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February 04, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-04

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C 1

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Windy, w-ith a
possibility of light snow

Vol. LXXIX No, 105

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 4, 1969

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Ten Cents

Ten Pages






To resign post after
27 years as president
Michigan State University President John Hannah is
expected to announce his resignation tonight to join the
Nixon administration as director of the Agency for Interna-
tional Development (AID), Washington sources confirmed
While Hannah acknowledged the possibility of his ac-
cepting a federal post, he emphasized such a move would not
come in the near future.
"There will be a meeting of our Board of Trustees to
consider the possibility of some sort of a shared-time role for
-- balance of this school year,
and the possibility of a full-
T y 1 ; time role in the federal gov-
ernment after that," Hannah
" e said.
M4Speculation on Hannah's resig-
tr iS ileS nation was touched off early yes-
terday when former MSU trustee
*-C. Allen Harlan indicated Han-
t-,,r CS nah would resign at a special
011 SiL 1.K US meeting of, the Board of Trustees
WASHINGTON (A) - Acting However, Hannah immediately
President S. I. Hayakawa of San denied the report. He later
Francisco State College told Con- changed his statement.
gress yesterday that student mili- The Daily learned from reliable
tants are using Nazi-like tactics in Washmgton sources that Hannah
their protests. will accept the AID directorship,
which administers the non-mili-
Speaking before a House Educa- tary foreign aid program.
tion subcommittee, Hayakawa de-! Hannah at 66, is a year past the
fended his use of police to pacify retirement age of MSU adminis-
the San Francisco campus. But trators.
he admitted that "the issues be- Hannah's 27 year reign was
hind most present troubles are threatened this fall when an effort
valid." to oust him was initiated by two
Hayakawa also told the sub- Democratic MSU trustees.
committee, which is conducting Trustee Clair White (D-Bay
hearings on amendments to the City) requested in October that
Higher Education Act of 968, that Hannah set a retirement date.
universities o need "better educa- prior to the November elections."
uiversppnities d"better e - The proposal was defeated by the
tional opportunities at all levels, trustees in a 6-2 vote, Harlan
even at enormous expenses joining White in voting for the
Hayakawa said revolutionary resolution.
groups like the Students for a White charged that Hannah,
Democratic Society are construct- during his presidency, has been
ed "to create doubt about the more interested in politics than in:
ability of administrators to ad- being president.
minister and of government to Hannah was assistant secretary
govern." of defense for manpower and per-,
"This is the sort of thing Adolf sonnel in the Eisenhower admin-j
Hitler'sfollowers did when they istration(1t953-54),h
werebraling steet rous," He is currently chairman of the
Hayakawa added. "They created United States Civil Rights Com-
doubts about the ability of courts mission.
dt aboustr the ablits, ofcuts In 1966 it was revealed that
to administer the laws, officials five agents of the Central Intelli-
to function and government to gence Agency infiltrated an MSU
$O~eri. 'aid mission in S th Vif ta

makes n
In its first full open meet-
ing, the literary college fac-
ulty yesterday postponed by a
close vote action on a motion
to alter the present language
Under the motion by Prof. }. '
Robert Hefner of the psychology
department, the present require- ~'
ment -would be reduced to a re-
quired ten credit-hours, \ith
credit given for language study
done elsewhere.
Students would also be able to
petition for other means of satis-
fying the requirement.
Dean William L. Hays made it
clear that Hefner's motion could
be used "as a vehicle" for propos-
ing other motions on the language
requirement which could be acted
upon at the faculty's next meet-
ing in March.
Following the vote to postpone
action. the faculty body became
a "quasi-committee of the whole"
to discuss the language require-
During the debate Prof. Peter
Smith of the chemistry depart-
ment outlined a proposal similar
to Hefnes, giving ten hours cred-ro
it to those students who entered
the University with language pro-
Students who fulfilled the re-
quirement by taking University C
language courses would receive
either those ten hours of credit or
credit for the language courses
taken to attain proficiency, which-
ever was larger.
Much of the discussion dealt
with the value of learning a for-
eign language.
Prof. Sheridan Baker of the
Eiglish department drew the most Radical
applause from the faculty with a ing a disru
Atrong speech supporting the Ian- begin Wedi
gua ge requirement. m eit
"To abolish or weaken the re- immediate
quirement would be andeduca- The Ca
tional and a \national disaster," faculty to a
Baker said. \ theaubt
Baker called the "intellectual the subjec
struggle" of learning a foreign The ma
language "extremely valuable." Quad dinin
"The educational system is so t ~

o decision

- Daily-Brian Bard
ISU studentsac j o erridors of the a(ininistration buildintg
MSU students pr
dis-missal of Garsokof

Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING- Nearly 1000
students staged a three hour sit-
in at the administration building
of Michigan State University yes-
terday to protest the firing of as-
sistant professor of psychology
Bertram Garskof.
The students avoided confron ta-

"it is the duty of the civil author- The tenure review board was
ities to halt it." reportedly unsatisfied with Gar-
Hannah called police on cam- skof's methods of teaching his
pus last June to quell a disturb- sections of Psychooyy 100, an in-
ance arising during a protest tlioductory cours e, and Psychology
against the involvement of cam- 49Q. an ipdroidual csca eh lrO-
pus security guards in narcotics gram.
arrests. However, during the sit-in one
A review board of the MSU psy student said, "They fired Bert'
chology departmentthad recoi- Garskof because he teaches us to
mended last November that Gar- thing for ourselves."
skof's tenured contract not be re- An SDS leaflet said, "We en-
newed when it expires Aug. 31. rolled in Garskof's course, seeking
However, the board did offer Gar- an alternative to classes swollen
skof a two-year, non-tenured con- beyond reason, to course material

--Daily-Larry Robbing
)f. Robert Hefner addresses faculty
UU' ,to--seek,
l Caucus tonight will recommend to a mass meet
ptive sit-in at the LSA Bldg. The protest would
.nesday at 1 p.m. with the . goal of 'forcing an
end to language requirements.
iucus . move was prompted by the failure of the
ict yesterday at their regular monthly meeting on
t of language and distribution requirements:
ass meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in the South
g room and will be chaired by Student Govern-
cil executive vice president Bob Neff.
members resolved that the protest will 'not take
s the mass meeting adopts the sit-in resolution by
of at least 200.
will demand an im-- -

tion with campus police when
they voted to leave the building
at the 5:30 closing time after
being warned of possible arrests

Although Hayakawa said there
is "no SDBS dictator in the wings
that I know of," he claimed the
"creation of doubt is an impor-
w4 tant goal" for the organization.

aiu ul~zstn ouu
The MSU project
frontfor the CIA miss
said then that MS
fired the CIA agents
identity was exposed,,

Hayakawa also said he was hor- the aid program.
rified when he learned the San Hannah confirmed
Francisco State English depart- mission helped train
ment had employed as a .part- the 'regime of Ngo Dix
time' instructor George Murray, a finance guns for the
militant black graduate student.
Murray had been suspended after "
taking part in beating the 'editors
of the student newspaper. N ity to
Murray was employed before
Hayakawa became acting presi-
dent, eight weeks ago, and his em- 1WT
Chairman Edith Green (D- By DANIEL ZWE
Ore.), read into the record a por- City Hall has cance
tion of a speech by Murray, as write a tenants' rig
published in "The Black Panther." with the Board of F
She quoted from this San Fran- stead the city is proc
cisco publication a sentence at- to publish 'a revised v
tributed to Murray: "We are original booklet prepa
slaves and the only way to be- cember by a special c
come free is to kill all the slave The revised versio
masters." distributed to council,
Education 'circus.,
to discuss reform
By LANIE LIPPINCOTT At a later date
A Circus of Education? workshops' on a wide
That's what an unstructured more specific issues-
discussion of academic reform ducted by the sponsor
scheduled for 7 p.m. Sunday will cus, as well as by s
be called. Educational Innovati
Radical Caucus.
'The goal of the circus is to Issues to be discus
sensitize as many students as requirements, grading
possible to begin thinking crea- tion of tenure, racism
tively about their education," ex- Iversity, the role of t
plains Larry Deitch, a member of fellow, ihdependentt
the Student Government Council. '"authoritarian game"
SGC is sponsoring the circus, to dent-faculty relations.
be held in the Union Ballroomd - Bob Haueit of th
along with University Activities Religious Affairs says,
Center and the Office Qf Religious !were good as a first
Affairs. teach-ins have locked
Three of four speakers will sit first models. To chang
on chairs in the ballroom and you have to start by

m-I~II foi' tesasig
served as a M eident John Hannah The two year probat
sion.Hanh MUPeietJn Hannah fer was withdrawn 1
SU promptly\ said yesterday afternoon he would however, on the order,
s when their have filed a complaint with the of the School of Socia
and dropped county prosecutor had the stu- Clarence L. Winder. W
dents attempted to remain in the he based his decision on
d the MSU building overnight. failure to compensate f
a militia for "When students interfere with adeouacies" as an instri
nh Diem and the orderly and normal function by the department in i
civil guard. of the university," Hannah said, ber report.
printtenants rightsf

irrelevant to our own needs, and


ionary of- from cut-throat competition for -"that there is a tendency to turn
ast week, grades." everything into a sort of play,
s of Dean The two courses as taught by school."
l Services, Garskofare basicallyaunstruc-itIn suppoit ofdhis argument, he
inder said? tured. Students are allowed to cited iresearch done at the Uni-
Garskof's the contents of the course. Also, versity of California which indi-
or his "in- in the past all the students re- cated "thought increases the size
uctor cited ceived A's. of the cerebral cortex."
ts Novem- Students had demanded rein- Prof. Arthur Mendel of the his-
_f - .. ;tory department also drew ap-


down," Baker added,

ment Louni
place unless
a majority c
aThe sit-in

mediate end to language require-
ments: It will end when students
and faculty reach ail agreement
on how to end the requirements.
.'The demand for abolition of


statement of GarSkof by 2 P.M.
yesterday and began a mass rally
on the steps of the administration
building when the demand was
not mdtet.

plause from students as well as distribution requirements w a s
faculty members attending the dropped from the Caucus agenda
meeting, because it has not received wide-
"Language is a means of com. pread support from students.
munication, but we haven't had Furthermore, Caucus members

debate SW

t ssistane of

RDLING realtors board but only for infor'mn-
lled plans to al criticism, City Public Informa-
ghts booklet tion Officer Jane Mack said yes-
Realtors. In- terday.
eeding alone "After the booklet became an
ersion of they issue, we decided since the bro-
ared last De- chure was instigated by a council
ommittee. resolution, we should stick with:
n has been it strictly as a city project," Mrs.
'men and the Mack added.
Earlier the city had considered
giving the project to the Board of,
Realtors after t h e board com-'
plained the booklet was an "un-
fair picture of Ann Arbor." They
claimed it "represented a minority!
of tenantswho h a v e problems
with their landlords,"
The city's action c a me after
"sideshows," Councilman Leroy Cappaert (D-
e range of 5th ward) asked City Adminis-
will be con- trator Guy Larcom to report on
s of the cir- the realtors' influence on the
students for booklet, originally aimed at edu-
on and the cating poor tenants about their'
rights. Cappaert learned from a
ssed include Daily article that the city w a s
, the ques- considering turning t h e project:
in the uni- over to the realtors.
he teaching The proposed new version of the
study, t h e booklet retains a summary of ten-
. and stu- ants' legal rights against land-:
lords who fail to obey housing!
e Office of laws but adds. You have many
"Teach-ins rights as a tenant, as well as re-
model, but sponsibilities."
d into the However, the only tenant re-
e education, sponsibilities mentioned are regu-
innovating lar rent payment, and a warning

floors o'f te;any communication with students
occupied the first twoflosfth today," Mendel said.
I 1 >_toed police stood guard at stairwells and make the decisions concern-
and elevators to prevent the crowd ing their educations," he said.
"We haven't decided on t h e from spreading throughout the "Adding or subtracting a little
means of distribution yet," Mrs. I rest of the building. Employes in here and there to the language
Mack said, "but the booklets will many offices locked doors and requirement misses the whole
be free." posted signs saying the offices point," Mendel added
The Washtenaw County Legal were temporarily closed. Hefner called for a straw vote
Aid Society meanwhile has been Once inside, students set up a on his own motion and Smith's
planning to publish its own book- loudspeaker system, and discus- proposal, but met with opposition
let for all of Washtenaw County. sion was started about the goals from other faculty members. The
"It appeared for awhile that the and purposes of the sit-in. The vote was never taken.
city was not going to go ahead ' group made the following deci- During later discussion Prof.
with the project," said legal aid , sions: . Arnold Kaufman of the philoso-
director George Stuart. -- To make a second demand phy department countered Baker's
"But if the city is now going calling for the "open enrollment" arguments. "There are other
to put out a booklet comparable I of black, third world, and poor things that can increase the mass
to t h e original version I don't' white students; 'of the 'cerebral cortx'," Kaufman
know what our plans will be." See MSU, Page 10 See FACULTY; Page 10

Caucus sit-in, plan, protesters "A
will enter the LSA Bldg. Wed-A meeting of social work stu-
nesday at 1 p.m. If enough stu- dents last Sunday failed to draw a
dents come, the sit-in may decide quorum. The meeting was called
to stop completely the operations late Saturday night.
of the building Thursday by lock- The major issue, how to react to
ing the doors. the faculty's amended acceptance
Last week at a mass meeting of a demand for a greater stu-
for a non-disruptive sit-in, about dent voice in the school, will be
175 students attended. About 100 discussed at the regular meeting
students sat-in at the LSA Bldg. of the Social Work Student Un-
lnt Frid d b ~ t 12 t dion tomorrow.

said it seemed unlikely the facul-
ty would take such action.


tasl r'riWay an a outiLL suagea
a symbolic vigil over the weekend.
Debate at last night's Caucus
meeting centered around how to
make students accept the sit-in.
"There is no doubt that the
See CAUCUS, Page 10

Spock calls for radical party

The students had demanded ac-
ceptance of a joint student-fac-
ulty committee recommendation
which called for' parity on all
committees in the school except
That recommendation left final
decision-making power up to the
deans and the governing faculty.
The amended version excluded
students from three more commit-
tees and gave each committee a
faculty chairman who voted In
the event of a tie.
One of the committees excluded
was the faculty search committee,
which students wish to have a
vote on.
The meeting Sunday had only
20 out of a needed 27 from the
tDocial Work Students U n i o n
leadership. Some students saw
that as a challenge to SWSU's
"The silence of so many stu-
dents may be regarded by some
as apathy, but others know the

Dr. Benjamin Spock, ped-
iatrician gone political, Sunday
urged students to challenge the
power of the Democratic Party.
Speaking in Hill Aud. as part
of the Creative Arts Festival,
Spock told the audience, "We've
got to form a radical party that
at least will be a threat to the
Democrats and I think at the
University you must organize
students to have some real im-

audience. However, Spock said
he doesn't believe society can
get along without laws "e v e n
though they are relatively con-
tradictory and enforced by Es-
tablishment types who make
sure the law 'is on their side."
"A prosecutor and chief of
police agree on some things and
disagree on others," Spock said.
"They'll grab a person and then
decide under which law they are
grabbing him."
"I'm not saying disobey the

Spock admitted, however, "I
don't advocate violence because
I am one for whom the system
works." He said the last presi-
dential campaign that "we who
have a vision of something bet-
ter have got to get going poli-
When he began discussing the
Vietnam war and Lyndon John-
son, Spock's remarks became
much more pointed. He called
Johnson a "bully" who "show-
ed effectively how a bully can

"I despise what my country
is doing in Vietnam," he con-
tinued, "but I can't imagine be-
ing happy in another country"
Spock also sAid he did not
think the United States "is any
worse than any other country
although we're getting in worse
and worse trouble." "We m a y
destroy ourselves if we continue
this way," Spock added.
Lambasting U.S. imperialism
in general, Spock said the peo-

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