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February 13, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-13

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-$ee' editorial page


5k itgaui


Cloudy and
chance of snow flurries

VQ[ LXXIX, fICo 113 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 13, 1969 TenCents

Ten Pages

900 troops
in Madison
From Wire service Reports
The W i s c o n s i n National
Guard was called out yester-
day to put down student dis-
ruptions on the strike-trou-
bled University of Wisconsin
campus at Madison.
Gov. Warren Knowles ordered
900 guardsmen to active duty on
the 33,000-student campus. He
said the university "will not be
closed down.",t
Major violence was averted yes-
terday afternoon as protesters
4 blocking entrances to major class-.
room buildings allowed students
to pass. Several fistfights broke
out between demonstrators and
counter-demonstrators. But riot-
equipped police prevented full-
scale trouble and arrested six
Although 'latioinal Guard roops
gathered at an unspecified point
outside the campus area, a sched-
uled rally by demonstrators went
on without incident. Later it broke
up into "liberation school" groups
assigned to plan today's activities.
Nonviolent protest began Friday
after the school administration re-
jected 13 demands of black stu-
dents. The demands include the
-creation of a separate black
studies department and the ad-,
mission of 90 black students who
were ousted from Oshkosh StateE
University after a violent ,protest
there last November.
Demonstrators launched ieass-
room boycott and rallies Monday,
but the protests did not draw{
widespread student .support.
Counter-protesters at Windsor
University in, Ontario, Canada.
4 may precipitate violence in their
efforts to evict some 150 students
occupying theology offices. I




of Wisconsin

ma y
special to the Daily
LANSING - The chairman
of the key Senate Appropria-
tions Committee yesterday
said the University will re-
ceive enough state funds this
year to provide an increase in
faculty salaries.
Sen. Charles Zollar (R-Benton
Harbor) said, however, that it was
too early to determine how large
the increase over last year's ap-
propriation would be.
His comments came following
the first day of the committee's
hearings on the University's bud-
get request. A 6.9 per cent increase
in faculty salaries is the top pri-
ority item in the University's re-
quest for a $12.6 million increase
over last year's appropriation.
Zollar also said that the com-
mittee would - probably oppose a
decrease in the ratio of students
to faculty.
He noted that without large in-
creases in state appropriations
over the last 10 years "the Univer-
sity has maintained all its levels
of productivity."
The University would have to
form a priority list in view of the
tight fiscal budget this year, Zol-
lar added.
Vice President for State Rela-
tions and Planning Arthur Ross
said University officials "are hope-
ful for an increase from the conm-
mittee, but realize that this is a
very tight fiscal year."
The University's request for a
$75.9 million appropriation alrady
has been cut to $67.2 million by
the governor last month.






--Asociated Press
POLICE ATTEMPT TO RESTRAIN student demonstrators .at the University of Wisconsin yesterday. The students were trying to block
the operations of city buses in the third day of protests over black student demands. Late yesterday, National Guard troops were
called into Madison as the demonstrations intensified,

Sociology group lists demands
for voice in tenure decisions

By CHRIS STEELE dell and from a department letter
and RICK PERLOFF to Assistant Professor James C.

Moore, Jr. telling him his chances
About 60 conservative students' A group of graduate and under- for a favorable tenure recommen-
unsuccessfully tried to storm the graduate sociology students last dation next year were, in his
occupied building Tuesday night, night demanded changes in the words, "very slim."
and planned to return. tenure and hiring procedures in

40 A school official said the uni-
versity will not be "blackmailed"
into rehiring a fired professor,
which is one of the student de-
mands. Also at issue is amnesty,
open committee meetings, and
student representation in hiring-
firing deliberations.
Hiring-firing policies i e also
the issue at Michigan State and
the University of Chicago. MSU
was quiet yesterday, but the re-
porting of four-letter words in the
student newspaper, the State
News, drew angry reaction from
some readers, MSU demonstrators
have dramatized their demands
for the ;rehiring of Bertram Gal'-
skof, controversial psychology pro-
fessor, and for admission of more
poor students by staging hit-and -
run seizures of buildings.
At Chicago, radical sociologist
Marlene Dixon turned down the
. school's offer to rehire her. A spe-
cial committee recommended yes-
terday that she be rehired, but
only for one year. Students. oc-
cuPying the administration build-
ing in suppor.t of Mrs. Dixon met
last night to consider ending their
two-week-old sit-in.

that department.
An undergraduate sociology
group also met last night and
formed a student union to express
grievances within the department.
The tenure statement, made by
the Student Committee on Tenure
and Hiring, results from the denial
of tenure to Assistant Professors
Thomas Mayer and Morris Frie-

In the statement the committee
proposes "to undertake a compre-
hensive review" of the tenure riW-
cisions on Mayer, Friedell and
The statement also calls for a
continuing student role in evalua-
ting tenure candidates. Further-
more, students would like a
"structural change" to insure a

Social work student
union11 picks delegates
The Social Work Student Union yesterday elected stu-
dent representatives to 11 faculty committees despite a
petition from 80 social work students challenging the legiti-
macy of the union.
The union's 50-some members include representatives
from each of the social work school's equivalent of depart-"
ments, the "methods" programs, and the elected officers of
the union.

student role in departmental le-
Members of the committee :d-
mitted that Mayer. Friedell and
Moore were being used "with their
approval," to focus student at-
tention on the issue.
Student evaluation of the
professors_ will use the methnW
employed by the departmen's
tenure, committee in making its
decision. "We hope to show he
faculty's method is not reliable"
the studentrcommittee expects to
come up with different = esilts!
than the faculty.
Kramer says the methods us d
by the sociology department are
"very liberal on paper," but not
in practice. Part of the procedure
consists of informally questioning
students about the teaching tbility
of professors.
Kramer said the tactic of pa-:
rallel evaluation in the tenure
decisions was temporary, however.
In the future students will attempt
to "revise the criteria" used to
judge teachers, he said. This cri-
teria will lean more heavily on
teaching ability.
The committee's statement
says that the data on Mayer,
which has already been gathered3
by another University group,
shows "he is a fine professor."
After forming a student union,;
students at the undergraduate soc-
iology meeting, agreed to draw up
a specific list of grievances to pre-
sent to a mass meeting of sociol-
agy students next week.
One sociology student said stu-
dents are interested in playing "a
more active role" in the -depart-
ment's decision making, in
changing the requirements for a ,
major and in extending credit for
sociology courses to four hours.
The students at last night's pre- ,
liminary meeting said that the I
undergraduate sociology union is
separate from the graduate stu-
lent organization.

rna'y trie
The rent strike probably will;
begin Saturday even though the
Ann Arbor Tenants' Union has
not reached its original goal of
2,000 pledges to withhold rents.1
At a meeting Tuesday organi-t
zers of the strike voted to ask
the 1,350 tenants already pled-]
ged to strike if they are willing
to start withholding their rent al-;
though less than 2,000 tenants9
have pledged to join them.
A poll at the meeting showed
that most of the organizers be-
lieve the pledged tenants will fa-j
vor beginning the strike on sched-j
ule. The organizers, themselves,
did not vote to begin the strike
because their constituents had
agreed to withhold rent only if
there were 2,000 pledges.
However, many of the organiz-
ers said their pledges are anxious
to begin immediately since the
tenants believe any delay might
lessen the strike's effectiveness.
The organizers said T u e s d a y
they wanted the tenants *to be
informed of the facts and not be
"duped" into striking.
David Shapiro, Grad., a mem-'
ber of the rent strike steering ,
committee, said. "The committee
can't coerce tenants to join the l
strike. If they decide that 2,000
pledges is their criteria, then they
won't withhold rents," he added.,j
However, Barry Cohen. '70, al-
so a member of the steering coin-
mittee, said that it is "highly rea-.
sonable" the Tenants' Union will
receive 2,000 pledges soon. This is ;
based on the rate of incoming
pledges in the last two weeks |
which indicates 1,850 pledges will '
be in by Saturday and the full
2,000 shortly after.
The rent strike steering com-
mittee also claims that presently I'
there are enough tenants pled-
ged to withhold rent from c e r- 3
tain realty firms to conduct a suc-
cessful rent strike.

-Daily-Peter Dreyfuss
Prof. Robert Harris, mayoral candidate
Harris states goals
to student 'backers
More than 100 students met fast night in support of

s ty.. v civi rlgls, civi liu ,i
'The choice facing the state,' gnd war on poverty.
he told the committee, "is that if He stressed the need to begin
it wants to maintain the Univer- federal programs in the city such
sity as one of the outstanding as low cost public housing, model
universities in the country, then cities, and public transportation,
the hard budget choices must be which he claimed have been neg-
made.". lected by the Republican admin-
- "Ift we are going to maintain istration.
uties itioareamong theunve to!"There is no shortage of ideas
move forward," Fleming added. for reform," Harris said, "but
Dlsthere is a real need for muscle be-
Despite Zollar's expression of hind the enforcement of those
satisfaction with the Unversity's reforms."
productivity, Fleming said meth- I Questioned on his view of the
ods of increasing production vir- student rent strike, Harris said
tually have been exhausted. that he believed collective bar-1
Fleming said the workloads of gaining by tenants was an appro-
professors are already too heavy, priate tactic to use against
but Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint) landlords. But he refused to en-
questioned this statement. "The dorse the rent strike because he
professors are not in their offices believes that a mayor is obligated1
working," he said. to "maintain neutrality" in mdi-t
Lane said he made this dis- vidual economic disputes.
covery during visits to several Harris said that through public1
state colleges and universities last housing programs on a scatteredz
year. site basis, concentrations of pov-
University officials, however, erty could be broken up and re-I
submitted figures showing that the placed with decentralized andt
a v e r a g e University professor racially heterogeneous neighbor-
spends about 57 hours a week in hoods.I
teaching, research and related "The alternative to bussing chil-<
activities. dren to schools to achieve income
Fleming added that increasing and racial heterogeneity is to givei
class loads is not a feasible meth- the poor the option of living ini
ad of increasing productivity of those neighborhoods if they choose
the University. to," Harris said.f
In response to an inquiry from Public housing would also help
the committee. Fleming said the alleviate the squeeze on black res-t
use of new technology, such as idents in the north central area of
See HEARINGS, Page 10 See HARRIS, Page 10

The organization recently has
come under attack by students
who say the union has not been
representative of the entire stu-
dent body in its fight to gain a
greater voice for students in
school affairs.
However, Peter Loeb, union om-
budsman - who represents all ag-
grieved parties whether they are
union members or not - yester-
day did not act on the petition
upon the strong recommendation
of union members.
If the union had acted on the
petition, it would have had to
postpone the election of repre-
sentatives in order to present a re-
ferendum- to the whole student
body which would outline a new
constitution for the union.
Because the deadline for elect-
ing student representatives to
faculty committees is Feb. 19, un-
ion members say they would have
had to ask the faculty for more
Jime to select delegates.
However, the faculty is n o t
scheduled to meet again u n t i l
March, so student representation
on committees would have been
delayed 'another month.
Social work students won t h e
right to equal membership on
faculty committees Feb. 2 as the
faculty accepted a modified ver-
sion of a student-faculty commit-
tee proposal which was supported
by the union.
A a lnnof hlnwek ne -ipi n-nr

There has been speculation that
t h e appropriations committee Prof. Robert Harris of the Law School in his campaign for
might make further cuts before1mayor of Ann Arbor.
sending the higher education ap- Harris, a Democrat, will face Republican Prof. Richard
propriations bill to the Senate. Balzhiser of the chemical engineering department in the
Yesterday's hearing opened xxith April 7 city elections.
a plea by President Robben Flem-
ing for enough money to "main- Outlining his campaign platform at the meeting, Harris
tain the quality of the Univer- said he would dedicate the mayor's office to the three issues
ct!of i il riahft ivil lib rtiPs .

West Quad
to di*scuss
'Residents of West Quad will
meet tonight to decide which two
houses in the Quad will be "put
on reserve" and possibly closed
down or converted to offices next
The meeting was prompted by
the recommendation of the Hughes
Committee on Dormitory Plan-
ning which asked that two of the
houses be taken off the housing
market for next fall.
Members of the Hughes Com-
mittee met with about 60 residents
of the Quad last night to explain
the basis for the committee's deci-
sion. Statistics presented showed
a possible 568 vacant spaces in the
dormitory system next year. If the
vacancies materialize, two houses
in West Quad will be converted to
offices or convention rooms to
save money.
At the meeting last night, stu-
dents demanded they be given the
final authority to decide which of
the two houses in the Quad be put
on reserve. However, University
housing officials promised only.
that the opinion of the students
would be taken into consideration.
"We can't leave this decision to
the whim of a group of emotional
.students," said Leon. West, direc-
tor of West Quad.
However, students were not
satisfied with simply an advisory
role, and demanded that their de-
cision be bindinng. Jack Meyers,
president of Inter-House Assembly
and member of the Hugher Com-
mittee, promised to work to in-
sure that the recommendation
made by the residents would be
followed by the housing officials.
One group of residents,
led mainly by staff members,
questioned the validity of the de-
cision to close two of the houses.
"This is not simply a dollars
and +A r vmamtt, " co "n, nid Phil Mur-


LSA course evaluations

Bewildered students looking
for the safest way to fill up 15
credit hours next fall will be
gambling less in their course
selection this term.
Data from the course evalu-
ation questionnaires distributed
in classes last December should
provide students with a new
guide to literary college cur-
"Hopefully students will be
able to iudge for themselves

general interest were evaluated,
although courses like Math 115,
116, taught by teaching fellows,
and courses in which the pro-
fessor is leaving or the content
is being changed significantly
were omitted.
The evaluation has two parts
-an objective section where
various aspects of a course were
rated from excellent to poor and
a subjective section where stu-
dents could comment.
Each objective course rating

tain course,
enrolled in
what the

what percentage of
concentrators are
that course, and
anticipated grades

and a lot of time" says Karen
Bonwit, also a member of the
evaluation committee. "We've
started, but we need help." she
In addition to student views,
the evaluation includes itate-
ments from instructors in near-
ly half of the courses surveyed.
One copy of the data compiled
from each of these courses will
be available for instructor's use.
"We see ourselves as working
fnr hn+ h.+,,1nf. n- a fnne i-, "


The computer will bind the
results by department, and three
copies of each department's
evaluations will be made. The
committee will put at. least one
of these copies from each de-
partment in the student coun-
seling office.
"We didn't try to put the data


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