KEEPING THE STATE OUT OF JOURNALISM See editorial page Ci r L~Ar Dnat UNCHANGI] I igh--38 Lo--17 Partly cludy little temperature c NG hange Eight Pages Vol. LXXIX, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 19, 1969 Ten Cents Gen. Hershey: He 'l last as long as the draft By HOWARD KOHN Associate Editorial Director WASHINGTON-The 90th Congress will severely restrict deferments. to conscien- tious objectors if Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey has his way. "I wouldn't be surprised if Congress just did away with CO deferments," said Her- shey in a Daily interview. "A lot of Con- gressmen have told me they are fed up with the number of weirdos and queer types getting CO's." Sitting in his golden-carpeted office, which is in startling contrast to the rest of the cracked-plaster building on F St. NW, the nation's selective service director lashed out a, Quakers who counsel youths on CO defe-ments. 'The Quakers seem to welcome anyone, no matter how they look or what they be- lieve, just as long as they're against kill- ing," he criticized. We do have a constant stream of men coming in for advice on CO's," agreed a spokesman for the American Friends Serv- ive Committee contacted in San Francisco. "This is the highest it's ever been." Unofficial 'figures from the American Friends (Quakers) testify to the rocketing rate of men taking the CO course away from Vietnam. According to updated statistics, 15,000 men are in research centers and hospitals with 1-0 classifications and more than 100,000 have non-combatant positions in the military with 1-A-O's. Several hundred thousand more are ap- plying for CO deferments and 10,000 non- cooperative CO's are in prison for refusing either alternative civilian service or the Army Medical Corps. Alanwood Prison Camp in Alanwood, Pa., for example, houses 124 draft dodgers to- day compared to only three during the Korean War. "If I were a praying man, I'd pray that Congress will deal gently with those stu- dents who expect to escape the draft through a CO," Hershey added. "I'm sure Congress is going to change the law so that any monkey won't be able to get a CO just because he wants one." Hershey changed the conscientious ob- jection forms last fall, more than a year after Congress had amended, the Selective Service Act, deleting all references to a supreme or higher being. Because of this change and because the number of "moral commitment" require- ments was reduced from seven to three, more men now qualify under the classifica- tion. But many Congressmen, Hershey said, already fear that draft-eligible men. es- pecially graduate students, are exploiting the CO route. Hershey expects that the volunteer army proposal, introduced in January by several influential senators to eliminate the draft, will suffocate under the burden of study committees and bureaucratic bickering. A team from the Defense department which discouraged a similar resolution in 1965 is studying the new plan. "I don't expect them to be done for four or five years," laughed Hershey. "These boys believe in planning, you know. "I don't want to sound so old that I'd say that a volunteer army can't work, but from my experience I'd say that it was pretty unrealistic." Of the 3.6 million men now in the armed forces, 600,000 were drafted and at least another 500,000 enlisted under the threat of being drafted, according to Selective Service estimates. In 1960, before the Vietnam conflict, the United States had a standing army of 2.7 million. Draft quotas averaged between 7,000 and 10,000 monthly, often being filled by enlistees. Since Vietnam the draft calls have vacillated between 25,000 and 75,000 per month. Hershey discussed the all-volunteer pro- posal, which would become effective six months after a Vietnam withdrawal, with dovish Sen. Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.). He and Hatfield, who helped author the bill, have been on close speaking terms since collaborating on university lecture tours. "I asked Mark how soon we'll be out of Vietnam so we can reduce the army. And I asked him if we were discharge a million men or station them in Germany and the Middle East instead," Hershey said. "He couldn't answer me. "From the way President Nixon is hedg- ing I don't think we'll go down very soon or by very much. Not for a year or two anyway." Nixon has supported the concept of a volunteer army, even though some Penta- gon estimates have put the cost as high as $17 billion a year. Hershey favors universal military train- ing, which former President Dwight Eisen- hower has endorsed and which would cost $12 billion a year. 'But I don't think you'd be able to get compulsory national service within a hun- dred miles of Congress either." Some anti-draft critics have urged that all men be given a choice at age 18 to serve two years in either a military or non-mili- tary (e.g. Peace Corps, VISTA) role. "The public is against it," Hershey ex- plained. "They think physicists should get See HERSHEY, Page 8 0 VP 'to ask endof requiredphys ed Smith sees Regental7 By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Vice President for Academic Affairs ,Allan F. Smith will ask the Regents to abolish the physical education require-, ment by the end of the present term. Smith said last night the Regents probably will consider the. proposal at their March or April. meeting. He indicated " , :,.:: : ,. :: he expects little opposition in securing their approvald If.a #- hs ~ rn +ha rr rnr + nic ,-1, r,. ?. ,A:? ;. ...':>:;:" House to anal campus committee yze state problems ii ne RegenTs approve t education requirement for st Students to gin 1 p1110 voIe By RICK PERLOFF The chairman of the philosophy department, Prof. R i c h a r d Brandt, will appoint a faculty committee today to devise a sys- tem of equitable student repre- sensation in the department's de- cision-making structure. Brandt's move came in response to a proposal asking for the seat- ing of four undergraduates on the department's executive and ten- ure committees. The proposal was submitted to the department faculty meeting yesterday by a steering commit- tee of undergraduate philosophy majors. A similar proposal, which grad- uate students presented to th e faculty several weeks ago, a s k s voting power for four graduate students on the same committees. - The executive committee, which -now consists only of department faculty members, handles curri- culum decisions. The tenure com- mittee is responsible for questions of tenure and hiring. "The department is in principle in favor of student representa- lion," Brandt explained yesterday. "In fact, there was virtually no dissent yesterday," Brandt said. "The proposed committee w i l I make recommendations on such questions as how many students should be represented, how t h e y should be elected and where they xhould -have voting rights," he added. , Several members of the under- graduate steering committee see a compromise solution which ? would permit three undergrad- aates and three graduate students to be represented on the execu- tive committee. une proposal, the only physical udents entering the University will be attendance at a special counseling session conducted by the physical education de- partment. Counselors at the session would determine each student's physical abilities and deficiencies and, recommend necessary corrective measures. Smith said he believed the phy- sical education requirement was "inconsistent with the philosophy of letting students take what they desire." "I think the requirement is an element of unpopularity among J the students," he explained. "Un- doubtedly it's something not everyone wants to take." In place of the requirement, the physical education department' will offer a wide selection of electives. "The department will' use its resources to promote the voluntary activities-such as in-! tramurals and the sports clubs,", Smith said. Prof. Paul Hunsicker, chairman of the department, was not avail- able for comment yesterday. How- ever, Athletic Director Don Can- ham said he was "wholeheartedly in back of the proposal." The proposal was approved last night by the Student Relations; Committee, a faculty-student ad- visory committee to the Senate Assembly Committee on Univer- sity Affairs. Smith previously had asked: SRC to make a recommendation1 >n the proposal.- In approving the proposal, SRC expressed reserve about the con- >pulsory counseling session, "Is this really an important part of the educational function of this : University?" asked Dan Fitzpat- rick, director of student organiza- tions. "The physical education de- partment should endeavor to at-a tract more students instead of taking the sheep as they come."t Smith said the request to abol- ish the requirement was originally; made by his advisory committeec after members interviewed repre-< ; sentatives of the physical educa- tion department, health service, and Student Government Council. Ahsociated Pres ~e are a (IisorIer"' By SAM DAMREN The State House Committee on Colleges and Universities yesterday created a special k sub-committee to study cur- rent problems at state-sup- ported colleges and universi- ties.$. . Sub-committeeChairman Vm- cent Petitpren (D-Westland) said the group will emphasize t h e "positive" aspects of campus ac- ยข Lievities.y The State Senate last month formed a special committee to in- vestigate disorders on college and university campuses. The Senate resolution was co- sponsored by 18 of the upper chamber's 38 senators, including Ann Arbor Republican Gilbert Bursley. Speaker of the House William Ryan (D-Wayne) said the House sub-committee differs from t h e Senate investigating committee in Prof. Hochman Sen. Burstey that it will operate as a fact-find- ing group rather than as an in- vestigation. He said the purpose of the sub- committee will be to "ascertain the ability of the Legislature to aid universities." The special committee has no opponents'organize plans to issue any subpoenas, he said. ByMARTY SCOTT Ryan explained the universities By 'should have the first crack at Opponents of the legislative investigations of state solving their own problems," and soln beiven adequatetme tn colleges and universities have begun. to organize. should be given adequate time to The Michigan Coalition for Political Freedom yesterday He said he believes the Legis- called for immediate disbanding of the, State Senate sub- lature should not be involved in committee on campus disorders, saying the investigation operating universities, and added "has no legal or moral justification." the sub-committee may be an ap- The coalition expects to draw sunnrt from all over the Seven youths are booked in Bay City yesterday o n charges of possession of marijuana. They were arrested in a raid of a "hippie house." NA TIONWIDE DISORDERS: Berkeley 'arrest brings. con-1fronttoviolence l-roin Wire Service Ieports ing "pigs off campus" and throw- off a strike. Predictions of dwin- Campus disorders continued at ing mud. dling support for the strike were colleges and universities all over, Crowds of roving demonstrators borne out -last night when less the country yesterday, in only throwing rocks and bottles were than 400 students showed up for one case erupting into violence. broken up by police at two other a rally. , j locations on the campus. The university administration ! The arrest of a black student 'oain ntecmu.Te nvriyamnsrto proach to aiding universities but leader at the Berkeley campus of The students are demanding said it plans to take action against not regulatintheir operation. the University of California re- creation of a college of ethnic students arrested during the Ryan said he fears an investi- sulted in a violent confrontation studies, hiring of more non-white strike, despite student demands for gation of campuses might create in which 12 more persons were ar- university employes, and admis- amnesty. Suspension is the most a poor 'andtincorrect image of rested. sion of more non-white students. probable punishment. universities to the general public. As police led Black S t u d e n t Dissidents students at the Uni- At the University of California The sub-committee was formed Union leader Jim Nabors away j versity of Wisconsin returned to at Santa Barbara, a 'special com- in order to bypass Petitpren's ori- from a picket line at the Univer- classes yesterday, waiting to see mittee on sociopolitical grievances" ;inal proposal to form a similar sity's Sproul Hall, a crowd of what the faculty will do about; was set up after students staged committee through a vote of the several hundred students follow- their demands for reforms on the an overnight sit-in at the Stu- entire House. The resolution was ed. A melee followed in which University's practice of hiring dent Union Building. expected to fail when it c a m e demonstrators were clubbed and black employes and admitting About 300 students at Howard to a vote because of opposition to arrested. Nabors, who tried to es- black students. University in Washington, D.C. oc- its wording.I cape from the police, was knocked The national guard, mobilized cupied the school's main building "Some members have wanted unconscious as the crowd grew to last week, began pulling out last yesterday, demanding equal parti- the word 'investigation' in there, several thousand students chant- night after student leaders called cipation with the faculty in deci- Dr provisions for closed commit- sion-making. Students had boy- tee meetings," said Petitpren, state on these grounds, explained Janet Dowty, a member of the coalition coordinating ,-- - - committee.' -e u. A state - wide organizational jj'jWd ints, meeting is scheduled for mid- March in Lansing. At that time the coalition will determine spe- rI.t lottery cific tactics and strategy for op- position to the investigation. WASHINGTON (iT' - Secre- Currently the coalition is organ-{WAHNTN( -Sce ized as a loose coordinating corn- tary of Defense Melvin R. Laird mittee with members drawn from yesterday suggested a lottery the Detroit, Lansing and Ann Ar- might be worked into the Selec- bor areas, homes of the state's tive Service System before the three largest univeristies. 1Vietnam war ends. 1Mff; Thnwty DVYlO1Yinfdthat the ! "I think there is a possibility." IvilbS Liu W LY CAPItt111Cu Iildb 4I1C I T.airti ,niri at sa nPum rntifara e*ra MSU EDITORS, ADVISORY BOARD State News controversy grows By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Special To The Daily EAST LANSING - Student editors of Michigan State Uni- versity's State News yesterday argued for more than two hours with their advisory board in a spiraling controversy over t h e editorial content and control of day's meeting that the advisory board fire Berman. At the last minute, however, the five-man editorial board split over t h e question of what tactics should be employed in the controversy. Reportedly only Editor-in- Chief Edward Brill and Execu- tive Editor Trinka Cline favor- meeting despite a request by Brill that the meeting remain open. The meeting was "very un- satisfying," Brill later reported. "All that happened was we ar- gued about slanting the news," he said. "They just shuffled around on the issues." consult with any members of the State News staff before censuring Brill. The only example cited in the censure motion was the inac- curate attribution of a quote in a story about student demon- strations o v e r controversial Prof. Bertram Garskof who was ,.an *1,, AnipA 4-cn,,,.n cotted classes since last week. The school's dean threatened to seek a federal court injunction ifj the protest continued. In Charlottesville, Va., about 1,500 students and faculty mem-Ib bers were on hand at the Univer- sity of Virginia for the third dem- onstration in four days seeking; changes in the school's racial and employe makeup and policies. A coalition of liberal and mod-7 erate groups presented a list of 11 demands to the administration, including the appointment of Ne-I groes and women to important po- sitions, establishment of a black and we diont want that. coalition expects to include indi- .u" aOir 4 a i sb iVnwscneence Separate meetings with the fa- viduals and organizations endors- at the Pentagon, "and that it ,ulty, students and administra- ing the statement released yes- should be considered." lion of each school will be sched- terday. Laird's top manpower aides told ule, sid etipre, t esablsh Coalition members believe the a nw conference the lottery clearer lines of communication problem is greater than just cam-j would be one means of erasing between these groups and a clear- p us unrest, she said. Members con- some inequities which m~ake the er picture of the problems in the sider the investigations part of a draft so unpalatable to some of academic commnit y.iresently i nation-wide trend of repression the nation's young men. See HOUSE, Page 8 aid rtesulting inethe janor g, h The Pentagon, these manpower 1000 peoplex,,t specialists said, would like to get men near age 20, rather t h a n CE For this reason, they expect a closer to the normal 26 top draft 01111 Ifunds response from organizations out- age under the current "oldest side as well as inside the univer- first" policy. bus systeml sities, such as church groups. Copies of the statement have been s The problem is, Congress has sent all over the state. insisted, that even on this basis