I I EASTERN AND THE BLACKS See efitorial page CJ r 01k4g IAit MELANCHOLY High--43 Low--30 Cloudy and mild 0 Vol. LXXIX, No. 121 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 22, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages } :. { } + i {......... .:ii:;"}?iiiii::; :^:'r:::i i::.; ::.i:':: -:. ''' :'.:::::... _. ::::: :.i'::::: {.yi ::..;.i.i:"ii:::.:. 44 Re g e .u t t s. .........: .:.. .. ....:...::....:........:...:.:. iii: i::": i:i ii:::::..... ........ ::::::::: :".: ":: :. : v::n :........: .:: U::::::::::.iii:r:..... t: "'f i , :: p'::.: iii: i::., i :v:: ................." .-t to 'Dionysus' Eastern denies amnesty; blacks Mild reprimand emerges from stormy closed session By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The Regents yesterday issued a mild statement concern- ing the Jan. 26 performance of the controversial play "Dionysus in '69" in the Union Ballroom. They cited "substantial public criticism of the Univer- sty," and said there was "minimal value attached to the per- formance as measured against the loss of good will which the University suffered."dh "The Regents therefore request that, in the future, cam- pus groups give more careful consideration to the contribu- tion which invited guests and performers can make to the state," the statement concluded. Following the production of the play, Ann Arbor police arrested its 10-man cast and charged them with indecent -~ ----- --' exosue.The, players had 4 -rr- ;.performed two scenes of the boycott classes Ixeiiey to review inj1unction play in the nude. A pre-trial examination was set for March 12. The statement was drafted at a stormy closed meeting Thursday night. Regent Gertrude Huebner! (R-Bloomfield Hills) reported thatI "the more conservative Regents"' at first insisted on taking a stronger stand, possibly including a censure of President Robben W,": New UAC officers The University Activities Center yesterday announced the selection year. From left to right are administrative vice president George La co-ordina.tina vice prespident Susan Friedman.andexectiive vice ALLENDALE, Mich. (M-Grand !Fleming for his handling of the _______- Valley State College and Ottawa matter. Cont athriie hveagee t'In January, Fleming chose not NO 'OFFICIAL SANCTION : Counto thorities have aeedt take part in the decision as to submit a dispute involving theI whether the performance should{ be cancelled. freedom of speech and press to RoetNdelne D- /4ii4' 5 l e the State Attorney General's of- Mrs. Huebner said she and Re-I fice for an opinion. The dispute gent stems from an injunction againstBhmnhar inl th yconvd the student newspaper, the Lan- te others to accept the milder thorn, which was temporarilya statement. closed Dec. 3 for printing allegedly Ms. Huebner is a member of 0g obscene words, the Board of Directors of the cab eo League, which, along with the The Attorney General's office Union board, decided to allow the has been asked to- rule upon these presentation of Dionysus despite By JIM BEATTIE ity and leadersh questions: the possibility of arrests, University officials yesterday stated. -Did the injunction, served In another statement issued at denied charges by the Ann Arbor PBarbara Newel without notice, violate the rights yesterday's monthly meeting, the Board of Realtors that the Uni- pledeter t of either the students or the col- Regents reaffirmed "their unwill- versity has given "official sanc- sity had "no reset lege to have prior notice and hear- ingness to accept or condone the tion" to an "illegal" rent-with- actions of the Te ing? use of force or violence for the holding strike.atin fheT achievement of changes within the ' ' The Union iss -Was the padlock- injunction Univesit" The realtors had made t h e izat ion cis against future unwritten issues of The Regents said they were charges in an article in the Board's dent organization the Lanthorn a violation of the "grateful" that violence has been newsletter Thursday commenting versity will make constitutional rights to freedom of absent from the University, and on the rent strike begun last week policies for it," s the press of the students and the pledged to influence the faculty, by the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union. The realtors b college? and administration "to listen to "(Officials of) the University of further charged The fact that Bussard did not all points of view" and "to bring Michigan, by silence and inaction University has cite the state's obscenity law in about change where it is needed." while their students are b e i n g lease forms the asking for the injunction is ex- The Dionysus statement was urged to violate legal contracts, properties rented pected to be argued also. See DIONYSUS, Page 8 1 are turning from their responsibil- comply with the L UAU%,UL1VG VIUV },i iesi ren ip role," they 1, Acting Vice dent Affairs, re- hat the Univer- onsibility for the nants' Union." simply an organ- s - a non-stu- - and the Uni- no change in its he said. oard of directors that "Since the in its approved stipulation that to students must city code, a n d By SAM DAMREN Eastern Michigan University officials denied amnesty yes- terday to 14 students arrested jthh h syduring an adminis- 'tration building lock-in and i at a subsequent rally. : The decision was announced at the end of day-long negotiations between President Harold Spon- berg, school administrators, and black student leaders. Predominently b 1 a c k pickets { numbering as high as 300, circled ' the administration building while the negotiations were in progress. The pickets boycotted classes to honor the anniversary of the as- sassination of Malcolm X, despite an administration ruling declar- n of newl officers for the coming ing classes would not be canceled adner, president sally Stromberg, "anymore than they would be on president Rick Bornstein. Ash Wednesday or any such holi~ day." Administration sources said the: boycott did not affect normal . classroom attendance. Students agr eed, in general. ' Director of Information Services Ito # Curtis Stadtfeld claimed yesterday that plainclothesmen were among e a Thursday's lock-in.; hstdentsc inwho attempted The officers unlocked chains the students placed across door- ways, Stadtfeld said, stopping the'° lock-in. He said they aidedin ar- Gov. Reagan emerges from meeting with regents sine te mnagrs ustagre t reting the 11 students who re- managers must agree to fused to leave the building when negotiate with the University on ordered. terms of student leases . . . the The meeting between black stu- University has the power to cor- dents and university officials end- rect alleged abuses in student ed abruptly when between 10 and rentals."s20 black students left after being "If there are in fact misrepre- told that those arrested Thursday sentations and arbitrary withhold- would not be given amnesty. ings of damage deposits, then the Stadtfeld claimed they left before University has a clear responsibil- ! the university could explain its ity and authority by terms of the position.s re lase todeandneygotiations''"hEMUsi nauthorities said they pre. ferred to remain the complaint- The University replied in a re- ants in the charges, because it lease issued by William L. Steude, would allow "the university to BERKELEY, Calif. (CPS)-The Regents of the University University Director of Student- exert greater control over the ul- of California laid down a harsh set of rules and penalties Community Relations. Steude said timate disposition of the cases, governing students involved in disruptions of campuses the University had no such coer- and to seek a fair and favorable thrugou eststedy. cive measures at its disposal. disposition. throughout the state yesterday. "It is not true that property "If charges. were dropped at this The measures, passed with the support and urging of managers must agree to negotiate time," said university officials, Gov. Ronald Reagan, and over the objections of liberal re- with the University of Michigan "outside police agencies assured gents, came despite the calm behavior of students who only on terms and conditions of student us that they would press charges. Thursday 'had clashed violently with police. leases," the release said. However black students ion- The new, hard line rules order that whenever the gover- tinued to claim the university had Finally, the realtors charged See EMU, Page 8 nor declares a "state of emergency" on a college campus, as that "the University's failure he has at Berkeley, campus take action now to investigate .and administrators must: make corrections if found neces- sary is to say to this campus and o-place all students believed to community that protest demon- have been involved in disruptions stration is necessary in order to on immediate interim suspension, ' .7 Tbanning them entirely from the Hart defends state college probe, backs use of Guard on campuses M By DAVE CHUDWIN doing. I don't think they'll ac- ? On the problem of university Michigan's Democratic Senator complish much." defense research, Hart said, "I Philip A. Hart said yesterday "you Hart failed to elaborate on the don't know what the answer is. If can make a strong case" for le- difference between investigating I were a university administrator gislative investigations of college "how that money is spent" and I would feel more comfortable campuses. investigating student activities without research which is direct- Speaking to about 100 students ly related to war." at Alice Lloyd Hall, Hart ex- Answering an earlier question, When someone suggested a plained, "The Legislature is send- .Hart said he was in favor of us- Kennedy-Hart ticket for the 1972 ing substantial millions of dol- ng National Guard troops on presidential election, Hart denied lars here. It's not logical t h a t campuses if the college's plant any ambitions of higher political agents of that body can't come on faced physical damage. ' office. campus to see how that money is "There is an obligation on the E However he said, "In my book spent." part of those who run universi- the next ticket will have a Ken- Hart's remarks were made in ties to prevent their destription. I aedy on it. There has never been repsonse to a question from a stu- would assume that if the alterna- a more competent Kennedy that I 1 dent about a State Senate investi- tive was the dismantling of build- have known than Ted." gating committee established last ings on campus and use of t h e Hart reiterated his long-t i m e month. However, he later told the Guard, I'd choose the Guard," he opposition to the proposed Sen- l Daily, "I don't know what they're said. tinel anti-ballistic missile system (ABM) "I am convinced , in its .::. long a'spect that the ABM is the Smost ~dangerous threat t ol .. , ":..:..":.":;;:::.:. peace since W orld Wa II" h S~ asserted. He said that senators opposed :.tar:he Mxwlhaed a diffi ". ;;:;.:, time stopping it because $400 mil- .::.:.::"lion::has already been spent on, _.:--;:. ~ ~~~~~ the;.:;.:;:. ;:::.:::::;;::,. :::;. AMand the Nixon admin- s euitd.::istration :.has not reuitdit. Hart indicated the draft should ~ ~.,... be reformed, possibly using a lt ter Y plan, "With the commitments k : we have it is unlikely that we will! be able to drop the draft i h next five years," he said. "The ........ ................. ...........: prudent course is to get rid of the ............................ gross inequities in the draft." ..... .: . .: ...... >r nr:.t: Hart said that he is unsympa- tiF~ ...::::;:::::,:"< thetic to the idea of a professional Sarmy. "I would hate to see the day V." .~when one of the most highly in- :~ ~ fluential political groups would be a highly paid, professional mili-, ..........................' taiy," he explained, large corporations on American life is "enormous." He pointed out that two-thirds of the productive capacity of this country is in the hands of only 200 corporations and that the trend towards consolidation is continuing. "The Justice Dept. should take on a large conglomerate and file under the old Sherman Act," Hart said. "If it can't move against conglomerates with present legis- lation the monkey will be on Con- gress." Hart began his talk, sponsored by the Pilot Program, with a pre- pared speech calling on young people to "Be loud and vocal, but also creative." STU] MSU M4 F~romn Wire Service Reports EAST LANSING - A group of students calling themselves "The Movement" disrupted a meeting of the Michigan State University Board of Trustees yesterday. They demanded that the board immediately order the reinstatement of assistant pro- fessor Bertram Garskof who was refused tenure by the psychology department a month ago. MSU President John Hannah ordered the students to leave the room if they couldn't be quiet, Hannah explained that r i q get response to complaints." The statement issued by Steude,I however, replied that "the media- I tion is not police power, and the' University can neither force a student to pay his rent nor forcej a landlord to repair a code vio-t lation."I "Action in mediation has con-I tinued and will continue, and this is the only action in which the, lease permits the University toz take part." But the statement ex-i plained further that the Univer- sity's role as a mediator was care-, fully defined. "The University isi not involved unless it is requested$ to mediate a dispute," it said. I IVil""Jast relations By SUSAN ROTHSTEIN A new course aimed at objective appraisal and systematic study of the explosive Middle East is now being offered for credit by several University departments. Co-sponsored by the Center for, Research on Conflict Resolution' and the Ann Arbor College of Jew- ish Studies, the "Interdisciplinary Seminar in Jewish-Arab relations" is being offered as a special read- ing-and-research c o u r s e and should appear this fall in the reg- ular University course catalogue. DENTS VS. TRUSTEES Yeting disrupted The seminar is being led by Joseph Ben-Dak, a graduate re- search sociologist formerly in charge of Arab Affairs for the Israeli Prime Minister's Office, currently associated with the Con- flict Resolution Center. Ben-Dak stresses the course's interdisciplinary approach. "Most of the previous work done in this area has either been biased or confined to the narrow perspec- tive of one academic discipline," he says. "Our approach will be to ex- amne studies made under various disciplines-political science, psy - chology, economics, sociology ar~d linguistics-to synthesize them, and to suggest how our conclu- sions might be explored under quantitative analysis, conflict theory and other social science disciplines. ''This examination will be the work of the 'inexperienced' half of the class. Actual systematic re- search will be carried out by the other half-advanced social sci- ence students," he explains. In addition to -readings, lec- tures and discussions, the course will include attempts at "game simulation" of the conflict, and presentations by visiting students, professors and Arab and Israeli officials. Special facilities includ- ing documents, books and com- puter aids will be available to participants working on any rele- vant research project. campus and holding disciplinary hearings on the accusations with- in two weeks; -suspend for at least one quar- ter, dismiss, or. expel any student found guilty of involvement in the disturbances; -take away all student finan- cial aid from disrupters; -ban the use of university fa- cilities for organizing or carrying out disruptions. Reagan blamed the violence of Wednesday and Thursday on the university's permitting rallies on the campus. While the university actually approved no rallies, the administration took no steps to 'break up those that were held. He rejected the notion that ex- tensive use of police had escalated the violence and said "the alter- native to risking escalation is to surrender."' An effort by the liberals to re- move most of the strong portions of the regents' proposal wap de- feated ' by 12-11 vote. The final proposal was passed 18-3 with two abstentions. One regent, William Roth, call-r ed the regulations "a vote of no confidence in the administration." .Regent Frederick Dutton called it "a tragedy" and said "we are con- tinuing to throw kerosene on the fires." He said Reagan's statement that there are "hard core revo- lutionaries" on the campuses "harkens back to McCarthyism." Strike leaders criticized the re- gents for failing to discuss the issues. brought calls of "No, iNo"' from the students. Hannah threaten- ed to have the security guards throw the students from the meeting, Only 10 persons showed up later in the day when Andy Pyle, student spokesman for "The Movement" read a letter to the Trustees, demanding that Gars- kof be rehired with tenure and full privileges, and that the university "institute a policy of open admissions for black and white working class people. During the course of demon- strations in the last few weeks, Stevens was authorized by the. board to name a subcommittee to do the "leg work" in the search for a successor. He nam- ed himself, Democrat Frank Hartman and Republican Frank Merriman. Stevens is a Dem- ocrat. Stevens emphasized that of- ficial announcement of Han- nah's departure is dependent on confirmation of his appointment by the U.S. Senate. "No one is in and no one is out," he said yesterday.