Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom -Edited and managed by students of-the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications JUST A SONG IN THE WIND Bernard Forrester was his name by Jim leck ynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed n The Mchigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in alt reprints. SDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: STUART GANNES HUAC by any other name is still repression AST TUESDAY, t h e House of repre- sentatives voted to change the name The House Committee on Un-American ctiyities to the Committee on Internal curity. The House also changed the function of e committee. Instead of investigating Jn-American Activities," the committee ill now investigate "Communist and her subversive activities affecting the ternal security of the. United States." The significabnce of this change' w a s 'obably best understood by Rep. Eman- 2l Celler of New York, who said, "An ass an ass although his loin cloth is satin." Two of Celler's colleagues from N e w ork, Allard Lowenstein and Bert Podell, ,iled in their bid to abolish the commit- e. And once again, attempts at taking )wn one of the ugliest portraits of un- emocratic thought in America have lost the House was content to merely do a tle retouching on the face of the por- ait. 'HE COMMITTEE HAS enjoyed a 29 year history consistently marked with ie worst abuses of authoritarianism. :UAC history is characterized by a lack ' perception and interest in the differ- ice between fact and accusation. The )mmittee has ,shown a flagrant disre- rd for personal rights. Witnesses have peatedly been denied the right of cross- xamination by their attorneys. A recent report by the Friends Service ommittee shows that in 1949 HUAC al- lady had compiled dossiers on one mil- on people, ostensibly "subversives." Be- veen 1949 and 1959, the committee sup- lied information about 60,000 people to erspective employers. And in 1966, University students saw their administration quietly comply to a subpoena demanding membership lists of student organizations. "The Communist Daily Worker is against this resolution. That's enough to make me want to be for it," Rep. Delbert Latta of Ohio said, explaining why he voted' for the name change. And as long as this kind of mentality domhnates the floor of Congress, the new internal se- curity committee is here to stay. THE SAD FACT of the matter is t h a t HUAC has even outworn its effective- ness for witch hunting. The times have changed and the new type of "subversion" is more easily dealt with 'by other agen- cies. HUAC was useful for "Commie brand- ing" when reactionaries had to be ap- peased by looking for subversives in the New Deal. But the field of "subversion" has radi- cally changed since those .days. Today's "subversives" resist the draft, conspire to help others to resist the draft, take part in demonstrations, and resist civil au- thorities. Consequently, HUAC cloak - and - dag- gerism is no longer necessary to f i n d "subversives." Local law enforcement agencies and even the Justice Depart- ment can put them behind bars, which is much more effective than compiling lists of suspects. The new internal security committee- whatever alias it may operate under - will continue to exist in a position an- tithetical to the principles of a healthy democracy. But the k i n d of undemon- cratic repression that the committee re- presents will exist independent of it.. -STEVE ANZALONE Madison. IT WAS AROUND NOON, the demon- strators had just finished their march to the capitol and were congre- gating outside the library mall. T e n minutes before, d o w n another street three or four cops had chased and beat- en some 15-20 students. It was the only incident of violent confrontation that day. One of the witnesses sought out a CBS news television crew and asked to be put on film to tell the story. The cameramen chuckled confidently - as do all good cameramen in demonstra- tions (the cops won't dare chargethem) and turned away. But the young student was insistent and extremely emotional. "How will anyone ever know?" he screamed out. Finally the suave reporter moved up to him and said he would tape the story on his portable tape recorder for use on radio. The demonstrator spent the next ten minutes speaking enthusias- tically into a dead microphone. THAT NIGHT FOLLOWING a march on the capitol I grouped with some dem- onstrators who, had gathered around a very distinguished-looking elderly man. The fur coated gentleman with a white moustache turned out to be an editor for the Milwaukee Journal and the lit- tle get-together was a discussion on the problems of communication. The communication in the discussion was pitiful. The students were demand- ing to have things told "like it is" and the Journal editor was saying that his paper did "tell it like it is." No one gave in. "How will anyone ever know?" was asked several times. FRIDAY AFTERNOON at Chancellor H. Edwin Young's only news conference since the demonstrations h a d begun, several dozen reporters and cameras crowded a long narrow room spacing themselves between national guardsmen who, among other duties, were helping to man the coffee percolators. But Young was disappointing, he claimed everything the blacks were de- manding, the school had already given them. But this absurdity degenerated even further into a pitiful situation when lo- cal newsmen began asking questions. For the newsmen, who I hope are not college graduates, dominated the press conference with such irrelevant ques- tions as, "Did you know Tom Hayden is on campus?" or, "Have any communists been identified?" and of course: "What do you intend to do with the protest- ers?" I took a second gander at those news- men to see perhaps if the El-Fatah or Mao secret service had infiltrated them and if these outside agitators were try- ing to disrupt the orderly dissemination of information. BUT THE HIGHLIGHTS of the news conference came when an NBC news- man strutted up and down his three by one foot space, microphone in hand, Benson and' Hedges between his pinky and thumb and asked: (looking down at the floor) "Tell me, Chancellor Young, have there been any threats on t h e lives of the administrators?" Every camera began to roll because that was one of the most important questions. It was obvious by now no one even thought the blacks, or the strikers or even the faculty - had anything newsworthy to say. Young leaned back in his chair and answered, "Yes, there have been some," waited just long enough for the cam- eras to stop rolling and then continued, "But of course we aren't able to discern whether they are from the protesters, the Hayakawas or . . . state legisla- tors." We all laughed, but only the first part of the answer reached the 100.000 in the television audiences. GIVEN *THIS IMPENETRABLE bar- rier to communication at Madison it is not difficult to understand why the stu- dent subculture there) is so highly "hip." There is no other way to be and still feel relevant. In essence, of course, it is an acknowledgement of failure in com- munication with the official overlords. To be freaky in Madison is an admitted copout compounded by a tinge of bit- terness. One such idealist sat next to me at one of the morning meetings in the un- ion. I had just arrived and looked over to her to ask the name of one of the speakers on the platform. Despite h e r smile, she resembled perfectly Grant Wood's woman farmer dressed in denim and bellbottoms. "You don't know who that is?" she asked angrily, shaking her head. During her personal tirade with mhe Ir managed to explain I had just arrived, was not of the petty bourgeois press but a decent - half-decent - reporter from an "objective college daily" thatr would beyond any doubt "try to tell it like it is baby.", THE GUY'S NAME was Bernard for- rester and the coed next to me was a nice kid who was- just not used to re- porters asking her relevant questions. In between the morning speeches she vividly recounted the whole week with her hip jargon of wows, mais, and beau- tifuls. Sally is a loner, she says. Never found a guy on campus to live with and never expects to. Has a rooni above a co-op on Johnson St. and was spending her time in Madison "trying to find myself a groove in the world." She says eve'ry- thing she thinks and her face gives it away before she can even think about how to say it. There a r e thousands of Sally's on campus. Unless mobilized into a group they are outwardly reserved, but always inwardly ecstatic. A PHOTOGRAPHER AND I were try- ing to find the place at which we were staying at 2 a.m. ,one morning and got lost. We roamed the capitol at some length. The town was empty and cold and deserted until we reached the stu- dent ghetto south of the capitol. Inside a dilapidated house with a pot- belly so f a and Christmas tree lights flickering silently. Beatles albums and dogs, home-made bread and twiggy posters - it was all m u c h different from the straight-laced town proper. This trend toward the hippy will probably escalate with each confronta- tion that ends in failure at Madison. The students there are trying desper- ately to bargain for their lives, a n d when they are met with in loco par- entis rationale for communication bar- riers they fade into that, "other" di- mension. In that realm of long hair and polka dot bell-bottoms they are too high for their overlords to understand them, and thus, a little less vulnerable. H. Edwin Young Madison news distorted [E NEWS COVERAGE of the recent demonstrations in Wisconsin w a s antly propagandistic against the dem- trators there. The actual news that ie from Madison was so distorted that wds as large as 8,000 were sometimes orted to be as small as 300 (Capitol tes, Feb. 14).1 ut the distortion is spreading ram- .t. Even columnists are grabbing onto barest of information to make gross eralizations and flimsy conclusion to demn the protesters. case in point is the Neiy York Post imnist Mary McGrory. This Post col- Qist has usually reflected an accurate, omewhat biasly tainted, comment op news. E CLAIMS, "At Madison the militants have presented a list of demands that ld have made Rap Brown plush." he.truth of the matter is that repre- tatives from SNCC were shoved out by cousin militants after a ,tiff, the SNCCers claiming the issues\ involved were "obsessively trite."' And for SNCC, the black demands at Wisconsin are trite. Compared with de- mands at other colleges this past year' (the University, Northwestern, Illinois, Wisconsin State colleges, Wayne S t a t e University,\ Howard, NYC and many more) the blacks' 'demands seem about five years behind the times. For unlike Miss McGrory reports, the Madison blacks are n o t demanding a "blacks only" center - which has been demanded 'at other colleges. Nor are they' demanding 'ari autonimous, segregated black studies department -4 as Miss Mc- Grory implies. Miss McGrory is typical, unfortunately.' The dissemenation of correct information is essential in matters such as Madison's recent demonstrations. The slightest dis- tortion, can set tempers going on b o t h VILA ,GU~~ BV4IrgpuL (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following, letter was sent to Gov. William Mil- liken and President Fleming.) I ASSUME that the LSA college's decision to once again cut outstate admissions is a result of the un- educated pressure of the State Legislature. It is a sad state of af- fairs when politicians can so di- rectly alter the quality of our student body. Don't get upset Michiganders! You do realize that there are two sets of admission standards and I'm sure that many of you could qualify in either case. What is even more upsetting is that a reduction in outstate en- rollment increases tuition for all of us. I can readily accept th e idea of differential tuition. scales since the University is legally, and to a great extent financially, a state institution. But the real dis- torted logic of the legislature is that the University is of the peo- ple and for the people of the State. IF THESE "EDUCATORS" did Letters: A defense of outsiders ,. * a little research they might find that the peicentage of instate stu- dents who .leave the state upon graduation is quite substantial- probably higher than any other state university. And it appears that they don't even consider the fact that many outstate students continue to reside in and serve the state of Michigan. it is about time that the State raalize the effects of their ignor- ant decisions, I would further hope that they would face the fact that the University has done more for the' reputation of this s t a t e, than the state has done, as of late, for the reputation of the Univer- sity. Charles E. Pascal, Grad. Feb. 12 Brittany To the Editor I WOULD LIKE to pass on a re- cent incident that happened in a French class I teach: Brittany came up in discussion. ,Who knows were Brittany Is? A couple look dubious, the rest look blank. When I tell them where, looks of recognition on a few faces. What happened in Brit- tany recently? Nothing - empty stares. I asked, Who reads newspapers? A couple of people said, sort of. Question: how is education to be' made relevant if students; have nothing to related it to? People who have had a liberal education are supposed to be knowledgeable about the world, and not allof the responsibility for this rests with their teachers. -Mrs. 1o Shuchat Isehing Fellow R ace languages Feb. 5 All letters should be address- ed to the editor. They should be typewritten, triple-spaced, and not longer than 300 words. 'V sides and can do nothing tense situation. but inflame a -JIM HECK Infurina, opaque corn and algae: Food for a developing L vorid F By STEVE KOPPMAN Second Of Two Parts [HE LARGE BODY of experts who feel that massive famine can be verted in the next twenty years lace their hopes not with the long- ange effort to control population rowth, nor with the elusive search >r international co-operation, but 'ith the application of modern fartn- ig methods. In Africa and Latin America, there i still arable land not under culti- ation. But, in Asia where the great- st calamity threatens, and where al- lost all cultivable land is being used, he approach must be to increase Lelds. Remarkably productive high-yield rains of wheat and rice have been eveioped, in Mexico and the Phil- pines, respectively. Already, ten per cent of Asia's farmland is being used for such "miracle crops." And in 1968, Asia recorded her first per capita increase in food consumption in a decade. THE POTENTIAL of modern agri- cultural technology-irrigation, fer- tilizer, high-yield seeds modern ma- chinery-is enormous. In many na- tions, yields have already been great- ly increased by their application. Mexico, Taiwan, Israel, Pakistan and Thailand have had notable successes. "If the short-run success of these yields continue," says Dr Leslie Cor- sa, director of the Population Plan- ning Center, "It should be at least ten, and probably twenty years be- fore population increase collides with food production." "The breakthrough in food pro- duction is giving these countries a breathing spell to' work in popula- tion planning," Prof. Eva Mueller of the economics department says. But, still, the benefits of agricul- tural technology remain more a promise than a reality in most of the developing world. THE NEW TECHNOLOGY must, to a large extent, be developed in the country in which it is to be used. A strain of seeds, for example, which works very well in the U.S., may fail dismally in India, where it faces different soil and different climate. Similarly, new strains must develop iesistance to indigenous insects and rodents, if they are to survive. The obstacles to manufacturing and distributing the tools of the new technology to millions of scat- tered peasants are phenomenal. A country which has no surplus to speak of has nothing to spend on factories to build tractors, on irri- gration systems, etc. Developing na- tions often choose to invest their small surplus in industry rather than -a tvim f,- back on if the new seeds fail. A man who has lived all his life in an un- changing milieu is understandably reluctant to risk his precarious exist- ence on what seems to him, experi- ments. Government pricing policies which make food cheap in the cities at the farmer's expense further reduce his incentive for trying new things, as do land ownership systems which force him to turn over any profits he may earn to the wealthy land- owner. Generally the new seeds require more water and fertilizer. The new methods require a different type of cultivation. This all forces the pea- sant to learn a whole new way of working. Running water is resisted in peasant communities because it replaces the well, which served as the village so- cial center. Vietnamese farmers ob- ject to the Filipino rice strain because it has a shorter stalk than they are accustomed to, and this forces them to bend down too far. WHEN STEEL PLOWS requiring +he ne of two hands were introduced and are freer from tlhe traditional frame of mind, so they reap the ini- tial benefits of better yields. The introduction of better farm methods prior to the establishment of an industrial base in a nation further raises the problem: Where do all those hands no longer needed on the farm go to? So- efforts to im- prove crop yields without simultane- ous industrial development raise the crisis of wholesale dislocations of people. ALTHOUGH agricultural modern- ization is the world's best hope for avoiding massive starvation in the near future, it is questionable wheth- er (in Asia especially) the new meth- religious restrictions and traditional taboos, which often deprive people of highly nutritive foods at their door- step, One of the grosser examples of this is India, where cattle, instead of serving as a severly needed pro- tein source, are encouraged to pros- per and multiply, thus competing with the human population for the limited available resources. - Nutritionists aim to combat the traditional low protein cereal-grain diet of most of the developing world, with new foods rich in protein. IN SOUTH AMERICA, a new variety 'of corn, known as opaque, has been developed which contains large amounts of the essential amino ficial ponds, prbviding a source of protein to people far from the sea. The richest potential source of protein may be the sea itself- algae, and seaweed in particular. The chief problem has been in making these new food, palatable. Besides their strange appearance, they have been frequently rejected for their tastelessness. While we may be able to harvest tons of tasty algae in 2000, the prob- lem of today can only be met with rapid agricultural development. It is only with more food that the hungry of the world can be fed. But, can a worldwide mobilization toward this end succeed? "NEITHER SLOGANS, nor good intentions, nor revolutionary calls, nor pronouncements- of doom will solve the problem," says D.r Ronald Freedman, director of the Popula- tion Studies Center. "What are need- ed now are carefully planned, long- range programs by the underdevel- oped nations for themselves." Either the challenge will be met, and the delicate balance maintained, _r eer D an^"_ _ar "fi19 "'Neither slogans, nor good intentions, nor revo- lutionary calls, nor prouncements of doom will solve the problem. . . What are needed now are carefully planned long-range programs by the underdeveloped nations for theinselves.'' ..S t+'::"'::" tm:':'. ...'.. .^Ar.,t A .. t} 4 nds can he adonted.auickly enough to acid lysine. Concentrated protein is