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January 29, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-29

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Wednesday, January 29, 196C

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, January 29,1 96~

Camp Tamarack (Fresh Air Society of Detroit) has
positions available for counselors; specialists in
waterfront, arts and crafts, nature-camps craft, trip-
ping, dramatics, and music. Unit and assistant unit
supervisors; case worker; nurses; physicians; and
truck-bus drivers. Also for marionette theatre, wild-
erness canoe trips, and unit for emotionally disturb-
ed boys. Camps located at Brighton and Ortonville,,
Mich. WSU credit courses' offered up to 4 hours.
Marvin Berman interviewing on Jan. 30 and 31 at
Summer Placement Office.

for information call
Tickets are available
at Travel Bureaus or
the Michigan Union
32 Trips Day

Sooner grapplers charge




On recent January weekends
Oklahoma's wrestlers have anni-
hilated their two chief competi-
tors for national honors to estab-
lish themselves as early favorites
in the NCAA Tournament to be
held in March.
The Sooners met and defeated
arch-rival Oklahoma State, 18-9,
on Jan. 11 but they really showed
their strength last Friday night
in a match with powerful Michi-
gan State.

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State traveled west with "per-
haps its best team ever, even bet-r
ter than its national champion-
ship squad of two years ago,"
according to Michigan head coach
Cliff Keen. However, the previous-
ly undefeated Spartans came up
with a big mouthful of prairie dust
as the Sooners prevailed 24-3.
Oklahoma won every match but
the heavyweight finale, where the
indomitable Jeff Smith provided
State with its only points. The
match was almost an exact re-
plica of Oklahoma's meeting with
Michigan last year, in which the
Sooners whipped 21-8, even
ranked Wolverines 21-8, even
though they forfeited the heavy-
weight match.
Coach Tommy Evan's squad is
strong everywhere except at
heavyweight. Cleo McGlory heads
the cast at 160. He has finished aa
heartbreaking second in the NCAA C
finals in each of the last two years,,
once losing on riding time and lasts
year on a takedown with two sec-
onds to go. Dave McGuire at 167
has finished first and second inr
the NCAA.
Charlie Shivers, a junior at 177
who finished fourth in the na-t
tionals last year, has been wres-d
tling exceptionally well. He de-
feated Jack Zindel, Michiganc
State's crack 177-pounder, ands
Oklahoma State's sophomore sen-
sation Gerold Winnard, to run hisa
season record to 6-0-1.a
Awesome though the SoonersI

year, has nine of last year's chan- more John Abajace, who came to
pions returning, including Dennis State after compiling an 80-4-1
Crowe (130), Ray Murphy (137), high school record.
and Parker Sneed (152), who Iowa State, which finished only
placed fourth, fifth, and fifth three pints behind Oklahoma
espectively. Although they lack State in the 1968 national tourney,
the individual standouts of Ok- was rated as a pre-season favorite
lahoma or Michigan State, theI for national honors but has been
Cowboys are deep at every positn disappointing thus far. The Cy-
and a definite threat to win an- clones have been thrashed by the
other title. Oklahoma teams in dual meets
Michigan State is also deep at and were badly outdistanced by
everys position and has rolled over Michigan State in the Midlands
all its opposition this year with Tournament.
the exception of the Oklahoma
teams. The big man on the state Other teams which could create
team is heavyweight Smith, who some turmoil at the NCAA tour-
is undefeated this year. Last year nament this March include Iowa,
he accomplished the outstanding Michigan and Navy. Iowa has
feat of pinning Michigan's Dave been especially tough, whipping
Porter and then beating Porter Michigan 22-8 in dual meet com-
in the Big Ten tournament. petition, and has a chance to
The Spartans, like the Okla- prove itself against Michigan State
homa teams, are deep at almost a week from Saturday.
every position. Mike Ellis and Michigan State coach Grady
Keith Lowrance, both prep state Veninger puts the Big Ten teams
champions at Granby, Michigan, into the national perspective:
give the Spartans strength at 130 "Iowa, Northwestern, and Michi-
and 137. Jack Zindel at 177 fin- gan are good, well-balanced teams,
ished third last year in the NCAA but they lack the strength
tournament. throughout the line-up of a team
Indicative of State's depth is like Oklahoma or Oklahoma State.
the fact that Dave Campbell, last However, I think some of their
year's runnner-up in the Big Ten wrestlers will have a lot to say
at 152, is not even in the line-up. about who does win the tourna-
He has been upstaged by sopho- ment."
Hot Knicks crush 76ers;
Celts, Warriors victorious



CLEO MCGLORY, Oklahoma's
169 pound grappler, has twice
finished second in the NCAA
finals and is expected to lead
the Sooner's in their bid for a
national championship.

DAVE MCGUIRE is a reason
why the Oklahoma matmen are
favored in the NCAA Tourna-
ment in March. McGuire, who
wrestles at 167, has previously
finished first and second in the
national tourney.


are, Coach Myron Roderick of 26-5, and then last Saturday up-
Oklahoma State is not ready to set Michigan State 15-14.
concede anything to his intra- The outcome of the Michigan
state rival.,h ucm f h ihgn
teamvl, State meet, which paired the sec-
In commenting on his team's ond and third best squads in the
recent loss to Oklahoma, Roderick nation was in doubt until the
said, "We had several opportuni- final buzzer. With the Spartans
ties to win and didn't. Three trailing 15-11, going into the
matches were lost on riding heavyweight match, end needing
this. They scored twice as many a pin to win the meet, Jeff Smith
did. We're the defending NCAA turned his opponent over on his
champions and we're that until back and nearly pinned him. How-
someone takes it away from us." ever, Smith had to settle for a
Roderick has had no reason to decision, leaving the Spartans one
apologize for his team since then, point short, 15-14:.
as they beat Iowa State, a lead- Oklahoma State, which won its
ing contender for national honors, 26th national championship last



Buckeye surge wrecks Illini


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COLUMBUS, Ohio () - Dave standings while Illinois, suffering Mike Price scored 14 for the
Sorenson drilled in 30 points last I only its second loss of the season, losers with five baskets coming on
night as Ohio State whipped Il- fell to 2-2. long jump shots in the second
linois 76-67 in a Big Ten basket- The 12th ranked Bucks, pad- half that kept the Illini close.
ball game, ding their season record to 12-2, Illinois led 6-3 in the early go-
The Buckeyes, with a perfect the same as Illinois, couldn't shake ing but Ohio spurted for 10
" 4-0 record, moved a half game the stubborn visitors until theI straight points, nine of them by
.. ahead of Purdue in the league final four minutes of play. Sorenson, to take a 13-6 advant-
Leading only 62-60, the Bucks age.
outscored the llini 10-2 with Jim A pair of free throws by Finney
Cleamons supplying the spark with 18 minutes to play gave Ohio
with six big points a 39-38 lead it never relinquished.
Cleamons finished with 14 while The Buckeyes held margins of one
Jody Finney and Steve Howell to five points for most of the sec-
chipped in 12 and 10 points, re- ond half until the final outburst
spectively, for the winners. put the game out of reach for
The Illini were paced by Dave Illinois.
Scholz, who scored 14 of his 20 Sorenson tallied his 30 on 12 of
points in the second half, Greg 18 field goals and six of six from
Jackson, Illinois' 6-foot-8 center, the free throw line. The Bucks
sat out most of the se ond half outrebounded Illinois 37-29 and
with four personals and finished shot a flat 50 per cent compared
with 12 points. to Illinois' 48.
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NEW YORK () - Willis Reed
and the New York Knicks surged
away in the opening minutes andy
went on to bury the Philadelphia
76ers 122-88 last night in a Na-
tional Basketball Association
With Reed hitting four of his 3
game-high 30 points, the Knicks
scored the first 10 points ofthe
game and Philadelphia' never
came closer than eight again as
New York won its 19th game in
23 starts and its 15th in a row
at home.
The margin reached 34-29 at
the end of the first period with
Reed scoring 13 points and grab-
bing 9 rebounds. The big center
had 20 points on eight of nine
from the field and 15 rebounds
that kept the Knicks ahead 58-
44 at the half before they ran out
of sight.
Reed had plenty of scoring help
as Walt Frazier threw in 22
points, Dave DeBusschere 20 and
Dick Barnett 17. Philadelphia,
which had won four in a row, was
led by Archie Clark's 20 points.
Havlicek steals game
BOSTON () - John Havlicek
stole the ball three times within
23 seconds early in the fourth
period last night to spark the
Boston Celtics to a 108-96 Na-
tional Basketball Association vic-
tory over the Atlanta Hawks.
The Celtics led by only 76-73
with nine minutes remaining when
Havlicek stole the ball under the
Atlanta basket and started a fast
break which ended with a Bailey
Howell field goal.
Havlicek stole the Atlanta pass-
in and immediately sank a field
goal, then stole the pass-in again
and passed off to Don Nelson for
another score to make it 82-73.
A minute later, Havlicek came
up with still another steal, raced
downcourt and scored on a layup
to make it 84-73 and the Hawks
never threatened again.
Boston led by as many as 17
points in the second period, but
the Hawks came back to tie it at
%R-ll in the thir d rind mt

Royals fall again
CINCINNATI (AP)-Clutch bas-
kets by Rudy LaRusso and Jim
King cooled a Cincinnati rally
and fired San Francisco past the
Royals 107-100 in a National
Basketball Association contest
last night.
The Warriors had led by as
much as 10 points late in the third
quarter at 78-68 but the two time-
ly shots iced the victory, their
third straight and first over the
Royals here in two years. The loss
was Cincinnati's fifth in a row.
Jerry Lucas tipped in a shot
with 3:19 remaining in the game
to bring the Royals within two
points at 98-96-the closest they
came in the final half-but then
Cincinnati missed two shots, turn-
ed the ball over and LaRusso and
King connected.
LaRusso scored a personal sea-
son-high 39 points and Oscar
Robertson topped Cincinnati with
23 points.
Actually, San Francisco never
trailed after Jeff Mullins hit a
field goal late in the second quar-
ter for a 52-50 margii.
* * *
team that had trouble finding the
range all evening staved off a last
minute rally by the.East last night
to win the second annual Amer-
ican Basketball Association All-
Star game 133-127.
John Beasley of Dallas, voted
the most valuable player in the
game, and Red Robbins of New
Orleans led the West scoring at-
tack with 19 points each.
Oakland's RickBarry, who had
returned to action only last Sun-
day after injuring his left knee on
Dec. 27, played 2 minutes and 35
seconds and scored 10 points.
Barry, who had said he was out
of condition after the ' layoff,
showed it.


Insert needle through button
and fabric - push handle
Attach appliqu6s

wi-al i tineniraI ioU IJ;I uL~ 1 For Alex Hannum, the W e s t
scoring the Celtics 17-4 in one coach, it was the second All-Star
stretch as Lou Hudson poured in
12 of the points, win in a row but last year Han-
The teams then battled on near- num's win came in the National
ly even terms until Havlicek's dis- Basketball Association. At t h a t
play. time, he was coach of the Phil-
Don Nelson led Boston's scorers tde, heas coac he Ph
with 22 points. Hudson and Zelmo adelphia 76ers and coached the
Beatty had 20 each for Atlanta. NBA East squad.
: M . . '.:._:'}'"..
D I'
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THIS WEEK in the

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