THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 21, 1969 1" A TonL '.I ;rge i an The city's code enforcement: Talk, talk, talk, talk In . I By DANIEL ZWERDLING Besides, says Etter, "Letters are nation of landlords manipulate does happen occasionally - he says Chuck Blackmer, former Daily News Analysis reasonably effective in getting and delay action on homes that gets away with nominal fines, chief engineer of the building and Why does the city fail to take compliance" to the building codes. are unfit for human habitation," Charter's John Stegeman h a s safety engineering department. legal action against landlords who But the records show that let- Councilman LeRoy Cappaert (D- amassed scores of building code One problem the city faces in continually ignore its warnings? ters are not. Charter Realty and m asoyCtyCoviolations since1964an appeared t o enforce housing laws is "Our goal is to get the coopera- Summit Associates for example, 5th Ward) has told City Council. in court for over 30 of them- lack of manpower. With only three tion of the individual landlords have seldom - if ever - correct- "Such landlords risk the lives of but he has never had to pay more housing inspectors, the building1 rather than have the city inspec- ed a housing violation after the tenants in order to make money; than a $50 fine. Most of Stege-1and safety department is about' tors tied up in court hearings," first warning. Andmeanwhile, they require of building inspectors, man's fines, in fact, have been for 2,000 inspections behind schedule, says Assistant City Attorney John their tenants must continue pay- city attorneys, administrative of- only $25. Ralph Lloyd. Etter, who handles building mat- ing full rent for substandard ficials and mrany others, hcororkwMeanwhile, Charter Realty col- Since 1965, the department has teI wtihousing, their delaying tactics." lects thousands of dollars of rent attempted to re-inspect every If we went to court every time,-h t I' oepoial wligi n ro nee- we could, the inspection program "Something is seriously wrong And even if the landlord is fin- each month. "It's more profitable dwelling in Ann Arbor once ev- would grind to a halt." when a single landlord or combi- ally summoned to court - which to break the law than to obey it,"E ery two years - but t he task seems hopeless. A $5,000 study of Ann Arbor en- * forcement problems just complet- is tthe job of the city attorneys and the courts. Some critics of the current hous- ing enforcement program have urged stiff penalties against land- lords who fail to correct violations after he first notice, and espec- ially against chronic offenders - like Charter and Summit. Now, Judge S. J. Elden levies fines according to a basic schedule of $25 (plus court costs) per vio- lation - whether the defendant has committed the violation once or 30 times before makes no dif- ference. In fact, the judge usually does not even see a case history of the violations. He bases his ruling on a single warrant, which cites only the most current violation. IAnd Eldenhdoesn't consultthe tattorneys, who often know about the case in detail. "I've never been asked by the judge what fine I think he should levy," says As- sistant City Attorney Etter. Fred Steingold, also an assist- ant attorney, concludes "We're not very happy with the fining procedures now." TENANTS: THE STRIKE IS ON I All tenants in of f campus 4 Charter, urmii vie or vtiotation recora (Continued from page 1) "The above conditions are ser- Summit Associates has also had ious public health and fire haz- its share of troubles. ards," concluded the inspectors - Last February, city inspectors who ordered Summit to correct all found major repairs needed on the violations within five days. porch, steps, walls, railings, ceil- About one month later, Summit ing, floors, plumbing and electri- started bringing the house up to cal circuits of 727 Miller Ave. - code. No legal action was taken,I and ordered Summit to "repair or and Summit paid no fines. raze" the building. In another instance, inspectors Summit had fixed nothing by first found serious code violations July 9 -- but building officials in a Summit apartment at 331 simply noted "the owner will cor- Packard, in June 1965 - but by rect the violations as soon as the Oct. 1968, Summit had not yet (tenants) can move out. The Hu- man Relations Commission's Em- : ". ,... " : "::::.., ......::...: . ...:.... :....... ergency Housing Office has no DAILY OFFICIAL place to put them." D I Y O F C A corrected them. City officials the five day limit had expired.I granted the firm 60 days to make Summit paid no fines. - repairs. ("Remove the animal Like Charter, Summit has ac- waste from the public halls tdcumulated still other violations - wrote one angry inspector), a n d warned that the city would take! any many, like violations in one 1"appropriate legal action" if Sum- house on Church, still are not up mit failed to respond. to code despite repeated, expired Two months later, however, "ultimatums" sent by the city ed by a team of housing experts may help improve the situation. And Ann Arbor has just applied to the federal government for a Concentrated Code Enforcement Program, which would subsidize an intensified inspection program in some low and middle income areas of the city. but neither of these studies will greatly help to punish landlords who already have violations - but are not paying for them. This apartments are urged to aj Almost three months passed. On Sept. 30 - no repairs had yet BULLETIN been made. This time, however,! the city attorneys gave Summit 30 :::.:.:....::. ":::.:...:........, ,:::":::.:.. °,.::.. days to correct all violations, or (Continued from Page 6) face possible arrest. . troit. Unit assistants, business manag- But once again, Summit ignored er, directors for waterfront, crafts and the notice, and had fixed nothing riding. by Oct. 25. In addition, Ann Arbor public IFEBRUARY 26, 1969 Inalth aitrin, FrdbGrmabi camp Mataponi, Maine, girls. Spec- health sanitarian Fred Germaine lalists in waterfront, tennis, land and fire inspector Ben Zahn in- sports, arts and crafts, and outdoor spected the house and found: camping. - "a heavy infestation of the -_- German cockroach; -"a large accumulation of re-, fuse scattered about throughout the general premises; - "flammable debris stored or scattered in the basement and + rooms"; and - "unsanitary conditions in the basement (i.e. standing water and general filth)." Summit had not responded - which prompted the city to send ,Summit a five-day ultimatum. The firm eventually made some of the repairs, but not until after Camp Onota, Mass, boys. Afternoon only. Group heads (supv. position, 21 age req.). specialists in all sports, sci- ence, swimming, sailing, music and dramatics, tenis riflery and others. FEBRUARY 27, 1969 Camp Yehudah, Mich. coed, a r ts and craft inst., cabin counselors, re- gistered nurse, waterfront director, as- sistant counselors. FEBRUARY 28, 1969 Travelers Company, Hartford, Conn.: 's interviewing juniors and seniors for computer training pograms, liberal arts. math, communications sei., bus. ad. *nd engrg.Register forthese inter- views at SPS, 212 SA.B. Advance meet- since 1965. But, according to city files, Summit Associates has not paid a single fine in over ten years. ing for information in Room 25 Angell Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE 128 H, IWest Engrg. Bldg. Make interview appointment at Room 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless otherwise specified. FEBRUARY 28, 1969F Atlantic Richfield Co. - Research & Dev. Dept. C awood-Schiller, Associates Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. Hewlett-Packard Co. Honeywell Inc. Lockheed-California Company Research Analysis Corp. TRW Systems Group Wyman-Gordon Co. UGg. Air Force-OTS U.S. Geological Survey UNION-LEAGUE ALL-CAMPUS Music by OHIO POWER from Lima, Ohio TODAY! 9-12 LEAGUE BALLROOM deposit their rent in the T. U. escrow fund. REMEMBER- TO BE PROTECTED BY THE T. U. LEGAL STAFF YOU MUST HAVE DEPOSITED YOUR RENT. If yOu have not been contacted, call your organizer or the T. U. office. Phone 763-3102 1532 S.A.B. *1 E ' ue r .i. = r.. ...,.. j _Use Daily Classifieds i u , ; ,,: " .U-, - i ., , . .y ., ,- a, .. ..', r " ' , y : ; < :. ,. f , . . ^ixn A "F i w i E # 4 ' ^F ?''tir dt. °+ ; m vb , g° " kF5 9 [A I I 7 r i s J r\\\ w 4 V span brangs back the gentle The quiet pleasures.Walking in the t .~~things in life. rain. y: 4 bar ad t sLove balls and, the first swi day when no one hurries anywhere. Ladybug 1 lice-crear~ parlors, Nesting nd th sound of te of the season Spring b pcnics . in the woods. gentle touches of .sun n Innis I- brings the things for Spring. For a brigh breezy Spring full of bikes rn uand ,wrboatsOr atender, rring full of warm soft stars ^ n f * 6 rings wildflowers' Tand Tihe first against the cheek, the first ,p. 1/"; y w- ,........ nlmivtF L,. th nn. I eAt m of Springs to all kinds of early I4 I brings all kinds flowering peop'% * J A