Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications ynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints. The educational price of high repute I D Mad I JRSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: MARCIA ABRAMSON Walk right in . . . sit right down rOP IN at Dean William Hays' office today at noon (second floor of the &A Building) and rap with some stu- nts on the merits of being a student. Members of the Radical Caucus and ident Government Council have called' sit-in to protest faculty apathy and tward intransigence. Despite some verbal formalities to contrary, the faculty hasn't been eranxious in having students say any- .ng about their education. You're still pected to park yourself in a crowded ssroom and put in a nickel's worth response. Should you forget or not ye the right kind of nickel, you get keted. Admittedly the proposed structural orms don't guarantee any real change the write-and-let-write attitude of st' professors. . Giving students parity on curricula mmittees won't mean anything if the dents (who seem always to be model reaucrats) simply add new filters to mned-out ideas. Abolishing the language and / distri- tion requirements and substituting a ember of alternate combinations would be a step away from coercion and would inspire those who always end up count- ing history of religion as a science to graduate. BUT THE really valid reason for you to sit-in today is the learning process itself. Students in Radical Caucus and SGC, if a little dogmatic in presentation, are willing enough to talk about new dimen- sions in getting educated rather than just becoming literate. After Monday night's "mass" meeting in which they quibbled at some length about rhetorical nonsense, they will pro- bably be happy )to debate with someone besides themselves. You might come up with something for academic reform which isn't totally academic. You might even end up on a curricula committee. And if you're not at all bureaucratically-inclined y o u might really scare the hell out of the faculty. HOWARD KOHN -Associate Editorial Director By RON LANDSMAN THE REAL ISSUE in the present literary college academic con- troversy has not yet been solved. At the core of the conflict over academic requirements and deci- sion-making is the crucial, unre- solved question-what is the pur- pose of the University as an ed- ucational and scholarly institu- tion? Students can readily accept the two-fold purpose of the University given by Vice President for Aca- demic Affairs Allan Smith. He maintains that the University should encourage both the crea- tion and transmission of knowl- edge-research and teaching. Smith says the University should devote equal time and ,energy to teaching and research. If in fact, this were the case, the current conflict would never have come about. BUT IT IS only too apparent that the University prefers well- known researchers to their less famous colleagues who would rather teach undergraduates. This position is not indefensible, but current practices are in dire need of revision.I The University says that it needs the reputation that comes with, famous researchers, for it is only through that reputation that the University can continue to attract other first-rate scholars, and graduate students. But this function of reputation is chal- lenged by deans and professors who say the University need not follow it to remain a quality in- stitution. But whether this is true or not, the times are changing, and per- haps the University cannot afford the luxury of its prestige. It is expensive, and these are not good days for finding money. But that does not mean that the University must lose any de- gree of quality. It only means that it must be more realistic about where it expends its limited re- sources. AND NOW, with increasing fi- nancial difficulties, the squeeze becomes that much tighter. The teachers are the first to go, and where once the balance has been at least acceptable, the scales will tip more and more toward re- search. Those who defend "publish or perish," the cliche for the domin- ance of research, cite the bene- ficial effects it has on teaching quality. Undeniably, one must be com- petent in his discipline to be a valuable instructor at the uni- versity level. But what is dis- puted - by both students and many faculty members-is that publication of scholarly work must be a dominant criterion for grant- ing tenure and promotions. Many professors argue that pub- lication is necessary for the trans- mission of knowledge. This is suspect in two ways. FIRST, PUBLICATION is not the only means of transmitting knowledge. At a recent meeting of the local chapter of the Amer- ican Association of University Professors, one faculty member pointed out that some depart- ments in the field exchange knowledge through mimeographed papers sent in the mail. This possibility should be ex- plored. Normal publication in journals and books requires ex- traneous effort not germane to the scholarly work involved. The much easier mimeographing meth- od frees the scholar from these mundane tasks to devote more time to teaching and research. Secondly, there is good reason to challenge the quality of much that is published under the "pub- lish or perish" system. Many professors think that many of the scholarly journals are poorly written and poorly re- searched. The Periodical of t h e Modern Language Association and the American Political Science Review are two of the worst of- fenders and often bestow unde- served reputation for poorlydwrit- ten articles. That these scholarly journals are the object of such harsh criticism should make one pause beforeendorsing the cur- rent standards. The real effects of the "publish or perish" syndromerare felt when it comes time for promotion. Teaching ability becones pre-em- pted as a criterion for advance- ment in the academic world. THE PROFESSORS who have met the trial of "publish or per- ish" choose the new members of their department. Thus the stand- ards of academic promotion tend to remain unaltered, and the sys- tem becomes self-perpetuating. This gives the older faculty, through the mechanism of the college and department execu- tive committees, the means to control the departments over long ranges of time. "Unpublished" teachers and students are exclud- ed from the decision-making. To be viable, a decision-mak- ing structure must reflect the in- terests of all concerned. The cur- rent structure is not viable, and it is facing an approaching crisis. Hopefully, the crisis will lead to a redefinition of such things as the purpose of the University. To do this, a student role is defin- itely needed. Many professors, possibly a ma- jority' in the literary college, would throw up their hands in disbelief were it suggested >t h a t students have an official. onerat- ing role in major academic de- cisions. This is, in part, at least partly a result of their lack of knowledge about students. Know- ledge clearly unattainable to many of these professors who are overly concerned with research. PROFESSORS have an obvious vested interest in the current ar- rangement. one which can be only partially defended on solid in- 3titutional grounds. Students in the aggregate have too l a r g e an interest in this college to leave all significant decisions up to a group which is only occasionally responsive to their needs. There are educational merits to a greater student role as well. Not only would curriculum be im- proved, but the actual process of decision-making is one of the greatest educational experiences the University can encourage. Student attitudes are changing, and the faculty must be respon- sive to this. Students don't want to run the faculty or college, but they do want what is their fair share of the power. Wae have our integrity, too, you know. 4 OP0 To the Editor: Letters to the Editor Draft errors Ni1xon's showcase T HAS FINALLY become apparent why the District of Columbia retains its olonial status: it is too valuable as a howcase to be let go. Whenever a President decries that it is me for the national government to try o solve a problem that the federal sys- em decrees is in the domain of the states,. hie old reliable solution is to try to. solve :e problem in the District,, hoping to onvert more unreachable municipalities y the force of good exan\ple. Most recently, President'Nixon has de- lared an all-out war on crime in Wash- igton. Although Nixon's label of "crime apital of the world" is a bit too harsh (the District is outranked by more, than 0 cities in this nation alone), there def- nltely is a serious crime problem in the ity. JNFORTUNATELY, the proposed meth- ods of dealing with Washington crime - more money, more police, more judges, lore prosecutors, more courthouses, bet- er. prisons, and tougher bail laws - will e aimed at the manifestations of crime nd not at its causes. So while crime in he city may well drop under the weight f these measures, in the long run it is kely that they will have very little real ffect. Meanwhile, the city's wretched schools ill continue to turn out more dropouts than graduates, and the slums in South- east w1ill continue to be the breeding grounds of the very crime that the Ad- ministration is attempting to stamp out. And it won't be the first time that a "showcase" scheme for Washington has failed to bring about any real changes. Just a couple of years ago President John- son announced that the District would become a showcase of urban beauty and convenience. Lady Bird did plant a lot of pretty flowers, but the Potomac is still polluted, effective mass transit is still a pipe dream, and the' downtown traffic problem is worse than ever., IF SOME Administration or session of Congress would see the value of having the nation's capital as a showcase for democracy and not whatever problem it feels like foisting on the city's hapless residents, one of the showcase schemes might really work. All it w o u l d take would be the will and a fair means of de- termining just how much money the fed- eral government owes the municipality in return for occupying - tax free - its most valuable downtown land. Until then, ,all 'such showcase schemes must be paternalistic at b e s t; and at, worst, injurious to the very citizens who are theoretically being served- -JENNY STILLER SOMEONE, a few months from now, will come to -me and say, "I didn't appeal my I-A d r a f t classification because a Daily ar- ticle said anyone who had a II-S can't get any other deferments. Now I have an induction notice. What can I do?" I will have very little sympathy with him. The draft is newsworthy these days. Newsmen are doing much to make people aware of the im- portance of draft problems. But newsmen are neither lawyers nor draft counselors, and their news reporting is not law. Readers of newspapers are extremely fool- hardy when they acceptma casual news article as complete and cor- rect truth. SOME CASES in point, from an Associated Press article appearing in the January 28 D a i 1 y. The story was headlined, "Federal dis- trict court upholds student's stat- utory right to I-S." General Her- shey, the article tells us, issued a directive "which stated that any student holding a II-S student deferment after June 30, 1967 is ineligible to receive any other de- ferment." Nosuch directive was ever is- sued. The Selective Service Act does provide, however, that per- sons who have had such a student deferment are ineligible forsome other deferments, under certain conditions. Contrary to the news reporting, Hershey did not issue a memo- randum ordering local boards to induct anyone who had held a IH-S. "The state Selective Service System," the story continues, "has a policy of allowing all inducted students to finish the current se- mester of study." This is national policy, applies only to' graduate students, a n d is used discrimi- nately rather than universally. The text of this directive is avail- able from the Draft Counseling Center. PERHAPS COLLEGE newspa- pers have a responsibility to be accurate about the draft, because their readers are so directly af- fected by Selective Service. Be- cause of an earlier Daily article, men a r e still cheerfully asking how they can appeal an induction notice. The truth, coming to them too late, is devastating.' The ultimate responsibility for finding accurate information on the draft lies with the draftable man. Complexities in : details of the draft law are too great to be covered adequately in a news story. Stupidity is the only ex- cuse for the man who acts on faith in a newsman's casual under- standing, of the law. -ARTHUR BOYD DraftrCounseling Center January 29 Free School To the Editor: ACADEMIC reform is the most worthwhile activity students can undertake. However, the place for student-initiated courses need not be in the usual channels; that is what the Ann Arbor Free School is for. When students make a new course inside the University of Michigan they must justify that course to those who foot the bill- the taxpayers. When a man has money deduct- ed from his income he should have the right to help decide where the money goes. He wants results; he can clearly see them in the career programs mentioned by President Fleming. But is such a return (use to the community) seen in a "liberal education"? I doubt it, and I know business executives, most of whom have not been to college and who yet will pay the future salaries of most such students, think little of college education, per se. Private colleges will always have the advantage here. We, at schools designed to educate people of a state for that state, are hand- cuffed - especially by the draft. Thus, we must create our own, extra, self-supported structures (with funds from SGC? !) to sat- isfy the need for guided study so many of us want. -KEN WINTER, '70 Jan. 28 Counselling To the Editor: IN RICK PERLOFF'S article on the student counseling service (Jan. 29) I am quoted as saying that I would "never take any of these courses we tell students to take." In fact what I said was that we do not take these courses our- selves, intending to imply that the student counseling service has a definite value in that students can tell other students about courses which they have exper- ienced directly. -WILLIAM CRESSEY Dept. of Romance Languages Jan. 29 a 4 Tempering the eulogy of S. I. Hayakawa By PHIL SEMAS College Press Service Analysis SAN FRANCISCO - Samuel Ichiya Hayakawa is being held upas the saviour of American higher education as we know it. Not only has he been lionized by the San Francisco press and Gov. Ronald Reagan, which was to be expected, but Time, News- week, the New York Times, and the Washington Post have all been singing his praises. Most recently, the Gallup Poll said the acting president of San Francisco State College was the most respected educator in America in 1968 - a singular achievement since he did not come into prominence until af- ter Thanksgiving. WHAT KIND of man is S. L. Hayakawa? Is he really as. suc- cessful as Gov. Reagan a n d the mas media would have us all believe? And 'is he the mes- siah who will show academic administrators how to deal with student unrest? Dec. 2 was the first day of classes at San Francisco State College under the Hayakawa administration. His first action that day was to rush out to a sound truck being used to urge, students to join the strike and demand that he be given the mi- crophone. When the students 1refused, he ripped out the wires peared smiling at his press con- ference, a red and white Hawa- aiian lei draped around his neck. He read some telegrams from his "fans," told reporters he was optimistic because he has a "good digestion," a n d that being president was "the most exciting thing that's hap- pened t& me since I was 10 years old and went on my first roller coaster ride." Few re- porters who witnessed that day's bloody battle in which one policeman and several stu- dents were badly injured could have been as excited as Presi- dent Hayakawa - or had his good digestion. AT HIS first press conference as president, Hayakawa was asked a tough question by a black reporter from KDIA, an all-black Oakland radio station. Instead of answering the ques- tion, Hayakawa demanded to see the reporter's press creden- tials. Many other reporters who have asked unfriendly questions have been given similar treat- ment. None of this seems very dig- nified for a college president, but all Hayakawa's idiosyncra- cies might be forgiven if he were an effective administrator who was moving to solve t he problems. of San Francisco State. He is not. Hav awsim m wannnintpd b the $400,000 budget under their control. When the state attorney gen- eral office finally investigated the student government's han- dling of its funds, they found only two possible irregularities: a $150 check used by a black student as partial payment on a gun (this, it turned out, was the student's salary check) and a honorarium paid to the Rev. Cecil Williams, a local black leader who signed the check back over to the BSU. Hayaka- wa objected to this because it was more than he had even got- ten for a speech. Even by Ronald Reagan's standards, Haykawa cannot be considered a success as presi- dent. He has by no means re- stored order or the normal ed- ucational processes on the cam- pus. In fact, things have got- ten worse. Consider. 0 When Hayakawa took over, most of the faculty were sup- porting President Robert Smith's administration. Today the American Federation of Teachers is on strike, only about half the faculty seem to be teaching their classes, and stu- dent attendance is only about 30 per cent. " Violence escalated rapidly during the first two weeks of Hayakawa's administration and the escalation would have con- JAMES WECHSLER - Aremembrane of things past ONCE UPON A TIME really not too long ago a song called "We Shall Overcome" was a modern battle hymn of the republic. That "we" were people of varying color qnd creed, and as they marched and sang together sometimes under racist fire, they believed they were heralding a new American era in which men would conquer the space that divides them on earth. There were those who died to the accompaniment of this music, but their sacrifice was rendered endurable by the hope that they were casualties of great transition. Now the song has acquired an obsolete tone in many places; it is an old-fashioned thing (just as few labor assemblages are any longer moved to remember the lines of "Solidarity Forever"). And where it is still sung it has lost much of its original meaning. To put the matter crudely, the question in many communities seems to have become not whether "we shall overcome." but who will prove his mastery over whom. Too often the antagonists are those wh~o once stood side by side. REMEMBRANCES of an earlier day were evoked the other evening by a visit to the Cherry Lane Theatre where "To Be Young, Black and Gifted" is being performed. It is a theatrical memorial to Lorraine Hansberry, the brilliant Negro playwright who died at 34, and com- bines the aspect of a documentary and a recital (including an exten- sive excerpt from her unforgettable "Raisin in the Sun"). The production has provoked a quarrel in these pages between Ossie Davis and our Jery Tallmer, the kind of debate I find especially - painful because of my affection and respect for both. THERE IS, TO BEGIN with a parenthetical point, the fact that the integrated-and splendid-cast betrays nio trace of self-conscious- ness about its defiance of the present mood of separatism. It is per- haps a reflection of the poverty of the present day that the sigh of these gifted talents performing together lifts one's spirit and seems a quiet triumph. This should hardly have required notice, but the way things are going it affords the pleasure one derived from watching the har- monious exercise of Alabama's U.'s Joe Namath and his Negro team- mates rout the invincible foe. But what really matters is that there are lines and fragments that offer a clue, if not an answer, to our current discords. They suggest that some of us were too deaf to the warnings of thunder amid the bright dawn of the Freedom Movement. THUS, IN APRIL, 1962 (as narrated in the script) Lorraine Hans- berry was writing to "a white farm boy living on a rich, fertile farm on the Mason-Dixon Line." He had asked for her views on the non- violence movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King and the "diametrical- lay opposite techniques" being employed by Malcolm X and others. And this was part of her response: \ "I think then that Negroes must concern themselves with every simple means of struggle: legal, illegal, passive, active, violent and non-violent. That they must harass, debate, sit in, lie down, petition, strike, boycott, sing hymns, pray on steps and shoot from their windows when the racist come cruising their communities. "The acceptance of our present condition is the only form of extremism which discredits us before our children." IN THE CONTEXT OF 1969 these are peculiarly inflammatory words, and they are quoted not with simple-minded approval but as symptomatic of a desperation that has paved the way for contemporary irrationalities. In the real world the notion that any action is preferable to none can produce futile, terrible explosions. It is reminiscent of one writer's * impotence of the campus against the power of the trustees. One would have expected that his first effort would have been to win the good araces of the my selection" instead of giving support to his efforts to keep the school open. Later he ap- pointed close friends to top ad- ministrative posts without any