meatj mtvaM'ing m0 nO

facuty fe uds
MAN The recent troubles began at a regular not to
r faculty meeting two weeks ago. A motion have g
are flaring in made last semester by Prof. Morton "The
r a clash be- Brown was passed with an amendment mnittee
by Prof. J. D. Halpern, and it -was that 'policy,
faculty mem- amendment that precipitated the clash. clearly
Halpern's amendment read, ". . . the impose
rtmental dis- Chairman shall formally communicate But
to which the policy decisions, as opposed to individual Prof.W
ve committee personnel decisions, to the Department the aO
he department as soon as possible."Onas
was ap
The motion was intended, according to faculty
ncounter, was its supporters, to help make the depart- calling
'hen a special ment more open, to insure a greater that th(
nepofle Thati fnamof infnm-n n.V,


communicate at all, he could
otten away with it."
chairman and the executive com-
are free to decide Ghat is or isn't
' he says. "The amendment
implies only a direction. It doesn't
severe obligations."
the chairman of the department,
William LeVeque, chose not to take
nendment so lightly.
Feb. 18, eight days after the motion
pproved, he sent a letter to all
members explaining his position,
the meeting Friday and asking
he motion be rescinded.

It follows that the executive committee
is required to inform the department of
its "week-by-week thinking," he wrote,
and "I am afraid that this is a princi-
ple that I cannot abide by; neither will
I circumvent it."
Le Veque declines to comment on the
By Thursday afternoon the depart-
ment was quite tense. To avoid the
threatened clash the next day, a number
of professors, including Nicholas Kazar-
inoff. were circulating a petition asking
that the meeting be postponed.
"There are some who can't make it

1{ k

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