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February 11, 1969 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-11

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Tuesday, February U , 1969

TH ICIA DIYTusay e ur i,16





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We're in the market for restless talent.
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Feb. 20, 1969, Bus. School
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College Press Service
The Reserve Officer Train
Corp, commonly called RO'
has come under heavy attE
this school year.
Buildings on at least f o
campuses were bombed or
afire early first semester. S
dent hostility toward the V
and university complicity w
the government manifested
self in growing protests agai
Icampus military training.
The disfavor has beco
more legitimatized as increas
numbers of faculties and adm
istrations launch official;
saults on ROTC, which t h
feel has no place in an acader
Michigan is one of m a
schools looking into ROTC
academic grounds. Here, t
literary college curriculum co
mittee has recommended tl
ROTC credit in the college
reduced from 12 to four hot
although it has been asked
similar si
College Press Service
If it weren't such a bad p
one would be tempted to st
gest that the similarity betwi
the University of California n
and San Francisco State C
lege a couple of months ago
On Nov. 6, the Third Wo
Liberation Front, a newly-for
ed coalition of non-white si
dent groups, began a stud
strike at San Francisco Sta
On Jan. 22, a g r o up oft
same name began a strike
The following U.S. casualty figu
are based on government statisti
They are lower than casualt
claimed by the NLF. The first f
ures cover the war from Jan.
1961, to Jan. 25, 1969.
KILLED: 31,181 (190) "No
combat" deaths: 5042 (no wee
figures) Wounded: 196,8
(1224) Missing, captured: 12
This means:
(and rising)
(Repritned from THE GUARDIA
in the public interest)

under attack across
re-investigate its recommenda- number of schools with manda- Eli
tion. tory programs. .During the last of the
ing Many other schools, however, five years, enrollment has drop- tants
TC, have already acted. ped f r o m 159,849 to 150,92. Colleg
ack The Harvard faculty recently Ninety-five mandatory p r o- paren
voted to withdraw academic grams still exist, but they have ers. A
status from its ROTC program, dropped from 132 in 1964. questi
u r the oldest in the nation. The The Army says the number of In .O
set director of the program said ROTC graduates receiving com- tested
tu- he would recommend to the Pen- - missions has increased and that sity's
war tagon that ROTC be ended at 30 more institutions will have The
'ith Harvard. adopted the training.program by leas a
it- Yale took similar action a 1972. No school h a s dropped Stude
nst week earlier, stripping ROTC of ROTC in the past five years, it versit
academic credit and relegating announced. for re
me it to extra-curricular 'status. But that report cannot mask but ti
ing Dartmouth College the next day the growing dissatisfaction with until,
in- announcedit would limit credit ROTC, examples of which can furthe
as- to only two courses, be seen in the results of a Col- sity
e y Western Maryland College lege Press Service survey. credit
mic said it would no longer require Beginning this year, Johns ROB
students to take ROTC. T h e Hopkins University will not Middl
n y University of Pennsylvania re- count ROTC credit toward de- State,
on cently withdrew ,credit. Cornell grees. Niagara University will chest
h e is expected to take some action not require sophomores to take of Te
im- soon. the courses. igan
hat Furthermore, the Army an- Freshman ROTC enrollment is Barba
be nounced statistics showing a de- down 50 per cent at Catholic setts
urs, cline in ROTC enrollments and University, 25 per cent at the
to a substantial decrease in the University of Iowa. is stil
SF State confrontl
that c
*"* way t
udent disruptions these
In both cases the strike calls white university employes at all 'numb
w e r e followed by students levels from chancellors to jan- But
un, marching through the campus, itors: Bno1o
ug- chanting "On strike, shut it *"admission, financial aid, ROTC
een down,"' disrupting classes a n d and academic, assistance to any liberti
ow battling with police. At S a n Third World student with po- taken
- Francisco State the cycle eco- tential to learn and contribute Nov
is fati n dl nc d ay as assessed by Third World peo- the m
lated until hardly a ,day went pie"'; mandf
'rld by without a battle between stu-
dents and police. ' 1 Third World control over shoul
tu- The violence has also been es- all programs involving non- all. E
ent calating at Berkeley, but it is white people; ,uesti
ate. not yet clear whether it will 0 amnesty for strikers. tary s
the reach the level of San Francisco There are differences between The
at State. the two strikes, however. The contr
The most violent day so far Berkeley administration has so camps;
- was Feb. 4, when several fights far exercised more control over to cor
broke out between strikers and the use of police than did the "TI
res students trying to get through administration at San Fran- Patric
ics. a stationary picket line at the ,cisco State, although that may Monts
ies main campus entrance,. change under Reagan's state of ROTC
ig- Police were called and a ser- emergency. versit
les of confrontations occurred There also seems to be less lectivi
in which 20 persons were arrest- unity among non-white student tary."
ed and several police, strikers groups at Berkeley. Last fall Dav
on- and other students were injur- when NASC called a strike to the a
kly ed. demand that the university sup- Unive
25 Gov. Ronald Reagan may have port the grape boycott, they re- ison,c
56 pushed Berkeley closer to a ceived no support from black the er
crisis the following day when students. (scho
he declared "A state of extreme It is these differences which and i
emergency" on the campus at will determine whether Berkeley The
the request of AlamedaCounty becomes another" San Francisco used
Sheriff Frank Madigan and uni- State. teache
versity President Charles J. <.,---
Hitch in order to make state
highway patrolmen available on J
~N 'tam "law and order." ~e s s a
a continuous basis to help main- 'twin
Strike leaders urged their
followers to exert self-discip- 1 1 *
line in dealing with the police. "'I fl" L 1*1



mination of credit was one
e early demands of mili-
at San Francisco State
ge, but the issue has ap-
tly been drowned by oth-
At Lehigh University, the
on of credit is under study.
ctober, 300 students pro-
i ROTC and the univer-
"military mind."
University of Pittsburgh
also faced this issue. The
nt government at the Uni-
y of Pennsylvania voted
emoval of academic credit,
he president vetoed the bill
the issue could be studied
er. The' St. Louis Univer-
faculty revoked ROTC
in December.
TC is also under attack at
lebury, Middle Tennessee
Ole Miss, Davidson, Ro-
er, Douglas, the University
xas, Clemson Hobart, Mich-
State, California at Santa f
ra, Wisconsin, Massachu-
and others.
about 100 schools, ROTC
1 compulsory. Some Army-
l contracts require that a
in number of cadets be en-
and administrators find
compulsory ROTC is a good
o guarantee the minimum.
.e° first step in reform at
institutions is usually
ng the courses voluntary.
step has been taken by a
er of schools.
tthe big issue this year is
hnger' whether mandatory g
interferes with personal
es. That it does is usually
for granted.
w the question is whether
ilitary training - whether
atory or voluntary -
d carry academic ,credit at
ducators and students are V.
oning the quality of ROTC
es and the control the mi-
has over course content.
third issue in the ROTC
bversy is whether a college
us is an appropriate place
nduct military training.
he time has come," says
ck, Hayes, 'a University of
ana senior, "to confront
C with the fact that a uni-
y is no place for the se-
e teachings of the mill-
vid Goldfarb, a leader of
anti-ROTC 4orces at the ,
rsity of Wisconsin at Mad-
called ROTC "a symbol of
ntire web of control on this
ol) exerted by government
ultimate argument being
against ROTC is that it
es men to make war.
.d to end




Robert P. Flum Geo
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"We don't want a confronta-
tion a n d mass arrests," 'said
Jim Nabors of the Afro-Ameri-
can Student Union.
Although it has been charged
that the strikers are increasing
the violence to try to bring more
police on the campus and thus
build more student support for
the strike, Jim Soliz, a leader of
the Mexican-American Student
Confederation, told a strike
meeting, "The issue is not 'pigs
off campus.' The issue is the de-
The d e m a n d s are similar
to those at San Francisco State.
They include:
*creation of a third world
college, containing departments
of Black, Asian, 'and Mexican-
American Studies.
*recruitment of more non-

Former Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare Wilbur J.
Cohen has urged the federal gov-
ernment to grant financial aid
to school districts which m a k e
"reasonable efforts to elimin te
discriminatory practices but are
in fiscal difficulties."
Cohen, who will become dean
of the University's School of Ed-
ucationi on 'June 1 also said the
government should continue to
impose penalties under the Civil
Rights Act by withholding feder-
al funds to school districts which
refuse to eliminate segregation.
'Cohen's successor, Robert W.
Finch,'created a stir recently when.
he extended the deadline for a
number of southern school d i s-
tricts about to be deprived of fed-

Recruiters will be on campus on
Contact the 4
Placement Office for an appointment.


eral funds for refusing to inte-
Cohen made his comments in a
weekend speech to the alumni
luncheon of the New York Uni-
versity Graduate School of Social
Work. He received the school's
1969 Alumni Achievement Award.
Cohen also said the nation's
"most depressing problem, is rac-
ial inequality and discrimination."
The anti-poverty program of
the Office of Economic Oppor-
tunity "ought to be broadened
and extended," he said. "It has
had about as much impact in re-
ducing poverty in the past three
years as bailing out an ocean liner
with a teaspoon."
Cohen, who left office when
President Nixon was inaugurated,
called for raising social security,
benefits, and "radical changes" In
the welfare system, including na-
tional standards of eligibility of
payments, and an increase of $1-
billion this year in federal educa-
tion aid.

W ! r;,m Fredericks Robert A. Dujmovic lilliam H. Pollock
Univers ty ofjllinois Harvard University



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