i Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Moynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editoriots printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: ROB BEATTIE 19 0 enough to progress with his peo- ple, to become more militant as they led him, to represent his cause forcefully and humanely, to maintain his humanity in the face of inhuman treatment. His death did not mean the end of non-violence - 1968 saw an unusually quiet summer. What it did mean, quite simply, was initial gutting of what was to be a fair- ly important protest campaign - the Poor People's March on Washington - and the robbery by the right of one of the left's key bridges to legitimated opinion. It took these two deaths to make the Chicago convention what it was. The actual events were no surprise - only the media cover- age was. Chicago police merely treated whites as they and their cohorts throughout the country have al- ways treated blacks. Thanks to the beating taken by newsmen, com- munication finally occurred be- tween the radical left and a large part of the nation. Otherwise, things progressed predictably - Humphrey's nom- ination (put over the top by votes from Pennsylvania, where M c - Carthy had overwhelmingly won the primary) was as inevitable as it was stupid. WITH THE death of Robert Kennedy and the nomination of two extremely unattractive candi- dates; the birth of George Wal- lace's campaign in the north was given a push great enough to leave plenty of room for coasting downhill. Wallace's campaign was a car-, bon copy of pre-1933 Hitler, and it is an important credit to t h e American electorate that h i s strength was not greater. Certain- ly the conditions were there--an incredible war, ridiculous taxa- tion, unprecedented racial strife. Yet ultimately he did not do well, carrying only one more state than did Strom Thurmond in 1948 and without significant inroad in the north. Nixon, too, did not do well. Polls which proved extremely ac- curate gave him an early 4,000,000 vote plurality, including the states of New York and Michigan. But Nixon made his deals with the South for the nomination, and he decided to aim to the right rather than the left. The country was not in the mood. Most people, as the cam- paign progressed, seemed more and more desperate for some glimmer of change, and even Hu- bert Humphrey was able to con- vince people he offered more than Dick Nixon. Nixon spent $20-$40 million, ran a carefully managed media campaign, and still man- aged to throw away 4,000,000 votes. Perhaps it was because he is, af- ter all, still Richard Nixon, but there must be more to it than that. At least 15,000,000 voters stayed away from the polls and a good portion of that had to be- long to the left-how a rightist could have qualms with his elec- toral choices is beyond me. Given another week of the cam- paign even the senile and dis- credited liberalism of H u b e r t Humphrey would have slipped in. BUT NIXON WON. He promptly appointed a lackluster cabinet, lacking every bit as much in ad- ministrative and creative talent as in image. Governors Volpe and Romney, for example, are sur- passed only by Spiro Agnew in lack of brainpower. To the crucial post of Secre- tary of Defense Nixon appointed Melvin Laird, a small-town Wis- consin nazi who will give free reign to the most dangerous force in America, the military. While the GNP ; climbs to $1 trillion dollars the military budget is sure to leap over $100 billion. The pure waste is nowhere near so dangerous as the incredible power amassed in such blatantly irre- sponsible hands. The appointment of hard-liner Henry Cabot Lodge as chief Paris negotiator also indicates that the end of the war will be far more distant than most people seem to think.- As if to confirm beyond all doubt the reactionary nature of the upcoming administration, Nix- on also appointed an Alaskan land speculator (Walter Hickel) who does not believe in conservation as Secretary of the Interior. At a time when it is impossible to breathe in our cities and when there isn't a clean river left in the country, Nixon has set the tone of his administration by promising more of the same. FORTUNATELY, NOT all poli- tics in America are electoral. De- spite -stiff suppression - high- lighted perhaps by the prosecu- tion of Benjamin Spock and com- pany for "conspiracy" - t h e student left continues to grow. In spite of itself. The radical institutions were al- most universally split in 1968. Stu- dent Mobilization was taken over by Trotskyist Young Socialist Al- liance, leading to the formation of a new group, Liberation N e w s Service was racked by perhaps the grossest split of all, resulting in two news services. SDS is undergoing bitter faction fighting and is in danger of being dominated by the hard-line Pro- gressive Labor Party, which should effectively kill the national organization. And' the Department of Justice continues to do its part. Prosecu- tion is still actually going on against participants in the Chi- cago demonstrations. Drug busts continued all over the country against political leaders, one of them Yppe Jerry Rubin. . Organizers of the Oakland anti- draft demonstration were arraign- ed on "conspiracy" charges, and the burgeoning underground press everywhere met with police re- sistance. BUT INDICATIONS are that each successive year brings to ma- turity more and more young peo- ple willing to take part in the struggle for a human America. One can see the difference in each incoming freshman class. Perhaps it is growing up with television, perhaps it is the eye- opening of the past few years of Lyndon Johnson, perhaps it is the media coverage of the hippie movement, perhaps it is just grow- ing up with affluence. But erup- tions in high schools throughout the country indicate that if the student left is quiet the next few months, it is only a calm before a bigger storm. Un f o r tu n ately, the stu- dents are not the country, and four more years of Eisenhower may leave us with a country en- grossed in a power struggle whose only significant parties are the military, the mafia, the CIA and the FBI. CITIES: THE DEATH RATTLE OF NEW YORK O ALL THE events of 1968, the capsule history of New York City may be the one of the most long-range significance. With no- deteriorate. Unfortunately, peo- ple always die before buildings do. EDUCATION 1. HE BIGGEST education story was also in New York, where an experiment in black commun- ity control was blocked by a re- actionary teacher's union and will be killed in the spring by the state legislature. Community control h a s been held by many as, in lieu of ade- quate money, at least a step to- ward improving ghetto education, whose current state is criminal. The Ocean-Hill-Brownsville fight seems to portend that the teach- ers themselves will not allow this reform to take place. The most incredible education story occurred in Youngstown, Ohio, where citizens allowed their schools to close rather than pay for their support. The struggle on campuses con- tinued with some quiet victories, though generally fights continue to influence students more than change structures. Major confrontations with mass student support closed Columbia for a while and may result in the permanent death of San Fran- cisco State, as universities con- tinue to demonstrate they can, be as reactionary as any other in- stitution in this society. NATURE AND IMMINENT DISASTER IN UTAH, the Army's burgeoning Chemical and Biological War- fare establishment killed 6,000 sheep in an accident t h a t, it seems, recurs fairly often in the western states, though usually not without such blatant results. The implications of this sort of disaster occurring without a sub- stantial structural reaction are too great to outline - will it take the poisoning of Denver or Salt Lake City by the CBW establishment to force change? The further pollution of the air, the pollution of the rivers, and the continuation of misguided a n d unnecessary underground testing continues unabated. The destruction of the ecology is an extremely serious problem which will take a fortune to correct, a fortune which is obviously n o t forthcoming. Technology may hold the an- swer but even that is being under- cut as more and. more research funds are channelled into mili- tary research. As for the space program, send- ing three All-Americans around the moon was about as socially useful as transplanting an appen- dix, but it made good bread-and- Kennedy a killed again * What does remain is a massive feeling among a great many peo- ple that life is to be enjoyed, sex- ually and otherwise, and. that a good part of that enjoyment rests with a free imagination. THE REST OF THE WORLD THE FAILURE of the revolt in France presages another, per- haps more successful attempt with the death of DeGaulle, though I wouldn't be surprised if that pro- voked a German invasion. Germany, after all, has become the dominant nation in Europe; for the third time this century, and we all know what, bappened the first two times. Italy and per- haps Spain and Portugal, when their dictators die, seem to be pre- paring for significant moves to the left. In Africa, blacks proved they could war as violently as whites. Both assassinations were ex- tremely successful, We live in a nation whose system occasionally demands single leaders of people; the deaths of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy destroyed the access of millions of Ameri- cans to the power w h i c h wes rightly theirs, in a time when long overdue retribution seemed at last imminent, or at least on the way. It is thus the ultimate irony that Richard Nixon will soon be President of the United States, a man so void of human perceptions and warmth as to be describable only as a bad joke. Now the long struggle to rees- tablish communication begins, with more repression than ever. The radical and left-liberal (he who calls Benjamin Spock a rad- ical stretches his imagination) movement could probably be ex- terminated with as much'l ease as +I No l~ circus fare to take everyone's mind off other things. A space program with unlimited potential will be gradually taken over by the military in the mad dash for the base on the moon. CULTURE PERHAPS THE only bright spot in the year was a livelier mo- vie and music industry than the country has ever known. Tele- vision unfortunately did not keep pace, perhaps even regressed a bit, but probably more good mo- vies were released in 1968 than were made in all the 1950's. As for music, The Beatles and Stones did it again, and the gen- eral emergence of electric rock as an extremely important, petr- haps the most important, force for social revolution in the coun- try became more evident than ev- - A -v.- a m- n- - Qnf 1PC The Middle East situation con- tinues without solution, worsening every day. Perhaps the beginning of the end will be there. In Latin America, the United States showed (as if it needed further proof) that there will be no peace. Slaughter in Mexico, military rule in Panama and Bra- zil, continuing tension with Cuba, the death of Che. All that can be said for 1969 in Latin America is "more of the same."' THE FUTURE W HEN THE 1960's began I thought 1968 would be a very important year. I guess it was. Just before John Kennedy was killed it seemed the Cold War might be coming to the beginning of the end. There was a noticeable easing of tensions in Washington, talk began of a new detente with Cihn ,1 nn-, cpapr3 finaln to was the socialist movement after World War I. If radicals feel the movement thrives on repression, they must remember so do the repressors, with their ever expanding bureau- cracies and budgets. WE LEARNED our lessons these past few years. We learned that the law belongs to the lawmakers, that the power belongs to th e wealthy and the corporations, that the governing machinery in this country operates independent of the people it governs and some- times even of the people who are supposed to be running it. We won 89% of the votes in the California Democratic primary. We started the Paris peace talks. We made Richard Daley look even more grotesque. F I suppose one of the next things we'll have to learn is patience. "W':3MRS