f Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed n The Mchigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "Lets be off, Kato! . . . There's more trouble on the campus!" III &-% ff oovl -,,h i f 1: *00", I ATURDAY, rEBRUARY 15, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: RON LANDSMAN 1 Giving students a voice in departmnental reform PHE ATTEMPTS of students in many departments of the literary college to crease their role in departmental de- sion-makiig policies deserves qualified pproval. For academic reform is such an amor- hous business that it is easy for students lose sight of what should be the focal oint for the entire effort - namely, ac- ve student participation in formulating ie decisions that affect their educations. It is easy for students to become caught p in improving this course or that or ov- rxpansion of departmental facilities. While these efforts are certainly steps the right direction, they must not over- zadow the more important concern of udent parity with the faculty in mak- ig decisions Involving curriculum, ten- :e and hiring of professors.' The major objection voiced by faculty ad administrators to such student power on departmental committees ems to be that the student's place is in ze classroom just as the woman's place in the home. 'HEY ARGUE that the faculty - by vir- tue of their training and occupation - re best suited to making these decisions. But isn't it true that the tutelage a pro- 'ssor gives his students at least in part ffects the kinds of people these students ill become? And shouldn't students iemselves be able to decide the kinds of eople they want to be? Moreover, an inspirational professor in spark that learning experience no t can offer. Prof. Tom Mayer of the sociology de- artment is a perfect example. M a y e r aches a course in sociological analysis revolution and students who have tak- ience. Yet Mayer was denied tenure by the department's faculty-composed ex- ecutive committee last year. Again it is the students who are to be; educated and the students who benefitted from Mayer's course. AND IF THE FUNCTION of a university is to educate students, surely it must weigh the views of those' for whom it exists. But in the Mayer case it was as if the sociology faculty was ignoring t h e views of its students by firing a professor students obviously respected. By depriving students of Mayer's abil- ities and consequently limiting their ed- ucations the department was in effect be- littling the entire concept of what an edu- cation should mean. For if a university is supposed to edu- cate students, when it acts against its students, it acts against itself as well. It has been speculated Mayer was de- nied tenure because of his failure to pub- lish sufficiently - but how can publish- ing in a sociological journal possibly com- pare to teaching students to think? There are other professors who have been denied tenure; some for similar rea- sons. Profs Morris Friedell of the socio- logy department and Julien Gendell of the chemistry department were also thought to be excellent professors, by their students. They were deni d tenure too. This mindless lack of concern for stu- dent's education must stop. And the way to stop it is to grant students an equal voice in all tenure' proceedings. This will rightly give students a say in how they are to be educated by allowing them to help decide which professors will be teaching them. .) ..-JAMES WECHSLER-\. Underground blues NOT MANY days ago the High School Principals Assn. issued a stern rebuke to the Board of Education for its alleged. failure to curb certain aspects of student unrest. Among the manifestation viewed with alarm were "student de- mands for complete, unsuppressed. unchecked student control of stu- dent government, student newspapers and magazines." The lament of the principals comes to mind in reading a report in the current issue of the Saturday Review of Literature on a spread- ing national network of nearly 500 "underground" high school papers. One cannot resist the conclusion that the nervous censorship to which most high school. journalists are subject in most places has pro- duced a familiar result: The rebels have found their own printing presses and mimeograph machines. THE SRL INQUIRY depicts numerous instances in which the restrictive rules under which high school publications operate have led to independent journalistic enterprises that, upon further harassment, become underground sheets. Thus, at a school near Seattle, a rather model-type youth-regional winner of the Veterans of Foreign Wars' "What Democracy Means to Me" contest-began publishing a newspaper that voiced his opposition to 1) the war in Vietnam and 2) the school structure's hostility to long hair. He even submitted the material to the school officials before pub- lishing it. Neverthless, three months before graduation, he was sus- pended and his court fight for reinstatement is still pending. BUT THk REAL question is why many restive kids who think they have something to say regard their school's publications as unworthy of their effort. The answer, of course, is that the overwhelming majority, of such papers-as many high school editors have protested in my presence over they years-are so rigidly censored that they offer no real outlet for dissidents in areas of political and social, behavior. In their outcry against the heretical unlicensed journals, the prin- cipals contended that "underground newspapers and leaflets (frequent- ly anonymous) are filled 'with generally unsubstantiated attacks on school policies and school personnel" and the "language of these pub- lications is often obscene and gamy, the tone strident, belligerent and arrogant." Whether their critiques of school officials are "generally unsub- stantiated" might be better judged by a more disinterested jury than the principals. That the language may be sometimes "gamy" is a prob- lem also presented by some college newspapers; but that the tone is "strident" is a charge leveled against numerous adult journalists whose targets simply feel maligned. 'MY POINT is not.that these underground exercises are uniformly exhibits of superior wit or wisdom, but rather that the sweeping in- dictment voiced by the principals reflects the ancient sickness of cen- sorship; it too often equates criticism, unconventionality or anger with stark sin and inflammatory incitement.i Surely there are some tough kids roaming some school corridors, some are encouraged by adult ideologues of one variety or another, and in many schools a principal's life is not a happy one. But to confuse that problem with the desire of kids to produce publications that record more than the latest basketball boxscore or the school dance is to miss the point.~ OBVIOUSLY a high school (or college) paper should be governed by the principle of the right of reply; no student viewpoint should be excluded simply because a iew youths have achieved a belief in their own infallibility. But a high school principal who has any confidence in his own ability to communicate should be willing to risk error and in- temperance, even at the peril of some momentary discomfort for him- self. Unfortunately the easier way still seems to be to reduce printed controversy to a minimum, to regard "responsible dissent" as murmur- ing which is- barely audible, and to identify as dangerous "troublemak- ers" those who "say troublesome things. The premise of these comments is that high school students are growing up more rapidly in the nuclear ige. Most of all, however, It seems clear that the crucial issue is not whether they publish under- ground papers but why so many of them have felt an impulse to, seek' refuge from the respectable surface of high school life. (C) New York Post SI3S and the bookstore moguls E 4 1 it almpst universally confess ti )urse was an extremely enriching 20th Centur EW YORK'S Governor Roc Wednesday reminded his part iinistration in Washington th wentieth Century is the era of tb ire state, and called for adoptio )mprehensive program of com ealth insurance for all Americans nanced by payroll deductions, p ly under the Social Security A( ation. If the Congress is prompt about ig a program, we may be: able to ito operation in' time to celebra ne hundredth anniversary of the .entation of compulsory health nce in Germany under Otto vo .arck. Editorial Sta f MARK LEVIN. Editor STEPHEN WILDSTROM URBAN L Managing Editor Editorial E DAVID KNOKE, Executive Editor ALLACE IMMEN .. ,New IROLYN MIEGEL.......Associate Managi LNIEL OKRENT ... ......Featu T O'DONOHUE ....... New ALTER 1IHAPIRO ..... Associate Editorial )WARD KOHN.......Associate Editorial SAL BRUt3 ........,..........Magazin hat the' STUDENTS m u s t likewise be granted exper- parity on all decisions relating to cur- riculum reform. Faculty members cannot really 'be as completely cognizant of the shortcomings of introductory courses in their depart-, kefeller ments as students are. y's ad- By the same token, students do not yet at the have the training to completely structure he wel- a course or select faculty members on n of a their own, The faculty's experience and pulsory expertise in academia naturally assigns s, to be it a role in departmental decision-mak- resum- ing, but this must be a different kind of dminis- role from that which the students seek to play. enact- The faculty is best qualified to judge get it course content or to select a professor te the from the standpoint of academic excel- imple- lence. Students, on the other hand, are insur - better able to pass judgment on broad in Bis- curriculum requirements or on the merits of a professor from the "how much we'll -J. S. learn" angle. Each has its value and each' must be weighed equally. IHE IMPORTANT THING for students to remember is that active voting par- EHNER Director ticipation in departmental decision-mak- ing enhances their own educations. And s Editor the faculty must recognize that student ng Editor participation will. in the end make uni- re Editor versity education much more valuable if. ws Editor only by actively bringing different opin- Director t Drecorions into the, fray. By CHRIS STEELE T rUDENT Book Service's three- year fight to gain access to the established textbook listing service is finally over, because of a quasi-boycott by University fac- ulty. But the exploitation of -stu- dent book-buyers in Ann' Arbor will probably continue for some time to come. -For three years the Textbook Reporting Service refused to ad- mit SBS to its ranks. The report- ing service, owned and operated by the city's five old established book stores (Follett's, Ulrich's, Slater's, Wahr's and Overbeck's, sends forms to all University teachers each semester asking them, to list the books they will use in their courses during the next 'term. The results of this survey are then used to compile a book list for use by the five stores. SBS manager asked, each se- mester since the store's founda- tion three years ago to be admit- ted to the service, and expressed their willingness to pay whatever costs necessary to participation. But they were refused each se- mester. The decision last week to allow SBS admission to the reporting service came as a result of grow- in faculty pressure, including two petitions from members of the economics and sociology faculties. In those petitions, professors pledged to order their books only from SBS until it was admitted to the Textbook Reporting Service. The sociology and economics professors, more than 25 in all, were not the only faculty members to put pressure on the establish- ment book merchants. Individual professors in several other depart- ments have made a policy during past semesters to send all of their orders for certain courses to SBS alone. AMONG THE faculty members who have placed exclusive orders with SBS is Assistant Professor Robert Sklar of the history de- partment. Sklar, for the past two semesters has ordered his books for U.S. Intellectual History (571- 2) only from SBS. Sklar says his reason for doing this is to provide "optimum service for the stu- dents." Pressures placed on the report- ing service were motivated both by protest (in the case of the peti- tion signed by the economics and sociology , professors), and from long standing complaints of poor service (in the case of Sklar and others). But the effect of the threatened , and actual boycott would have been the same. Ann Arbor's book moguls would stand to lose a considerable amount of money. The fear of, losing the lucrative trade in basic economics and so- ciology texts was too'much to take, "They were very nice," said Ned Shure, SBS manager, discussing the meeting he had with; the other bookstore managers at which they invited him to join the Textbook Reporting Service. BUT THE basic issue alienating SBS from the other book stores wasn't even mentioned at the meeting. It was not cronyism or convenience or prejudice that kept SBS out of the reporting service every semester for three years. but the same economic considerations that finally brought them in., SBS discounts many of its ma- jor textbooks and the other stores do not, Since the formation of SBS, some textbooks have been discounted at the other bookstores, but before that there were no dis- counts. Even how, Shure explains. the number of books discounted at SBS is much greater The fact that this issue was not mentioned at the meeting between Shure and the other managers and that they reached no agree- ment on it indicates the matter may not be closed ip the minds of big-time book sellers. They may try to bring continued pressure on Shure to raise his prices. They may attempt to convince him that since he is now a part of the es- tablishment he should fall into the standard establishment pat- tern of taking the students for all they are worth. THERE IS also the very real possibility that SBS's service to students and faculty will decline. In the past, because it has-hAd to compile its own lists, SBS has made a point of keeping close ,on- tact with professors and keeping its lists current and accurate. Another problem has been the absence of an enforced listing date for either the Textbook Re- porting Service or SBS. This 'b- sence has caused severe problems for students seeking books. When professors turn their lists in late, as they often do, bookstores, in- cluding SBS, find it difficult or impossible to get the books before classes start. The bookstore problem is larger than simply admitting SBS to the Textbook Reporting, Service. It is a problem for which that admis- sion offers only a superficial solu- tion, Ned Shure suggested part of the solution himself before he was admitted to the reporting service. "We want -the' University to take responsibility for book lists," he said. THIS METHOD would provide for uniform and current lists at all stores and could enforce a list- ing date on professors. Whatever' the method employed some reform should be made to remove the stu- dent from either the vengeance of gross competition or the col- lusion of the establishment. Defeat of the super-doves By STEVE ANZALONE DISILLUSIONMENT comes easy to those who seek heroes in the murky world of American poli- tics. New heroes have a way of dying quickly, In 1968 there was Eugene McCarthy. Once t h e darling of idealistic young Americans, Mc- Carthy soon lost much of his ap- peal when he enigmatically threw his vote to Russell Long in his tilt with Edward Kennedy for Senate leadership. But there are precious few po- litical figures who do not turn sour over the years. Usually they do not receive widespread public adulation, but they do have that special combination of intelligence and courage that make them more than a glamorous idol. THE SENATE HAS seen a few of these heroes in its long and reputedly glorious tradition of great statesmen. Two of the non- glamorous, unsung protagonists ne Editor -RICK PERLOFF ndomly culled motes * randomly culled notes e randomly culled notes " randomly cul od notes . 'randomly culled notes e randomly culled notes e randomly culled notes * les e randomly culled notes . randomly culled notes e randomly culled notes e randc of the Senate went down to defeat in the last - election. They w e r e both men of such caliber that the loss to the nation greatly exceeds their personal defeat. One of them was Ernest Gruening of Alaska. The other was Oregon's Wayne Morse. The defeats of these two Sena- tors last year w a s significantly, overlooked amid the euphoria over the re-election of some of the oth- er Senate doves - Gaylord Nel- son, George , McGovern, Frank Church, and J. William Fulbright. Although *the re-election of these well known doves was im- portant, the forced retirement of Morse and Gruening borders on tragedy for those who oppose the war in Vietnam. The performance of the others as critics of the war has not come close to the consis- tent, stalwart opposition:waged by Morse and Gruening. But Morse can no longer use the Senate as his forum for op- position to the war. He is now forced to the relatively incon- spicuous pulpit of the college lec- ture circuit, as he takes his case to the people. This is what brings him to Ann Arbor tomorrow. NOT TOO LONG AGO, Sen. Fulbright was chastising Under- secretary of State U. Alexis John- son for not admitting now that the war was a bad mistake. Fulbright reminded h i m that President Johnson was elected to office in 1964 partly on the promise that he would oppose total American involvement in Vietnam. Ful- bright is probably r i g h t in de- nouncing the former President's lack of good faith. But the Arkansas Senator's memory is amazingly short. He fails to recall that he missed an opportunity to affirm his own good faith by not acting in ac- cordance with. what he sai~d he perceived to be the nation's pro- Johnson, anti-war sentiment dur- ing the Tonkin G u 1 f debate of 1964. At that 'time, Fulbright, and in- deed, most of the now-renowned critics of the war, voted with the rest of 'the Senate for passage of the Gulf of ".tonkin Resolution. 'Tho' 'mi~i IaA1041 to11 nhnfin.. Their colleagues, the Kennedy- McCarthy-type doves, opposed the war more in word than in deed. On at least three occasions in 1966, Morse and Gruening stood alone in refusing to appropriate additional funds for a war they believed was wrong. One of these bilks included "foreign 'assistance" money for American intervention into the Dominican Republic. IT'S EASY to denounce the war and the omnipotent defense de- partment, but it is quite another thing to vote against it. Only Morse and Gruening were willing to take the risk. Their courage was fatal. Probably the best example of the Morse-Gruening brand of conviction came during the pass- age of the Selective Service Act of 1967. This bill was' a refusal by Congress to enact any changes in the antiquated draft system. Several Senators joined the .ef- fort to seek reform. Sen. Hatfield introduced an amendment calling for a volunteer army. He received support from only Morse, Gruen- ing, Nelson, and McGovern. Sen. Young of Ohio introduced an amendment cutting the time of military conscription from two years to 18 months. He received support from only Morse, Gruen- ing, and Hatfield. GRUENING ALSO attempted to amend the draft law by prohibiting anyone from being sent to Viet- nam unless he specifically volun- teered for service there.' This amendment showed who the real doves were; only Morse and Gruening voted for it. Then, when all attempts at re- fore had failed, only Morse and Gruening stood resolute against the draft and voted no on the final passage of the Senate ver- sion of the bill that extended the previous law for another four years. While the Kennedys loudly c~r- ried the banner of draft refoim, appealing to a young populace, it is surprising that the interests of the young were best served by the two tenacious old mavericks .of the Senate, Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening. * By HOWARD, KOHN, Assoclate Editorial Director WASHINGTON [WO RUMORS of public concern were circulating in Washington his week: Ted Williams becoming the nanager of that city's hapless Senators nd J. Edgard Hoover retiring as FBI hief. Wistful thinkers predict that Hoover ill retire next Jan. 1, his 75th birth- ay. Supreme Court Justice Byron Whizzer" White has been mentioned s a possible successor. It's hard to ay whether White's appointment rould be an improvement for the FBI, ut it's certain to be one for the upreme Court. * 4 ing these rumors and reaffirming its policy of hardline diplomacy toward the Castro regime. MEANWHILE, WITTICISM about Havana, hijacking and bombing have landed several practical jokers in po- lice custody. One 21-year-old Bronx girl has spent a week in prison after allegedly threateningthe life of Pres- ident Richard Nixon. The girl was touring the White House when she was overheard asking a companion, "Have you got the bomb in the bag?" A security guard released her after being unable to find a bomb. but she lashed out flippantly, "I would kill Nixon if I had the opportunity but I don't have the opportum.ity." to discuss love and marriage is out of step with the concerns of our peers at other campuses. But whether we are ten years ahead or ten years behind the times is another question. "OLD ENOUGH to fight, old enough to vote," is a familiar rallying cry for proponents of lowering the voting age. Under a proposed Wyoming law, men would be allowed to vote at age 19, but only if they cut their hair to con-A form with military regulations. J. W. Myers, the state senator who the informed soUrCe E OF THE MOST well-known heads of hair at the University has fallen victim'to the barber's shears. Radical Caucus leader and leftist-laureate of Ann Arbor Eric Chester, now in Washington, D.C., at the U.S. Student Press Association Conven- tion, had his curly locks cut short before his trip. Chester, who is participating in a convention panel entitled "The University as a Closed authored the bill, said that men would have to "shave those curly locks just like they do when they enter military service." The prohibition of long hair would not apply to women. THE FASTEST-EXPANDING lobby on Capitol Hill is the International Association of Police Chiefs. Repre- senting some half million policemen from across the United States, the or- ganization has a national membership of 5,000 police chiefs and a permanent 100-man staff here. "We constitute a formidable organ- ization capable of withstanding any onslaught," boasted its president this week. "Our direction is definitely up- ward and onward:" 9