Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, January 28, 1969 ..>:;";::";::":>;:":. . ...:::,::;;.:.::::: ::..:.. ....:.,:..:..:,::,::z Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Dimensions in Academic Freedom - "The Strike and DAILY OFFICIA L the Profesoriat", with Prof. Sanford Kadish, U. of California at Berkeley. W T UEVWTuesday 5:00 p.m. Ann Arbor Report - B(JNCity Council and Municipal Affairs. Tuesday 5:15 p.m. U-M Feature Story ".:,::.:::::::::,.-:.":::.:.":;":;:.:.;,g with Jack Hamilton. State of Arkansas: Special Activities positions in these areas: clerical, typ- Officer, some exper. in electrical com- ing, stenographers. file clerks, calcula- munications. Fiscal Analysis Officer, tor operators, receptionists, switchboard degree and 3 years. Communications operators. and warning officer, degree and some January 30 - Tamarack. Fresh A i r communications exper. Cost Acctg.. de- Society: 1 - 5 p.m. Gen. Couns., water- gree and 2 years. Medical Specialist, front, arts & crafts, nature - camp- eleg. for licensing to practice med. in craft, tripping, music, drama. u n i t Arkansas. supv.. asst. unit supv., caseworker, Meet your career milestones 4 (Continued from Page 3) the Arts has no right to impose upon its students compulsory "distribution" courses, and - WHEREAS: The procedures of de- bate, dialogue, petition, and quiet pres- sure have failed to produce a change in the attitude or policy or the LS&A faculty, and' WHEREAS: The only remaining tool which students may employ at this point involves the disruption of the( bureaucratic procedures of that fa-I culty's business offices, and WHEREAS: The primary responsi- bility of SGC and the student judiciaryi is to further student control over their own lives and institutions, not to act as the sergeant-at-arms of a dis- Wednesday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh Hour (repetaed at 7 p.m.) Ed Bur- rows hosts an hour of news and con- versation about the arts and literature. Guest: Writer-in-Residence Kurt Von- negut. Wednesday 1:00 p.m. Latin America Lecture Series: "Christianity and Marx- ism: Conflict or Coexistence?" with Ivan Illich, founder and director, In- tercultural Documentation Center, Cuernavaca, Mexico; and Albert Meyer, U-M Professor of Political Science. Part 4 of 4.Wednesday 4:45 p.n. Campus News, produced by students in the department of speech. Placement Room 3200 S.A.B. f . t . i . j t Y Local Technical Firm: Secretary. truck - bus driver, nurse, camp phy- general office work, no specific ed. or sician. exper oJanuary 30: Camp Nahelu. Mich. Stateof California, Dept. of Parks Coed, 1 - 5 p.m. cabin couns.. water- and Recreation, Sacramento, Calif. -~ front dir., arts & crafts, gymnastics Equipment Management Supv., BSE instr., dramatics instr. and 4 years. Allstate Regional Office, D e t ro i t, ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE Mich. - Property Adjuster Trainee. 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. Casualty Adjuster Trainee. Claim Make interview appointment at Room Rep., Manpower Dev. and other posi- 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other- tions of executive training. wise snecified. Abbott Laboratories, several locations FEBRUARY 4, 1969 in U.S.: Chem. Sales, Mktg. Res., Pro- Cummins Engine Co.. Inc. f'essional Recruiter.. Adv. Product Diamond Shamrock Corp. Manager. Programmers, Acctg., Fin- The Dow Chemical Co. ancial Analysts. Operations Auditor. FMC Corp. - Chemical Div. Tax Administrator. Dev. Engr. a n d Ford Motor Co. other engineering positions in EE, ChE, Mobil Oil Corp. IE. ME. CE, and industrial mgmt. posi- Sperry Rand Corp. tions. Gov't. reigstration people. Label Sperry Gyroscope Div. editors, Chem. spec. Microbiol., hParm- Systems Mgmt. Div. acol., Molecular Biol., Plasma Phoreses, Union Carbide Corp. - Chemicals Biochem., Isotope Chem., and other & Plastics Div. positions in these areas.; Vitro Laboratories pISangano Electric Company, Spring- West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. field. Ill.: Instrument . Engr.. Syst. Bleached Board Div. Sales Engr.. Digital Circuit Designer. Research Product Dependability Statistician. Hartford, Conn., Board of Education°: :::..:..:: :;:;;:::.:::.: Director of Personnel, MA, and certif- lable for supt., admin. asst.. and inter- ORGAKN IZAT K mediate admin. Catawba BaIley Technical Institute, Hickory, North Carolina. - Instructor N T ES in traffic and transportation, pref. masters, will consider bach.:";.:::::;:"::":>"::"_x:::";:.;:;;a> LABRATO"RIES 4 I 4 traught University faculty or admin- istration, therefore, . ANNOUNCEMENT:. BE IT RESOLVED: That SGC hereby Peace Corps Week: All interested stu- suspends the rule against disruptive dents drop in at 3529 S.A.B. 9 a.m. - sit-ins to enable students to engage 5 p.m._ in such= a sit-In without fear of re- 'Cretpsto pnnsrcie prsal from their own fellows. Current Position Openings received prsa frm teir wn general division by hail and phone, Approved: The Homecoming date will not interviews on campus, please call be October 10 and 11. 1969. 764-7460 for application information: Approved: WHEREAS: Police censor- County of Orange, Calif.: Three open- ship is an odium to be shunned in any ing fbr Clinical Psychologists, PhD in self-respecting free society. clin. psych., and no exper or PhD in THEREFORE: Be it resolved that other area and 2 years post doctoral SGC endorse UAC production of exper in clin, psych. "Dionysus 69". Stage of Vermont: Asst. apprentice- Appointed: Joan Shemel as a mem- ship supervisor. BA. no exper., dept. of ber of Student Government Council to labor and industry. Computer program- fill the vacantt Council seat. mer. 1 year exper. Director, Clinical Approved: That SGC draft a letter Psychology, PhD and min. 2 years. Ac- to be sent to the Civil Aeronautics contant, SA in acctg. and 2 years. Board supporting continuation of Connecticut State Personnel: Econo- Youth Fare. mist with Development Commission, MA econ., bus., or related areas and 5 Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio years-exper. in state, regional or local (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, dev. with . 4 I k . 1 i i { SUMMER P'ACEM.ENT SERVICE 212 S.A.B., Lowel Level Federal Jobs in Summer - applica- tions due Jan. 30 - test during spring recess - apply for where you will be. INTERVIEWS at S.P.S. January 29 - Williams Services, De- troit, Mich.: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cover U-M Scottish Country Dance Society - Dance meeting - Weds., 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. W.A.B: lounge - instruc- tion given - beginners welcome. UM Ski Club Meeting: Tues., Jan. 28th - 7:30 p.m. Union Rooms 3R and S - Sign up for an inexpensive Ski- Day to a local area on Sat., Feb. 1st. - -- - - -- - --- - 213 So STATE ST. U. of M. Payroll Checks o , cashed here NO GA ME S NO GIMMICK S For HAIR For HOURS of PLEASURE For COLDS RICHARD HUDNUT JOE SOUTH ASSOCATION VICKS VAPORUB CREAM RINSEJ Reg. INTRO-SPEC GREATEST HITS Req $1.00 65c Q 8oz JU $267 $267 ________ LIMIT I LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 LIMIT I TONI VKKS CONDITIONER 8 THE BEATLES JIMI HENDRIX INHALER 43 Req. $1.25 Reg. 59c. LIMIT 1 YELLOW SUBMARINE EXPERIENCE LIMIT I NEW BRECK $367 $267 VIKS SINEX HAIR COLORING Req. LIMIT I LIMIT Ref. $2.00 r$ 1 3 2_____________________________ Req 12 $1.29 shades 15 c.c LIMIT 1 For Complexion For Dental LIMIT 1 Control Hygiene SHAMPOO VAPO STEAM Reg. $1.09 Req. 98c 8 oz. size 3 oz. LIMIT 1 TOOTH PASTE LIMIT 1 $1.75 5.2W CLAIROL zsi si088o.2VICKS 44 INSTANT CONDITION COUGH SYRUP LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 Reg $2.50 Req. oz. j56DACNEE LISTERINE $1.1 size 3 1 z.8 LIMIT 1 ACNE CREAM MOUTH WASH LIMIT 1 98c Ae20o/. HUDNUT LMT1LMTG HMORe.zVICKS 8 EGG SHAMPOO L COUGH SYRUP Reg. $1.00 3 oz. LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 NEW ALBERTO For THIS and THAT VICKS 44 FOR BRUNETTES ONLY COUGH DISCS Reg, $147 ZIPPO TYPE SECRET 73 10 CIGARETTE LIGHTER SPRAY DEODORANT Req. shades 98c LIMIT 1 Req. $159 LIMIT 1 $1.00 7 oz. value size For Men Only LIMIT I LIMIT1 For Lovely Legs NEW OXEA KICKE BOKERFLUFFY NEW NOXEMA KNIKER BOCKER ORLON BOOTIES CANTRESE LIME SHAVE BOMB SHOWER SPRAY PANTY HOSE Regq 6/4 oz-value 6value 43cselect sizeM Lw 1 Lfrom LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 PAIR LIM.IT 27 the quiet company Perhaps the most challenging future today lies in systems engineering.. the "make it work" science. At the Labs, we ptpneered the devel- opment of systems engineering tech- niques for complex projects involving the disciplines of systems simulation of hybrid systems. We developed flex- ible design analysis simulations to aid in detailed trade-off studies. We pre- pare integrated system test plans, pro- cedures and instruction manuals as well as conduct system tests. Among our current programs: Proj, ect Mallard, a multi-national military communications system; conversion of the Polaris submarines to the Poseidon missile; and Talos, Terrier and Tartar, the Navy's surface-to-air missiles. In the Washington, D.C. area, we are one of the largest defense contractors. And the demands of our work keep us growing. We offer EE's and Physics majors a rewarding career and the op- portunity of basic training in systems engineering. A representative of the Labs will visit your campus shortly, we hope you will be able to meet with him. Meanwhile, for further information, write Mr. Ray Bisson, College Relations Administra- tor, Vitro Laboratories, 14000 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910. i TURNS SCIENCE INTO SERVICE An equal opportunity employer 4i a 0 0 u 0. 013 I-' r i i I Individuals majoring in Computer Science, Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical or Industrial), Mathematics, and Physics will be interviewed by Collins Radio Company. February 12 & 13, 1969 Some facts about Collins: . Collins pioneered many of today's data techniques and recently announced a computer-controlled design and manufacturing service for customers. 2. The company ranks as the largest independent producer of microwave systems. 3. More than 75% of the commercial airlines use navigation communication equip- ment supplied by Collins. 4. The company designs and installs computer systems for the military and for railroads, airlines and many other industrial organizations. 5. Collins serves as the prime contractor on NASA's worldwide Apollo tracking network. 6. The company is recognized as one of the world's leading manufacturers of commercial broadcast equipment 7 Collins received the first contract awarded to a single company to design, equip and build an earth station for satellite communications. I I .