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February 18, 1969 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-18

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-" "'. izatin shall be considered a debt ow-
ed the major governing organization.
( Fd) Student Government Council,
through its judicial bodies, may warn
F L IC A L BULLET Na student, fine him, or withhold a
o hi and may a recognized
Yo. .. ..nY } ?.":.. J,"... . Y oganzatonfine it, reduce its pri-
.. . ~vileges, or end its recognition. Any fine
The Daily Official Bulletiri is an Health Service Policy Decision Com- 3. That SGC rescind its ban on dis- imposed by a judi body established
official publication of the Univer- mittee. ruptive sit-ins. by Student Government Co uncil shall
sity of Michigan for which The Approved: The following student or- 4. That SGC place the following versity. dhen assessed against an in-
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ganizations: -Speech Student Advisory questions on the March ballot: Shall dividual student, the payment of such
ial responsibility. Notices should be Council; U. of M. Students for Balz- the Student Government Council un- debt shall be a condition for gradua-
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to hiser, Writer's Guild, The Group. dertake to finance itself through the tion from the University, (e) The Cen-
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before Approved: The SGC allocate up to sale of voluntary membership cards as tral Student Judiciary may warn a stu-
2 p. in. of the day preceding $75 to the Young Republicans toward an alternative to the current system dent, fine him, suspend him from the
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday the expense of bringing Robert Pack- of financial support? Yes No. University for some fixed time, or per-
for Saturday and Sunday. General wood, Representative from Oregon here . University Co-op. manently expel hint from the Univer-
Notices may be published a maxi- on February 26. 6. Referenda to be placed on the sity. Any fine imposed by the Central
mu n t two times on request; Day Approved: The SGC allocate $25 to March ballot: Do you favor allocating Student Judiciary shall be considered a
Calendar items appear once only, wadmore student funds to EGC to expand debt owed the University, the payment
Student organization notices are wardexpenses of bringing Ft. Hood SGC Discount Store? of which shall be a condition for grad-
not accepted for publication. For Students Organized Against Racism to 7. Reconsideration allocation of $100 uation from the University. (f) A judi-
more information, phone 764-9270. to the Alternative Coffee House. cial body assuming the original juris-
Approved: The SGC allocate up to * * * * diction of a lower body, assumes with
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 $140 to send Bob Neff, Larry Deitch T SGC Bha srsdiction e l by poasues wipt
_______ ~ ~and Gayle Rubin to Washington, D.C. FROM: Bob Nelsonthtjrsiio tepwrtomoe
to the U.S.S.P.A. Conference - A RE: CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUN- priate to the lower body in the same
bav C len ar" meeting of college newspaper editors. ISHMENT. case. (g) An appellate body may con-
Approved: A new Student Govern- ..DATE: 13 February, 1969 firm or reduce a sentence imposed by
ment Plan. WHEREAS: The SGC Bill of Rights a lower body; but, under no circum-
Department English Lecture: Eth- Defeated: That SGC should endorse prohibits cruel or unusual punishment; stances, shall it increase the severity
ridge Knight, reading his poems: UGLI , new concept in the area of student andoftesnnc oripeapnly
Multi-Purpose Room, 4:10 p.m. occupational placement (Re-Con) and WHEREAS: The legal traditions of not appropriate to the body of ori-
The Bryan and Keys Duo: Keith Bry- help publicize this idea to assist stu- the University have not been generally ginal jurisdiction. And (h) if the
an, flute; Karen Keys, piano; assisted dents who are seeking jobs when they documented and may, where docu- judicial body of a school or college
by Jerome Jelinek, cello: Rackham leave the University. mented, be questionable.precedents for is granted original jurisdiction over
Lecture. Hall, 8:00. p.m. * * * * ,interpretation of that prohibition; and cases usually dealt with by a superior
Degree Recital: Mary Ida Yost, or-. SGC will debate and vote on the fol- WHEREAS: A judicial body ought not judicial body, it may, when dispising
gan: Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. lowing at its next meeting, February to be left without standards by which of such cases, impose those penalties,
20 at 7:30 p.m., room 3540 Student Ac- to judge what is cruel and unusual and only those penalties, appropriate,
. tivities Building. Interested persons are except those vague words themselves; to the superior judicial body.
Genera Notices invited to participate in the debate per- THEREFORE, MOVE: That, to make
sonally, by petition, or by some other up for the absence of proper precedent, STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL
means. SGC adopt the following regulation FOR DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN:
Child Development Consulting Pro- 1. That, to make up for the absence setting general standards of reason- The approval of the following stu-
ject, Rhody McCoy, "Problems and of proper precedent, SGC adopt the le and appropriate punishment, dent sponsored events becomes effec-
Promises of, School Decentralization," following regulation setting general binding on all judicial bodies hearing tive after the publication of this no-
Union Ballroom, Wednesday, Feb. 19, standards of reasonable and appropri- cases against students anywhere in the tice. All publicity for these events
8:00 p.m. ;ate punishment, binding on all judi- University: must be withheld until the approva
cial bodies hearing cases against stu- 'No student or student organizationhabeoefeci.
Free German Measles Va.ccine Health dents anywhere' in thzeUniversity otherwiseha Approval request forms for student
Service Immunization Room Wednes- tached). penalties as specified here: (a) A
sponsored events are available in Room
day, February 19, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. 2. WHEREAS: SOC. as well as the school or college may, through its pro- 1001 and 1546 of the Student Activities
Boiard of Regents, :SACUA, the Student perty constituted judicial bodies, warnBulig
'Broadcasting Service: .WUOM Radio Relations Committee, and other Uni- a student, reprimand him, suspend him Bidig.
fromtheschol r cllee, r epel Michigan Christian Fellowship Lec-
(91.7 Mc,) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily; versity agencies, has been asked to from the school or college, or expel ure Rom , LI.
Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Revolfttion: 2 0 t h comment on the proposed Regental By- Purpose Room UGLI,
Century Phenomenon--"The New Revo- laws issued by the Ad Hoc Committee house may warn a student, fine him, Michigan Christian Fellowship Lec-
lutionary Lert in; Latin America", with on the Implementation of the Presi- terminate his residence, or terminate ture - February 8, 10:00 a m - Multi-
Dr. Paul Hadley; U. of S. Cal. Tues- dential Commission Report (November his membership in the house. Any fine Purpose Room, UGLI.
day 5:00 p.m. Ann Arbor Report: City and December 1968); and WHEREAS: imposed by a house shall be considered __________________
Council and Municipal Affairs. Tues- The student members of that commit- a debt owed the house. (c) A major
day 5:15 p.m. U-M Feature Story, with tee are in general agreement, though governing organization may warn a t
Jack Hamilton. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Tibor with some reservations, with the con- student, fine him, deny him privileges
Serly - Musical Maverick - 3rd in a tent of sections 7.10 (November 19), gained by membership, or terminate rtr
series of 4 programs produced by Jerry 7.11 (December 9), and 7.12 (November his membership In the organization;
Bilik, about the American composer. 19) of those drafts; and. WHEREAS: Re- and may warn a member organization, Flights to
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh cent acts by the faculty seem to make fine it, deny it privileges gained by
Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Bur- it necessary for SGC to state clearly its membership, or terminate its mem-
rows hosts an hour of news and con- position on those drafts: THEREFORE, rship in the orgaization. Any fineROPE
versation about the arts and literature. F 'E IT RESOLVED: That. SGC hereby imposed by a major governing organ-
Guest: Actor-playwright Mack Owen, affirms its support of the' present is-
director of University . Players" "The sued drafts, especially of those sections
Entertainer," and Peter Griffith, com- that guarantee (1) that no regulation x
poser and guitarist. Wednesday 1:00 governing conduct will have f o r c e i I .A. T.A. Charter
p.m. Institute on Man and Science- without the consent of those to whom VOTER
'Our World Situation" with the Rt. it anplies (2) that every student will SABENA
Hon. Paul Martin, former Foreign Min- be assured of adequate due process be- REGISTRATION
ister, of Canada. 4:45 p.m. Campus fore a fair and independent judiciary, , PAN AM
News, produced by students in t h e (3) that no judicial body may be
speech department. Wednesday 5:00 maintained except with the continuingNA
p.m. The Press and World Affairs, with consent of those who may be brought CALL
Prof.- Ben :Yablonky. Wednesday 8:00 before it, and (4) that every student For information
p.m. Opera Night: Smetana's "The Bar- anywhere in the University will have 662-7394
tared Bride", given by the U-M School an appeal to the Central Student Judi- 662.431
of Music and Department of Art in clary.
March 1968, Mendelssohn Theater. Mu-Ex.2
sic Director and Conductor, Josef Blatt.
5:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
OF FEBRUARY 13, 1969 _ __T___E_
Approved: Election dates March 78
and 19, 1989.'
Appointed: Dale. Jurcisin, Elections .rs r H. AA
Director. P U Lag a e
Appointed: Bob Neff and Larry Mc- I I
Hay to the interim committee on In-
tercollegiate .Athletics. ro Flights
Appointed: . 0. Knowles to the

Phi Eta Sigma: Lecture, February 19,
4:10 p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall.
UAC: North Campus: Movie, Febru-
ary 21, 8:00 p.m., Bursley Hall.
Lecture, February 14, 7:00 p.m. Michi-gsiR Sco llege thatd es m o re
Markley House Council: All Campus
Mixer, February 14, 9:30 - 12:30 p.m.
iMarkley. pt a Fi o !
U. of M.. Marxist Group Lecture: g
February 17, 8:00 p.m. Angell Hall.
Chinese Student's Club Movie: Feb-
ruary 28, 7:00 p.m., Nat. Sci. Auditor-
__ .isails t temand beyond.
Foreign V Sito Once again, beginning in October of 1969, the
World Campus Afloat program of Chapman
Thed folowng individuals can be College and Associated Colleges and Universities a
reached through the Foreign Visitor"
Division of the Visitor and Guest Re- will take qualified students;faculty and staff
lations Office. Rooms 22-24, Michigan into the world laboratory.
Union. Telephone: 764-2148.
Dr. Jaime Abut; Dean, School of In-port programs relevant to fully-accredited
Business Administration, National Un-core rkaad adthdinsn '
iversity of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina.coursework taught aboard ship add the dimension
February 20-22. of personal experience to formal learning.
Mrs. Phan Thanh-Hal; Executive As-Cx
sistant, Bi-National Center, Saigon, Classes are heldsix days a week atsea
South Vietnam. February 24-28. aboard the s.s. Ryndam which has been equipped
Doctoral with classrooms, laboratories, library, student
union, dining room and dormitories.
Examinati~onsChapman College now is accepting applica-
tions for the Fall and Spring semesters of the "
Howard Emerson Bond, Astronomy, 1969-70 academic year. Fall semesters depart
Dissertation: "A Search for Metal-De-
ficient Stars," on Tuesday, February New York for ports in Western Europe and the
18, at 3 p.m. in Room 817- Physics- Mediterranean, Africa and South America, ending
Astronomy, Chairman: W. P. MBddel-iteAnean,.Aricn sothersicending Art student Leana Leach of Long Beach
man. in Los Angeles. Spring semesters circle the sece un foc-uidct ui
(Continued ,on Page 10) world from Los Angeles through the Oent, India sketches ruins of once-buried du.
wol rmLo nee truh Oiet-ni World Campus Afloat visit to Istanbul.
and South Africa to New York.
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