Tuesday, February 11, 196% THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pae .Paae i m . ... For Direct Classified Service, Phone Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 764-0557 ,1 rr iir.nriy .nrr.r.r u Y f z LINES I day 2. 1.00 16 .5 30 .5 42 6 3 1.10 2.5 30 4.5 48 5.5 .0 4 1.35 5 1.55 6 1.80 7 2.00 8 2.20 9 2.40 10 2.60 INCHES 1 2.60 7.5 18 2 4.90 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 14.70 2 days 1.60 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.75 4:15 4.55 4.95' 3 dcrys 2.35 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.50 6.10 6:65, 7.15 7.15 13.80 19.75 25.55 31;40 4 days 3.00 4.05 4.05 4.65 6.35 7.20 7.90 9.70 10.30 10.30 17.85 25.50 33.45 41.40 5 days 3.65 4.85 5.90 6.90 7.85 , 8.85 9.75 10.65 11.35 11.35 21.75 31.15 40.95 51.15 6 days 4.20 5.65 6.90 8.05 9.25 10.40 11.45 12.60 13.30 13.30 25.40 3665 48.30 60.50 odd. .60 1.80 .95 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 FOR RENT SUBLET. Three girls need a fourth to complete beautifully furnished four- man apartment. Close to campus & hosp. 813 Kingsley, B-4. 662-0169. C20 1 or 2 GIRLS NEEDED for mod. bi- level apt., dishwasher, 2 air conds. rent negotiable, 1700 Geddes, 769: 2083. C41 -FALL 1969 DAHLMANN APARTMENTS is now accepting applications for our best furnished apartments. Inquiries may be made at 545 Church. 9-5 weekdays or by calling 761-7600. C31 SAVE AN HOUR A DAY. Rent a GIE portable dishwasher, only $11 per month. Immed. deliv. Phone 663- 1761 or 761-2827, eves. C30 4.95 9.50 13.50 17.35 21.10 Additional costs per day after six days. Ads that are 1'A, 21/2, 31, etc. inch size will be billed at the average of the lower and higher inch rote. ROOM SUBLET - Cheap, now thru April, handy location, kitchen facili- ties, peace. 769-4627, 6-8 p.m. C13 FURNISHED HOUSE-Campus location. 3 bedrooms, May 1 - April 30, 1970. Girls only. Phone 663-5098. eves. C14 I ROOM FOR College Girl in exchange for babysitting nights, 11 p.m.-7 a.m. while mother works. Call after 6 p.m., 971-1770. 012 MALE GRAD WANTED to share spa- clous apartment some distance from campus. Heated garage. No lease. $70/mo. Avail. March 1. Call Pete after 5. 663-8916. 015 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED." Grad student or career girl. Lg. 2-man apt., private bdrm., avail. March 1. $100 ea. Phone Lucy 663-9712 after 6 p.m. 016 711 ARCH Modern Apts. on campus with dish- washer, balcony, parking, 1-2-3 bdrm. apts. for Fall, competitively priced. Call 663-5284. C46 MALE ROOMMATE $62/mo. 723 E. ingsley. 663-9373;; evenings 665-0063. C31 Spacious modern 4-man 2-bedroom furnished apartments with 0 wall to wall carpeting 0 air-conditioning * separate modern kitchen * laundry, parking, & storage 0 excellent hospital and campus location $60-$65/man includes heat and water. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT INC. 337 E. Huron 662-7787 C2 ROOMMATE WANTED for luxurious 4- man next to Mudbowl. Call 769-3918, 769-0247. C22 1964 CHEVY, manual, good tires, new battery. $500. 761-2192. N28 TR '64, completely recond., white, con- vert., $900. 761-9425 after 6. N24 1961 PLYMOUTH auto. trans. $200 or best offer. Cal 769-0387 after 6 p.m. N16 BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING expertly done at home on elec, typewriter-Manuscripts, thesis, papers etc., reason. rates, references. 761-3139. J29 COED FROM INDIA, 2 years experience in child psychology, coming to U. of M. for specialization in casework me- thod, would like to live with Ameri- can family and take care of their children in return for roam and board. References available. Write Box 81, Commerce West, University of Illinois, Urbana, 61801. J28 COMPLETE FURNITURE SERVICE Call 668-6200 RENDEL'S UPHOLSTERING over 35 years. Jis STENCILS, theses,-term papers, typed in 'my home. 769-5441. J24 XEROX MACHINE, 2400 series with sorter to use. 1st ten copies 7c a page, every other copy reduced frac- tion thereof. Contact Mrs. Eileen Pope, ICF 109 E. Madison, 761-1600. J23 PROFESSIONAL TYPISTS: term pa- pers, dissertations, business corre- spondence. Call 434-1121 after 12 TYPING Term papers-theses-dissertations. UNIVERSITY TYPING SERVICE 434-3356, Mon.-Fri., 10 A.M.-6 P.M.. 17 HELP WANTED COLLEGE MEN! We need mature young men to work part-time interviewing single working girls. Ex. pay, car nec. Call 761-8014 or 761-8015. H8 FRATERNITY MEAL jobs. Lunch and dinner. 761-2330. Ask for the steward. H4j SALAD BOY or cook's helper at sor- ority house. NO 8-6543. H7 PART-TIME JOB 3 evenings and Sat- urday $2.50 taking segmented cen- sus. Must have car. Write the Daily, Box No. 17. H3 GIRLS have fun making money. Dem- onstrate Holiday Magic cosmetics. Work on commission with a small investment. Call 429-4768 between 9 and 5. H49 IDEAL POSITION for mature student' in night school. Care for 2 yr. old and 4 m. old children, 8-5:30 week- days. Starting mid-March. Good sal- ary and live-in if desired. 971-2615. Hi COLLEGE STUDENTS earn $100-$250 or more per month selling successful line of home care products 2-4 hrs. per day, Call 663-7665. H2 FULL TIME PART-TIME male help. Two nights and one Sat. per week, $62.50. Must be 21, bondable, neat in appearance. Call. 761-6606. H26 FULL TIME OPENING with Society Corp. thru Sept. only. Car needed, limited travel no selling, $150 weekly plus incentive. Write c/o DAILY, Box 13. F41 OPPORTUNITY for part-time cook, eve- nings 4-6. 5 nights a week at Adoles- cent residential home. 764-6108 662- 0289, or 663-5522. -H32 COLLEGE MEN: Earn $40-$50 a wk. parttime. Div. of ALCOA. 662-9726. H9 PETS AND SUPPLIES PUPPIES-6 wks. old. Mostly cocker span. 665-6844. T44 FREE KITTEN, February-April trained and adorable. 761-8469. Call between 7 and 9 p.m. T43 PERSONAL EARRINGS for your ears! Made to order. Most $2. Call 662-3912 or 764- 2704. FD AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU USE THE PILL? Don't you wish everyone could? Some people need help - medical, financial, informational-in planning for themselves their family size. Help us help them. If you need help, drop by PARENTHOOD, near the P-Bell. Friends of Plannedi Parenthood Bucket Drive Feb. 20-21 Call Andy Feeney, 761-6683 F25 YOU'LL SWEAT your tensions right out your toes-sauna at the AA Gym- khana 662-9200, 1-10. F46 CAMP MISHAWAKA Grand Rapids, Minnesota TWO SUMMER CAMPS IN THE NORTH WOODS FOR BOYS-60th SEASON FOR GIRLS-7th SEASON Quality camps with balanced pro- grams of water and land sports and other activities. Horseback riding for girls. Mature and experienced coun- selors. 8-week session $700; 4-week session $400. Call 761-1386. F47 BY POPULAR DEMAND our buffet will serve 7 days a week. All you can eat $1.50, noon till 8 p.m. Whistle Stop, 611 S. Forest, 662-2270. P48 CATERING, reasonable prices. Whistle Stop 662-2270. P49 HI WORLD and attention all PROCOL HARUM freaks. There will be a great big party at the GRANDE on the weekend of Feb. 14, 15, 16. Come straight or come stoned, BUT COME! FF URGENT! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Bucket Drive to support PLANNED PARENTHOOD About 80 percent of the money will be used here-Ann Arbor--some of it to help Students. About 20 percent goes to Planned Parenthood-World Population. HELP! Friends of Planned Parenthood Bucket Drive, Feb. 20-21 Andy Feeney-761-6683 F26 MALE WANTED to share brand-new 2-bedroom furn. apt. Many extras. Immediate occupancy. 761-3998. (Eve- nings, 761-5408). FD BE THE FIRST GUY on your block to be pinned by a Phi Ep next year. FA SAVE AN HOUR A DAY. Rent a new GE portable dishwasher only $11 per month. Immediate delivery. Phone 663-1761 or 761-2827 eves. Flo TV RENTALS $10.00 per month. FREE service and delivery. Call NEJAC TV Rentals, 662-5671 today. F39 THE WHISTLE STOP, 611 S. Forest, the mini-delicatessen, features hot corn beef_ pastrami sandwiches-89c; roast beef-69c; kosher hot dogs-35c. Opent7 days a week, 10 a.m. to mid- night. P22 PLAY THE STOCK MARKET GAME. No risk-Big cash prizes for success- ful players. For info, send name and address to: HED Assoc. P.O. Box 240 Cambridge, Mass. 02139 F21 GRAD interested in films, theater, and the great outdoors would like to meet attractive companionable grad girl. Dave, 662-7347, b. 11 a.m. o a. 10 p.m. F49 THIS IS NO JOKE! Save $75-500 the day you buy her diamond unless you don't care how excessive, the cost. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. F29 I NTERPERSONAL DATING SERVICE Meet someone you're compatible with! For information send a postcard w. your name and address to: I.D.S. P.O. Box 2137 AA, Mich. 48104 F20 WE HAVE MORE! A new shipment has just arrived. Now you can keep cold pop and snacks right in your room. Rent a compact refrigerator (20x17x8) for only $7/mo. Call betw. 6 and 9 p.m. 769-3166 or 665-2245, Mini-Kool Sales Co. P45 WILL EXCHANGE my 2 tickets for PTP's "Black Comedy" on Thurs., Feb. 20 for your Wed. nite tickets. Call Dave at 769-3566 between 6 and 7 or 769-6774 after 11 p.m. FC U-M DROPOUT seeks coed with com- parable education. Any age, race creed, color, nationality, income bra- cket or blood type is acceptable. Pre- fer amorphous personality. Call, say hello recite the "pledge to the flag" or read off your ID number. Larry, 761-2235. FD PERSONAL SAUNA? Ask about our private rooms. AA Gymkhana, 662-9200. 1-10 p.m. F34 WE TYPE and duplicate term papers, thesis, etc. We also take dictation for conferences. Now's the time, call us soon, 665-3767. 3 STUDENT: male or female, rm. & bd. in exchange for Mon., Wed. & Fri. mornings babysitting and three eves/ wk. 665-6646. E24 I FOR SALE: Electric rock organ. Nearly new. 25% off. Time payments ok, call 769-4714 anytime. X2 VO1CE OF MUSIC Deluxe portable stereo, ex. cond. superb performance. $210 new. Must sell. 761-7794. X49 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 10 aan.-7 p.m. Custom and personally made instruments, electric, acoustic. 209 S. State. 665-8001. X CONRAD bass guitar, fine cond., $60. Mich. flute, $50. Also fine cond. 665- 9649. X35 F39 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh nega- tive Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed. 1-7 (18-21 years olds need par- ent's permission. 483-1894 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti Michigan Community Blood Center F SKI ASPEN OR VAIL. Need roommates for a week, March 1-8. Fly or drive, if someone has a car. Call 764-5059 6-8 p.m. F1 WAKE-UP SERVICE-Have your phone1 ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. 665-8871 (24 hours) 'F GUITAR and BANJO Lessons. Lower price than that of Ann Arbor stores. Call Bob Miller at 764-0600. FF AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU USE THE PILL? Don't you wish everyone Gould? Some people need help-medical, fi- nancial ,informational-in -,planning for themselves their family size. Help us help them. If you need help, drop by PARENTHOOD, near the P-Bell. Friends of Planned Parenthood Bucket Drive Feb. 20-21 Call Andy Feeney, 761-6683 P25 DISENCHANTED Scientology students please contact Mrs. Boor, 2097 Wood- hill, Northville, Mich. 48167. F42 ATTENTION ALL FRESHMAN WOMEN Keep your eye on Phi Epsilon Pi, Michigan's first co-ed fraternity. Open Houses soon, All invited. P43 REWARD-Lost wallet Sat. night Cine- ma II. Please-at least the ID. 764- 8648. A17 REWARD, no questions asked. For watch lost at party last Friday night. Call 769-4786. A12 $5 REWARD - Gold watch - ring, Lost near Packard/Division. Call Karen 769-2748. A13 FOUND-Wedding ring outside Mich. League. Tues., Jan. 28. 769-3397. A The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- .,an Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- ,rimination in the University com- rmunity. Questions should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing, 764-7400. WANTED TO BUY MUST HAVE 6 TICKETS to Carmen in pairs or block. Call 769-0265 after 6 p.m. K17 FOR SALE LONG BLACK FORMAL, new size 12. Call 764-7913. BA CHARTER FLIGHT one-way, London- Det. June 24. $99. Call Cathy, 761- 6338. B18 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, 1965 edition in perf. cond. Complete w/ World Atlas, 2 Vol. Funk & Wagnall's World Lang. Dict. Yearly Almanacs, Reference service and wooden book- case. Must sacrifice. Call 769-2228 af- ter 4 p.m. B15 FOR SALE - Typewriter, small port. Royal. fine cond. $25. 665-9649. B31 FOR SALE: Two 8.85-14 tires.. Excellent condition. $25 each. Call 761-4450. B TON-Sailor fiber glass skis with bind- ings. $200 value, $115. Murray Yoffee, 665-5704. 314 FOR SALE: electric rock organ, nearly new. 25% off. Time payments o.k., call 769-4714 anytime. B19 6'9" NORTHLAND Metal Skis and bind- ing, size 9% boots. $75 or best offer. 977-0531. B32 BIKES AND SCOOTERS CHARY MACHINE '66 YAMAHA 250cc YDS-3, 761-5491. J. Fongers. Z42 HONDA, '66. 160 cc. Excellent condi- tion. First $350 takes all. Call 271- 1976. Z41 1969 CB 450. $772. Other pre-season bargains. Honda of Ann Arbor. 3000 Packard at Platt, 971-4500. Z39 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Female companion to travel to Europe thissummer6-8 weeks. ,11 Laurie, 761-3119. M 2 1325 S. University-665-8825 GRAD STUDENT needs roommate for 1g. 1 bdrm. apt. Call 761-2145. C11 1 FEMALE NEEDED immed. occup. to share room in furnished house. 712 S. Division. Rent . $47.50/mo. plus utilities,' no lease. Call 761-2914 eves. C46 SINGLE MALE GRAD - student would like single eff. or 1 bdrm. pref. ,w. fireplace. Call Ed 662-5740. C25 5 MAN BI-LEVELS FALL OCCUPANCY New, 3 bedroom, furnished units. State and Packard area, $60 per person, 761-6916, r- C32 THOMAS PLAZA State at Packard-Modern 3 and 4-man apts. with built-in studies, balcony, covered parking, ideally located. Call now for Fall reservations, 769-4759. . C45 "Safety belts? Not if I'm just going down to the supermarket." --Kathleen Farrell (1943.1968) "Safety belts? They just make me nervous. Besides, they wrinkle your clothes." -Louis Claypool (1931-1968) "Who can ever remember to use the darned things?" --Gordon Fenton (1921.1968) What's your excuse? Kt I CAMPUS AREA. Apartments from May 1-Aug. 20. Efficiency, one bdrm. and two bdrm. $75-$180. For more info. call Patrick J. Poulte, Inc. Call bet. 10-3. 665-9405. 013 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE for Fall. Efficiency, one bdrm., and two bdrm. Rentals reasonable. For more info. Scall, Patrick J. Poulte, Inc. ,Call bet. 10-3. 665-9405. C14 SINGLE ROOM for man.. Clean, quiet, warm. No cooking. 723 Packard near State. C45 DIRECTLY ON CAMPUS FALL OR. SUMMER + NEW-MODERN--LARGE 1 bdrm. 2 and 3 man 2 bdrm. 3, 4, & 5 man For information Call Nd 8-6906 A12 BARGAIN CORNER EFFICIENCY furn. apt., near campus, avail. March 1. Eves. 663-0122. C8 GIRL WANTED for two-man the rest of term. No lease, own bedroom. Call Sue at dinnertime, 769-1647. C9 COUPLE WANTED-To share 2 bdrm. furn. apt. w/illicit couple. Apri.- Aug. $110/mo., air cond., parking. 769-4023. C7 WANTED-independent communicative girl to share apt. this summer. 764- 4066. C2 BEAUTIFUL THREE-BEDROOM three-dog farmhouse needs one more person. Have your own bedroom for fifty dollars per month. Call 663-1724 after 4 p.m. C50 SUMMER SUBLET-one or two stu- dents needed for 5-man apt.-near campus. $46/mo. Call Bryce, 665-2757. C49 IF YOU OWN a Cadillac and a VW you will be well satisfied with our apts. We give a parking space and one-half! SUMMIT ASSOC IATES Fall reservations at: 761-8055. Cl SINGLE ROOM for man in back of Rackham Bldg. $55/mo. Inquire 917 E. Huron, Apt. No. 1 after 5 p.m. C48 APARTMENT FOR SUBLET available February 26. Three bedroom, fully' furnished, $200/month, utilities in- cluded. No damage deposit. Call 665- 9660. CA ROOMMATE WANTED for 4-man. Feb. 1-Apr. 30. 761-3198. C50 ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED APART- MENTS, campus location. 1-2-3 bed- rooms for August 1969 occupancy. Call 769-1258 or 663-6052. 036 GARAGES FOR REN. 723 Packard, near State. C44 LARGE 2 BDRM. apt. in 2 family house within mile of campus avail. Feb. 1. Prefer grad couple. Rent reas. Call 761-6599 after 4 p.m. C2 2 FEMALE HOUSEMATES needed im- med. occup. of 3-bdrm. furn. hse. 712 S. Division, rent $47.50/mo, plus util. no lease. Call 761-2914 eves. C46 COUPLES grad students and stdnt. families like the quiet I and 2 bdrm furnished1 apts. at Sans Souci Apts. Main St. near stadium dishwashers, disposals, laundry, large storage closets, rea-2 sonable rents. 761-2265. C39 484-1868 Open daily and Sunday from noon till 8, Saturday, noon till 5, closed Thursday. For further information call FCH Services, Inc. 483-7562 C45 SENIORS,'grad, vet., Fall., furn., large. deluxe, 2 bdrm., close to campus pking, quiet. Up to 4 persons. 927 S. Forest. 761-8449, after 5, 662- 615. C15 WANTED-Fem. sr. or grad .for mod- ern bilevel apt. Jan.-Apr. Rent neg Call 769-3250.C4 ROOMMATES WANTED call Summit Assoc. 761-8055 C22 SEND A VALENTINE to Arthur. This is for reall Please join the cause, write Box 15, Michigan Daily. FB CRUISE ALONG the shores of the Aegean on a private 87' sailing yacht. Now organizing 7 and 14 day cruises (group of 14-16 persons). Ridiculously low prices. For further information contact George Mylonas, P.O. Box 75, AA, 48107 or call 665- 7479 after 5 p.m. WORLD FAIR Feb. 7-8. Michigan Union. F6 LEICA M3 with Summicron 50mm f2 lens, both in beautiful like-new con- dition, including leather case and lenshood for only $300. Call 764- 6605. DA YOUR ONLY CHANCE to own Nikon quality equipment at the fantastical- ly low price of , $225, for Nikon S2 rangefinder camera body plus Nikkor 50mm fl.4 lens plus Nikkor 105mm f2.5 lens plus leather, camera and lens cases, all in mint condition. Call 764-6605. DA ® a GWHydoes a lookperfect a...:..d evermonth? is a band 761-1733 F37 Free same day delivery and service New 19" portables c18 3RD FEMALE RM.-MATE needed. Con- venient location, 2 bdrms., modern nicely furnished. Professional or grad student. 761-2059. 07 ROOMMATE for 2 bdrm., 3-man apt. Rent negotiable. Fantastic, friendly apt. bldg. 769-3624. C28 4TH MAN WANTED for 2nd sem. in attractive apt. Rent neg. 665-7680. C7 WANTED TO RENT UNFURN. (or furn.) 2-bdrm. apt. for 2 for next school year. Call 769-4520 or 663-0149. L36 WANTED FOR AUGUST OCCUPANCY: Single apt. in house own kitchen and bath, campus location. 764-5819. L35 USED CARS 1960 VOLVO, $200 or best offer. 761- 4712, or 761-6245. N36 " i I Super Slims . . Pre-Shrunk Dungarees ..... . Now Levi Denims for Gals ...... . LEVI'S STA PREST: "White" Levi's . . (5 Colors) Nuvo Hopsack 'Stitches" ...... S-T-R-E-T-C-H .... "White" Levi's .. . (5 Colors) $6.50 $6.00 $6.98, $8.00 $6.98 $6.98 $4.98 1946 WILLYS Jeep. Must sell. Make offer now. 665-9665. N35 VW BUG, 1961. Rebuilt engine 1967. Throwaway price. 761-1604. N32 AUSTIN-HEALEY, 1956, 100-4, engine and transmission excellent, needs paint and interior work. No rust.- 763-2396 days, or 761-2376 eves. N33 PUPPIES-6 wks. old. Mostly Cocker Span. 665-6844. T44 MG MIDGET 1966, good running cond. $950. 663-3978. N31 ' jl -,I moml It has nothing to do with k: calories. It's a special:.'.: female weight gain... caused by tem~porary water-weight build-up. Oh, you know...that uncomfortable full feeling that sneaks up on you the week before your menstrual period. This fluid retention not only plays havoc with your looks but how you feel as well. (It puts pressure on delicate nerves and tissues, which can lead 'U BELL BOTTOM LEVI'S I L.%At AI C-tl E Vi M~ LAWYER'S CLUB BOARD OF RADICAL CAUCUS I I M IR-w- - - - w w -w-m - W p- 0n-1 i