I4Sfi$ au Dail Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVE NISSEN The faculty stall: Precipitating disruption "All I ask is that the other two judges be completey neutral." .t 1. -a 2' -,,z- c24~ ?kL~~z rZc THE DELIBERATE stall on the part of the literary -college faculty at their meeting yesterday presents an insoluble dilemma for those students truly inter- ested in seeking both substantive and structural change in the college decision- making process. The faculty yesterday paraded out a collection of platitudinous arguments to defend the current language and distri- Yution requirements. Moreover, they pre- sented their case (which has better ad- vocates than those who stood up), with an absurd air of moral indignation. Throughout the language requirements debate, the faculty has consistently mis- interpreted the issue on two important levels. It debates whether language instruc- tion is part of a liberal education, but fails to ask if after four semesters most students really have any degree of pro- ficiency. Few would contend knowledge of a foreign language is not valuable. The argument is that the language de- partments, primarily Romance languages, are not succeeding in language instruction for a variety of reasons: the difficulties in teaching a language to unmotivated, college-level students gand the lack, of facilities and staff to overcome:- these obstacles. THE DEBATE has also neatly skirted the issue of the role of students in determining their own curricula. The faculty must question whether a liberal education can truly be liberal in the Editorial Staff MARK LEVIN, Editor STEPHEN W[LDSTROM URBAN ,LEHNER Managing Editor Editorial Director DAVID KNOKE, Executive Editor WALLACE IMMEN ..... ... News Editor CAROLYN MIEGEL .,.... Associate Managing Editor DANIEL OKRENT .................Feature Editor PAT O'DONOHUE .... ............... News Editor WALTER S1iAPIRO ....:. Associate Editorial Director HOWARD KOHN ........ Associate Editorial Director NEAL BRUSS ..Magazine Editor ALISON SYMROSKI ......Associate Magazine Editor AVIVA KEMPNER .............Peronnel Director ANN MUNSTER ................Contributing Editor DAVID DUBOFF Contributing Editor ANDY SACKS .. . ............, Photo Editor Sports Staff midst of professorial condescension and autocracy. The educational value of in- cluding students as equals in the deci- sion-making process far exceeds the mis- takes they might make because of in- experience. Moreover, the institutional isolation of the faculty from the student body pre- vents them from effectively evaluating programs and curricula. The faculty has debated the language requirement for eight years in isolation, unaware of the tremendous dissatisfaction amoi;g stu- dents who, during this period, were tor- tuously taking languages. Student input can most easily be secured by giving stu- dents a permanent voting voice in cur- ricula decisions. The University should be a community of equals collectively making decisions for the governance of that community. The perspectives and reactions of the stu- dents who must take the programs the University offers are as important as the professional expertise and exper- ience of the faculty member. STUDENT ACTIVISM is a phenomena ultimately may mean the success or fail- ure of our democratic institutions. Apathy and the unquestioning allegiance to authority, whether as a citizen or a student, is not desirable to a country which prides itself as a democracy. The top-down college structure is counter- productive to the democratic objectives of a liberal education. The question of what student reaction should be to the frustrating actions of the faculty is not an easy decision. Power within a college is so diffuse and decen- tralized that individual faculty members can avoid the consequences of a particu- lar decision and therefore are immune from political pressure. Which tactics will achieve the desig- nated goal is unclear. The faculty will not act under the pressure of a disruptive sit-in. Since Columbia and San Francisco State, even liberal faculty members have reached the conclusion that "there is a point" where police should be called on to campus to prevent disruption. THE ENTRANCE of police on to this campus will most certainly bring tre- mendous violence and a complete break- down of the University. And it is doubt- ful after all the rubble has been cleared whether any change will have been achieved. But the faculty has pushed students to the wall through their ignorance and in- sensitivity. And the responsibility for any violent confrontation which is precipitat- ed must rest with them.. --MARK LEVIN Editor A K :-JAMIES WECHSLER A Ky question DESPITE ALL the advance foreboding, there is something of a honeymoon atmosphere in the nation: many of us find ourselves re- lieved when President Nixon holds his first news conference and largely avoid any stridency or artifice reminiscent of what was long identified as "Nixonism." A few diehards maliciously cling to the hope that he will fall on his face in a public place. But most Americans recognize they cannot afford the partisan luxury of four years of disaster. Mr. Nixon must cherish the present mood, especially since he must be wise enough to realize how transient it is. His first encounter with the press was a congenial bull session. But harder questions-and decisions-must soon be faced. THE FIRST CRITICAL TEST-unless the Mideast blows up while the big powers dawdle-will involve the course of the Vietnam peace talks. Nor is this unrelated to the Mideast peril; certainly a Vietnam settlement could lead to closer U.S.-Soviet collaboration in dealing with the threat of Mideast escalation. But as the preliminary rhetoric is completed and the business of negotiation begins in Paris, the nature of the hard judgment con- fronting the new Administration will be swiftly defined. It was stated in private conversation the other evening ,by a retired diplomat whose perceptions and forecasts have been far more frequently vindicated than those of Dean Rusk. "There will have to be changes in Saigon and we can only achieve them by actually beginning the withdrawal of American troops," he said. "Nothing else will produce any change." HIS REMARKS RECALLED a meeting I had some days ago with V. Van Ai, secretary general of the Overseas Buddhist Assn., and Masoko Yamanouchi, a young, U.S.-educated Japanese woman who served from 1966 through 1968 with the American Friends Service Committee as a member of a relief team working with refugees in South Vietnam. They are now on a speaking tour sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, pleading the cause of the thousands of for- gotten men and women of the con- flict-the political prisoners held in South Vietnamese jails because they have dared to speak but against the oppressive Thieu-Ky regime and who, in many cases, represent a "Third Force" wholly unrepresented at Paris. Thirty-year-old Vo Van Al is the spokesman of' the United Buddhist Church outside of Viet- nam. The Buddhist association x for which he. speaks was set up in 1963 by Buddhist monks to fight the Diem regime; its bottle goes on against what it regards as another despotic cabal that "in no way expresses the peace aspirations of the Vietnamese people." For Vo Van Ai the struggle began when he was imprisoned by the French in 1949; he was 11 years old. I of Letters. to the Editor Answering Fleming on the Kuhn investigation Editor's Note: The following is a copy of a letter sent to University President Robben W. Fleming. Dear President Fleming: TWO RECENT comments re- garding the upcoming Senate investigation have intrigued me. One is your statement that the committee "would perform a use- ful function if it genuinely tries to learn and to understand the na- ture and causes of the unrest." The other is state Senator George W. Kuhn's remark that the com- mittee's objective "is to bring peace and sanity back to the cam- puses. It seems that all you have to do to flout the law is get on a university campus." (Detroit News, Jan. 28, 1969). Both of these merit further conpideration. Let us begin with Senator Kuhn's irmplication that the Uni- versity is a sanctuary for people harboring unlawful tendencies. As you recently noted (and events bore it out) during the Dionysus in 69 controversy, the University is certainly no sanctuary. There- fore, it seems that Senator Kuhn's perception of the University is distorted or he is prone to exag- gerate. And who is Senator Kuhn? He is one of the gentlemen who com- prises the special investigatory committee. In light of his posi- tion and perceptions, does it bode well for your hopes for a reason- ably objective inquiry designed to produce greater understanding? I AM PUZZLED by Senator Kuhn's objective of restoring "san- ity" to the campus. As the presi- .achers dent of the University of Michi- gan, have you been serving as the h e a d of an insane institution? "Sanity" is a highly charged word and one that is frequently bandied about to arouse public opinion. However, tPe term "sanity' is open to a variety of interpreta- tions among psychologists and is not glibly tossed around. Perhaps Senator Kuhn is substituting a political for a psychological judg- ment. Once again, does this bode well? With respect to your statement, I heartily concur that there is too little sensitive understanding of the unrest experienced on cam- pus. Nonetheless, a r e the state legislators properly qualified to provide us with the needed In- sights? I seriously doubt it. If we are interested in delving into the nature and causes of the unrest, why not call upon some of the ac- complished psychologists, sociolog gists, and the like, from our In- stitute of Social Research to study the situation and m a k e public their findings? Not only would their findings be more meaningful, but this method would safeguard against the possibility of any individual being harmed by the investiga- tion. I think that you, in your capacity as president, should ac- tively work for the most informa- tive and "useful' type of investi- gation. IF YOU DO, I suspect that you will find the "unrest" or malaise to extend far beyond the campus politicos. Perhaps you will dis- cover that a tremendously large number of the students have found the traditional beliefs and conven- tional myths to contradict their perception of what is desirable and proper in terms of individual ways of life, and of attainment in terms of status and economic achieve- ment. Moreover, they have also experienced a contradicting and undermining of certain deeply felt, although perhaps poorly ar- ticulated, beliefs about American society. FREQUENTLY, students a r e identified with the Bohemian outlook of earlier decades. This identification only h o 1 d s on a superficial level. I think one of the m o s t important differences be- tween the sort of cultural disaf- fection we have today and earlier Bohemian modes is that today many people are reluctant to ex- plain themselves to society, be- cause they no longer assume that you can in fact reform an indus- trial society of high organization, whose criteria of performance are really ones of productive efficien- cy and organization rationality. They therefore strive to cultivate a very private existence, of high intensity, which offers full oppor-' tunity for the indulgence and sat- isfaction of dimensions of human personality other than the ma- terial. PLEASE KEEP t h e above in mind before you endorse or lend yourself to an investigation with as little constructive purpose as that of the Michigan State Legis- lature. -Robert S. Fink '69 Jan. 29 i . 3 t t l t BOTH HE AND MISS YAMANOtCHI were morosely skeptical about a real breakthrough in Paris as llong as the status quo prevails in Saigon. The release of the political prisoners, they contend, would create a new climate in South Vietnam; they also maintain that a ceasefire would be .the signal for the emergence of "the real anti-war sentiment" in the country, which no doubt partially explains why Thieu and Ky have opposed such a move. "What most Americans don't realize is that the majority of our people are not really represented by Hanoi, Saigon or the NLF" Vo Van Ai said earnestly. "The Buddhist forces, the progressive Catholic student movement, the many elements of the peace movement have no voice in Paris, "What we are asking is that the United States let the non-Com- munist political and religious communities form a government that could ngeotiate with the NLF. There will be no peace any other way." MUCH OF THIS TALK MAY SEEM academic or remote in the present setting. Clearly there will be no\ abrupt change in the cast of characters at Paris. But the basic thrust of Vo Van Ai's remarks (supported by the informed-personal testimony of Miss Yamanouchi) cannot be ignored. For the real question that will face Mr. Nixon's negotiators is how any accord can be fashioned as long as the fragile, U.S.-based, un- representative Thieu-Ky team remains resolved to maintain its auto- cratic rule, to keep thousands of dissidents in prison and to reject any concept of meaningful coalition--on the understandable ground that they would find themselves submerged once the framework of freedom was established. IT HAS OFTEN BEEN ALLEGED that "coalition" is a dirty word because it means as eventual Communist takeover. But those who hold that view are really saying that the Thieu-Ky enterprise has no solid foundation except American military power. That is the real dilemma of the Paris talks. That is also why the liberation of popular South Vietnamese im- pulses (and prisoners)-and a diminution of the American presence- may offer the only prospect of a settlement. But is the Nixon Ad- ministration prepared to break such news to Messrs Thieu and Ky? (C) New York Post ,e 4 *' DAVID WEIR ... .................. .. Sports DOUG ELLER .Associate Sports BOB LEES ... . . .. Associate Sports BILL LEVIS. ........Associate Sports Business Staff Editor Editor Editor Editor RANDY RISSMAN. Business Manager AEN KRAUS...........Associate BusinessI DAVE PFEFFER ........ Advertising JEFF BROWN .......... Senior Circulation .A JANE LUXON......,........... Personnel A MAR'! PARKER .................Finance A Must EDITOR'S NOTE: The au- thor is a teaching fellow in the Romance languages and litera- ture department. By DAVID ARTHUR McMURRAY Daily. Guest Writer rT'pERE IS A popular anecdote passed around in the Depart- ment of Romance Languages which, through discreet inquiries, I have found to be quite factual. It seems a new teaching fellow was nervously expressing to a de- partment administrator s e r i o u s doubts concerning her ability to per- form' well on her first day of in- ptruction. 4 In an effort to calm these insecuri- ties, the administrator said to her, "Don't worry, Miss. These unsoph- isticated Midwesterners won't know the difference. Babble some French . at the little buggers and they'll be impressed." This sort of statement is indicative of departmental attitudes both to- ward the undergraduates upon whom we inflict the foreign language re- quirement and toward the graduate students hired to inflict it. IN MY THREE and one-half terms as a teaching fellow in Spanish, it MIanager MAanager Manager MIanager Mianager la nguag procedure, etc., consisted of a half- hour chat with the man who -was then in charge of implementing the required four course sequence in Spanish. At no time has any supervisor visited my classes to offer suggest- ions, and only quite recently - pri- marily at our own initiative and in direct response , to undergraduate militancy - have we teaching fel- lows been consulted seriously and in large numbers concerning the ef- fectiveness of texts, teaching meth- ods, and other like procedures. PERHAPS SOME of the contro- versy surrounding the language re- quirement can be confronted seri- ously if those of us most intimately involved with language study can throw off professional chauvinism long enough to admit that aside from, snob appeal, personal convenience, and consideration for one's neighbor in ,the world community, there is nothing inherently valuable in per- fecting a foreign language. It consists of nothing more than a particular sort of mental and phys- ical training; an individual is simply conditioned to make certain re- sponses to a certain variety of t cast pearls Strangely enough, the study of a foreign language and culture is for too many a pleasant, dilletantist es- cape from the critical self-scrutiny of which we as a nation are desperately in need. I AM ASHAMED to say that last November when petitions were being circulated to abolish the language requirement, many faculty members and all too many teaching fellows in this department smugly suggested that all this was merely the work of a few SD$ radicals, a tempest -in a teapot which would soon lose momen- tum if ye could stand our ground firmly aAd avoid a major confronta- tion before the end of the semester. At a general departmental meeting late in November, called only when signatures on the abolishment peti- tion were growing at an alarming rate and there was talk of class dis- ruptions, there was still much sen- timent in favor of the old bureau- cratic time-wasters like "a careful, cool-headed re-evaluation of our basic goals, philosophies, and aims in the light of present realities," or, whatever the jargon might have been. efore si INSTEAD, THE forces for con- structive change have been splinter- ed into two so-called ad-hoc com- mittees (French and Spanish). This skillful divide and conquer, tactic seems to have been success- ful, for while our committees con- stantly occupy themselves with the busy-work of dressing up and sugar- coating the required courses, little substantial change , in either the philosophy or implementation of them has taken place. The only defense which can be made for our attitudes is that they are quite normal given the realities, of the professional system in which we are forced to function.. Teaching fellows whose means of support depends on the perpetuation of the language requirement cannot be expected to view that require- nent with very critical eyes. A facultymember cannot be ex- pected to be overjoyed that a dis- cipline in which he has invested his professional life is no longer con- sidered terribly relevant by parts of the academic community. ANOTHER FACULTY member whose nrvimarv interes~t is researcrh wjine..? iously questioned by teaching fel lows. In the same way, a department chairman who receives University money according to the number of students enrolled in the courses of that department has an obvious vested interest in maintained re- quired courses which keep depart- mental enrollment high. There is a comment, heard with increasing frequency in the Frieze Building, which sums up attitudes all too prevalent among us: "We're going to be in trouble be- cause of these damned radicals if we don't do something in a hurry. Look at what happened to the Class- ics in most places . . . three or four crummy rooms in some old build- ing .. I SUPPOSE that what I am at- tempting to say to those who la- ment the disintegration of the Amer- ican university is that by defend- ing irrationally a bankrupt, educa- tional system, they are merely re- tarding an inevitable historical pro- cess which will, in the long run, be healthy and liberating for us all. But I look forward to the day DURING MY two year stay in Madrid, a majority of the foul- mouthed tourists, embassy flunkies, paranoid Commie-haters, and shame- less imperialists I had the misfortune to run into spoke Spanish surprising- ly well and had a respectable knowl- edge of the country's customs and literature. One cannot argue with the affir- mation that there is value in expos- ing ourselves to the culture and men- tality of other 'national and linguistic groups. However, there is no logical alone equip him to examine cultures and value through the language, I might remind all that "cultural understanding" is a primary goal of the language requirement as it pres- ently stands. However, in practice this goal is too often met by talking about what Charles Aznavour wears to bed, how to make paella, or how much to tip for room service in a French hotel. NOT INFREQUENTLY the goal is discarded completely in favor of more of A