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February 20, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-20

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See editorial page

Si ian

D43a it

Lowv--1 9
Cloudy with
chance of slush

Vol LXXlX,No, 119 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 20, 1969

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Police, students clash
at Berkeley picket line
From wire Service Reports
2 " Police broke up a large but
* peaceful picket line at the
Berkeley campus of the Uni-
versity of California' yester-
day, setting off the most'
Violent student-police batle of
the four-week old student
Five persons were injured, in-
cluding a policeman who suffered
a bloody nose and a, black pho-
tographer for the campus news-
paper wlo said police clubbed
him from behind. All were re-
leased after treatment.
From 150 to 200 officers, most
of them state highway patrolmen,
chased demonstrators around the
campus, arresting 25, including
three non-students, one of them a
13-year-old black youth.
It was the second day that a
police action brought violence to
the campus. Tuesday the arrest of
x>: strike leader Jim Nabors set off
.ta series of confrontations. But yes-
terday was much more violent.
It began as a fairly normal day
on the campus. The local chapter
of the American Federation of
Teachers, which voted to strike.

State to seek
reforms in city



State officials and University students took steps yester-
day to modify the city's controversial policy on reglstering
students to vote.
The city's current policy has come under challenge re-
cently as being discriminatory against students.
In Lansing yesterday, James Blanchard, an attorney In
the state elections division, advised any married students who
are denied registration by the city clerk's office to ask the
clerk to notify the state elections division,
"We will advise the city clerk to register all such stu-
dents," Blanchard explained, "provided they meet the mini-
mum state requirements."
The state requires that a pro- a'--
spective voter be 21 years old by
the time of the election, a resi-
dint of Michigan for six months,Jnrs t t et V )Ln
nda resident of the town in
which he will vote for 30 days,
before he can be registered. : R .
However, the problem for stu- liuse q
dents has centered around a sta-
tute which states that "no student


-Associated Press
TWO HUNDRED HELMETED POLICE officers chased student demonstrators around the Berke-
ley campus of the University of California yesterday. The officers arrested 25 in one of the most
violent clashes in the month-long student strike. .

shall be deemed to have gained or
lost a residence by reason of his
being . . . a student at any insti-
tution of higher learning."

HJI grt

National Guard at Wisconsin capitol

Senator proposes bill
on campus disorders
From Wire Service Reports
State Rep. Robert E. Waldron (R-Grosse Pointe) said
Tuesday the legislature is presently drawing up bills designed
to prevent further disorders on college and university
The legislation is reportedly to be modeled in large part
after proposed California laws on student rioting. Waldron
said the Michigan Constitution is more restrictive in this area.
"Our Constitution provides for tight autonomy of colleges
and universities," he said. "Any ideas we came up with wereE
carefully studied in light of these constitutional require-
Waldron said Gov. William G. Milliken, who has taken a

late Tuesday night, set up picket'
lines at the main campus entrance ')EEP E w'
and at entrances to major class-_
room buildings.
Shortly after the strikers moved 'U'
frm nonralyt apikealneI
a Saer d gte a moup of heyyHffsTELE
demonstrator. The crowd charged
Dpte atepn ted thres poenivriyfnnalspotfr
the deputies, then surrounded
them, throwing rocks and fourdt
stink bombs.p li e i
When more police moved up, the dp o mtx
several hundred students began to
Smarch around the campus. They; By CHRIS STEELE;
broke windows in several buildings- The city of Ann Arbor may lose
and at one point pelted the police University, financial support for
with a barrage of rocks as the of-I police and fire service if the .city
ficers were trying to leave aI adopts an income tax.
building. Two arrests were made At Tuesday's City Council meet-!
during the march. ing, University Director of Busi-
After this series of running ness Operations James F. Brinker-t
clashes, demonstrators blocked a hoff said the city "should not
busy intersection in front of the assume present contractual rela-
main entrance to the campus for tions will remain unchanged"' -if
about an hour. the city adopts an income tax.
At first, the students threw Brinkerhoff also told the coun-
more rocks and stink bombs at cilmen that capital contributions{
the police but then they subsided by the University for public works
into just yelling at them. projects might also end if the city'
A few minutes later the Sher- increases water and sewer rates.
iff's Deputies and a groun of The University presently pays
See VIOLENCE, Page 2 18 per cent of the city's police and

cut Lund
nd fire si
fire costs. The cost to the Univer-
sity amounted to $610,381 for fis-
cal year 1967-68.
The rationale behind the pay-
ments has been the lack of direct
taxation on the University. Al-
though the basic tax in Ann Arbor
is based on property. the Univer-
sity, a state owned institution is
tax exempt.
Brinkerhoff explained that some-
universities provide their own po-
lice and fire p~otection but, he
said, the University operates on
the philosophy it is better to con-
centrate on having one good police
and fire department in the com-
munity and consequently relies on
the city.

The city clerk has used this law By NADINE COHODAS
to make students provide addi- Inter-Cooperative Council will
tional proof that they are legal hold a referendum today to de-
residents of Ann Arbor. cide if it will go ahead with plans
According to Blanchard, mar- to develop a co-op center on North
sted students elsewhere in th e Campus.
so c ity state "have been allowed to re-
gister for years with ,no 'further The center would consist of 18
qualifications other than the msm- separate 12-man co-ops and
imum." would be funded by a $1,240,000
e UHowever, City Clerk John Bent- college housing loan from the fed-
a icheley said last night that married eral government.
hr criteria," before his office will ed yesterday and gives ICCO0
Brinkerhoff explained that once register them , years to pay back the amount at
an income tax is adopted "in ef-! "We will be inclined not to re-1 three per cent interest.- However,
fect, the University would pay{ gister married studetnrs who are if; ICC's referendum is defeated,
taxes" since the city would tax not self-supporting to a sufficient r ICC must refuse the loan.
the University payroll. For thisj degree and who do not live here The referendum was proposed
reason, he said, the 18 per cent! the year around," Bentley ex- by the ICC 'Board of Directors in
payment would be subject to "deep plained. January after "several members
review" if Ann Arbor adopts an Criteria Bentley's office has expressed criticism of the North
income tax. used to determine the eligibility Campus Project," said Ron 01-
of students applying for registra- son, a member of ICC. "Rather
The question of an income tax tion have been challenged in sev- than goaheadrwith a project the
will be considered at next week's eral recent court cases. membership doesn't favor, we put
working session of the City Coun- Currently, John Bowers, 171L, is it to a vote," he explained.
ci.asking the Washtenaw County Much of the criticism is financ-
The University is the only uni- Circuit Court to hold that the ial. The negative arguments list
versity in Michigan and the only seven questions which the clerk ed on the ballot say ICC "would
member of the Big Ten which fol- uses to determine eligibility are be fully liable for any lsses ol
lows the practice of paying the "irrelevant" and should not be te North apu pryoet'
local city for police and fire serv- asked during registration. The the North Campus protect.
ices. This policy was brought into contested questions include: Furthermore, opponents of the
question a hearing over the UIi- . From what sources do you referendum claim that if the pro-
versity budget before the Senate derive your income? ject failed, ICC could lose all of
Appropriations Committee. Brink- drvyoricm.its current assets for central cam-'
erhoff said committee members * Where were you during1 the J pus expansion.
view the University policy as "not last University summer vacation Another argument states that
in accord with state policy.,, peri. the "basic feeling of co-op living
Theisse o poiceandfir pa- Do you live in private hous- would be submerged in the dormi-
ments was also discussed in o lingdory-like layout" of the proposed
niection with a citizen's "Blue Rib- If the court finds these clues- new buildings.' The 'scale of oper-
hneci"n with a~, citien s B ,e Rb- tions relevant to , determining
oc pnmninint ~t ation, the argument continues;

- - stron
R t dissen
'Regents o legisl
appoint . { his Pox
7T f a but It
(I o f fcUIS case."

g stand against student
nt, did not request the
ators to draft anti-de-
tration legislation.
r all I know, he may have
dn plan," Waldron said. "I
he'll support our measure--
don't know this will be the

City Cou'ncil agrees to print
-I. * 1 - L .



The Regents are expected to ap-
prove the appointments of t w o
new assistant vice presidents for
state relations a n d planning at,
their regular meeting tpmorrow.
The Daily learned yesterday
that the new vice-presidents will
be Douglas Sherman, dir'ector of
the capital planning office at
Wayne State University, and Da-
vid Heebink a Stanford Univer-
sity professor.
Heebink is presently on leave in
Washington, D.C. as a staff asso-
ciate at the National Science
Foundation's Office of Planning
and Policy Studies,
The t w o appointments will
round out the new University
planning staff under the direction
of Vice President for State Rela-
tions and Planning Arthur Ross.
*Ross was appointed in January

Rep. Thomas G. Ford (R-Gand;rev t ea teu
"student loitering" a misdemean-
or, questioned whether the State Publication of a tenants' rights
Legislature could under the pro- booklet has finally been approved
visions of the state Constitution, by the City Council.
dismiss students convicted of ? ythe Cit ouncil.di eua
ci 11 al en s inca ps d The council voted in a regular
criminal offenses in campus dis- session late Tuesday night to print
orders. a slightly revised version of a ten-
Wisconsin Gov. Warren Know- ants rights booklet originally pre-
les has asked the Wisce'nsin State pared last fall, but temporarily
Legislature to enact such meas- scuttled when the Board of Real-{
ores. -;tors objacted to the brochure.
However, Ford said on Tuesday. There were charges at the time
This is a t o u c h y area. It that the original copy was chang-
would require a great deal of ex- ed only because of objections by
pert research." ' the realtors board.
Meanwhile, opponents of the The city had even considered
legislative investigations of uni- turning the project over to the
versities are beginning to organ- Board of Relators after .it com-
ize. plained the booklet was an "un-
The *Michigan Coalition for fair picture of Ann Arbor.'" Board
Political Freedom Tuesday called C members claimed the booklet only
for immediate disbanding of the I "represented a minority of tenants
State Senate subcommittee on who have problems with their'
campus disorders. landlords."

tants& rgnts tuter



The city cancelled its plans Cith the booklet was intended to hbe a hy' eligibility for registration, Bowers
the Board of Realtors after Coun- "tenants' rights" handbook. uncil that the Uversity pay- will ask the judge to hold that the
oilman Leroy Cappaert (D-5th However, the only tenants' re- ent be increased from 18 to 19.8 clerk cannot, keep a student from
ward) asked City Administrator sponsibilities mentioned are reg- Brinkehoff said the city could registering because of circum-
Guy Larcom to report on the real- ular rent payment and a warning not increase the amount "unilmxer- snoe r than 50 per
tors' influence on the booklet, that a tenant may endanger his 0not being more thansn i vear
which was originally aimed at ed- legal rights if he causes damage ally since it ivolves a cgntrac- cent self-supporting:
ucating poor tenants about their to the apartment. tual relation with the University. 0 being absent during Univer-
rights. Otherwise the booklet lists gen- A possible water and sewer rate sity vacations;
However, all those involved in oral benefits a tenant should re- increase would bring an end to j not having fixed intent to!
the preparation of the rights d University contributions to public settle here permanently.-
booklet say it was revised not be- ceived if his landlord is obeying works projects, Brinkerhoff added. Bowers, who himself was denied
the lawds,
cause of the board's objections but - In the past the University has paid ,registration charges the city gov-
because there was misleading The booklet states, "If y o u r money. "on an ad hoc basis" when ernment with "using irrelevant
language, landlord is doing a good job and the city has built major projects criteria intentionally to disenfran-
The booklet includes a summary if you are a good tenant, you will involving the University, he ex- chise students in Ann Arbor."-
of the tenants' legal rights against have a safe, sound sanitary place plained. Under the proposed water State officals this month in-j
landlords who fail to obey hous- to live, including working plumb- and sewer rate increase there dicated their willingness to estab-
ing laws but explains, "You have ing, hot watea, adequate heat would be a provision under which lish "relevant criteria" for -allow-
many rights as a tenant, as well screens on windows used for yen- the city could raise money through I ing students to register to vote,
as responsibilities." tilation in the summer, rat and an additional bonding capacity. and asked SGC to forward their
Some had objected to the in- vermin control, at least two elec- I With this change, Brinkerhoff recommendations for the guide-I
alusion of responsibilities saying trical outlets per room, and gen- said, there would be "no need for lines.
erally safe and clean conditions. ad hoc capital contributions for ; However, any criteria published
The booklet also explains that sewer and water projects." by the state can be used or ig-
a tenant can not be evicted by his As an example of such ad hoc nored by the city clerk .who is
landlord if he complains to the
proper authorities about safety contributions;Brinkerhoff said the invested by law with the power to
violations or if he tries to frce his University had paid half the cost determine whether or not a pros-
vlandlord to live up to the lease's of extending sewer and water pective voter meets the require-
conditions. It states that a tenant lines to North Campus. ments.I
has a right to a legal notice and -- - - - - - -
;court hearing before a land-%.a"
servatives' constitutional plan orcan try to vict h. 'and-
f an ad hoc committee set up The tenant may be entitled to
month. It was an attempt to payment from his landlord, t h e
nore workable, democratic and booklet states, for damages or in-
cument than the present con- juries caused by his failure to obey
the housing laws.
A tenant may sue his landlord
he claim for a more represenita- ~o force him to correct violations
the ad hoc group would limit which are his responsibility if he
ues paying union members. The neglects to do so after being noti-
stitution allows any social work fied about them.
nt to vote. However, the tenant must ful-
fill his obligations according to the
n limits the power of both the booklet by paying his rent on time
cutive board and the ombuds- and by keeping his apartment in
increases the power of the good' condition.
If the landlord is fulfilling his
e present plan, the ombudsman obligations the tenant must pay

will create management problems
"that cannot be handled effec-
tively without intensive student
John Aschatz director of the

North Campus Project, said there
is little financial risk in the plan.
He saidthe government has made
loans to other schools for similar
programs and "is confident t h a t
this is a safe project."
"If we have to refuse this loan,"
Aschatz added, "there is no other
way for ICC to expand its serv-
Aschatz said the North Campus
project would double the present
220 living spaces in coops around
the campus. He said the proposed
12-man units have been modelled
after coops at Rochdale College in
Cana&Ia and are designed to pro-
mote "close personal contact."
ICC completed purchase ar-
rangements with the University
last fall for a 2.9 acre site on
North Campus for the co-op build-
ing. Funds were raised by mort-
gaging present facilities and
I through contributions.

"S~students feud over r

Daily News Analysis
The Social Work Student Union tried to
fight its way out of a constitutional hassle
with a school-wide referendum this week,
but only ended up with an indteisive vote
and the same old constitution.
The recent difficulties began when a
group of some 80 students petitioned the
union ombudsmen to prevent the student
union from making appointments to the
# newly-created student-faculty committees.
They said the union was not representa-
The ombudsman, under pressure from
the union, turned the petition down on the
grounds that it would needlessly delay the

"Viable Alternative," a relatively struc-
ture-free package of proposals,
The situation was confounded when Dal-
ton Lee, '70 SW, issued what he called
the "Whoa! Amendment." Charging that
the other two proposals~ were "Franken-
steinian creations," he cautioned students
to vote "no" on both proposals, thereby
allowing first year social work students
to revise the constitution after the elec-
tion of new officers next week.
He says second-year students shouldn't
have a voice since they'll be leaving soon.
The question revolves, at least partly,
about what the student union should be.
Some see it as a true union functioning as
a bargaining agent 'hetbeen students and

The con
grew out o
early lasti
present a n
feasible do
Despite t
tive union,
voting to dt
present con
school stude
Their pla
union's exe
man, but
Under th

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