I {SUNDAY MORNING See editorial page 41 i'gunt ~4IaltjF BITING fllgh--26 Low--l6 Cloudy and colder; possible light snow Vol LXXIX, No. 110 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 9, 1969 Ten Cents anguage laboratorylaguedbyecay By JOHN IGNOFFO by techncal and institutional difficulties. continuously, and if a student misses some- The crowding has been somewhat al- mittee, admits The University's language laboratory, First the University was forced to go to thing, he must wait till the entire tape is leviated by small labs in Markeley Hall and to just who is r once one of the most advanced in the court because of conflicts over the main- played again. South Quad, but the crowding still persists. kind of a kno country, is starving for funds and falling tenance contract. For two years the equip- Peter Hagiwara, director of the elemen- Lab use fluctuates with the seasons how- While the pr into decay and disuse. ment went unrepared, until University tary French program, is a strong advocate ever. While almost 95 per cent of the lan- versity is suffe "Most of the time spent in the laboratory personnel began servicing the lab itself of lab work, but criticizes the present guage students attend lab in September, of the new i is a complete waste," says Donald Dugas of Even with the present servicing, fre- system. almost none come by April according to Planning bega the French department. "The facilities of quent breakdowns (incapacitating up to "In theory, the lab is an Integral part E. M. Hamson, lab director, first scheduled this lab make it a fraud." 15 per cent of the lab at once), delays in of elementary instruction," he says. The ing became e "A good high school would not accept receiving tapes, and crowded, uncom- lab should allow the student to proceed at Another nsoblem of the present lab has Ig ame this lab for itself," declares Prof. Jean fortable conditions plague students trying his own pace, monitored by someone who been the confusion over its place in the fight againstch a Carduner; also of the French department. to put in their required time. can advise him on his phonetic mistakes. literary college. i "We don't really have what you could call a And since the University plans to replace "The existing lab," says Hagiwara, Inexplicably, the lab was first placed language laboratory." the lab when the new modern language "serves only part of these needs." under the linguistics department, which The Univers The Mason Hall language lab, well- lab is finally built, LSA officials are re- In addition to faults with the lab s-v- had less contact with it in practice than in circuit cour known to all who must take elementary luctant to sink any money into temporarily ten itself, failure to enlarge the facilities many other departments. tion time wa language courses, began as one of the most improving it. to accommodate the increased usage has The lab is now funded directly through Now, while1 A TUDENT improvises with a tape progressive systems in the nation when Many critics say the lab ought to have resulted in serious overcrowdin. This lab the dean's office, while a language labora- few months, c recorder 'in the outdated language lab. first installed in 1949. facilities which would allow students to was built for the needs of the elementary tory committee of the college oversees its construction w Recorders, much needed, are in limited But since the present equipment was record and listen to themselves, and start language classes of eight years ago. with operations. years, accordi supply. installed in 1960, the lab has been plagued and stop the tapes at will. Now they run enrollment amost half what it is now. Hamson, who is chairman of the com- rector of plant Ten Pages isuse there is some confusion as 'esponsible for the lab. "It is tty problem," he says. 'esent lab is dying, the Uni- ring delays in construction modern language building. n in 1962 and completion was for last fall. But the build- nbroiled in the University's the legislature's Public Act uthorizes State agencies to sity construction. ity challenged the law, lost t-and meanwhile, construc- lost. bids will be let in the next ontracting details and actual 'ill take at least another two ig to James Brinkerhoff, di- expansion. I UNION WORKSHOPS TONIGHT: Law school sets Circus of to explore Education reforms summer session for poor blacks By LARRY EISENBERG panel discussion, followed by more Education in the form of a workshops, from 7 p.m. on. circus may be closer to reality The speakers in the panel dis- than you think. cussion will include Carl Oglesby, Tle performers tonight are the former national officer of Stu- students who come. dents for a Democratic Society "You can't predict at this point and Radical-in-Residence at An- what the circus is going to be tioch last year, and Michael Ross- Tike. It's up to the individuals who I man, a leader of the 1964 Free are participating," says Gayle Speech Movement at Berkeley and Rubin, organizer of the Circus of an organizer of the San Francisco Education. State Experimental College. The circus will be a combina- The two other speakers are from3 James Robertson, director of the Residential College, and Daily , Editor Mark Levin. Both educational and institu- tional aspects of the Universityj are dealt with by the workshops, from sex and authoritarianism in the classroom to racism in the university, from a liberal re-eval- uation of how the university can be changed to radical critiques of the university as it now exists. By ELIZA PATTERSON The law faculty extended its special admissions program for black students to allow disadvantaged blacks to enter the school during the summer term, lowering their course load for the first three semesters. The proposal, presented by the law faculty's special ad- missions committee at the faculty's Friday meeting, came in response to complaints by the Black Law Students Alliance (BLSA). According to David Glenn, chairman of BLSA, "black students are admitted on lower standards and then are ex- pected to maintain the same standards as the often more jqualified white students." i "~,_.,is . Y,.. , ,r ., . .r ... tion !of workshops ~followed by wa!theUniversity - Associate Dean' "xuality has a definite effect on learning in the classroom," says Marty Heilweil, director of D emocrats establish the "sex in the classroom" work- party reform groups WASHINGTON UP) - Two Democratic party committees which will consider changes in the party's structure were named yesterday by National Chairman Fred R. Harris. The committees are dominated by reform advocates. One committee, headed by Sen. George McGovern (D- N.D.), will attempt to carry out the 1968 convention's man-; date to alter delegate selection procedures for 1972. A second commission, whose chairman will be Rep. James G. O'Hara of Michigan, will study party rules, including those for the convention and all of its committees. S - - -Harris appealed to the Repub- "For example, a student who is sexually attracted to her teacher j may work harder. I want to get students to examine the affect of sex on their education," he says. "Awareness of sexuality need not be repressed," he adds. In a different mode altogether. Prof. John Weeks of Wayne State University will lead a group dis- cussingconflict of interest in the: university. A workshop with a similar theme is "authoritarian classroom , games," which will look into the relationship between the teacher and the student in the classroom. "We will attempt to show how i Friday's meeting wvas described by Glenn as "quite heated at times." The faculty denied the stu- dents' request to discuss several other grievances of the -BLSA. Last September the BLSA pre- sented the faculty with a list of nine grievances including a request for the hiring of, black faculty and black staff members. There are presently no blacks on the law faculty. Prof. Douglas Kahn, a member of the special admissions commit- tee, said yesterday that the fac- ulty "never had any intention bot to have black staff but that tey were very difficult to find." Glenn said that on this demand the fac- ulty's response has been to re- quire the black students t h,3m- selves to find qualified black pro- fessors. Another demand still under consideration by the faculty is the adoption of a rating scale that lack trib)i ttC Co'lumbia pardons- protesters From Wire Service Reports A Columbia University commit- tee has dropped all punishments and charges brought against stu- dents who participated in l a st spring's demonstrations. The Joint Committee on Dis- ciplinary Affairs, a tripartite body of students, faculty, and adinin istrators, said the decision was made because of "inconsistent punishment and delay in proces- sing case'I The ruing will affect 74 stu- dents on disciplinary probation, 60 on "suspended sentences" of pro- bation, 54 under censure, and 16 who have been suspended. Stu- dents now on suspension may ap- fnr al ii fnr rha Students. hold siege at Chicago CHICAGO - Over 125 Univer- sity of Chicago students remained barricaded in the school's admin- istration building last night des-1 pite rumors that police would soon be called in to make arrests. The students, who are demand- ing an equal voice in the hiring and firing of faculty members, have been sitting-in since Jan- uary 30. Students hive locked or bar- * ricaded all doors to the building, allowing only participating pro- testers ito enter. licans to join the reform effort, the teacher undercuts and ob-; which will require changes in scures critical points made by thej many state laws. student that threaten his legiti-} Harris said in announcing the macy and atuhority in the class- 27-member commissions that he room," explains the leader, Ar- had consulted with top party nie Bauchner. leaders, such as former V i c e On the more institutional level. President Hubert H. Humphrey Carol Hollenshead will 'lead -a and Sens. Edward M. Kennedy, I group on white racism and racism Eugene J. McCarthy and Edmund! in curricula . SBut in response to uestions "This is especially good for al-' Butin espnseto uesion, jlowing white students to exploi'e he said he had not talked direct-'their ow n attitudes and stereo- ly with such powerful party mem- ,types about blacks," says Carol bers as Mayors Richard J. Daley ' Hollenshead. of Chicago, James H. J. Tate ofH s Philadelphia and Joseph M. Barr . The group also will explore the1 of Pittsburgh. integration of Afro-American stu-' Named to the McGovern group ,dies with general curricula. was Sen. Harold E. Hughes of "The University should educate Iowa and two other members of all white students," says Miss Hol-, a special commission whose lenshead, "especially those who broad-ranging recommendations would never consider taking a last summer formed the basis for course in Afro-American studies the new effort. on the problems of racism." McGovern said he plans to name The circus may also serve as a South Carolina State College students marched on campus yesterday, in tribute for three young blacks who were slain one year ago on campus. TENANTS' UNION:, Rent sti'ke nearsogoal By JUDY SARASOIIN Despite the doubts of skeptics' and the threats of irate landlords, the rent strike and the Ann Arbor, Tenants' Union aie becoming realities. With a goal set for 2.000 pledges to withhold rent before the strike can begin, the rent strike Steer- ing Committee says it has collect- ed over 1300. The committee ex- pects to have the full 2,000 by Feb. 15, the scheduled starting time. In addition, over 1,000 dorm residents have pledged to refuse' ! ',7 more women and freshmen, freed recently from dorm living, will WOUa De COI1dm MCWL1aiii However. Katz said the new'law schools. At Yale and Harvard committee might want to use the only one per cent of the grades I University officials have at- Hughes as chairman of a sub- vehicle for positive action. Repre- to sign apartment leases until af- tempted to hold emergency dis- committee and told the news con- ,entatives of the planned L S A ter April 30, according to Ron ciplinary hearings for the p a s t ference the Hughes recommenda- student union hope to find people Lafferty, '71, of the steering com-: two days but students have dis- tions will serve as the starting there willing to work and organize , mittee. The Tenants' Union claims rupted the hearings on both days. point for the commission's work., for the union. this will help assure that sopho- FLEMING APPROVES COMMITTEE Afro-American center considered not flood the housing market and present strike coordinators as a are below C, compared to Michi- ply zorUaamiL .LU1 undercut the strike. consultant group since they have gan's 10 per cent, according to semester which bega The rent strike has found a acquired a good amount of knowl- Glenn. nesday. wide range of support on campus. edge concerning the Ann Arbor Cases. against 200 ,_____________ dents which have not It has al'eady been endorsed by housing situation.d d Student Government Council, In other action at the meeting A CORRECTIO However, the ruling Graduate Assembly, Social Work yesterday, the rent strike steering'feet the punishment Students' Union, Engin Council, committee passed a motion that AN APOLOGY to students who pa Young Lawyers Guild, Black Law all members of the committee who The Daily incorrectly report- the September /regi Student Alliance, Law Students have leases with landlords will! ed in yesterday's issue that monstrations. Civil Rights Research Council, participate in the strike whether Another implicati Northwood Terrace Association, or not their hdlords are mem- Johns Hopkins Prof. D a v i d Ang'e impnscati or nt teirlrdlods re em-Donald had accepted the Bent- spring's demonstratic New University Conference, Cit- be's of the Ann Arbor Property n light yesterday whe izens for New Politics, Alice Lloyd Maages' Association the target Endowed Professorshp in College Admissions House Council, and Bursley Hall of the strike Hory. Wellington announc Council. The proposal on the structure cision , The Daily regrets any cent decrease in app At present, active workers in the Only 3,000 appli strike include the steering com of the Tenants' Union will be pre. inconvenince terof tl o ma been received by We mittee members, over 150 organ- sented for debate at a mass meet- h fice as compared wi izers, and some 1300 strikers. ing of strikers Tuesday. year. Each organizer is responsible for -- recruiting strikers, and represent- ing them before the steering com- Stieswill eventually be or- I t le t a 'su e t l s ganized into a union with locals" and elected representatives.AtT At a steering committtee meet- ing yesterday, David Shapiro, Grad, proposed organizing the By JIM BEATTIE changes as the presentation pro- that students most w union into locals of 10-20 tenants uU gresses and the students seem to each. Each local would elect a Students at the University realize their 'own ignorance. r the rt representative to a general as-: evidently don't know as much Alhuhnoesem wiig Roth and the othert selywhichnturngenuelectabout sex as they would like to A ugh no one s s w g the program simply Sthink they dothsessiontions from the audi members to a Tenants' Union thnhe o opens, the question and answer fcdbt ie r steering committee, which would Although most students consider period at the end of a presenta- ced onl oe s act as an administrative board. themselves knowledgable and ob- tion often runs well over an hour. diences of only one s . that the make-up of If tenants wish to bargain with jective about sex, their giggling To get things started, Roth probably Influences their landlords, half of the nego- and whispering at the sex ed- usually does most of the talking,'rablmentuents tiators would come from the gen- ucation sessions presented by the beginning with a lecture on the rassment students fh eral assembly. and half from the Student American Medical Asso- anatomy of the sex organs. questions. He says hn r Le current n last WeA- 0other' stu- yet been ad- be dropped. does not af- s "meted out rticipated in stration de- on of last ons came to en Columbia Director' John ed a 21 per lications. cations have llington's of- th 3,800 last By RICK'PERLOFF The idea for a center for Af- ro-American studies is being advocated b$' the Black Student Union, and tba University last week approve- a proposal from the union for the establishment of a committee to look into the creation of such a center. The first vague ideas about the form and of purpose of the center are slowly being.crystal- lized, but its actual creation is been chosen and representatives from the faculty and adminis- tration will be selected later this week. The committee, which will hold its first meeting this week, is expected to submit a report to Fleming sometime in spring. "The Institute of Social Re- search has done a number of studies in the response of black families to the riots of the past year," says Brendon Hudson, '69. a member of the committee. " 4 na m .,1,1 141roin -PP handling the Afro-American concentration program. The center would be respon- sible for the granting of grad- uate and undergraduate degrees in Afro-American studies. "We're interested in expand]- ing the facilities of the black studies program," says Ron Thompson, '69, president of the Black Student Union and a member of the committee. "One of the reasons we are vrv nnArnoi ahn+t otina Hudson would like to recruit to work with the center either in a research or teaching capacity. Cruse, who teaches a history honors seminar, is the author of the widely-read "The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual." "If we can find 10 other Har- old Cruses in the country we'd be very happy," one committee member says. The center's community serv- ice function is not clearly de- finer at nresent. ant to know.' the sessions, volunteers for answer ques- ence. Having oups and au- ex, Roth feels the audience the embar- eel at asking ae is not sure p hest creates