WALK RIGHT IN, SIT RIGHT DOWN See editorial page Sir UPTAHTERE Windy. rain changing to freezing rain Vol LXXIX, No. 101 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 30, 1 969 Ten Cents Ten Pacjes WARNED AGAINST REPRISAL: Israel denies charges of troop movements - -y B T he 4ssociated Pes LSA LANGUAGE CONTROVERSY Sit-in, faultyv meeting today ~ athnigh th Iraq' os g hae it oen Iraidmliy nitsstinedPme insJornA deisphk f Iromaels "Aving sai bnee the note o unusual trooprmovementris." heIregver, h nmt sesed Sto bec hbeeng advi srabro toavoid retaliation dforted public hangin and di UN.slay 14allee - Ishael gentsicludning nine Irq Thed ha deen wabedatd S:.~~~ It ~~~as risse b mitay uhoi- ' Yat Iraqi Ihforation inisleter SMOfud6$8 U di dS b a st e d a c r o s hec r o n i in J r dan rs tinaotie the ArbIral a i ~hug Nthen exetions ae. RTSbeena vra idlcndned Primec 4 Minreviskol ofrssre chasd By HARLD RSNTHani es1oacued-the wrld fr i t hin a4 blid eyeto ther fae.B U YS R S H h rge nextMondy at2 p~. a thedeadine or he shoolto rh of eduats nteraYbs countered l etlpolmnf h ay conroeria Ast Pof BrtamGaskf f heunvesiy' Hoth ever, th ited tates n te omrsd1t r u.sge. psychology department- G~eera to Th nthe U..ScrtMoile tnghern rk.Aynu : At raly Tueday ight seeal hndredMSU tudethatth unlih hang Tinghmetns nthraqsin nda demadedtheunivrsiy rhireGarkof andgrat hm smdto hxved boe tame tedoodo a n h ise tenure, worldw~~~~~~~ag idtige h teulin aseMidlb enat'Uini inn upr undi Beerfrte Gti of en erad ofaS sue Yotsmt.ae th charg in at lett.r - t te .N Scuit Cunilei Seats'dUnto addngHeer, FlGasIIws otfedo whichi "eealoane tha et agi epe-iet hopa o oeapl fA mg st dendty.UThe disl titin would mae orendifficuleto 2aPLmnsnx ert ot 0lde eR1R 10taenatth dretin f laene or dfcutefforts within and outidnte EDniG Euti ATri 3LeekY"TD: Winer dan f heColeg o ousi heUnited Nations to waachieveer perace.su thtIaqpanedocodc t ocalScene - asa evrsith e asponage,-the rine, for D oanz rmte ts rk thb sadn moretrias ofpersns carge ~~~ B A O D e cR S E N b yTH L . w h i c h r o e s t h e 1 4 i d w it h t hg e ir l v s y t e r i h y s f e i h s y . By RON LANUSMAN The literary college faculty will hold a special meeting today while students stage a five-hour non-disruptive sit-in at the office of Dean William Hays. The special faculty meeting is scheduled to discuss the possibility of opening faculty meetings and altering or eliminating the language requirement. Elimination of the language and the distribution require- ment was established as the demand of students.at a mass meeting held Monday. The sit-in from noon to 5 p.m. today was called to sup~. port the demand. However, the faculty cannot take final action on the language requirement, since lay-over rule prohibits action on motions being presented i~ aciilty for the first time. Observers have indicated it is 1 0. very unlikely that the faculty will hiti i~t~ii~ suspend the rule to allow action ~ on the language requirement to- day. TT The faculty may take final ac -~I31J since a motion on open mestings I tion on open meetings, however ~ was introduced last October by By DAVID SPURR Prof. Lowell Kelly of the psychol- ogy department. The literary college curriculum In addition, some professors haVe committee Is expected to nake a indicated the faculty may turn to issues other than ,open meet- ings and the language require- ment. Although special meetings are limited to consideration of Sitems on the agenda, the faculty as a whole may suspend the rules. One proposal which might be. considered is Hays' suggestion' that elce tdn representa- ti~s b gienvoting membership on the curriculum committee. Hays made the proposal 1 a s t tweek in an open letter to stu- dents. The suggestion will be dis- cussed by the curriculum commit- tee today when they meet in exe- cutive session a few hours before the faculty meeting. S The faculty may also wants to discuss its relationship to Hays. A number of professors have in- 111(155 I1lCCt1.li.O' lii And. A k ren stri s of dorm mnobliza- ,h they would not say pledges have been ber would be mislead rmfu to our strie vionbut larget bnem- .y the strike's repre- the dorms," explains ke steering committee. Lafferty cites the ex- ice Lloyd Hall. where were collected last represents an 80-90 cessful response from contacted," Lafferty Alice Lloyd House Council has dicated extreme dissatisfaction also passed a motion unanimously with the dean over the open letter supporting the, strike. Bursley Hall Ireleased last Thursday. Council has passed a similar Te ope n etr sgese t h a motn.lgcted sotudnt epeseontties ber The pledge which dorm resi- gie oigsas'ntecri .................................m................................H.......ys...................s...................m.......... wilno ge to0 sa lease with an of the realtors being struck. How- ever, Lafferty says the strike or- ganizers also urge them not to sign a lease with any Ann Arbor realtor. "This strengthens thes strike movement." he explains. "If a student signs a lease with either a member of the Ann Arbor Prop- erty Managers Association or any other realtor, he will be stuck with a lease without the improvements that we hope to win through ne- out in support of open meetings then. Many faculty members are re- dean did not confer wth the col- lege's executive committee on is- suing the letter. Hays indicated last night that he was unaware of such discon- tent. He added that the letter was sent out in his own name 'and did not claim to speak for the faculty. Students are not certaini what See FACULTY, Page 6 recommendation .to the LSA fac- ulty today on a proposal from Dean William L. Hays that the committee seat students as voting members. The college faculty meets three hours later. HoweVgr, faculty ac- tion on. a recommendation from the curriculum committee Is un- likely, since the faculty cannot act on any motion until one meeting after it has been Introduced on the floor. Although at least half of the curriculum committee's voting members support some form of Hays' proposal, approval by the committee will, depend on several undecided factors to be discussed in today's executive session. In his open letter to studenta last Thursday, proposing student membership, Hays did not specify how mn a n y students should be seated. Although hedisugt means of selection the specfi method of election to be used dl4 remains unclear the prposal "in vie of teso rt timne remaining in the academice year." Since the committee h a s re- served its meetln s well into March solely for discussion of language and distribution require- ments, Hays' proposal will prob- ably not come up again for a long time if It is not acted on today. "The problem of the numbers of student seats doesn't particularly bother me," says Prof. J a in e s Gindin, the committee chairman However, Prof. Carl Cohen of the Residential College, a commit- tee member, is opposed to t h e says. "If students are given voting membership, then they may even- tually run the curriculum commit- tee. "Over the long term, It Is the faculty that has to face respon- sibility for the college's curricu- lum," Cohen added. Assistant Dean James Shaw, an ex-officlo member, suggested the committee hrecommen the pro-t ou seciyng th ue ofsu "Perhaps we should reflect on our willingness to include students before resolvingdother specific Is- sues," Shaw said. Other committee members would rather recommend an equal num- ber of students and fculty. Pirof. Frank X. Braun of the German department said he is al- so willing to restructure the com- mittee's composition to half fac- ulty-half students. 1 / ill Lansi11g Garskof had been denied ten- ure in November by the psychol- -e e t ogy department, but was granted GA Wil son new pres1ent a new two-year contract "off the i gotiation." Although these pledges indicate support for the strike, they will *1 4 AlfW no e ontdwihpldest morw odicssnxtyarshad to consider giving Garskof rent lessors have agreed to with- Un iversity bdget with Governor tenure at the end of the tw~o- By RiCK PERLOFF submitted to him by the assem- 'of an all-student graduate judi- hold their rent. WiliamMilikn.year period. byciary which would have final Lafferty explains that prospec- Millkenrecnimededa bdge In sttemnt isue Moday .Grduae Asemby (A) ast The proposal was Graduate As- jurisdiction in all non-academic tive new renters for next year of $67.2 million for the University Widner explained that he order- night elected Norm Wilson as its sembly's official reaction to the cases. have been an area of concern for in his message to the Legislature ed the department to fire Garskof new president to succeed out-go- gaut cols'ettv oiy 1ne hspooateeeu h eat'Uinbcueln- last week. University officials were because the assistant professor ing President Stuart Katz. gr aaec' stent cnu-tive oUdrdti proalct the eaep- -od r rsgtheTnns no becus slan- surprised at the amount, an $8.7 had made no move to comnpensate GA also elected William Price The policy was passe.d by the pellate body foi' convictions made leases now. million cut prom their' request of for "inadequacies" cited by his as executive vice president and scolsexecutive board in July. by the all-student judiciary. "The landlords are playing on $Fle9milng- adMlinarc- ndereferred spemeiialyt tive vice preideint. .samit It would establish a code of con- When the executive board and the fear of these students that penad toiscssikn deail oe- "indeucy infrskocf'sll teah Wth e ree ction of new of- duct for graduate students which the assembly met together in De- they might not be able to find an pecedtodisus i dtaioe nadqcy mGarko'fiec ers, the asebly isepced out-going President Katz says "re- cem ber, the board continued to apartment if they don't sign im- provision' of the budget recoin- ing of Psycholog 490, S p e c i a 1: mae mo re fsorceful attem ptsto semebles the Michigan penal code." delay final action on the assem- mediately," he says. mendation which suggests that: skofss "uye ogy. 49ra i- increase its power in graduate The document would keep final bly proposal. Although dorm residents may the University' make up pait of ckfusse wit yh 4adh ades- school decision-making, judicial authority with the execu- Katz said that "the Graduate think they should secure apart- the udge cutby ippig inoi sac of hi pacnduc of te- Some assembly representatives. tive board, which would act upon Assembly should go to Dean Spurr ments now, Lafferty says, the $1.7 million worky iing aitl e- uco exline patcondhim. the feel the organization now has so recommendations made by a and say 'we've given you plenty Off-Campus Housing Bureau of $1.7 milionworing apial e- curs expaind tohim th little authority that it should dis- Board of Inquiry composed of of time to consider, our sugges- the University has found that the serve fund. statement said. solve itself if its power can not be three faculty members and two tions.' If you don't act we may not housing market does not become Theprviio cugh Uivrsty Winder said the reason for the increased, students. be as reasonable as we have: tight until August. ofiil of.ui.Te a x skof'yeartenat wante thimr These students cite, for exam- The newly elected officers ob- been." Stu Katz. Grad, another steer- offiial of guad. heyhadex~ kofs dparment"watedhimple the "unusually lon g time that -ject to the small role students will And Bill Price, the newly-elect- ing committee member, says that pected Milliken to be more fav- to have an opportunity to has gone by" without any action play in judiciary procedures, The ed executive vice president, says the process of mobilizing the dorm orable to the Univem'sity than for-~ change," by Dean Stephen Spurr of the proposal which assembly sent to assembly will "crank our way up :residents is slow because of their mer Governor George Romney. See MSU, Page 6 graduate school on a proposal Dean Spurr calls for the crato thog hnes. seby, fear that they will not be able also considering trying to meet tofid_ ouin. FACU TY OMMITEEwith President Fleming, Price FACULTY COMIIVIITTEEadds, to discuss its financial situ- (1t -- A ~ ation.S w wPrice says assembly has "been Dinss ea fund started Defense counsel for the Per forimance Group have establse a legal defense fund to raise mon ey for appeals should it be nec essary . L' 2 i. . BlLevy, '7, is organizn h coordinating committee withii the ext eekto pan fnd ais - - ing activities. He said he believe the University community "will support the actors financially and in- the area of artistic freedom." Richard Schechner, director of the company whose 10 actors were arrested Sunday for a nude per. formance, will return to Ann Ar- bor in February to aid the fund- raising by lecturing on art and censorship. Levy mentioned the possibility that a similar fund for other civil liberties cases might grow out of the efforts -should the drive prove successful. Funds for the Dionysus case may be sent to 510 Ann Ar- bor Trust Building. Group defends andergradlus d By DAVE CHUDWIN A committee of the business administration school faculty assembly will- recommend that the school continue its under- graduate prograyi. The five-man group, appoint- ed last -Mlarch, was ordered to investigate "all aspects" of the ,Bachelor of Business Adminis- tration degree. Among the pos- sibilities reviewed was dropping Prof. Carl H. Fischer, chair- man of the committee, indicated that the group will submit its recommendations to the faculty assembly sometime in March, three months late. One reason for the delay, ac- cording to Aris, is that two members of -the committee are on leave this semester. "Also." he added, "We wanted to study the issues thoroughly and need more time -to do so." fulfill requirements in three of the four areas of language, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. According to Aris, one of the main issues concerns the numn- ber of "pure" business courses students be required to take. He indicated that no decision has been made yet on this spe- cific subject. Committee member William Wrobleski explained the com- mittee of the business adminis- tration faculty assembly. Other members, besides Fischer, Aris, and Wrobleski, a r e Profs. C. Merle Crawford and Walter G. Kell. It was established as part of a periodic review of all pro- grams in the school. In the fall of 1967 a report studying the masters parogram was issued and substantial changes were made in the curriculum. The under- known because we don't do much because we don't have the money to do much and we don't have much influence." Katz calls assembly's $500 an- nual appropriation "'piddling." The University doesn't consider assembly important enough to re- I ceive a larger budget, Katz adds. The newly elected officers are also considering looking into the financial situation at their next meeting, Fb. 12. - -.4. ex1)ected o 11 Senate investigationi By BILL LAVELY Student Government Council is expected to pass tonight a; resolu- tion expressing "grave conicern" over the state Senate investiga-. tion of student activism on state campuses. SGC executive vice-president Bob Neff will submit the resolu- tion. Neff explained that the reso- lution will be softly worded, so as not to alientate the legislature, but lature this year. and we don't want to insult anybody," he said, In Lansing the chairman of the senate committee, S-en. Robert Huber (R-Troy) said Tuesday that he would support a constitu- tional amendment to limit auto- nomy of state universities. Huber was one of the origin- ators of the senate resolution calling for the probe. He recomn- mended that the legislature take omassamammaans