SUNDAY MORNING See editorial page L Sir A D~ait DULLER Iligh-30 Low-1 a A repeat of yester only it's colde rday, r Eight Poges Vo. LXXIX, No. 116 Subcommittee Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 16, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Cents Senators to recommend plan campus inquiry ROTC creditcu By RON LANDSMAN The literary college curriculum committee will reportedly receive a recommendation tomorrow suggesting that certain Air Force and Navy ROTC courses be assigned from one to three hours credit. No credit will be recommended 'for Army 4 ROTC. ROTC programs are currently worth 12 hours credit to- ward a degree in the literary college. The recommendation will come from a three man sub- committee headed by Prof. Locke Anderson. The subcommittee -'~ was selected last month to du- i' look into the question of ' I ROTC credit after the execu- ,L a ,! d.. J dtive committee of the college returned an earlier curriculum committee report because it tLIII - t Lwas incomplete. That report would have made each four- year ROTC program worth str i ers fdur hours of credit. In a related move, the Academic By JIM BEATTIE Senate at Stanford University voted 25-8 last Thursday to end Ani Arbor landlords appear tocrdtfrheRT poga have started 'extra-legal' actions it for the ROTC program beyond the limits anticipated by there. the Tenants Union Steering Com- Meanwhile, in Washington, Rep. mittee," committee' member Stu F. Edward Hebert (D-La) said Katz disclosed yesterday. Friday he would ask the Defense The comment folldwed several Department to withdraw ROTC hours of committee/ -discussion units from all colleges and uni- concerning defensive measures versities that refuse to give any which would be taken in resnonse credit for participation in the pro- By SAM DAMREN The special State Senate sub- committee investigation of cam- pus disorders is likely to be a care- ful, thorough - and slow process. Most members of the eight-man subcommittee emphasize that their investigation will be painstaking. They expect to complete a report "sometime before the end of the year." Public hearings will not be held until at least May and perhaps as late as July. Until then, the com- mittee will conduct closed hear- ings. Sen. Robert Huber (R-Troy), chairman of the committee, says many individuals have offered to testify, and their names are being held in "strict confidence." Committee members have n o t yet indicated specific plans to is- sue any subpoenas, although they have considered doing so since the committee was created Jan. 25." Huber says the committee will also hear reports from city and state and university law enforce- ment officials. Huber has been conducting ex- tensive discussions with student visitors from Michigan State Uni- versity and Oakland Community College concerning the nature of student disruptions. The talks have only resulted in "many questions and no answers thus far" according to Huber. Huber hopes the committee's in- vestigation will help to explain the nature of student disturbances "all around the country." Sen. Charles Youngblood Jr. D-Detroit) asserts the committee will "promise immunity to anyone who wants to testify." Some students have expressed fear that the immunity process will be used against persons sub- poenaed, if that should ever come about. If a student is granted im- munity, he may not use the Fifth Amendment freedom to refuse to testify for fear of self-incrimina- tion since he is immune to punish- ment for anything he might say. "The students on campus have a right to be fearful," said Young- blood in response to suspicion and resentment of the committee voic- ed by the campus community. "If the investigation is not han- dled right," he says, "it could turn into a lot of witch-hunting and could, give the students who want a good education a bad name. The committee has not yet adopted an operating procedure, but they expect to establish, one within two or three weeks, says Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Ar- bor). So far the committee has held only one meeting for purposes of organization and discussion of the criteria for the investigation. Bursley says he hopes to bring an "educational perspective to the investigationl." He was added to the original five-man committee as a special member because of his special educational concern. Sen. James Fleming (R-Jack- son), who has a legal background, and Sen. N. Lorraine Beebe, (R- Dearborn) who has a daughter at the University, were added for the same reason. "The committee's task is to create objective recommendations for a stronger and healthier Uni- versity," Bursley explains. He also reports that letters and suggestions from both within and outside the state seem to support the committee. Youngblood, says letter from his constituents indicate that they believe "small groups" are respon- sible for disorders at state colleges and universities. His constituents believe "the majority of people in the universities are most inte- rested in good education and re- lationships," he says. The committee is interested in finding out "who is behind these small groups to give them so much power." Youngblood says. The committee is also consider- ing the use of a sociological staff as consultants. Mrs. Beebe says she believes the committee needs access to persons with "expert understanding of the drives of young people and the pattern of present urban problems." A legal consultant has been add- ed by the committee to interpret any constitutional questions in- volved in the proposals which re- sult frgm the committee's investi- gation. However, Mrs. Beebe says that State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley has already assured the committee that they are not violating the state constitution in their investigation. i theunierstie ar mot ite- contittio inther ivesigaion Legislators as sai; MSU w to the actions of two of the city's gram. landlords and the threats of a "How would Yale, Harvard and third. partmouth, with their great repu The committee was concerned tations for academic freedom, fare by the threat of Howard Ward, in a world which was allowed to owner of Arbor Forest, that "he fall under the sway of Coi- would turn off the heat and the munism?" Hebert asked in a lights, in his building," with Hugh speech to the National Association Griffin's refusal of a police ordero to repair the door to one of his The subcommittee here report- apartments. The tenants of the edly will recommend that the first apartment in question had not year of the Navy's Marine pro- paid their rent. gram be offered for three hours The committee was also in- credit. They also will suggest that flamed by Patrick Pulte's stat the Naval engineering courses g ment earlier in the week which Naval Science 201 - be assigned indicated that Pulte's landlords one hour credit as an engineering "would just as soon throw rent college course. strikers out.on the street." In Air Science courses, the Air The committee's reaction in a Force ROTC program, one semes- statement to The Daily after the ter in each of the first and fourth meeting said: years will be worthone credit. "Patrick Pulte's statement that The subcommittee reportedly he 'would just as soon throw those concluded that no Army ROTC students out immediately' is ex- courses are worth academic credit. actly the kind of arrogant, bully- I Andersontcould not be reached adison1polce force ing response one would expect( for comment last night. from Ann Arbor landlords. After Prof. John Shy of the history-" . bleeding the students dry, Mr. department, who served as an ad- SiEEK GRAD DEFERMENTS: Pulte would like to throw them visor to the subcommittee, said; out on the street." that the subcommittee "did not' "If these 'extra-legal' activities consider the programs in a nar- continue,d Katz said, "then Ann row frame of reference." Law yers leve Arbor landlords will be using tac- "It wasn't just 'the books that , -r 'e ist a o v nt e w rtsu ee c ni ee, e c ni u d tics that not even the worst slum were considered," he continued, landlords in New York and Deprnit "hut ihe instructor, th~ thd newspaper By JIM NEUBACHER Allegedly obscene words printed by the Michigan State University student newspaper last week in connection with coverage of student demonstrations there brought angry criticism and threats from state legislators and the Michigan Press Association Friday. "The state News is bankrupt of morality," said State Representative James Brown (R-Okemos). Brown, a former newspaper publisher and editor, called for the MSU admin- istration to "clear the state news offices of every student in any way responsible or who stood silently by" when the of- I fending story was printed. Another legislator, Rep. PhillipD '- "- ____ -Daily-Jay Cassidy 1 protesters down State St. Friday night Madi s on 1suit a ainst ,quiet after, I , aw "Aa a 11IG VAa11L LC -1Vl ~ t L1C 116LU00, L1e mlet o have used in past rent strikes." 'of instruction, and what the ob- As a 'result of the; threats, the 3jectives are." committee spent several hours de- He declined to comment on the vising educational programs .to specific recommendations, how- inform Tenant's Union members ever. what to do in case the landlords John La Prella. '70, a student should carry out their threats. The member of the committee, said committee felt it had a defensive "The general trend of the subcom- measure to combat each of the mittee's thought was that some tactics the landlords might use, of these courses are fine, so let's however. give them an hour credit." In the statement to The Daily "But overall, they're 'ot good the committee said, "Our defenses education." he added. They zerve to extra-legal measures are in or- as indoctrination and recruitment der. We will not be intimidated. devices for the armed services. We No bully is going to throw anyone think they could better achieve , out on the street." - their goals through uncredited The statement issued this after- weekend courses rather than the noon also hinted at another pos- current set-up." sible course of defense the com- The original curriculum com- mittee might take, linking judges mittee report had recommended to the landlords in a conflict of that the entire four-year ROTC interest, program in each of the services "It is particularly surprising be given for four hours credit, that Mr. Pulte, a business partner and that the 'four hours be con- of John W. Conlin, Jr, son of sidered within the present limit circuit judge J. W. Conlin, Sr., of twelve hours worth of courses See RENT STRIKERS, Page 3 allowed outside the college. ('CO-ED FRA By LANIE 'LIPPINCOTT Frankel called the mixer "a Phi Epsilon Pi, the first frater- taxing experience. We're selling; nity on this campus to go co-ed, something we can't describe. It's held informal rush for interested an opportunity, not a definitive women yesterday. - pi'ogram. The people will work out the program for themselves." Mark Frankel, co-ed rush chair- Jacobson said that Phi Ep plans man, said, "It went extremely a course in human values and in- well. About 25 women came 'out ter-personal relationship. The today, almost all with a curious course would be taught by a psy- attitude. They left enthusiastic." chology professor or graduate The fraternity will have places student on the order of a T-group. for 16 sophomore and junior I The idea was suggested by Robert women and a maximum of 30 men : Rimmer, author of the Harrad Ex- to live in the house next fall, said j periment, as "very useful and im- Hershey draft regulation protests. O. Pittenger, (R-Lansing) term- ed the alleged obscenities "four- letter words that most people would 'never use in private, let alone printin a newspaper." Pittenger said he would ask the Ingham County prosecutor to investigate the matter to deter- mine if any legal action could prevent similar occurrences in the future. Brown agreed with the stance taken by Pittenger. "Now is the time for University officials to make no bones about moving in on the filth peddlers at the State News," he said. Students "who hide behind the phony facade of press freedom can have their underground filth press;" he said, "but without the support of the taxpayers and the subscription money of the thou- sands on decent MSU students who, I should think, have had= about all they're going to take from the minority punks who call ' themselves the editors of the Mich- I igan State News." Meanwhile, the president of the By ELIZA PATTERSON graduate studies should also bar probably base its case on the leg- Six law students and a pro- the student from a I-S. islative record of the law, which fessor are going to court in a sut Charles Donahue, who is the reportedly would bar any student sutprofessor involved, cites the two with a II-S from getting a I-S. that could keep many second and sections of the law which are in The case is especially significant third year graduate students out question. for second year graduate stu- of the Army, at least for a while. "The statute says a I-S shall be dents. They are the ones who were If they win the case, .all grad- granted to any student called I getting II-S deferments in 1967- uate and professional students during the academic year, but also 68 for graduate' work, .and they who received their BA's before gives an exception-those stu- , are the ones who would be bar- June 30, 1967 will be eligible for dents who are undergraduates red under Hershey's ruling. the I-S draft deferments they and have II-S deferments," he The six University law s t u - now do not receive. says. dents in the case are presenting The I-S deferment allows a "The law does not exclude grad- it as a "class action." In such 'a student to complete the academic uate students who had II-S defer- situation the ruling would be ap- year he is in before being re-class- ments from getting a I-S. (Selec- plied to all people in their class ified for possible induction. tive Service Director Gen. Lewis -all students who received a{ The case arises from the Selec- B.) Hershey has simply read out graduate II-S after the cut-off3 tive Service Act of 1967, w h i c h the word 'undergraduate' and date and who now seek to win I-S barred undergraduates with II-S made the statute apply to any- deferments. deferments from getting a I-S. one who has any kind of defer- Under current practice, a stu- The issue in the case is whe- ment," he says, dent who gets called up by his ther a II-S deferment granted for He says the government will board can usually get a stay of , induction until the end of t h e' fTERN ITr ' semester. There is a wide range of moti- vations behind the students' de- cision to press this case. "There's much more involved informal rush than simply a two months stay of induction," says Donahue. "For ;,the student who is not called un- impressed" by the rushees. "Most living in Jordan, said she "liked til the beginning of his third year, had rushed sororities but didn't the different people willing to talk it may mean a chance to finish pledge, They were women xvho with you." However, she added his degree." couldn't be categorized or typed." "There are a lot of things I don't "Furthermore, the same law Goldberg said the fault's he saw think I could live with. The at- that bars this class of students in the concept could be worked mosphere was almost artificially from gettng a I-S also bars them out. "I thought people would be intellectual." from getting a III-A, the father- inhibited by co-ed living. I mean She questioned how long t h e hood exemption. you can't walk around in y o u r "totally anti-physical, intellect- "As it now stands, as soon as underwear downstairs. But event- ual, pure atmosphere" would last. an undergraduate II-S expires, ually maybe we can reach a rap- She also anticipated problems the student is put to the top of port where we can walk around among the women. She said there the list and there is no recourse" By JIM HECK MADISON--All was quiet on the University of Wisconsin cam- pus yesterday as members of the Black Students Steering Commit- tee met to formulate plans for new marches.I The black student leaders feel; they have enough momentum to continue the disruptions of the university and state eanitol imtn Panel, stutdies law curbing student aid WASHINGTON UML-An official said yesterday the U.S. Office of Education is studying how to im- plement enforcement of the new law requiring colleges and uni- versittes to cut off federal aid to students convicted of taking part in disruptive activities. The stipulation was included in the education bill passed last fall, but enforcement has not started. "Our legal department has to study the law to determine how it can be enforced," said Her- man Allen, director of the Office for Higher Education. Allen noted it's up to colleges to decide which students should be prosecuted under the law, and it's difficult to work out guide- lines on such problems as stu- dent transfers. "Should a student from a col- lege where his funds were cut off be disciplined by the school he transfers to?" said Allen. Allen added his office does not consider the law to be a "dead letter," but he could give no time- table for when enforcement might begin. L~l11V~ Z" l L' 'l" U ' LU " UI' J'U1 .U P an ax C orp o ration , w hich ow ns this week. 14 newspapers across the state, in- The five consecutive days of demonstrations last week incurred; only one major incident of vio- lence-Thursday afternoon when a crowd of 5,000 students was sprayed with tear gas by national guardsmen. The fact that the 1,500 nation- al guard have been called off cam- pus does not mean police officials feel the disruptions are ending. The decision to call off the guard was made Friday afternoon when Wisconsin's classes had ended for the weekend. The guard was orig- inally called up to "keep the school open"-i.e. make sure demonstra- tors didn't disrupt classes. Early Friday morning the guard was moved from the Dane County Campgrounds to the school's Na- turtium and Field House. rhey still remained stationed there on stand-by alert yesterday and a small contingent of commanders still occupied campus headquar- ters below Bascom Hall. The black leaders want the guard on campus as long as po,- 'sible to make the situation appear a lot worse than it really is. As one student leader told The Daily, "With the guard on campus cluding the nearby Ypsilanti Press, asked the Michigan Press Associa- tion (MPA) to oust the State News from the organization. The story "heralds the low point in MPA journalism and is void of' accuracy, objectivity and common decency," said John McGoff in a letter to Frank Angelo, MPA pres- ident and managing editor of the Detroit Free Press. See LEGISLATORS, Page 3 See LEGISLATORS, Page 3 begin. downstairs in our underwear, and might be "tightness between the they can too." girls with 16 of them together who Two sophomore women from think they are free-thinkers." She Donahue says. But the motivation isn't all just legal. The classic maneuver of