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February 02, 1969 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-02

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Sunday, February 2, 1,36"

THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Sunday, February 2. I

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SW students granted
equal representation
(Continued from page 1) alternative programs the school
Students were not allowed on offers. These are roughly equiva-
the two other committees because lent to departments in other
the faculty felt it did not have schools and colleges.
complete jurisdiction over them.
"The doctoral program commit- The committees in charge are
tee," Fauri said, "is strictly a grad- similar to the executive commit-
uate school group which deals tees in other colleges, although
with the social sciences as well as faculty hiring is not included.
social work. The human subjects Although student union chair-
committee is administered by the man Paul Fettig said he feels
University administration." the "structural hang-up has been
The major committee on which solved," possible trouble over the
students will now serve include faculty decision may not have been
the curriculum, curiculum renew- averted.
al, field instruction and five pro- Leaders of the student union
gram committees. met with Dean Fauri after the
The program committees of the faculty meeting, "but we avoided
social work school direct the five i it f



S (I

Black studies
get approval
at Harvard
Harvard University has officially
established a Black studies depart-
ment without violence or pro-
longed confrontation.
The school's adminispration gave
official status to a plan approved
earlier by a faculty committee to
set up a degree program in Afro-
American Studies.

uscussion o! tie merits and simply
explained details of the decision,"
Fauri said.
In a position paper last week,
the union declared it would not
accept anything less than their
'50-50' proposal. At their meeting
yesterday, the possibility of a si-
in or student strike was empha-
"I have not contemplated nego-
tiation, and will not make any
decision regarding it until after
the meeting of the union," Dean
Fauri said.
Fettig inndicated that students
might possibly be disturbed be-
cause there is no representation
of the faculty search committee
and because there are no student
committee chairmen.

Asociated Press
Free Quebec!
Clenched fists and yells of "We are all Quebeckers" filled the air yesterday as a group of French
students burst through a crowd listening to a speech in Brittany by French President Charles de
Gaulle. They referred to De Gaulle's call for a free Quebec.
ony roos pla-ns oster
solution to student unrest'

t -





The recommendation came af-
ter nine months of study and dis-
cussion with black, student leaders o
at the prestigious Ivy L e a g u e G ro p Se I
Phanges in Harvard's invest-#
ments, recruitment, social life, tudei'iI i on
and cultural affairs aimed at im-' 1
proving the status of blacks were
also urged. (Continued from page 1)
The committee report no doubt Bleich tends to favor the simpler
gives moral support and legiti- co-ordinating aspect. He says the
macy to blacks on other campuses committee ought to serve an in-
who for the past two weeks have formational function between the
taken overt actions to dramatize eight or more departmental for-
their demands. ums in the college.
Among the Harvard recom- Daniel Feld, '69, a representa-j
mendations are more black pro- tive to the committee from the
fessors, administrators, and re- steering committee of the History
search personnel; a social and Student Association, envisions a
cultural center for the blacks; much wider role for the new or-'
vigorous recruitment of black ganizations. He sees the organ-
graduate students; greater em- izations as a political voice with
phasis on the experience of blacks which to deal with the faculty.h
in all courses; and more researchw
in Afro-American Studies. "The faculty must come to un-
The committee noted that derstand that the students' stake
"black students feel alienated in the University is a vital one,
from, even neglected within, Har- We will no longer tolerate delay
vard." It called the absence of on issues which are of a pressing
courses in black culture "the sin- nature."
gle most potent source of black He cites a week reading period
students' discontent" there. before exams, elimination of the
Harvard has been spared the language requirement, an easing
kind of rebellion such alienation of the course load and liberaliza-
has caused on other campuses- tion of the distribution require-
most recently Brandeis, Swarth- 'ments as urgent matters that the
more, San Francisco State and faculty should deal with immed-I
others. iately.
I, -

Editor 1967-68
- Somewhere in this vast land
is an enterprising young man
who will figure out the answer
to the problem of student un-
rest that is paralyzing univer-
sities nationwide: He will come
out with a way to build a mo-
dern university without stu-
To be sure, the vast number of
suspensions currently sweeping
campuses across the country is
a step in that direction. But
until a way can be found to
start a campus without students
-and to keep it that way-the
disruption will continue.
Still, in the interim, it is
impossible to see what this new
studentless campus will l o o k
like. For a visit to Stony Brook
- a two-hour Long Island rail-
road ride out from New York
-shows what a school not plan-
ned for students looks like.
Founded as one of the four
University Centers in the vast
State University of New York
(SUNY) in 1957, the neo-penal
buildings now handle about
5,000 students with a project-
ed enrollment of 10,000.
Students are incidental to the
SUNY system - indeed, Time
magazine ran a lengthy c o v e r
story on the burgeoning educa-
tional empire without a picture
of or quote from a single stu-
dent. We learn about the vast
SUNY television network, the
Edward Durrel Stone campus at
Albany which Governor Rocke-

feller kindly inserts in the land-
ing approach for distinguished'
visitors to the capital. And there
is Stony Brook President John
S. Toll posed with his foot stuck
in a bulldozer chewing up yet
another expanse of Long Is-
land real estate.
For three days last fall, class-
es were, called off for a convo-
cation to talk about a host of
problems confronting the cam-
pus. The keynote addres was of-
fered by Dr. T. Alexander Pond,
the Executive Vice-President
(in charge of Stony Brook mon-
ey): "In the early post-war
years (certainly no later than
1950 when virtually every mem-
ber of our student body was
already an existing, palpable'
birth statistic . ..
I thought Dr. Pond was
kidding in deference to his kind
of McNamara image around the
campus. But when I visited him
in his library office (books have
been in storage to make room
for temporary administrative
offices until a suitable admin-
istration building can be erect-
ed) it was nearly impossible to
move amidst the clutter of com-
Muter print-outs. On his desk
was a small computer unit. It
was hooked up with similar;
consoles used by associates to
figure out anything from log-
rithm to square root. "Its k e y
feature is a memory unit," ex-
plained Dr. Pond while show-
ing me the $6,000 machine.
But all this careful statistical'
planning for the future does
little for present-day S t o n y

Brook students who are justifi-
ably upset over everything. All
the classic problems of ar es-
tablished university are afflict-
ing young Stony Brook. There
is tripling in the dormitories,
horrendous architecture (o v e r
$900,000 was invested this year
to beautify six-year-old build-
ings), and inadequate library
But exactly what is the fu-
ture Stony Brook? Dr. Pond is
quite clear: "Boston is welcome
to the engineering industry,
Berkeley is welcome to the ni~c-
lear industry, we'd like the edu-
cation industry. We are sitting
on the crest of a large educa-
tion boom. People are spend-
ing zillions to educate the
young. Big corporations are in-
vesting in the field. We've got
top consultants here. who are
already getting into it."
They will preoccupy them-
selves with statistics, not stu-
dents; put administrators first
and library books; second; and
see research for big business as
a way to gain stature in the
academic 'world. Time, with
its vested interest in the "edu-
cation business", will come up
with reprintable cover paens.
There will be no students
pictured amidst the shots of
glittering architecture. For the
students have become only an,
appendix to the educational
system,. When they kick up, ad-
ministrators can easily cut
them out of this brave new


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They Have One More Chance
But will they use it?

} :


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