See editorial page
:4Ia ity
I l gh-33
Overcast and
Vol LXXIX, No.104
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 2, 1969
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Faculty to consider reform
a report in time for the March
of the faculty.
The literary college faculty meets tomorrow
but it seems unlikely it will take any action
in response to student demands for an end
to language and distribution requirements.
The students, led by Radical Caucus, have
scheduled a mass meeting for Tuesday night
to consider their response to faculty action
or lack of action.
The faculty session, a regular monthly
meeting, follows by four days the special
session which decided to open faculty meet-
ings to the public and press.
At that meeting, an hour-long discussion
of language and distribution requirements
proved to be inconclusive.
During the discusison a number of reform
proposals were considered.
Prof. Robert Hefner of the psychology de-
partment proposed that the appropriate goal
of the college should be giving students "a
cosmopolitan world view." The motion asks
for the curriculum committee to begin de-
visinigappropriate programs to fulfill that
Although Hefner's motion calls for the end
of the present language requirement, it does
not specify whether that should precede or
follow the institution of the new require-
ment. It would probably take at least until
next semester to devise a program.
Another plan, which Radical Caucus lead-
ers say they find acceptable,/was given to
Dean Hays two weeks ago by Prof. Peter A.
Smith of the chemistry department.
His proposal would abolish the require-
ment and make elementary language ability
acceptable for advance placement credit. Un-
der present college policy, students can be
relieved of the requirements by showing
proficiency in a foreign language, but can
only receive advance placement credit for
courses above that level.
The motion has not been officially sub-
mitted to the faculty yet and could not
be voted on until a meeting after this one.
The college has a layover rule prohibiting
final action on a motion at the first meet-
ing at which it is i5resented.
It is generally considered very unlikely
the faculty would suspend the rules to.con-
sider Smith's motion.
Prof. Theodore Buttrey chairman of the
classical studies department, finds Smith's
proposal unacceptable because it tacitly
forces the burden of language instruction on
the public school system. He says language
cannot be taught there because of lack of
ability and funds.
Supporters have argued that the proposal
has merit because students learn languages
easier when they are younger. Prof. James C.
O'Neill, chairman of the Romance languages
department, noted that the very idea of hav-
ing requirements was being called in ques-
tion and suggested that it be kept in mind.
Prof. Harvey Brazer, chairman of the
economics department, advised the faculty to
recognize the cost of requirements under a 120
hour degree limitation. If certain courses are
required, he said, the faculty should con-
sider whether those required courses are as
valuable as other courses students c o u 1 d
elect in their place.
Whatever the merit of these proposals,
the curriculum committee of the college 'is
also working on the language problem. It has
been for more than a year now and expects
to submit
3 meeting
Prof. James Gindin, chairman of the com-
mittee, says the only thing that could keep
his committee from having its report done
on time would be a general disruption of the
University by students, implicitly because of
faculty failure to act on the requirement
A whole range of proposals are also before
the curriculum committee now. One which
at least a few members of the committee
seem to support was submitted by Prof. Wil
Liam Cressey of the Romance languages de-
partment when he appeared before the com-
mittee a few weeks ago.
He . suggested a "contact" requirement,
either two years of high school or one year
of college language instruction.
But despite the wide range of possibilities
before the faculty, action still seems unlikely.
Many professors prefer to wait until the cur-
riculum committee submits its report at the
next faculty regularly scheduled meeting in
-Daily-Andy Sacks'
Sit-in at Dean Hays' office
Rent 'strike group may
Stud ents
face conspiracy charge eciial
By DAN SHARE hey is out of town for the week- 1spiracy statute is a general, broad
District Judge S. J. Elden said end and his office declined to based law designed to cover a
last night he was'informed the comment on any investigation of wide variety of offenses.
county prosecutor is investigating rent strife activities. The alleged threats. to extend
the rent strike steering committee The rent strike steering com- probation were directed to Barry
for possible criminal conspiracy mittee is the central organization -Cohen, '70, and Janet Handy.
charges. responsible for the soliciting of They received letters last week
pledges to withhold rent. asking them to meet with their
In, addition, two members of Under Michigan law a con- probation officer, Ronald Rinker.
the committee who were convicted spiracy consists of any group of The two met with Rinker sepa-
of criminal trespass last October two or more people who conspire rately that afternoon.
claim District Court officials have to violate a law. It -is a felony "Rinker told me he was in-
threatened to extend their pro- punishable by five years impris- structed by Judge Elden to find
bation. onment and a fine of $10,000. .out if wards of the .court might;
County prosecutor William Del- The Michigan omnibus con- be subject to criminal conspiracy
-------- - charges arising from activity in
dthe rent strike and warn them
their probation might be extend- i
all L cilii djta s a ed ," Cohen said.
Miss Handy said her conversa-
tion with {Rinker as essentially'
the same, but that Rinker told her
I'It IOfl~h *EOSEE1 E "Judge Elden is concerned that
what we are doing is illegal."
Probation for the two was orig-
WASHINGTON (A)-Proposals volunteer Arny," Rivers said. "I inally set at three months but is
to eliminate the draft and create think I would rather have a mix- subject to extension at the discre-
an all-volunteer Army may run ture of reserves and regulars. I tion of the judge for a period not
into trouble when and if they think that mix would be best for to exceed two years.
reach the House Armed Services the country." When asked to describe the
Committee. Rivers said one of the reasons substance of the conversation with
Chairman L. Mendel Rivers, (D- he would be against a wholly Cohen and Miss Handy, Rinker
SC), without taking a firm posi- volunteer Army would be its al- said "It's a highly confidential
tion for or against the proposals, legiance to the Defense Depart- matter and I don't feel 'I can dis-
hinted broadly in an interview he ment and the President and not cuss it."
is opposed to the creation of a to Congress. Elden denied the court is
well paid, all-volunteer profes- "I believe a reserve officer is threatening the pair with an ex -
sional Army, more likely to talk to -his congress- tens ion of probation for activity
man than a regular officer, " he in the rent strike. But he admits
"I'm not at all sure I'd favor a s he "had Mr. Rinker check the
newspaper to see who is involved.'
President Nixon carrying out a "Mr. Rinker's role was to warn
campaign promise, asked Secre- the participants they might be in
u rsestary of Defense Melvin R. Laird peril of violating 'the probation
cmsThsd y to eelop a pa ofagreement," Elden explained.
commission to develop a plan of Violation of the probation agree-
action for eliminating the draft, ment would mean immediate re-
During the election campaign vocation of probation and serving
Nixon promised efforts to elimi- of the original sentence-in this
nate the draft at the end of the case 23 days in jail.
Vietnam war and move toward a However in a discussion with
d res US volunteer Army. Cohen last Friday Rinker said
In a radio speech Oct. 17, Nixon that it was the extension "of pro-1
By ERIKA HOFF said: "If we find we can reason- bation that was being considered,
A Nursing School rule prohib- ably meet our peacetime manpower not revoking probation.
needs by other means, then we The legal implications of joining
iting the wearing of blue jeans by should prepare for the day when of the rent strike have been dis-
student nurses i the medical 1 the draft can be phased out of cussed by law students and organ-
center was the center of contro- American life. izers from the rent strike.
versy at the last' meetig of the '"I have looked into this question They indicate that tenants are
nursing council. very carefully. And this is my be- adequately protected from any re-
Although the rule was originally lief: Once our involvement in the talatory evictions or suits by
made by the students on the Vietnam War is behind "us, we Michigan law, and report that the f
W 7 -
BOriginal reform plan
amended liv faculty
Social work students yesterday won virtually equal
representation on 13 of the school's 17 major faculty com-
The restructured committees will be composed of 4n
equal number of student and faculty members, with a fat-
} ~ ulty chairman who votes only in case of 'a tie.
The plan for student representation, which won approval
from the school's faculty yesterdlay, is a modified version of
the proposal of a student-faculty committee. The proposal
I was supported by the Social Work Students Union, which
declared last week that it -- ---_- _
would accept "nothing less
than the '50-50' plan of equal s
During the seven-hour faculty
session which produced the deci-
sion, the students met across the
hall to consider possible action in
case the faculty refused to ap-
prove the proposal,
The students decided to call a p o r s
meeting of all social work students
,;.r:.;.."""":::::this afternoon to express student
.. ...reaction to the faculty's decision. By RICK PERLOFF
The 'deans and governing fac- All around he countr there ar
Associated Press ulty of the school still retain final University g r a d u a t e students
s decision-making power on all is- working on their dissertations, but
Ssy sues the graduate school has little idea
The faculty voted to exclude where they are.
student representatives from the To keep track of these Grad
faculty advisory, faculty search, students, the University is initiat-
St des c i ti ie sit=inhuman subjects and doctoral pro- ing a program of "continuous en-
gram committees. rollment" next term under which
The plan supported by the every graduate student working
students also left students off the on a dissertation must register an-
Faculty Advisory Committee and nually, perhaps paying a $20 fee,
left all final decisions to the deans According to assistant deanBY-
and faculty. Aon Groesbeck, the student would
However, the students had
Special To The Daly dicate the officials will not con--Granting total amnesty to h be required to send his depart-
--Grntin amnsty sought voting rights on the search
CHICAGO-University of Chi- j cede to any of the students de- students involved in the sit-in; committte hich recruits new fac- mental committee a statement of
cago students, remained in con- rmands. -progress on his dissertation.
trol of the school's administration The students' demands include: -Payment of all time lost by ul e e Failure to submit the statement
University employes because of Associate Dean Robert Vinter Falrtosmithsaeen
building yesterday as the prlotest -Rescinding the decision not the sit-in. claimed that "the search commit- would have the same effect as the
over student participation in the to rehire sociology Prof. Marlene tee membership was refused be- student's dropping out of school,
firing and hiring of faculty en- Dixon, allegedly because of her The number of students parti- cause the Regents' bylaws dele- The program, approved in prin-
tered its third day. radical political activities; cipating in the sit-in fluctuated cased the Rgts'ylaw ele- T y p pprschool's executive
The chol'sadmnistatin hs -warding students and fac-! from 100 to 500 yesterday, The gated the authority of recruitingciabythesol'exuiv
The school's administration has -Awrngsdesan a-rm 0to0 ytrd.Th faculty to the dean." board, is designed to speed up stu-
remained silent concerning the ulty equal power in the firing and school has an undergraduate en- Dean Fedele Faun, however, dents' work on the dissertations.
sit-in but informed sources in- hiring of all faculty members; rolmen0 said, "The issue was not closed "It is an extremely unpleasant
council, the nurses are beginningI
to realize the impracticality ofI
their decision.
Mary Thompson, representative
4 ofthe. sophomore class, proposed
that the present dress code be re-
vised. She presented, a petition
signed by nearly two thirds of the'
sophomores in the school request-
ing that they be allowed to wear
"grubs" to class.
The reason the sophomore class
i is petitioning, she said, is that
the nurses come into contact with,
dangerous chemicals and they feel
lab coats do not provide ade-
quate protection.
Sally Griffin, '69, president of
the nursing council, said t h e
nurses are only allowed to wear
4 jeans to chemistry classes because
they are not directly connected
with the medical center.
This year, however, sophomores
in nursing have only 10 minutes
between a microbiology lab in the
Chemistry Building and a class in
move toward an all-volunteer strike will begin when 2,000 stu-
armed force. dents have signed pledges to re-
"This means that just as soon as frain from paying rent or signingj
See ARMY, Page 10 new leases with struck realtors.
Group asks LS student union
The literary college student
steering committee, under fire
recently from fellow students, is
now faced with a movement to
replace it with a student union
in the college.
The issue was raised at a re-
cent meeting of an informal
group called the Interdepart-
mental Co-ordinating Commit-
tee. It is composed of repre-
canta .va. rn.m th a n iviilnI
ex-officio student members to
each of three important college
units-the administrative board,
and the curriculum and admis-
sions committees.
In a series of resolutions ap-
proved at a recent meeting, the
co-ordinating committee called
for the replacement of the LSA
steering committee and the for-
mation of the student union by
next fall. The co-ordinating
group would replacea the steer-
by the faculties of the depart-
ments. History, economics, pol-
itical science and English were
all begun that way.
Simon Benninga, chairman of
the steering committee, is ad-
mittedly critical of his own
"I have felt for a long time
that something better than the
steering committee was, needed
and I think that the student un-
inn mi-h h the answer "he
process clause for students
charged with cheating and pla-
giarism were all begun by the
Other steering committee mem-
bers took a similar stand. They
say they will support the for-
mation of the union, but they
would have to be sure that the
union could function and sur-
But the critics of the steer-
ing committee don't have quite
and a graduate eniollmen t0 of750
At 1:00 p.m. nearly 1000 stu-
dents and faculty attended a mass
r'Aeeting called by Dean Wayne C.
Booth of the College of the Uni-
versity of Chicago to discuss the{
students demands.
The meeting was held in re-
sponse to those students sitting-in
who claimed the lack of commu-
nication between student and fac-
ulty was one of the major causes,
of the sit-in.
Over 100 faculty members joinedI
the meeting at which a resolution
supporting the protester's demand
for amnesty was passed. The,
meeting was adjourned until to-
day when the students' other de-
mands will be considered.
Although the administration has
not voiced anv snnort for the
at the meeting. I threw it open
to the meeting so that if the fac-
ulty had wanted to allow repre-
sentation on the committee they
could have."
"It seems to me," he said, "that
we voted against student repre-
sentation because the search com-
mittee is a final decision-making
group like the governing faculty."
See SW STUDENTS, Page 6 1
experience," says Groesbeck, "for
a student, upon finishing his dis-
sertation after 10 years work, to
walk in ready to take an oral ex-
amination and then find his dis-
sertation all out of date."
One student took 38 years to
complete his dissertation, Groes-
beck says, and he w a s finally
granted an honorary degree.
"In all fields today, there is the
danger of a. b o o k coming out
which contradicts all the
student is trying to prove. Where
would that leave him?" Groesbeck
Ralph Lewis, associate dean of
the graduate school, recalls the
problems engineering grad 'stu-
dents faced several years ago when
a degree was changed to incor-
porate computer techniques.
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