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February 07, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-07

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:43 a t t

Sunny today;
increasilg clouds tonight

Vol. LXXIX, No. 108

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 7, 1969

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Laird imposes freeze

SBS admitted

on ABM


I ..

!Nixon administration has or-
Sdered a partialfreeze in ma-
jor work on the $5.5-billion
U.S. defense against nuclear
h thThe Pentagon said yesterday
-:.1 ¢, }hr£: tthat Secretary of Defense Melvin
R. Laird last week directed the
Army to postpone any new work
f >>>:{< on the antiballistic missile system
pending a high level review.
The action came after Laird re-
ceived sword the House Armed
Services Committee would refuse
x4:; . xto approve construction of the
Sentinel antimissile defense until
it had a clarification of adminis-
tration plans.
The Pentagon's review of the
controversial Sentinel s y s t e m'
which was approved by the John-
son administration, is expected to
take until early March.
In the meantime, the Army will
halt land purchase proceedings
and put off starting any new
antimissile construction.
The Sentinel program has en-

j 0

listing service
Student Book Service has been admitted to the Textbook
Reporting Service, an organization of local book merchants,
reversing a long standing policy.
In an open letter to faculty members, dated Feb. 3, the
reporting service announced that the textbook lists they com-
pile will be supplied to Student Book Service.
The reporting service which includes Follett's, Over-
beck's, Slater's, 'Ulrich's and Wahr's bookstores, sends forms
each semester to faculty members requesting they report the
books they will use in their next semester's classes. Accord-
ing to Ned Shure, SBS manager, SBS had been denied mem-
bership every sem ester since - --iso ty s
tformation three years ago.11
SBS compiled their own lists
during that tine. B a


--Associated Press,
SEN. EDWARD M. KENNEDY leaves after inspecting work on the new Sentinel missile site in North
Andover, Mass., Wednesday. Work on the project has been halted pending a high-level review in

Early this semester members of
,he' economics and sociology de-
partments started petitions d e -
manding SBS be included in the
reporting service and pledging to
submit textbook lists only to SBS
until then.

countered a groundswell of con-
gressional as well as public oppo- BOARD OF G)VERNORS:
sition in recent months.
Sens. Edward M. Kennedy (D-
Mass.) and John Sherman Coop-
er (R-Ky.) have been among
those in the forefront of recent,
efforts to halt deployment of the D
Sentinel system.

-Associated Press
Nixon and Hannah yesterday in' WashingtonI


irKennedy yesterday applauded By GEORGE MILLER to the Board of Governors by the
o 1vLaird's announcement of a tem- The Board of Governors of Res- rates committee of the office of
an n 1 to le~v Alsporary halt of the program. TeBoadlsfyGsterdnyreof me University Housing would be' ef-
The decision was "important I mended that the Regents approve fective next fall and would con-
f1 and courageous," Kennedy said, an average $40 per year increase timue the present level of services
(bieb A D J*01) He said it made him believe in dormitory fees. in the dormitories.
1 1"the spirit in the Senate of the; TChairman of the rates commit-.
Unite4 States is to work and The board also recommended tee, Associate Housing Director
Unr efectes ith Prksdnd regental approval of proposals to Edward Salowitz said that the fee
Michigan State University President John Hannah will work effectively" with President create more spaces for the in- hike was necessitated by infla-
leave East Lansing June 30 to work full-time in Washington Richard M. Nixon, creasing ratio of male residents. tionary increases in the cost of
as director of the Agency for International Development. inSpeaking earlier with newsmen The plans will also account for food, utilities, and employe sal-
MSU Trustee Donald Stevens (D-Okemos) yesterday termed the announcement "an im- petted as a result of the lifting Salowitz explained that the on-
confirmed that Hannah would accept the AID post. He said portant step forward in trying to of the freshman residency require- ly alternative to raising rates or
h1e hopes a new president could be chosen before Hannah bring a halt in the arms race." ment by the Regents last' month. reducing services would be to use
departs. Civilian groups in Chicago, De- The rate increase, recommended' the student residences reserve
troit and Seattle, all considered
in Washington, President Nixon yesterday formally an- as locations for antimissile com-
nounced Hannah's appointment, saying he will 'take over plexes, have protested against in-"
one of our most challenging stalling the nuclear weapons near
on ofourmos chllegin !their cities.

In the letter to the faculty the
bookstores gave their reason for
including SBS as an attempt to
save the faculty "additional work"
of filling out forms for both the
service and SBS. The letter also
akdexpressed a desire to give the fa-
culty the "most reliable, cbmpe-
tent and complete system of or-
fund. which pays for capital im- dering textbooks."
provements on dormitories. The letter does not mention the
If the fund were used, it would faculty petitions but does "thank"
mean a drastic cut in the level faculty members for "bringing the
of capital improvements and new matter to our attention."
construction on the dormitories. When asked if the faculty pe-
On residence hall planning, the titions had influenced their de-
board gave approval to a report cisions to include SBS, the man-
submitted by the committee on' agers of Ulrich's and Follett's said
residence hall planning of the they would give "nothing b u t
Office of University Housing. written answers to written ques-
The recommendations of the re- tions." The manager of Slater's
port were to: asked not to be quoted, on the
--Hold two nouses of West Quad matter. Another manager, w h o
in reserve to account for the un- wanted to "keep his name out
certain demand for spaces by of the paper" said they were "not
either male or female students; influenced" by the faculty peti-
-Convert Coman- House in tion.

SGC to study
eredit union
Student Government Council
last night created a committee "to
study the feasibility or organizing
a Student Credit Union." The pro-
posed union, to be modeled after
the Employees Credit Union, is
seen by its major proponent. Gene
Smith, chairman of the Student
Consumers Union, as an alterna-
tive to Ann Arbor banks.
If the union were created, it
would hold cash deposits and in-
vest the capital. Students 'would
be able to withdraw against their
In other 'action, Council author-
ized the sending of a letter to
the "Women's and Men's Physical
Education Department concerning
the P.E. requirement and how it
is graded." Se,*eral Council mem-
bers object tq the present grading
system, which based on attend-
ance. . /
The megting was routine in
other aspects. The council took
no further action on resolutions
approved last week regarding the
Senate Investigating Committee
on Campus Disorders, and the
Senate Appropriations Committee.

Hannah was not available for
comment yesterday.

A source on the House Armed
Services Committee said Chairmani
L. Mendel Rivers (D-S.C.) served oQiyf1 V-t111 I+O N4TC'!

Baits housing from junior and1
senior women to sophomore, jun-
ior and senior men:
-Reduce occupancy in Oxford
Seeley apartments from four to
three women.
--Give further consideration tn.

, Explaining the reasons for the
move, SBS manager Shure said,
, "they were up against the wall
because of The Daily and the fa-
culty petitions, but they didn't

law schiool
Black Law Students Alliance
said last night that should the law
school faculty fail to approve a
preferential admissions policy at
today's faculty meeting, it would
indicate "bad faith in its supposed
committment to the training of
black lawyers."
The new admissions policy
would allow the law school to ad-
mit black students who do not
qualify for admission under nor-
mal standards and would provide
supplementary summer courses to
remove the handicap these stu-
dents would have in the school.
Jack Davis, BLSA representa-
tive on the law school's special
admissions policy committee, said
yesterday "this proposed change
in admissions policy is not a mt
ter of lowering the quality of stu-
dents, it is just taking into ac-
cdunt other variables."
"The black student has often
had to work while .getting his un-
dergraduate education, has often
been deeply involved in civil
rights work, and has often pos-
sessed poor writing skills because
he attended inferior southern un-
dergraduate schools," said Dav-
The faculty has taken this into
account, but not nearly as much
as we would like them to," he
Last September the BLSA pre-
sented the law faculty a list of
nine grievances, including a re-
quest that black students be re-
cruited for the freshman class in
numbers proportional to the black
population of Michigan.
The group feels that the 1 a w
faculty's response has not elim-
inated these grievances despite
the fact that some demands, such
as placing a black student on the
admissions policy committee, have
been met.
There are 27 black students en-
rolled in the law school, and there
are no black faculty members.
BLSA menmbers say they have
taken the responsibility of en-
couraging more black students to
apply to the law school but feel
that a change in admissions pol-
icy is needed to get more blacks
into the school.
However, BLSA members said
their grievances concern issues
much wider than just law school
admissions policy.
"The law faculty seems unwill-
ing to recognize the black point of
view," said Davis. "They bring you
here and then try to make you

notice in a letter to Laird that the -"v U i ~1i~ai1 u
Stevens said Hannah would c4i Uieiers LU l-dii'U adb ' converting West Quad into a ful-! Also under the agreement all
stay on in East Lansing until' committee wants a definitive ad-thsorswlsaeinrmin
stmy on E L n t inistration statement on the By RICK PERLOFF it should decide on the specific ly coed dormitory, the stores will share iformation
June on a part-time basis. "He'll As approved by the board, the and all book lists will be m a d e
beprogram Journalism concentrators met statement of all the provisions of
week," he said. "It doesn't mean the committee last night and elected two under- this participation since the chair- increase in residence hall fees, public. He explained some lists
is against the ABM," this source graduate representatives to serve man of the department and two which include room and board had previously been kept secret
Stevens indicated that this pro- said. "Mainly the committee is with voting power on the depart- faculty members were absent from amounts to $30 a year for a triple' untl just before the beginniyg of
cedure complied with the wishes waiting to see what President ment's faculty committee. Two the meeting," the letter stated, room, $40 for a double room', and m classes, butuder the new Sys-
of bothHannah and MSU's Board Nixon and Mr. Laird want to do." graduate students, entitled to the Cannell had urged the students for a sigle room. h tem lists woul be avaylabre o
At his news conference yester- same privileges, were chosen sev- ,iu his letter to hold an election' questioned that increase might be piled.
"Particulars will be worked out day Nixon said whatever decisions eral weeks ago. to choose representatives.
at the trustees meeting next, Laird makes in the Sentinel re- The undergraduates elected are The students are now members the lifting of the residency re-
week," he said. view will be based on U.S. security Charles Creecy, '69, and Greg of the faculty-at least at faculty thuifting ofte th ridencte-
needs.to send app0.roxewiatsely40pocten- Tear g s/it
Stevens said a faculty commit- needs. Warfield, '70. committee meetings, said Perl- to send approximately 400 poten-
tee would be chosen to select Nixon made clear, as he did T faculty committee, which berT s. tial dorm applicants seeking off-
Hannah's successor and that there during the presidential campaign, will now consists of 11 professors! The student representatives, campus housing this fall. J 'f ff
would be "some student involve- he considers the "thin" Sentinel and four students, sets policy for however, will not have access to Director of University Housing m e n
ment" in the decision. defense a shield not only against he department, handling such job applications of specific po- John Feldkamp told the board IOWA CITY, Iowa (A)-A tear
the nuclear missiles Red China is)mtesa eue aut eri-'esr.Te ilhv oc that the effect of the rate hike
Possible successors to Hannah expected to have in the 1970s but ment and curriculum changes. in general policy decisions in the should not. further increase the gas bomb went off at the rear of
include former Governors G. Men- also against weapons of the Soviet Undergraduate student mem- area of hiring and firing. number ostudentseking of the University of Iowa's Memorial
nen Williams, John Swainson and Union. bership on the committee was for- "We won't be dealing with per- campus housing becauseeking off-surveys Union last night as about 1,200
George Romney, Stevens said Umally granted by Prof. Charles sonality questions per se," Perl-s persons gathered for the final ses-
When the Sentinel defense plan Cannell of university students have shown son gat d for ses-
Hannah is currently chairman was announced in late 1967, Sec- nalism in a letter to two jour- T berg added. that dorm living is cheaper than Sion of a Student Power Sym-
ofteUiedSaeaivlRgti'eayosDfneRbetSmc students who serve on aij The students also elected rep- artetlv. posium.
of the United States Civil Rights retary of Defense Robert SM-informal advisor student-faculty resentatives to serve on some apartment living.
Commission. However, in, an- 'Namara said its main purpose was committee minor committees within the de- "It appears to cost about $1,200 Officials reported no injuries
nouncing the AID appointment, to guard against a Red Chinese, In his letter to Robert Perlberg ; partment including the library to live off-campus, compared with because of the incident, but the
Nixon said Hannah would have to attack. and Shirley Hatchett, '69, Can- and housekeeping commit the $1,000 price of a double room lounge was vacated and the meet-
resign the civil rights post. "I do not buy the assumption nell said, "the faculty is in agree- Their duties are concerned with in a dorm, he explained. ing was moved to a ballroom in
Hannah was assistant secretary that the ABM system . . . was memt with the principle of stu- improving the department's stu- Two bther groups will be con- the same building.
of defense for manpower and per- simply for the purpose of protect-' dent /participation both in facul- dent facilities. sidering the rates and planning There were no immediate ar-
sonnel in the Eisenhower adminis- ing ourselves against attack from ty meetings and in departmental Students already serve on the recommendations before t h e y rests after the bomb was set off
tration (1953-54'. He has been Red China," Nixon said. He said committees." suen-acuy committee, an in- reach the Regents. near a fire exit
president of MSU for 27 years. See LAIRD, Page 10 "The group did not feel that formal group consisting of three Te StHuent, A isy Commn- T
,_ _ '_-'-'_____ '''prfsostwgadtendhe' tee on Housing, which is respon-# The speakers at the symposium
professors, two graduate andtreesible to Acting Vice President for were Harry Edwards of Cornell
undergraduate students. Student Affairs Barbara Newell, University, a black separatist ad-
In addition to Perlberg and is expected to act on the pro- vocate; Tom Hayden, a founder
Hatchett, who represent Sigma posals at its next meeting in two of Students for Democratic So-
Delta Chi and Theta Sigma Phi,, weeks. ciety, and DeVere Pentony, a
the two professional journalism Inter-House Assembly will also member of the San Francisco
eis s c sonoraries, Tim Sullivan, a jour- discuss the recommendations. State University faculty.
g i sis concentrator, was elected ---_______________
to serve on the student-faculty
this system is usually unsuc- with the girl he has been dat- learn as little or as much as The committee .does not haveZ
cessful, he said. ing. you want. any policy-making power. Its ma-
Th epusdgolofali- He didn't condemn professors Contrary to the common li- jor function is as an advisory
eral education decreed by most -who use grades in order to give beral arts college viewpoint that group to the faculty committee.
leeductindcedymt"tomake people their students a better under- there is a distinct "minimum" Perlberg said some definite pro-somedefinitepro
colees is "to mke pepl- standing of their achievements. amount everyone should know posals to improve the curriculum
ar with the liberal arts ail- But he said they should think in order to get along, it is of- will probably result from a sec-
cording to Becker. He says that twice about sending those grad- ten quite obvious, Becker said, and meeting of journalist concen- By STEVE KOPPMAN istered to vote in Ann Arbor Since
eorJinC to Becker. He says that y S E Vla Psud N y es-nprobableoectionnArh Dy tun i
... . P toAn lffC!PW~l l'P}.}PV I~a t~~i}' V~li ~f11'} n ad Ant}Prp i~ 9 nt" Cl~l Pnll Pf f~' lP~f t!PII - . . __i '


SOC jok
A standing room crowd jam-
med Aud. B yesterday to hear
Prof. Howard Becker of North-
western University tell them
why "schools are a lousy place
to learn anything in." The lee-
ture, originally scheduled for
a small lecture room in Angell.
Half was moved to the auditor-
ium because of the large turn-
Becker emphasized that in-
formation from a variety of re-
search shows that schools in-
variably fail to do what they
intend to do. This failure be-
comes more obvious as the cur-

e support

in reality this is not true. In-
stead, "schools give examina-
tions and ultimately train peo-
ple to take them." This in it-
self does nothing toward mak-
ing people more "humane" he
He pointed out that grading
systems now in effect often bar

eS UOH1UteWlr 'ly IIy
be used for other purposes.
Becker advocates that "the
universities should stop giving
degrees" and then tests and
certification would all yield to
the apprenticeship system.
He believes "on the job"
learning is superior to a se-

mau you aun unieeu a erat
education at all.
A man can make a living do-
ing just one thing all his life, he
said, if he can do that one
thing well.
A man apprenticed to be an
iron worker never takes written
tests. When he is ready to walk
across a girder that is seven

T~rcor sceauea or ext«ee. Some 70 law students met yes- probable Election Day troti
He envisages more courses terday to coordinate their efforts estimated at between 15,000 and
oriented toward the professional behind the candidacy of Robert 18,000, any substantial registration
1rwad and a course l dphotog- Harris, Democratic candidate for of students could decide the elec-
seem to object to. mayor of Ann Arbor. tion. The last mayoral race was
"However, it's conceivable there Harris, a professor at the Law decided by only 1,500 votes.
may be some disagreement on School will square off against The major barrier to registering
other issues," he added. A possi- Republican candidate Prof. Rich- students are the regulations gov-
ble area of disagreement may con- ard Baltzhiser of the chemical e erning city residence requirements.

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