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February 15, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-15

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See editorial page

5k 43bU

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ITi gh--:O
Cloudy and warmer.
slight chance or rain

Vol. LXXIX, No. 115 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 15, 1969, Ten Cents
he s multi-billion dollar 'need-to k
By STEVE NISSEN. "The need to know principle" as up a few minutes later and after ficials" of the CIA, Goodwin said, seemed to be honest sincerity, areas he was cleared for. I saw were in
special to the Daily it was eventually explained to us, a quick conference with our rep- ina tone of voice which prompted 'We are working not only for our no one in the corridors whose own.
LANGLEY, Va.-Nestled incon- is an iron clad rule of the espion- resentative, Goodwin agreed to go a murmer of skepticism. country, but for peace through badges were marked for more than Anotl
spicuously in a forest not far from age business. No person who works ahead with the briefings cn sev- Everyone really expected a lec- out the world." two or three of the areas. designat
the capital sprawls the massive fothCIwihtepsilex ersigou cndins who _we
for the CIA with the possible ex- eral rigorous conditions. ture from a simple-minded public About 20 minutes from Wash- The main lobby is very large loke
headquarters of the Central In- ception of the director and his No cameras or tape recorders relation hack rather than top CIA ington, the bus turned off the and almost completely devoid of by,
tnigence Agency, the largest and close assistants, is ever given ac- highway and was waved on furniture. A single inscription is and we
most controversial espionage net- cess to any information unless he wudaealoedadinadibweficas
work intherswesrnorld, - s yno reproduction of the briefing Goodwin's speech could have through a security gate leading etched in the wall. It says, "And ord fro
Until yesterday no newsman had hat infoe ation in the d k " in any form whatsoever would be told us a great deal about the toward the CIA's main building. ye shall know the truth and the as opo
ever received an official briefing i ti discharge permitted. The entire session was tone of our briefing, for his style, Nowhere were there any signs truth shall nake you free." and dig
or attended a press conference of his duties. to be taken as "off-the-record," as we later learned, was char- identifying the facility as the CIA There were two other notices. men.
at the CIA's Langley nerve center. Stated more simply, only the for our own information nly. acteristic of the CIA's leadership. headquarters. 'One small notice One instructed all personnel to Usher
top four or five men in the CIA Later, a third stipulation was He adeptly sprouted euphem- on the gate said that the area is wear their badges at all times. we were
Waeier wther trea ons or ever know what each of the made: we were forbidden to take isms like a funeral director help- U.S. government property. The other warned that no cameras K. Whi
five top CIA officials, including agency's divisions are doing at the notes at any time duringAhe near- ing a man plan his future burial. Entering the main building we could be taken into the building. the CIA
the executive director of the moment. ly two-hour session. 'Some of the questions you may were given special badges identi- We took a short walk through "Wha
agency, yesterday gave 20 college Bef9re our briefing, we were The ground rules having been have about the CIA, we can't an- fying us as visitors and limiting the corridors to th conference has bee
editors a brief glimpse of the given absolutely no information agreed to, we were loaded on the swer because it wouldn't be ip the our clearance. room where the briefing would be CIA pr
CIA's multibillion dollar opera- on where the conference would be bus, where Goodwin reiterated national interest," G o o d wn Later. it was explained that the held. tion," h
tion. held or who would speak.,All CTA that it would be an off-the record warned. badges are worn by all personnel WYe passed several offices on the our brie
It-was a frightening look at a Public Relations Director Jack briefing. "We are like a university." he and are printed with at least one way. One was marked "Immuni- professi
very different world governed by Goodwin would say was that we "We are the silent service of said in a' conversation while on letter in a series A through. H. nation" where CIA operatives ap- stand wv
the "need to know" principle and were to assemble in the lobby of our government." he said, "and route. "We have libraries and re- Each letter apparently correspond- prently are innoculated before it opera
guarded by an elaborate system the Shoreham Hotel at precisely this is the first time we have ever searchers just like any univer- ed to a particular section of the gding abroad. Our escorts were It wa
of security badges, locked doors, 9 a.m. done this." The -briefing would sity," he commented. building and the more senior or careful to position themselves so for it im
and armed guards. The CIA's chartered bus dhoved be conducted by the "senior of- And later, he added with what important the person the more none of us could wander off if we.

Eight Pages
clined to explore on our
Ler office was cryptically
ed as SB OPS. Personnel
passed in the corridors
inquisitive as we walked
tors are undoubtedly rare
were very obviously visit-
ai our shabby appearances,
sed to the very clean cut
nified dress of the CIA
ed into a conference room.
greeted by Col. Lawrence
te, executive director of
t to do about our image
n a vexing problem for the
actically from its incep-
ie said. "The purpose of
fing is to allow prospective
anal journalists to inder-
hy the CIA exists and how
s the wrong thing to say.
imediately conjured up the
See CIA, Page 2


Landlords pla
strike strategy
By JUDY SARASOHN throw those students out immed.-'-
The rent strike officially be- iately."
4gins today, and if all goes as plan- mitteeroe en tbeiketatny-
ned, nearly 1,500 student tenants landlord ould illegally evict as
wvill withhold their Feb. 15 rent~ anlodwoldilealyevcta

If landlords do notice a mark-
ed decrease in their rent receipts,
the next move in the tenant-land-
lord battle will be up to the apart-
Sment owners.
What will' the landlords do
Patrick Pulte says that the
landlords of the property that his
company, Patrick Pulte, Inc, man-
agers have different opinions of
what action to take. Most of
* them, he, says, « ould "just as soon
R eport
to retire
Informed sources reported
Thursday .that J. Edgar Hoover,
director of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, would retire from
his post next Jan: 1. On th'at date,
Hoover will be 75.
In a story by Sol .Friedman in
the Miami Herald, the informa-
tion was attributed to "certain at-
torneys-general" gathered in
Washington for a State Attorn-
eys-General's conference.
The FBI yesterday denied the
Hoover°, who holds an all-time
record for tenure in a federal
agency, took over the FBI in the
1930's and organized the bureau
into a crime' fighting machine.
Hoover introduced a new breed
of college-educated crime fighters
who helped break up gangsterisin
in the thirties and who collected
the evidence that sent alleged
German spies Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg to the electric chair.
More recently, H o o ve r has'
blasted against ' "Communists"
and "pseudo-liberals," p a r e n t s
who failed their children, and
"midget politicians".

many as ou strixing tenants.

Many tenants have been scared
initially by notices to quit which
were sent to them by their land-
lord. The notice toquit is not
an eviction notice, but a notice
announcing that legal action will
begin, said Dale Berry, the mem-
ber of the rent strike committee
in charge of the legal defense.
In order to evict a tenant, a
landlord must have first made
a demand for payment of r e n t
according to Michigan law. This
demand is in the form of a notice
to quit. If the tenant does not
pay his rent within -7 days, the
landlord may then initiate legal
action for a summary eviction.
Berry and David Goldstein, also
a law student on the strike steer-
ing committee, both emphasize
that a landlord may not evict a
tenant for nonpayment of rent
without a court order.
The legal strategy of the rent
strike according to Berry is to
use the legal defenses available
to delay a final judgement against
the striking tenant. If the judge-
ment can be delayed for a signi-
ficant amount of time - from 2-
4 months - the landlord, might be
convinced before then to settle
with the Tenant's Union's de-
At a press conference yesterday,
David Shapiro, a member of the
rent strike steering committee
said that as little as a month's
loss of rent for a landlord with
a 20 - 30 per cent concentration of
striking tenants would hurt him
significantly financially.
Besides using various I e g a I de-
fens's Goldstein says that as few
as 300 eviction cases would be
needed to flood the courts, which
would also delay action.
Another way of avoiding evic-
tion is simply for the tenant to
pay his rent. In most cases, if
the judgement is in favor of the
landlord, the tenant may still be
able to avoid eviction by paying
his back rent and court costs
within 10 days of the final court
See RENT, Page 2


Special to the Daily
MADISON - Wisconsin
Chancelor H. Edwin Y o u n g
said yesterday in an after-
noon news conference that
the National Guard and out-
side police will be removed -
from the campus area.
He did not indicate whether
the Guard would be deacti-
About 85 city police clubbed
fleeing students down a main street
last night after more than 1,000
demonstrators sat down in an in-
tersection directly in front of the
state capitol. <:
Thecdemonstrators left the in-
tersection before police arrived
and began walking slowly back to
campus when two lines of city
police and a paddy wagon began
to charge them.
After a brief charge the police
began walking quickly abreast
pushing students off sidewlaks in-
to building entrances and side


-Daily-Jay Cassidy

Student circle march blocks Madison Street

Unrest at Mladison preeipit,
by inaction on black deima
By JIM HECK The reasons for the strike were said they did not
Daily News Anal sis legitimate. .segregated, unlike
The blacks had made 13 de- gationist blacks at
MADISON - The chaos that m-ands.n the administration sities.
catapulted this sprawling Big Ten which were apparently refused The original d
campus into the headlines earlier outright Thursday morning, after black studies progi
this week has obscured the issues the first violent days of demon- almbst a year ago
which first gave rise to the dis- strations. Until Thursday and since then the dire
order. since, the administration remain- cial scholarship
To most white students here ed tightlipped about the situation. worked at quieting
the strike and all that ensued be-' However, the 13 demands were no progress has bee
dn Mnnd h, b k t made to the unresponsive admin- proposed program

There were seven arrests buty:.
only two of those were students.
There were no immediate reports .;},":<<.;i:}}.}
of any serious injuries.
Wisconsin State Senator Gor-
'u-uti Q don Rosleip (R-Darlington) said
n ~ds P"e1D ngoersaolice cleat
J1U~~ last night he is asking for the Plc e
resignation of President Fred Har-
want it to be vey Harrington and an investiga- NOCONSENSUS
many segre- tion of 150 Wisconsin faculty *CmNSbers.
other univer- mmes
Harrington has been in Wash- J J1

8sc y

r campus area


ington for the past several days
and has remained silent concern-
ing the demonstrations.
After the demonstrations ended
this afternoon black student lead-
ers reaffirmed their pledge to
disrupt the university throughout
the weekend and next week but1
"without any violence."

swry Daep.rorum
studies requirements

gi ivonay wnen oacx sudents 11 VU1 i1V11 11YGQUlll
entered lectures and announced istration long before any of the
that they were striking against the I violence erupted.
'university. Whites were invited to Of those 13, two were crucial
join, and at least 10,000 students For one, the blacks wanted a
responded. Negro studies program, and they

Hara d

teach-win amuses,


They came by the hundreds,
hanging from the balconies,
standing on chairs, filling the
doorways of the Union Ball-
room. More than a thousand
had to be turned away,
Some came to find love, some
to learn about love, and some to
make love. They flocked to hear
Robert Rimmer, the paunchy,
graying author of The Harrad
Experiment, but few paid at-
tention to him as the night wore
"We live in a society that
ran'cnr C.rP C ,zp'" pVvmmnr cc.r

lengthy resume of his new book
Proposition 31. "We are devel-
oping new patterns of mar-
riage," he said. "At the rate
things are moving a' group or
corporate marriage will be the
only way of survival."
"Some of these ideas are very
Utopian," Rimmer added. "Read
what I write and see if you can
think of something better," he
concluded. The audience ap-
plauded loudly, not so much the
presentation as the ideas of love,
sex, and a middle-aged man
presumably liberated from mid-

."without--nyvie .
The scholarship ram was laiming a job well done, one Nearly 80 students and faculty members debated the language
initiated at the requet of blacks black leader told the Daily, "We requirement and a proposal to offer all history courses for four hours
. to recruit and help support inner don't need to get involved in this credit at the history department forum yesterday.
city blacks who would not nor- hang-up of violence. All we need .A call for "violent objections" to the four hour proposal of Prof.
orally be qualified to attend the to do is keep the pigs runniing. Bradford Perkins went unanswered.
university. There's no need to confront them There was no vote taken on the proposal.
now. They've'got bullets, all we've The hour and a half discussion 'of the language requirement went
Their crucial - and the most got is heads." less smoothly and reached no consensus.
controversial-demand is that the Four to six groups of 350-600 Tes smt n reached the nsus
university admit students who persons spent the morning run- The meeting discussed the importance of the languge require-
were expelled from Oshkosh State ning from one intersection to an- ment in undergraduate education and the department's graduate
University last fall, sother until police dispersed them. degree requirements.
Although administration offi-I Demonstration marshalls kept "Some feel that a weakness of
cials have derided the demand as all students away from the police American history as a'discipline is H abe" tur s
foolish, the students argue that and moved the crowds onto the its isolation," said Prof. Raymond < I
the state-wide university system sidewalks when police moved in. I Grew. "American history students
is closely-knit unit and that such At 11 a.m. the first major con- who take a language would bene- d
a demand is not unreasonable. frontation occurred at Park Street fit by having access'to document u
The demand gained consideri-and University Avenue. University written in other languages."
!able credibility when a committee is a major six-lane boule- He added that, "The study of Former Literary College dean
appointed by Vice Chancellor F. yard running one block vest of languages is one of the great t'a- William Haber has refused an of-
Chandler Young recommended the capitol building. ditions of historical scholarship." ferI by Gov. William Millliken to
that the Oshkosh students be ad- Guardsmen were first called to Several students countered they become the state director of labor.
mitted, if Oshkosh refused to re- disperse the students at about were not concerned with becoming "I found the offer attractive,
admit them. 11:15 at which time more than professional historians, and 'that exciting and a fine opportunIty
Young Is scheduled to appear'1500 demonstrators were blocking'the argument should not be made
Yongi shduedt apar1the street. . on that basis. but I declined because of a heavy
on television tomorrow night to Later students massed around They argued that the depart- schedule of writing, speaking and
discuss the administrative action Bascom Halls at the statue of menthas an obligation to provide conference engagements that X
and reaction to the student de- ba hm H Lil nandhthenatqui eme tsn leat to t revsdu-could not break" Haberexplainedi
. Abraham Lincoln and then requirements relevant to the stu-colntbra"Herxpied
mands and protests. mrri'har tn~ tha nrmininfretinn aan ma no' nina hnm "I also want to remain at the

.: : ;

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