THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 1 1, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 1 1, 1969 Gophers entertain wary M' cagers By BILL CUSUMANO After pulling out two straight overtime victories in the friendly confines of the Events Building, Michigan's basketball team must now brave the hazards of the road. This afternoon the Wolverines face Minnesota, a team that has shown a talent for pulling upsets, on the floor of huge Williams Arena in Minneapolis. The, Big Ten has a notorious reputation for being a home court conference with the result that the most effective squad on the road is usually the league cham- pion. Last year's results give cre- dence to this as Ohio State com-, piled the best record away from home (3-4) and finished in first place.I Four of Michigan's next five contests .will be played away from Ann Arbor and they all will be crucial, starting with today's game. The Gophers have only a medi- ocre 6-5 record so far and have lost their only Big Ten start to Ilinois. However, Minnesota has proven to be a tough opponent, particularly at home. The Gophers dropped Marquette 75-73 and Detroit 85-80 when both teams were ranked in the top ten. In addition they have topped- a good Loyola team and came within four points of powerful Notre Dame. Minnesota's success has been based largely upon the play of 6-7 center Larry Mikan, who is the son of the legendary George Mi- kan, and 6-3 guard Al Nuness. Mikan leads the Gophers in scor- Starting Lineups MINNESOTA (32) LeRoy Gardner (6'4") (52) Larry Overskei (6'6") (31) Larry Mikan (6'7") (22) Al Nuness (6'3") (12) Eric Hill (6'2!") very strong team," he stated, "we will have to hustle." Apparently Minnesota h a s ,hustled more and better than any- one ever expected they could. The ,Big Ten writers picked them to finish last in a pre-season poll and their upsets have truly been of the shocking variety. , To spring an upset upon front- running Michigan, though, the Gophers will have to stop the top point machine in the Big Ten. The Wolverines are bombing the nets for an average of 95.4 points per game and hope to keep up that' pace in Minneapolis. Minnesota, on the other hand, has only allowed 70 points per contest but it is open to question as to whether that average has been attained through good de- fense or just a deliberate style of play since the men from the north country have only produced an average of 66 points. . If Minnesota's defense really is that tough it will still have its hands full trying to stop Michi- gan's Rudy Tomjanovich. The 6-7 MICHIGAN (40) Dennis Stewart (6'6") (25) Richard Carter (6'1") (45) Rudy Tomjanovich (6'7") (44) Ken Maxey (5'9") (24) Dan Fife (6'2") Wolverine forward currently leads- the Big Ten in scoring with a 37- point average, attained mostly through his record-tieing 48-point performance against Indiana. Tomjanovich will probably be Mikan's responsibility and Rudy should give Fitch a good idea as to just how much Mikan has im- proved. Minnesota also has to worry about the Wolverine fast break. Fitch admits, "We are slow, we can't run and press." This defect could be fatal when matched against the searing speed that the small, but quick, Michigan squad has shown. A lot seems to be going in Mich- igan's favor but it will not make a complacent man out of Wol- vefine coach Johnny Orr. He knows the dangers of the road in the Big Ten and the friendly confines of William Arena have already been the scene of two major upsets by Minnesota. Orr does not want to see a third until after he leaves town., #I 0 TWO MINNESOTA STARTERS the Gophers will send against Michigan's front-running basket- ball team are center Larry Mikan (left) and captain Al Nuness. Mikan, whose father oversees operations of the American Basketball Association, is averaging nearly 20 points per game this season. Nuness averaged better than 14 last year and is the team's floor leader. ing with an 18:1 average and is also the top rebounder. Nuness follows Mikan with a 14.6 average while running the team from the backcourt. The Gophers' other starters arel Larry Overskei, a strong 6-6 for- ward, Leroy Gardner, who is alo a forward, and 6-2 sophomore guard Eric Hill. One other man to ability that was expected of him. be reckoned with is 6-8 sophomore Because Fitch could not be sure of center Tom Masterson. Masterson Mikan and thus was weak in the was highly regarded by coach Bill pivot area, the first year coach Fitch before the season began and was very pessimistic before the had been playing ahead of Mikan. season began. "We do not have a Mikan's development has been a pleasant surprise for the Gophers STA RT ERS CRIP as he has never before shown the -Daily--Thomas R. Copi RUDY TOMJANOVICH, shown awaiting a rebound against Illinois last season, will probably take Mikan on defense. Tom- janovich, like Mikan a junior, presently leads the conference scoring race with a 37-plus average. LED: Matmen host Wildcats in critical conference meet *I By PAT ATKINS At this stage in the season, the Michigan Wrestling team could not face a rougher test than the one they'll have today against North- western. The Two Big Ten title COME TO Student Book Service and visit AIMEE SU McLAREN NANCY GELL .r.. The most complete supply of NEW and USED TEXTS and PAPERBACKS is at the Student Book Service MARCH ON WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 19, 20 1. Ann Arbor Movement Centerf 2. Liberation Classes 3. Counter-Inauguration March 4. Counter-inauguration Ball BUS TICKETS NOW Icontenders will square off this af- ternoon at 3 in the Events Build- ing, in what should be a tossup meet. But the Wolverines' problems only begin with the unenviable task of meeting the Wildcats. Michigan's heavyweight, P e t e Drehmann, quit the team due to academic problems; Tim Cech, the 123 pound Midland champ is ill; regular Tom Quinn has a broken nose; and Jesse Rawls has been unable to wrestle due to an in- jury. "We're starting off in the hole already," Assistant Coac1t Rick Bay says. "It's imperative for us to win in the lower weights." With Michigan's strength in the lower weights and Northwestern's in the upper divisions, upsets will be particularly important. Although Cech has not been feel- ing well, he is slated to wrestle at 123. Northwestern's 123 pound division was held by senior Wayne Watson last year, and is now up for grabs, possible by junior Tom Klein or sophomore Ted Moss. A rematch will probably occur at 130. In last year's Wolverine- Wildcat meet, Lou Hudson decis- ioned Northwestern wrestler Ed Dumas, 9-3. Both are likely 130 starters today. The 137 division could also be a repeat from a year ago, depend- ing on whether Geoff Henson or Mike Rubin starts for the Wol- verines. Henson edged by Wildcat co-captain Jack Dunn last year, 3-2, with a point of riding time providing the winning margin. And in the Midlands this year Rubin met Dunn and took care of him 8-0. Steve Butrey and Bill Laursen will go for Northwestern at 145 and 152, respectively, while Lane Headrick and Jim Sanger will op- pose them. Northwestern's strength begins at 160 with two-time Big T e n runnerup Otto Zeman. Co-captain of the Wildcat team, Zeman beat Wolverine Chuck Reilly, 6-2, on his way to third place in the Mid- lands. Reilly, is scheduled to face Zeman again in today's contest. Michigan's line-up in the upper weights, already strained by in- juries, was completely scrambled by Drehmann's departure. W i t h his academic difficulties, "he felt he could handle only one sport," according to Bay. And that one sport was football. "We don't have a heavyweight," Bay says. Either captain Pete Cor- nell or Rawls, who hasn't wrestled lately because he's been hurt, will fill the heavyweight position. The other wrestler will start at 177. At 167, Quinn will wrestle despiteI a broken nose. Quinn's competition is S e t h Freshman s JC grappler Special To The Daily. GRAND RAPIDS - Michigan's. freshman wrestling team took seven of ten individual matches) yesterday to defeat Grand Rapids Junior College 22-14 in their first dual meet in history. The Wolverines yearlings start- ed slowly, splitting the first four matches with their varsity coun- terparts from the Furhiture City, then took four straight matches to wrap up their first dual meet vic- tory. Grand Rapids' Rick Vaughn gave his teammates hope when he opened the meet with a 7-0 white- washing of Michigan's Jim Hag- an. Michigan got the points back when Ty Belknap whipped J o h n Alexander 7-1 at 130 pounds. The host squad went ahead once more after the third match, in hich Bill Klossen decisioned Paul Paquin, 4-3. Klossen's win was the last for Grand Rapids before a 191-pound victory by Bill Cole- man. Michigan's Herb Sudduth again tied the meet, wrapping up Ed Tass 4-2. Then the Wolverine frosh reeled off consecutive decis- ions at 152, 160, 167, and 177 pounds to go with Sudduth's win at 145 for five straight victories. The visiting Wolverines got their final points on Steve Chapman's 8-1 decision of Terry Simon in the heavyweight class. Norton, an outstanding wrestler who finished first in the 167 division at the Midlands Tourna- ment. Junior Bill Pauss, who was hexed by injuries last year, may see action at 177 for Northwestern. Since his only competition, Bill Galler, is out for the season with a football injury, senior Dan Kraft will hold down the heavyweight position for the Wildcats. Michigan State, with pressive showing in the Midlands, are still favored to successfully de- fend their Big Ten crown, but both Northwestern and Michigan have the ability to dethrone the Spartans. And each would like to begin their drive this afternoon "at 3 p.m. juad clouts 's,224 The meet was the only o n e scheduled by coach Cliff Keen for his freshman squad, although the ! Big Ten permits two. Michigan uses the other date to host a freshman grappling clinic in Feb- ruary. 123 pounds - vaughn (GR) def. Hag- an, 7-0.; 130 pounds - Belknap (M) def. Alex- ander, 7-1. 137 pounds - Klessen (GR) def. Pa- quin, 4-3. 145 pounds - Sudduth (M) def. Sel- leck, 6-0. 152 pounds - Boyce (M) def. Tass, 14-2. 160 pounds -- Kyrias (M) def. Aldrich, 4-2. 167 pounds - Surgent (M) drew Rynsburger, 0-0. 177 pounds - Harris (.M) won, for- feit. 191 pounds - Coleman (GR) def. Thomas, 3-2. Hwt.-- Chaprnan (M) del. Simon, SCORES COLLEGE BASKETBALL Notre Dame 76, Butler 73 Columbus 79, Yale 49 Princeton 70, Dartmouth 55 Pennsylvania 81, Harvard 74 Utah 107, Utah State 89 Marquette 77, DePani 72 Drake 86, Wichita State 81 New Hampshire 75, Northeastern 72 Holy Cross 73, Georgetown 67 Vanderbilt *94, LSU 92 1l PN OTTO ZE19kAN I lar4' Cqof(ee U#'ue 605 E. William 769-1 593 2527 SAB 1-6 P.M. I 1 Phone 761-3252 or 769-1400 Sponsored by Mobilization Committee to End the Vietnam War GEROVA-MISCHAKOFF Flute and Guitar, Friday and Saturday-Jan. 10-11 Performances at 9:45 and 1 1:00 P.M. Sunday afternoon Jazz WATCH THIS SPACE! "What for?" The 1969 MICH IGANENSIAN "The what?" The 1969 MICHIGANENSIAN. 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