See editorial page
I )
Light snow
ending by evening
Vol. LXXIX, No. 109
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 8, 1969
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Overenrolimen t:
win some,
There's a touch of Las Vegas
in the Student Activities Building.
The admissions office in 1220
SAB has become the headquart-
ers for the University's own .ver-
sion of the numbers game. While
administrators and faculty a r e
estimating how many students the
literary college can accommodate,
the admissions office is busy
gambling on how many students
will accept admission from t h e
14 000 applications received for
3,100 available positions.
And if anybody gambles wrong,
the University ends up with t o o
many students and not enough
funds and facilities to educate
Meanwhile the State-Legisla-
ture insists that the University
educate all qualified in-state stu-
dents who apply.
Legislators press their demand
by appropriating state funds on
the basis of "fiscal year equated
students"--the number of stu-
dents educated multiplied by the
cost of educating them. The more
students, the more money t h e
University receives,
But the legislators insist that if
the University grows, in-state stu-
dents must be accommodated
first. Last year they passed a law
which effectively prohibits t h e
University from increasing either
the number or percentage of out-
of-state students.
This year the problem has been
further complicated by an unex-
pected, unprecedented leap in the
number of in-state applications re-
ceived. Applications are running
20 per cent ahead of last year, al-
though the number of graduating
seniors has increased by only two
to three per cent.
And the pressure is on the liter-
ary college, which bears the brunt
of increased enrollment.
Literary college officials and
top administrators met Thursday
to consider the problem. The ad-
missions committee, the college's
executive committee and several
administrators including Direc-
tor of Admissions Clyde Vroman
and Vice President for Academic
Affairs Allan F. Smith held a
three hour session to reconcile the
social obligation" to the state's
taxpayers, the philosophical obli-
gation to quality education and
the practical problem of cramped
But they didn't come up with
any solutions. Although the ad-
missions committee was able to
compile a list of recommendations
for the college's executive com-
mittee, nothing has yet been re-
solved. Instead, it appears that
all sides in the dispute have be-
come polarized.
The faculty and literary college
insists enrollment must "freeze"
in order for the faculty to main-
tain quality education. Literary
college Dean William Hays ex-
plains -it would be a "disservice"
to students to overadmit.
In 1965, the University serious-
ly overenrolled, ending up with
400-600 more students than anti-
cipated, the bulk of them in the
literary college.
Prof. William J. LeVeque, of
t h e mathematics department
formulated a plan for "controlled
growth" and a program for freez-
ing the enrollment of the college.
The literary college would admit
no more than 3,100 new freshmen
and total college enrollment would
lot exceed 11,800.
abiding by the plan ever since Le-
Veque suggested it.
Furthermore the faculty in-
sisted in 1967 that the University
be cautious not ' to overenroll
Prof. Nicholas Kazarinoff of the
mathematics department, a mem-
ber of the admissions commit-
tee, considers the LeVeque projec-
tions the "maximum" size for the
college. He believes a decrease, not
an increase, in literary college en-
rollment is appropriate.
And admissions committee
chairman Prof. John Milholland
bf the psychology department
says, "If we don't get more re-
;ources, the sentiment of the fa-
-ulty is to hold enrollment where
it is right now."
However, the hold-up in enroll-
ment doesn't hold with the legis-
lators and they are pressuring the
administration. One administrator
acknowledges the legitimacy of
the faculty's complaints, but adds
that the admissions policy is "not
up to the faculty to decide."
Smnith has pledged that enroll-
ment will not exceed 11,800, but
he has not explained how the ad-
ditional freshmen applicants
!Might be accommodated.
Last year, about 300 "qualified"
in-state freshmen were placed on
a waiting list, while the University
sought some way to accomipodate
them. At least 15'0 of these stu-
dents rejected the &niversity's
provisional acceptance. The Ire-
inaining 150 were left in limbo.
Admissions Director Vroman
explains that transfer preference
is given to students whom t h e
University could not accept be-
cause of space shortage.
Indeed, Smith expects that one
solution to the present enrollment
crisis could be to accept more
transfers according to department.
Growth would thus occur only in
those departments able to accom-
nodate more students,
A more obvious solution to the
problem might be to raise admis-
sion standards. However. the aver-
age student at the University
graduated in the upper sixth of
his class and placed in the mid-
dle 600's on the college board ex-
"Raising standards is the 'easy
answer' but not necessarily t h e
best one,' Hays says. "Intellectual
standards are already high enough
and we are not likely to gain much
by raising them."
With no satisfactory solution to
the crisis, administrators and fa-
culty are left compromising. But
time is running out.
Although the admissions office
is trying to "buy time" with a
waiting list, the deadline on ap-
plications was last week, and the
University must begin acting on
the 14,000 applications received
Although serious
ment occurred again
college theoretically
in 1967, the
has been
Police confiscate film
at NotreDame meeting
Police seized an alleged por-
. nographic film at the Univer-
sity of Notre Dame yesterday
after students had rebelled
q Y$against an administration or-
der banning its showing.
The Rev. Theodore M. H e s -
burgh, president of the 7,200-stu-
dent Catholic university, earlier
banned nude paintings and films
scheduled during a student-spon-
sored conference on pornography
and censorship.
Student leaders said they were
crating up eight films and an art
show of nude paintings and sculp-
tures. But a group of about 200
students gathered in a science hall
and made preparations to show
"Kodak Ghost Poem."
Plain clothes police led by Wil-
liam E. Voor, Jr., St. Joseph
County prosecutor, rushed into the
room ad confiscated the f i I m
before the showing began.
Cathy Cecil, a student at St.
Mary's College, said police drag-
ged her down stairs after seizing
the film as she was attempting to
hide it under her dress. St. Mary's
-Associated Press is a girl's school just across the
Student snowballs police at Notre Dame street from Notre Dame.
A scuffle broke out and several
* - students reported being sprayed
A H E L Ywith the riot-control chemical
ARCH iAEOLOGY. "Mace." Voor declined to confirm
or deny if Mace was used.
A hastily formed faculty com-
1ttee re t s offer m issued a statement depl
. .. / Eing "the attempt of local police
to censor the subjects we investi-
gate in our academic confer-
n"ew c ssics P Voor said the police were on
campus a't the request of univer-
By RICK PERLOFF "Students here must be highly sity officials. A Notre Dame
Although a small, highly spe- selectively trained," explains Prof.I spokesmanurefused to comment
calized field, classical archaeol- Donald White of the history of art on the seizure.
ogy is becoming entrenched at the department. "You have to be a Voor said no charges had been
University. classicist, knowing Greek - and filed.
Next fall, a new interdepart- Latin. On the other hand, you A group of about 300 angry stu-
mental doctoral program in classi- have to be an art historian with dents gathered for a march on the
cal archaeology will be offered a knowledge of art methodology." county courthouse, but disbanded
for the first time. And an under- "It is also necessary to be an after agreeing to meet today to
graduate major in classical arch- ancient historian and be aware of plan future action.
aeology is also being considered. special skills that are required like
The doctoral program will com- epigraphy- ithe study of ancient
bine the faculties of the classical! scriptures," he adds. "Then you
studie's and history of art depart- should know about all the physi-
ments. cal monuments of the ancient
world - sculptures, painting, and
architecture." Bal
H use faces Pntly six graduate prosemi- c
Snas are offered in classical arch-
aeology, but the program's advis-
" pers are interested in expanding the
number gradually.
However, the classical archaeol-
ogy program will remain a highly *
WASHINGTON 0P) - President selective one. At most two candi-
Nixon, who has said he favors dates will be admitted to the dqc-
putting more federal funds into toral program each term.
education, will get a chance to do On the undergraduate level,
'so if a higher education bill re- Prof. T. V. Buttrey, chairman of
cently introduced in Congress is the classical studies department, E
passed. :has submitted a proposal to the
The bill, sponsored by Repre- curriculum committee of the lit-
sentatiWes Ogden R. Reid (D-NY) erary college asking that students
and John Brademas (D-Ind). calls be allowed to major in classical
for spending an additional $5 bil- archaeology.
ion starting in 1971, increasing to "It's a kind of fall-out from the
$10 billion in 1977-a total of $54 graduate program," Buttrey says.
billion-on a variety of programs "We have the ability to run such
to enable more Americans to go to a program now, although five
college. years ago we couldn't have done
On Thursday President Nixon so due to lack of faculty."
told a news conference that he The undergraduate major would
favors "a massive infusion" of fed- require 15 hours of classical
Doing a bit of leg work at the World's Fair
UAC World's Fair: Politics and pastries
By LAURIE HARRIS simply no reason for any disrup- abroad and American Zionist lit- suppoit in its war with Nigeria.
University Activities Center's tion. erature about kibbutzim and set- The French exhibit also had
annual World's Fair opened yes- John Hartom, chairman of the tlement i Israel. political overtones. The remem-
fair, said there was no real ten- It was the political displays brances on De Gaulle's "Vive le
terday without the expected clash sign between the Arab and Israeli that threatened to spark fights
between Israeli and Arab students. students. among the Mid-Eastern students. Quebec libre?'° prompted an ex-
"'There was no reason for any "If they don't feel it, we don't," This was the first exhibit in hibit on that French Canadian3
clashes," said Leora Robinson, an he said, which political displays were al- province.
Israeli student. "We're all friendly The Arab exhibit included liter-!lowed "The display was'cluded,,
here. We wouldn't benefit from it ature and a pictorial display on But Arabs and Israelis weren't Francois Portefaix explained, "be-
and neither would they." "The Arab Students Palestinian the only ones who capitalized on cause Quebec is a French-speak-
Her thoughts were echoed by Revolution.' the new rules. Students from war- ing province."
members of the Arab exhibits.! Most of the Israeli literature torn Biafra distributed literature Contemporary French prints
They said they felt there was was about student programs pleading for world recognition and and paintings borrowed from a
Detroit's East Side
Detroit art gallery completed the
Flowering robes, exotic saris and
richly beaded skirts set the mood
at many Far Eastern displays.
Wrapping and pleating an 18-
foot long sarimay confound an
,American, but Azra Mubarak
managed to display her skill at it
with relative ease.
Baklava, rage of contemporary
hip sets, was big at the fair, too.
Three different versions appeared
at the displays. They all had the
basics in common-30 or 40 layers
of paper-thin dough, with nuts
and a sweet, sticky syrup that puts
American maple to shame.
The Greeks boasted an Ameri-
canized version -_ low calorie
Deserts made it elsewhere. Scan-
dinavia had one called egg cheese.
whose closest American equivalent
is cheese cake without the crust.
Hungarian Linzer and cookies
and Philippine rice cakes added
to the international flavor.
But the exhibits weren't just for
walking to. There was a variety
show, too, with entertainment
from many of the exhibitors,
Tininkling, done by the Philip-
pine students, with flying bamboo
poles and quickly executed jump
steps over them, was on one side.
Karate, now in vogue in the
area and the country at large, was
displayed by the Japanese.
But the dominant feature was
Sirtaki-the dance of Zorba the
Greek. No Anthony Quinn, but
the dance was sharp and well-
For all the variety and the
chaos of people moving about, the
displavs all had their distinctive
DETROIT (P)-A group of
youths dressed in ! black from
the tops of their berets to the
tips of their combat boots start-
ed patroling Detroit's East Side
yesterday in an effort to cut
crime and check police brutality.
The Community Patrol Corps
(CPC) is the police arm' of the
Political Education Project in
Detroit, an' attempt to encou-
age black youngsters to run
their own model government
complete with mayor and city
The corpsmen are unarmed..
"I've nothing good or bad to
say about them, but I'd just as
'soon they would stay out of this
precinct," said Inspector Odson
T. Tetreault of the 7th precinct.
"They made a lot of promises,
none of which they've ever car-
Frank Ditto, is funded by the
New Detroit Committee-es-
tablished after the riot to over-
see the rebuilding of the city
physically and socially-and 32
The youths say they will pa-
trol the area both on foot and
in cars.
"We will be addressing our-
selves to both the problems of
crime and police brutality."
said CPC Commissioner Donald
In addition to watching du-
ties, Ditto and Perkins said thr
Corps will escort people re-
questing the service and teach
area residents how to protect
their homes from fire and van-
Ditto said the CPC was nut a
"vigilante group" but an ffot
been helpful to her on a numoer
of occasions.
"If I need a ride home," she
said, "they'll come and pick me
up." Mrs. Ford said her neigh-
borhood is inadequately pat-
roled by police and claimed tha t
on several occasions she has
seen police officers in "friendly
discussions with prostitutes."
Ditto says he has a list of h-
cense plates which he says are
from cars owned by white sub-
urbanites who patronize prosti-
tutes in the ar a.
"It's the Joins who are ais-
ing the problem, but the black
community gets the blame,"
Ditto said.
He said the CPC intends to
prove "at least 85 to 90 per cent
of the crime in our community
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