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February 20, 1969 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-20

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Thursday, February 20, 1969

THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Thursday, February 20, 1969


attention Strikers:


D U to harassment by some
A.A. landlords the T. U. of-
fice is now open nightly un-
til 11 P.M. and can provide
advice or assistance for any
strikers encountering di!!i-

(Continued from page 1)
SWSU treasurer John Snave-
ly was instrumental in the in-
corporation of these clauses in
the ad hoc group's proposal.
The progressive students feel
the present constitution is cum-
bersome and that the ad hoc
committee's proposal would be
even more awkward, especially
with the implementation of
what they termed 'obstruction-
istic' clauses.'
They proposed the "viable
alternative" in response.
It is a relatively structure-
free proposal, which is "method"
centered. Like the old constitu-
tion, it provides for open mem-
bership. Method groups are the
social work school's equivalent
to departments.
The executive board of the
union would be composed of the
chairman selected by each of
the seven method groups. The
present constitution places the
officers of the union on the
executive board.
The board is the group re-
sponsible for conducting mass
meetings, which it may call
whenever it deems it necessary.
There is no mandatory quorum
before the mass meeting can
officially conduct business.
Conservatives feel that an
elaborate system of checks and
balances i n s u r e s efficiency,
while progressives feel the un-
ion is too 'hung-up' on its
bureaucratic form.
This leaves those students in

1 dents
the middle who feel the union
should behave as a union, and
not a student government or a
social action catalyst.
The unionists endorse a
"closed shop" set-up. If all stu-
dents are to be considered un-
ion members, then the union
dues should be incorporated in
their tuition. If not, then vot-
ing rights should be limited to
dues-paying students.
They feel that the issue of
full representation is not rele-
vant to a union. Rather, they
see themselves as a student
body spokesman in dealings
with the faculty.
The road to reform was
made more difficult by ensuing
arguments between conserva-
tives and progressives.
Suavely, the treasurer, took
all the supplies out of the sup-
ply room and said students re-
questing material would have .to
give him three days notice.
They would also have to stipu-
late whether they planned to
use one or both sides of the
paper, he said.
The drafters of the Viable
Alternative used the Union
Newsletter to describe the Stu-
dent Coalition and published an
editorial in support of it. The
conservative group said that
this was an improper use of the
newsletter and issued the Union
Free Press which endorsed the
ad hoc constitutional commit-
tee's proposal.
They cited the weaknesses of


the Student Coalition were its
being a package deal, loose
handling of funds, and the
omission of a quorum for busi-
The progressives and union-
ists view Snavely's action as
suppressing their opportunities
for maximum expression. They
also feel that Snavely, in his
role as treasurer, is too patron-
izing and uses 'police' tactics.
Dalton Lee's "Whoa! Refer-
endum" reasons that because
the committee was hastily form-
ed, and the complaints were
made mostly by second year

students who will soon be grad-
uating. Lee- felt the constitu-
tion should not be changed until
the second year students gradu-
ate so that the new constitu-
tion would represent the major-
ity of social work students next
The loose structure of the
Student Coalition allows for
power plays and coups by any-
one who wants power, and can
handle it, provided no one tries
to stop him. The strength of
the executive board lies in the
methods groups, since it will. be
composed of method chairman.

The leaders of all three groups
-Paul Heywood, author of the
"V i a bIle Alternative." John
Snavely, author of the amended
constitution, and Dalton Lee
and his "Whoa! Referendum"-
are working on the premise that
there is full student participa-
tion in decision-making. They
completely ignore the apathy
A number of students working
on their degrees are enrolled in
the University by the institu-
tions that- employ them. These
institutions pay their tuition
and salaries.

These students generally are
not interested in SWSU matters.
They just want to earn their
masters degrees.
The indecisive results of the
vote have left the present con-
stitution intact. Voting on un-
ion officers is slated for next
Monday, which will be conduct-
ed under the constitution.
An attempt at calling a refer-
endum this Thursday on just
the "Viable Alternative" was
foiled yesterday when the mo-
tion supporting it was declared
ambiguous because it failed to
specify which Thursday.


to change constitution


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Phone 763-3102

Always Check Tice's Prices

The Daily Official Bulletin is an1
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p. m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only,,
student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Recital: Piano Department Students:
School of Music Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m.
School of Education Lecture:- Mr.
Anderson Thompson, Center for Inter-
City Studies, Northeastern Illinois
State College, Chicago, "Urban Educa-
tion from the Perspective of a High
School Principal": Shorlibg Auditor-
ium, University High School, 4:00 p.m.
Department of Zoology and Depart-
ment of Human Genetics Seminar: Dr.
Waciaw Szybalski, McArdle Laboratory
for Cancer Research, University of Wis-
consin, Medical Center, "Initiation and
Patterns of Transcription During Phage
Development: 1400 Chemistry, 4:00 p.m,.
Geology and Geophysics, Dr. Albert
W. Bally, chief geologist of the Shell
Oil Company, "Mountain Ranges and
Continental Drift", Room 3082 Na-
tural Science Bldg., 4:00 p.m.
Press Preview: "World Premiere" of
Television- Center film, "The Therapeu-
tic Community," filmed at Ypsilanti
State Hospital; free, open to the pub-
lic. Film followed by panel discussion
on "The Pilnciples of-Milieu Therapy."
4:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Political Science Brownbag, Stanley
Perlman, "Survey Research and t h e
March on Washington, DC", 6th floor
ISR, noon.
Chemistry Dept., Dr. D. M: Lemal,
Darthmouth College, "Synthesis a n d
Chemistry of Some Highly. Strained
Molecules" Room 1300 Chemistry, $:00.

'1532 S.A.B.


1 the Perspective of a High School Prin-
Dept. of Computer and Communica-I
tion Sciences, Dr. Karl Deutsch, Dept.
of Political Science, Harvard University,4
"General Systems Theory and the Con-I
cept of Social Systems". Union, RoomI
3S, coffee at 3:30, lecture at 4:00. t
Cinema Guild: Catherine DemongeotI
in Zazie Dans le Metro: Architecture1
Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.I
West Quad Lecture/Demonstration--
The Ann Arbor Fencing Club, "The
Gentlemanly Art of Self Defense": Din-E
ing Hall No. 1, West Quad, 7:30 p.m. E
University Players (Department ofI
Speech): John Osborne's The Enter-C
tainer: Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
8:00 p.m.1
Professional Theatre Program: Jan
Sterling in Peter Shaffer's Black Com-
edy: Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. l
General Notices
South and Southwest Bag Lunch. Al-
ton Becker, Dept. of Linguistics, "The
Wajang Kulit in Indonesia: the Thea-
tre as a Reflection of the Cosmos",
Lane Hall Basement, Friday, Feb. 21,
Attention, Juniors and Seniors in Li-
beral Arts, Math, Communications Sci.,
Bus. Admin., and Engineering: Learnt
while you earn, Trainee positions in
many areas of computer work, come to1
information meeting on Feb. 25, at
4:00 p.m. in Room 25, Angell Hall. 1
The approval of the following stu-
dent sponsored events becomes 'effec-
tive after the publication of this no-
tice. All publicity for thse events must1
be withheld until the approval has be-1
come effective.
Approval request forms for studentl
sponsored events are available in Room
1001 and 1546 of the Student Activi-
ties Building.
West Quad Council: Open mixer,
February- 14, 9:00 - 12:00 plm., West
All students in the School of Educa-
tion (Undergraduate): Preclassification1
for the Spring-Summer and Fall Terms
1969 (Terms III, IIIA and I) will begin
on February 27. It will end on April 14
for the Spring-Summer Term and on
April 17 for the Fall Term. There will
be no preclassification for the Summer
Term (IIIB). The material may be ob-
tained in room 2000 University School.
Students should preclassify early.
Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily;

Thursday 1:00 p.m. The Asia Society
Presents - "Pakistan: The Development
Miracle", 'with Prof. Wayne A. Wil-
cox, - Columbia University. Thursday
4:45 p.m. Conservation Report with
Prof. Karl Lagler. Thursday 5:15 p.m.
U-M Feature Story, with Jack Hamil-
ton. Thursday 7:30 p.m. U-M Synm-
phony Band, 'another in a series of,
programs conducted by Dr. William
D. Revelli.
Friday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh Hour
(repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts
an hour of- news and conversation
about the arts and literature. Guest:
Dan Gqrber and Jim Harrison, editors'
of "Sumac" Magazine.
Friday 1:00 p.m. From The Midway-
"The Medical School and Community
Health", with Dr. Albert Dorfman, Uni-
versity of Chicago. Friday 5:15 p.m.
Business Review, with Prof. Ross Wil-
helm. Friday 9:45 p.m. Jo Mielziner Lec-
ture: One of America's most noted and
influential theater craftsmen speaks on
"The Changing Role of the Theater De-,
signer". Recorded at U-M.%
3200 S.A.B.
Several currently received announce-
ments are available in the Career Plan-
ning Division of Placement Services,
dealing with opportunities for work-
study, financial aid, 1.A.T., M.B.A.,-
PhD, and other programs of study.
George Washington University offers
Resident Assistantships in men's and
women's dorms for 69-70 academic
year. Grad students in any fld. of
study, apply before March 1.
University of Pennsylvania offers staff
opportunities as resident advisers part-
time in girls dorms. Room-board, 1.2
tuition for 3 courses and stipend.
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio offers
programs leading to Masters and certi-
fication in education, one year and 2
University of South Florida, Tampa,
Fla., offers scholar awards, waiver of
fees and stipend for about 15 hours a,
week in teaching, research, or related
areas. Apply before April 1.
Radcliffe College Career Planning Of-
fice offers summer secretarial school,
June 18 - Aug. 8. Courses offered in
conjunction with Hickox Secretarial
School of Boston.
Duke University will offer a two
year MA in field of career counseling
and placement for eventual employ-
ment by traditionally negro colleges.
Funds and planning are shared by the
Sears-Roebuck Foundation, College
Placement Council, Inc., and Duke
Princeton University offers I n t e r n

Teacher Program leading to Teacher
Certification, apply before March 15,
Brooklyn Center, Long Isl. University
offers certificate courses in Computer
sci. areas and academic skills courses.
Adult, evening, and Continuing Edu-
cation Division.
New Canaan County School, New Ca-
naan, Conn., offers teaching fellowships
for students with min. 2 years col-
lege, four preferred, on-the-job train-
ing and theoretical study.
University of Cincinnati, Ohio, of-
fers graduate resident assistantships in
men's and women's dorms. Students n
many fields, single students only, with
bckrnd of leadership in college. Apply
before March .1.
212 S.A.B., Lower Level
Interviews in Summer Placement:
FEBRUARY 2'0, 1969
Detroit Edison, Detroit, Mich.: 10 a.m.
- 5 p.m. Juniors and Seniors and
I graduates in Electrical, Mechanical,
and Chemical Engineering, Bus. Ad.,
Acctg., Admin. Syst., Operations Res.,
Soc., Communications, Industrial train-
ing Communication. Applications at
Camp Sequoia, New oYrk, Coed: 10
a.m. - 5 ,p.m. Waterfront, Tennis,
Fencing, Gen. Athletics, Music, drama,,
dance, crafts, and photography.
FEBRUARY 21, 1969
Camp Sequoia, see listing for visit on
Feb. 20.
Browns Lake Resort, Wisconsin: 10
a.m. - 5 p.m. Waiters, Waitresses,
maids, swimming instructor, switch
board operator, busboys,' and other
Camps Arthur and Reeta, JYC, PA., \
Coed. Senior counselors, spec. in camp-
craft, boating, canoeing, swimming, di-
128 H, West Engrg, Bldg.
Make interview appointment at
Room 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless
otherwise specified.
FEBRUARY 27, 1969
Atlantic Richfield Co. - Research
& Dev. Dept.
Caterpillar Tractor Co.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
International Harvester Co.
Lambda Corp.
Lockheed-California Co.
Purdue University
TRW Systems Group
UARCO Incorporated
Xerox Corp.
U.S. Gov't.
Naval Underwater Weapons Re-
search and Engrg. Station
Dept. of Transportation - Coast





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May we have a
meeting o f

Chemistry Dept., Dr. E. C. Lim, "Vi-
bronic Interactions and Phosphores-
cence Spectra of Organic Molecules",
Room 1200, 4:00.
The Child Development Consultant
Project, Mr. Anderson Thompson, Cen-
ter for Ipner-City Studies at the
Northeastern Illinois State College in
Chicago, on February 20th from 4 - 6
p.m. in the Shorling auditorium of the
University High School on East Uni-
versity. Topic: "Urban Education from

What's happening in YOUR field of interest
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If you'd like to learn more about our
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Friends of the Alternative
in benefit for The Alternative*
Ann Arbor's THE LP
and Many Others, plus
Michigan League Assembly Hall
' Basement
We., Feb. 26-8:30-12:00
Donation $1.00



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SGC Announces

+ '


SGC President &

Vice President

6 Student Government Council Seats
3 Members Board in Control of
Student Publications
2 Intercollegiate Athletic
LS&A Senior Class President

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