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February 11, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-11

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Tuesday, February 11, 1969

Conflict Studies Brown Bags: Series B
Graduate Research Reports and Critiques
0. 1-WED., FEB.12 (12-1:15 P.M.)
SOL JACOBSON-"Jacobson's Iron Law of Social
Policy" (or "Advocate Planning in the Model
Cities Project")
(dissertation design)
113 Winchell Hall, W.Q., 764-7482
heets every Wednesday-Presentations to bt announced








As soon as Michigan's Swim
Coach Gus Stager got off the
plane in Dallas Friday morning,
he was worried.
The temperature was 77 degrees,
later to go as high as 83. It re-
minded him of three years ago,
when a powerful Michigan swim
team came to Dallas with a good
chance of taking the NCAA's.
Those swimmers weA4 also greeted
with summer-like weather,rand
soon forgot that they were in "Big
D" for a swim meet. They only
thought of sun ana fun, and con-
sequently they blew the national
Last Friday wasn't that much
different. The weather was beau-
tiful and Michigan lost to SMU
Stager was somewhat appre-
hensive before the meet, tegrful
of another Dallas fiasco. So that
afternoon, he held a meeting with
his team, reminding them of what
happened three years earlier. He
told his swimners, "When you
get your job done, the one that
you came down here for, then you
can look at the pretty girls. but
not until after."
The team seemed to comprehend
the coach's fears, and slept for a
couple of hours before the meet.
But what they didn't compre-
hend was that SMU was a lot bet-
ter than they looked. Mustang
CoachFRed Barr, also known as
~"The Fox," had done a good job

bettered his top time of the seaand second in the event,, giving
son. SMU some totally unexpected
Stager said after the coi1t'st, points.

"I expected that everyone of them
would be a second and a half fast-
er than they had ever done before.
SMU had shaved down (removed
hair from the arms and legs),
and this always lowers the times.
But some of them swam thre2 sec-
onds faster."
A lot of Wolverines swam faster
than they hadever done before,
too. In fact, the competition was
so fierce, that members of both
teams achieved the fastest tiries
in the nation this ;rear in six
Undoubtedly, the wild cheers
from a partisan crowd also helped
to push the MUstanges to their
record times. There had been signs
all over Dallas telling of the Wol-
verine invasion, and the town re-
sponded with an enthusiastic
capacity crowd of 2,500.

SMU's Coach Barr defended the
scoring after Rydze's outburst, "I
thik the judges were right in pun-
ishing him (Rydze). The boy got
out of place and he had to be put
back in it.
One of the judges did come up
to Rydze after the meet and -aid,
"I'm sorry if you think I was pre-
judiced against you in scoring.
But you have to realize that I am
at home base."
Michigan's Diving Coach D ek
Kimball refused to call the judges'
scoring biased in any way. Kimball
said of victor Pyle, "He didn't miss
one of his dives."
After the low. board, Kimball
talked to Rydze and later recapi-
tulated his advice. "I told him that
even if he thought that the judg-
ing was bad, getting mad won't
do any good. He just has to show


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for the ieet-the main reason
being coach Barr. Stager had
nothing but praise for the Mus-
tang mentor.
"Red Barr is not only a tre-
mendous coach, but one of the
finest gentlemen I've ever raet.
He's so capable of getting his
swimmers "up" for the meet, that
they will do ractically anythina

If a reason had to be found for them that he's better than they
the Michigan loss, it would have think, and hit the rest of his
to be mental mistakes. Wolverine dives."
tankers just "blew their cool" too Rydze heeded his coaches words
many times to leave Dallas with in the three meter board, and
a win. consequently took first by a wide
The first mental lapse came in margin. He dove so well, that upon
the 1000 yard freestyle SMU's Bob announcement of Rydze's victory,
Lamoreaux went out unusually many SMU fans stood up and ap-
fast so he could lose the rest of plaiuded in appreciation of the
the field. His strategy worked, as Wolverine's diving talent.
Michigan's Mike O'Connor gave Unfortunately, the meet was
up after 300 yards. But Lamoreux's just about over at this juncture.
time was only 10:21, which is just Right before, Michigan's Mike
about what O'Connor did ihe week Allen lost the 500 yard freestyle
before. because \he thought that the race
But it was the results of the one was over two laps too sopn. Allen
meter diving which really astound- stopped just a little too long before
ed the Michigan team. realizing that he wasn't done, so
Several Wolverine swimmers that his desperation sprintof the
claimed that the judging whs final fifty yards was in vain.
biased toward SMU, and Michi- Allen was visibly upset after the
gan's own entry in the event, Dick race, because he had blown what
Rydze, blew up at the judges after would have been his best time of.
the third round of dives. But such the year. Ed Bartsh, Michigan's
an outburst could do little to 1965 swim team captain who drove
change the result. down from Oklahoma for the
Mustang divers Scott Pyle and meet, commented, "If Allen hadn't
Cal 1,,oock went on to take first stopped, he would have easily



of sheding his swimmers fromg U him."
any scouting. So neither thej
coaches nor the swimmers had an But during the meet, the SMU
idea who they were going to face swimmers didn't do practically
that night. anything for their coach, they did
Coach Stager knew that South- practicaly everything. Nearly every
ern Methodist would be "high" Mustang swimmer appreciably

-Daily-Jay Caassiy
MICHIGAN DIVER DICK RYDZE performs from the three meter
board in layout position. Rydze- was upset with'the judges scoring
in the one meter board at Southern Methodist University, and
consequently finished last. He controlled his emotions (as above),
in the-three meter board enough to win the event easily.
swum a 4:53, which is fojur sec- l3ut Heidenreich kept his lead,
onds better than he's ever done,' sprinting home ahead of Kinkead.
One other event-the 200 yard The SMU freshman also holds
individual medley-really hurt the the third fastest time in the coun.-
Wolverines. Junior star Gary Kink- try for the -500 yard freestyle. So
ead was touched out by Mustang he wasn't about to die in this 200
freshman sensation Jerry Heiden- yard race, as Kinkead had plan-
reich, because, according to Coach ned.
Stager, Kinkead's breaststroke leg Actually, it was Michigan who
Was much too slow. Kinkead ex- died in Dallas. And' unless the
plained, "I held back a little so I team really makes up its mind to
could blast him in the last length." swim, they could die again.

Power System Division
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Friday, February 14, 1969
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Icers fail to conquer tough Tech team


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By DAVID FAUMAN Huskie defensive ace Brian Watts
Last weekend the Michigan slugged it out in a wild free for
Lat!eked!h all. The game was hard hitting
Icers won the battle and lost two .s
games. In an uninspiring contest, and penalty filled but poor
which. ended in a third period hoey.
brawl, the Wolverines dropped a Saturday afternoon the Icers
4 to 1 decision to Michigan Tech. redeemed themselves in a fine dis-
In a fiercely fought afternoon play of skating and defense. The
clash, the Icers were narrowly de- game was hard Fought and the
feated by the Huskies 3 to 2. Icers kept pace with the Huskies
Commenting on Friday's loss, until the third period. Tech's win-
Coach Al Renfrew said, "Neither ning goal came on a screen shot
team played up to its potential." deflected off of goalie Jim
The ice was somewhat choppy Keough's stick. However Coach
since it had been used during the Renfrew had only the highest
{Michigan Tech Winter Carnival praise for his netminder. "It was
and had not been properly resur- a lucky break. I felt that we could
faced. have beaten them," he com-
The quality of the ice was un- mented.
even and so was the hockey. Mich- Despite a losing record against
igan had hoped to out hustle Tech Michigan Tech, the Icers have an
but the skating was not up to the e
task. The only hustle was in the xcellent chance in the upcoming
fight in the third period. Wolver- WCHA .play-offs. The team is
ine defenseman Tom Marra and practicing hours to finish the sea-

sop ir the peak of mental and
physical condition.
With six games remaining, the
Wolverines must out skate, out
shoot and out hustle their op-
ponents. Morale is high for this
weekend's games in Minnesota.
With a few lucky breaks and
some rough hard playing the Wol-
verines could take some well de-
served revenge in the play-offs.


WCHA Standings

Contact your placement office
to arrange an intervew


W L T Pct.
North Dakota 12 4 0 .754
Denver 13 5 0 .722
Michigan Tech 9 4 1 .692
MICHIGAN 7 7 0 .500
Minnesota 7 7 2 .500
Mich., State 5 6 1 .458
Colorado College 3 11 0 .214
Minn.-Duluth 2 14 0 .125


Mcngan State at Denver
MIichigan Tech at North Dakota JIM KEOUGH


' Ifi

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Graduate Studies is MARCH 15, 1969.



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