A LOOK AT 1968 See editorial pag 5k :43 a it# NIPPY Low-6 Cloudy with occasional snow flurries Vol. LXXIX, No. 84 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 10, 1969 Ten Cents Draftingradstudents: Uncle Sam et rs By MARCIA ABRAMSON began about a week before Christ- draft. "We might lose as many Electrical engineering dropped Nationwide draft calls, low ate students have left school to rollmen and MARTIN HIRSCHMAN mas as scores of graduate stu- as 20 per cent of the draft-eligi- to a graduate enrollment of 185 throughout the fall, are slated to take teaching jobs, reports Prof. draft," The Selective Service has yet dents received induction notices ble group," Groesbeck says. during the fall term from 250 in double by next month. The De- Keith Smith, chairman of the de- rector o The Svea u Seric h yiet- and rushed to graduate deans ard The expected decrease in en 1967-68. The entire school dropped cember draft call was 17,500, partment's committee on gradu- Ardis to take a serious toll of Univer- -epce eraei n sity graduate students although counselors for advice. does not represent only from 1205 to 1054, while 33,700 will be inducted in ate studies. Another received his the drc city graduate udmentswalth"Jdogrollmentest e prsen tol "I have the feeling that draft February. And quotas are expect- notice of induction last month. from th continued in Fall 1967. phone calls, says Assistant Dean and masters candidates have le t activity will be picking up during ed to stay at this level at least These figures may appear small who fin But this term, many faculty Byron Groesbeck of the graduate school, or are planning to leave ie , says Prof. Joe until June when compared to the total en- one-hal and administrators fear the loss school, "there must be a marked to accept draft deferable jobs. .gineering d aet. nA sampling of various schools rollment of some 310 psychology duringt andregsaduatehestudents. sHoweverronlydegettment of increasing numbers of students increase in the number of stu- The engineering school report- "Draft boards will be gettand departments uncovers moder- graduate students. However, only get dra to the draft or to deferable oc- dents receiving induction notices" edly is hard hit by the loss of stu- to more students," hs says.I f ate losses to the draft thus far and 0 of these students are males in Other cupations. Groesbeck says he thinks en- dents who are seeking occupational we'll find a bigger drop this pre- an expectation that this trend will their first or second year of gradadminis Preliminary enrollment figures rollment in the graduate school (II-A) deferments. sent term, when the figures are continue or accelerate. uate study. losses d for the new term are not yet will drop to "8000 or slightly less," "A number of potential engin- in. The Law School lost about 30 Only first and second year stu- many s available but indications are that from 8337 in the fall. The usual eering graduate students have While the decrease in graduate students last term "for what ap- dents are eligible to be drafted ing defe the Tniversity has already lost drop from fall to winter terms is sought out jobs in defense-orient- enrollment has thus far been most pears to be military reasons," says under the new law. dents a over 300 graduate students, mostly only 100. ed industry to obtain a draft de- pronounced in the engineering Associate Dean Roy Proffitt. He Graduate enrollment in the bus- appeals because. of the draft. He points out that, on the aver- ferment," says Prof. Joseph Rowe, school, rising draft quotas threat- expects to lose about another 10 iness administration school drop- inductio A marked increase, in admin- age, one-sixth of University grad- chairman of the electrical engin- en to hit almost all University freshmen to the draft this term. ped sharply last fall to 790 from a major istrative concern over the draft uate students are eligible for the eering department. divisions. Four or five psychology gradu- 986 last winter. "Most of the en- I-A clas Ten Pages U, t disparity is due to the says James B. Ardis, di- f admissions for the school. points out, however, that p in enrollment resulted e large number of students ished the school's one and f year masters program the summer "so they could ft deferred occupations." departmental and school trators indicated few or no irectly to the draft, but aid their students are seek-, errable jobs. Scores of stu- re reportedly involved in of their classification or n notices. Many, perhaps ty of eligible students hold sifications. CHOOSES LEADERS: enants union sets rent strike structure By DAN SHARE the Lawyer's Guild. However,' all nounced it now has 99 organizers The Ann Arbor Tenants' Union important political decisions will signed up and expects more in the put its planned rent strike into be made by the organizers - the near. future. gear last night by forming a steer- people who will do the actual The steering committee will! ing committee to co-ordinate the door-to-door recruitment of stu- have two functions The first is to strike and delineating plans for dents to withhold rent and refuse act as supervisors for the organi- the strike's escrow fund. to sign leases with members of the es eh f the rg e- A meeting attend pd by 1 0 Ann Arbor Property Managers As- zers. Each of the at-laige r in people decided the strike will ini- sociation. that a ce nmbe oorgan 0 tially be run by a 14-member The strike is scheduled, to begin ers placed under his supervision, steering committee, including ex- when 2,000 students have signed reach their quotas (now 'estimated officio representation of SGC, such pledges, at 20 pledges). The supervisor is Student Housing Association, and The steering committee an- liable for recall from the steer- Sing committee by those organizers ;, .. ~' under hitn." Secondly the steering comimit- tee members will serve as trustees of the escrow and rent strike funds. The rent strike fund will consist of outside contributions and the equivalent of 10 per cent of the first month's rent for oper- 4 ating expenses. The fund will be placed in a savings account at an . ~placed in a savings account at an unspecified bahk and five at-large - A members of the committee will serve as trustees. Milliken backs state funding rfor paroehiaid By LESLIE WAYNE spepca1 To The Daiy LANSING - Governor-designate William Milliken ex- pressed "sympathy" towards the plight of non-public schools in the State of the State message to the State Legislature yesterday. "It would be tragic," Milliken said, "if circumstances should cause the private schools and colleges religious-affil- iated or otherwise to deteriorate and disappe r." Milliken's support of state aid to private and parochial schools came in contrast with Gov. Romney's warning Mon- day night that state aid to private schools might prove too costly a burden for the taxpayers. The Governor-designate's ad-- -Associated Press Milliken gives the Sti of the State OUTSIDE THE (ROUP . .QPQ ,lgr n i it '-The remainder of the f i r s t month's rent and the rent for all succeeding months of the strike By CHRIS STEELE tion of including SBS had never with the Student Book Service, will be held in escrow at an un- Student Book Service, the little come to him, students would do the faculty a disclosed bank not in Ann Arbor cold-water flat bookstore on South Fred Ulrich of Ulrich's 'would favor if they would take as much and the other five at-large mem University, would like very much not talk to ThetDaily last night of their business as possible to the as trustees for that fund to join five major campus book- bh stores in their co-operative Ui- In order to obtain complete . Prof. John Rodenbeck of the The group decided to provide versity-wide course text listings, booklists, SBS has had to send out English department says he or- five different, methods for plac- but they can't get in. separate forms to faculty mem- ders books through both the text- ing the money in escrow. The The Textbook Reporting Serv- bers. "It costs a lot to get the book service and SBS, but gives first, and the one steering com- ice, an organization composed f information," Shure says, "three SBS an adantage by ordering mittee members expect to be most U r i c h ' s, Overbeck's, Follett's, years and a few thousand dollars" from them first. popular, calls for the purchase of Wahr's and Slater's bookstores, Shure thinks his lists are better H a money order made out to either collects lists of books for most and attributes this to "greater He favors SBS, he says, "because tenant or the landlord which courses each semester through personal contact with the faculty the have a o reor ha - t swill be turned in to the trustees mailings to each professor. and more services provided by curement." He also reports that -Associated Press an.lcdi sft eoi he has heard complaints within 1Police, studen~ts clash in California box. The second is essentially the jThe joint effort by the five SBSisthe partmofnth othe "sla k~esso savesprofessors and departments "We inform the faculty of the department of slackss suame excepttatthe unio will duplication of effort in supplying status of books they order-wheth- Blau gave SBS an exclusive or- check provided by the tenant. the information and saves the er they are out of print or cheaper der for one text this year "because adminstrative costs to the stores,' editions are available, Shure The other three plans call for which they share. says. they are more co-operative and a savings account to be filled by SBS has asked to join the group The duplication has both help- quicker. The other stores will say checks made out to the union, every semester for three years and ed and hurt SBS. When SBS first it takes a month" he says, but checks made out to the landlord, has been unsuccessful, manager began asking for text information, SBS will go out and get the book." to ~ e v ~ ii i ) a Iadass etigha en-eta-W hv akd ob icuddIqus.-o-toyar-he-h and cash, Ned Shure reports. many professors ignored their re- From wire Service Reports "We have asked to be included quest. For two years when the Strife stemming from protesting students and striking tively scheduled for Feb. 6 to and we are willing to pay any English department prepared a teachiers at San Francisco State College spread across the evaluate he work of the organizers Iprice for the service," he says. departmental list, Prof. Sheridan and assess the efficiency of the Shure says the other stores have Blau says, no lists for 200 level state of California yesterday. new structure. refused to allow SBS to join the courses were sent to SBS. Can the Etast Coast, meanwhile, the president of Brandeis Members of the steering come- Textbook Reporting Service be Many other professors, how-( 0 c rate University ipi Waltham, Mass., offered amnesty to a group of mittee stressed that its power is cause they object to SBS's gener-, ever, favor SBS because they feelv black students who took over the building housing the school's really limited. ally lower prices. it gives better service. communications system. However, his offer was turned down. Steering committee members are Shure holds that Ulrich's the Prof. Robins Burling of the By NADINE COHODAS And in Swarthmore Pa., 15 members of the Afro-Amer- Maria Mazzaloni, grad., D a v i d largest of the stores, is the con- anthropology department calls Student Government Council Shapiro, grad., Norm Wilson, trolling force in the reporting the system "an inconvenience to I will open Ann Arbor's newest dis- can Society took over the admiistration building of 104- grad., Stu Katz, grad., Peter Den- service and is primarily responsi- the faculty since we have to fill count mart early next week. year-old Swarthmore College, saying they would remain in- ton, grad., Nancy Holmstrom, ble for keeping SBS out. out this form separately" and Located in room 1528 of t h e side until their demands are met by officials. grad., Roy Ashmall, Ron Lafferty, Most of the managers at the feels SBS should be allowed to Student Activities Bldg. the Uni- In California, trouble broke out at seven of the state's '72E, Steve Marston, Barry Co - five stores were unavailable for join to save the extra effort. versity Discount Store will sell colleges. I hen, '70,, Janet Handy, and re- comment yesterday because of the. In response to the situation everything from school supplies to I presentatives from SGC, SHA, book rush. The one who did, Leo Burling says, "So long as the other extra-long cigarettes Most significant was the turmoil at San Francisco State and the lawyers' guild. , Hallen of Wahr's, said the ques- book stores refuse to cooperate "The main purpose of the store dress followed a brief introduc- tion by Gov. Romney. The Gov. 'will be leaving to assume the posi- tion of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Nixon administration. In his remarks to the 75th Le- gislature yesterday, Romney re- affirmed his belief that "we should leave secular education to the state with the churches con- centrating their efforts on ex- panding weekday religious and moral instruction." However, in his address, Milli- ken cautioned that if the Legisla- ture approves of state aid to pri- vate and parochial schools, it must "find a source for the addi- tional funds which would be re- quired. He added that any legisla- tion must "conform with our con- stitutional restrictions." In the last legislative session, a bill providing direct financial aid to parents of children in private schools was proposed but n e v e r reported out of committee. It is *expected that a similar bill will be brought before the current legislature. Milliken called for an improved state aid formula to help "equal- ize educational opportunity" and See MILLIKEN, Page 7 mt store next veek is to offer a discount on supplies for art and architecture students in particular," store coordinator Dennis Webster explains. "They seem to be the ones who suffer most from high Ann Arbor prices on necessary utensils.X' Webster says the store will carry all major supplies for art students and as many supplies as possible Backsrap snack bar mana er By HENRY GRIX An incident of alleged racial discrimination in South Quad's Club 600 brought several Uriver- sity administrators and a group pf black, students into conflict yes- terday.i John C.' Feldkamp, director of University housing, delayed final resolution of the case, while the five students demanded the resig- nation of the club manager whom they charge "embarrassed and of- fended" them. The students, residents of Alice Lloyd Hall, complained that they were told to "get out'" of the snack bar late Wednesday night by the manager, Peter Collins, They said they were visiting the dorm as guests of a friend when asked to leave South Quad's pri-T vate club. Collins said yesterday he had asked the group for University identification as soon as they en- tered the club because he suspect- ed they were part of a "young, mod, black" group believed re- sponsible for the rash of vandal- ism and theft which has plagued the quad since last fall. Quad Director John Lindquist had advised Collins to question customers who resembled the suspected vandals. "We weren't dressed mod and we don't look like we're fifteen." Gloria Davis, '71, explained. "There was no reason for the man in the snack bar to associate us with these people except the fact that we're black." "He did not let us get to the snack bar, therefore he could not have known whether or not we were just passing thrdugh," added Debbie Mobley, '71. "He began shouting 'Get out! Get out!" I told you before you can't come here!" and threatened to call the police. "I tried to ask him if this were See HARASSMENT, Page 7 Will Smith (gets new OSA post Will Smith has been appointed t ouege, wnere striking teach+-- ers defied a court temporary. restraining order yesterday and resumed their places on a picket line in front of the campus. The restraining order was issued late Wednesday night in an at- tempt to stop the four day oldj strike by members of local 1352 of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which represents 436 of approximately 1100 teach- ers at the college,1 GarytHawkins, president of the, AFT local, said the membership. voted overwhelmingly to ignore, the court order in a meeting early yesterday morning. Leaders of the striking teachers -niinn flrare can,,, - with nnia,,. c f SPACE SHORTAGE REMAINS i Med Sci II: No long er the sot By JUDY SARASOIIN Medical Science II is 17 years too late. The latest addition to the sprawling Medical complex is being built to fulfill the Medi- cal School's programatic needs' of 17 years ago, and now the Regents have asked the faculty to consider the possibility of en- larging the entering class. In 1951. the University re- was Democratic. Fiscal manage- ment was slightly chaotic. Con- struction could not be started on Medical Science II because the state's budget turned out to be much higher than its appro- priations. The contract to build Med- ical Science II was finally sign- ed in December of 1965, and work began in the following January. urged the University to expand the Medical School enrollment. Similar requests have been made -by the American Medical As- sociation, the Association of American Medical Colleges, and the National Advisory Commis- sion on Health Manpower. Dr. William N. Hubbard, dean of the Medical School says, it is possible with the existing of 300 entering students by fall, 1970. The Medical School insists, however, that the University must receive more funds from the state in order to develop extra facilities, besides Medical Science II, to make the enroll- ment increase feasible. The Uni- versity is expected to submit a supplementary budget request to the State Legislature to cover for achitecture students. In addi- tion, the store will sell records, stereo tape decks, general school supplies, and cigarettes. * Records which normally list at $4.79 a piece will be sold for $3.36, Webster reports, a discount of 30 per, cent. Most other Ann Ar- bor stores offer 15-25 per cent of the pediatrics department, discounts on records. speculates that the Medical The store will sell a pack of School might be able to obtain cigarettes for 26 cents and a pack some "cheap space." He en- of 100 mm cigarettes .for 28 cents, visions relatively simple, inex- Webster says. pensive buildings used only for The SGC committee working on lectures and class rooms, with- the store has purchased supplies out any labs, or special facili- from both local and national re- ties. cord and school supply distribu- "We don't mean to sound un- tors. grateful for this new building," E Students will staff the store pri- r,,t, .._