Pc~~ TwoTHE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y Tuesday, January 28, 1969 arts festival theatre Oifrontation RICARDKELLER SIMON a.. with 3y 'The contemporary American theatre stood naked in the Un- ion ballroom on Sunday night. It was amazing. "Dionysus in 69," a play with a double meaning in its -title, is also a play with% a double mean_- irig iii its r-itual. The ritual be- gins as Richard Schechner's ver- sion of "The Bacchae" by Euri- pides. It e n d s as an actors,' statement of the paradoxical strength-and-weakness of their lIff - the contemporary the- atre. - Whether this double meaning was intended or not in the early versions of Dionysus, it has cer- tainly grown into the play dur- inig the course of revisions. There are clear dramatig con- nections between the two mean- ings of the ritual. The most ob- vious is the alternation between Greek -and modern in the play. Sometimes t h e actors are Greeks, and the man wearing glasses is Dionysus and the man with the white handkerchief around his eyes is Teresias. But sometimes the actors are actors, and V h e man wearing glasses is William Finley from Christopher Street and the man with the white handkerchief is /his friend. , This alternation was hardly accidental or gimmicky. Neither was It. a; Brechtian device to r'e- mind the audience that theatre is pretense.. Rather, it was to fercibly bring home to the au- dience 'that this is a play ABOUT the theatre itself, its re- lationsh-ip to the power struc- ture, and its response to the power structure. When Pentheus entered the Union' ballrooi 'and begin kick- ig ther naked actor, ,rthe au shock. Pentheus, after all, look- ed like an 'Ann Arbor hood - and' he seemed to 'have come from t h e audience itself. He could have been an escapee from the text' book on deviant psychology or the local police officer as a Young Man. And, off course, the parallel was de- liberate. What .Pentheus .did during the play, the police did 'afterwards. Another connection between the double meanings of the play is the nakedness itself. The ac- tors take off their clothes to do homage to their god-Dionysus. As 'Greeks, they honor t h e Greek god of wine and revelry -by destroying Pentheus, the non-believer. As actors, they honor the god of the theatre by saying, things that few actors hive said. before directly and hcjnestly. to an audience. As Gr'eeks, their nakedness is phys- ical, but as actors, their naked- ness is very much spiritual. The spiritual managed to convey the serious- the en ness of the ritual. But- by in- the spe volving the audience in so close women and so emotional-physical a to spea way, the actors also kept the au- nation. dience from listening to t h e adequa words in any thoughtful way. It ing of became important to participate, Inste to respond, as everyone was re- ple sor sponding, and not to thinit don B: about the implications. Or, for We ret that matter, to think very care- It is fully about anything. perienc There is nothing wrong w'~ith audienc this. It is exactly what a ritual their is - but for the last 2500 years watchii it has not been what a play is. NON E mniycate inritual. In "Diony- the Del sus," the simple idea was that dates 'n worship of the God of wine (and periene through wine to physical bodies) ed tha was good, Pentheus; who didn't suitabh think so, was bad, would In any participatory theatre, respons things have to be simple. The in the audience knows, what is g 00o d ed to and what is bad, and therefore, end, S HOW to participate. preveni The second g r e a t audience If it participation in the Uni'bn Ball- - abo room was the attack on Penthe- about us. People yelled names at him particli ("Little Hitler," "Sheriff Har- came I vey") while he tried to make fine, cq everyone stop speaking, and person then stop clapping. He ran like The a madman through the audi- porary ence. The more he tried to stifle in uni the noise, the more noise the ments, audience made, of strei It was classic children's the- the ba atre. Once more we were all in Sens Buffalo Bob's peanut gallery sism bi letting Howdy Doody -know is pre where Mr. Bluster was, doing that "] out best to help the forces of tail. TI goodness and righteousness. In '~ this case, of course, we were- older and wiser - and so the issue ,was sex and sensitivity, nOt putting mud i the jelly jar. are similar figures - both bla- "OnE tantly representing parents, and of at both blatantly the object of all del ic our juvenile rage. .But thien things began to get complicated. In Euripides, they are developed and explained. In - ' "Dionysus"' they become garbled and confused. After all, every- one is covered with blood at the end of the play except for Dion- ysus himself. And then every- one starts washing the blood off of everyone else, apparently un- G happy at the butchery.G No attempt is made to relate this to the central message of the first part of the play. Schechner deliberately obscures - d of the play by giving aking parts of Euripides' to his female actresses k in chorus and in alter- His ritual is simply in- te to deal with the end- the play. ad, he has us sing a sim- ~g to the tune of "Lon- ridge is Falling Down." treat into simplicity. not at all clear what ex- e the pretty girls in the ce had, who had to check cameras at the door, ng the ritual w i th its ROTIC pubic hair. ta Phi Epsilonsarandetheir ade any sense of the ex- e, or whether they decid- .t love-making was the e response, That surely have been the intended ;e had the play stopped middle. But if they want- mnake sense of it, at the checbner did his best to tthem. made them introspective ut their own hang-ups, their own willingness to pate, then the play be- their own play - quite Luite serious, and quite al. paradox of the contenm- theatre, in New York and versity theatre depart- is that the basic source nigth and energy becomes sic source of weakness. itivity becomes narcis- ecomes homosexuality. It cisely this progression Dionysus" follows in de- he purN-n the titlo is not a dirty joke at all. It is, literaly. Dionysus IN 69, and the position is hardly an accident. The Performance Grou9 be- gins in sensitivity. They do seit- sitive exercises, accept sex with- out dirty leers or pornogranhic attitudes, and have a wonder- ful time. Then a Pentheus cf- ficer appears, w h o persecutes them. In the contrast, they dis- cover that they are sensitive, while others are not. They be- come narcissistic (in the play, demonstrated by Dionysus him- self, the leader). A short moment later, they become homosexual. They m e quire others to make love TO THEM. Dionysus announces to Pentheus that he can be accept- ed into the Performance Group if he will "love my cock." Pen- theus refuses to take the a*ctive role. He accepts the passive rol?, but that isn't good enough for Dionysus, who has him killed. It's not Euripidles. The result is a signiificant sort of self-critical blood-bath -in which everyone takes part and after which everyone is sorry. The actors have been unable to stop themselves in sensitivity - and have fallen through narcis- sism, homosexuality, and de- struction (emotional. if not nec- essarily physical). The God Dionysus, the god of the theatre, appears to them and tells them that h~ requires it. "Dionysus 69"'has been accus- ed of being self-indulgent. It is, of course, but it is honestly self- indulgent. It is therefore, pro- found, and ultimately very sad. nakedness Aundivinue'Fiddler' By MIChAEL ALLEN All right, musicals are musicals and you don't get high-minded and go into the theatre expecting Shakespeare. However, I cannot see one really good reason for going to sce Fiddler on the Roof at all, except possibly that some of Tevye's-played last night by J. Jarratt straight from Broadway-wisecracks to God are funny. God by the way was up in the Hill auditorium roof for the whole evening without moving once. The plot is based on the stories of Sholon Aleichema- actually a Solomon Rabinowitz who died in the Bronx just over fifty years ago-and it has potential: it offers us all the romping of Jewish flokiorico in the Russia of 1905 plus an impending pogrom for a bit of contrast. But this musical turns this and everything else it touches into sloppy sentimentality. As for the performance itself? The singing was tolerable, except when whoeveritwas got between two microphones, and the dancing was lively, but lacked any originality, which goes for the direction as a whole. The best bits were the wedding romps and the rabbi looking up Leviticus on modern dancing and suchlike; but these followed comic stereotyves. and eventually the quotations from "the good book" got terribly tedious. And the sad bits? They weren't sad at all but lugubrious rubish. 4 If Your Landlord is One of the following and you not been reached by the rent strike, we need your have help. 6 Apartments Ltd. Ann Arbor Trust Co. Arbor Mgt. Charter Realty Dahlmann Apts. Misco Mgt. BMR Patrick Pulte Inc. Summit Associates Walden Mgt. Wilson-White Co. CamYpus Mgt. Post Realty connection between these two types of nakedness is a familiar one in non-dramatic literature. At the Union on Sunday night, the first type of nakedhiess was too much, fo the police to hian- niakedness was too much for the audience to handle. As t h e ritual of Euripides, "Dionysus in 69", is oversimpli- fied, confused, and drawn out. As the ritual of the Perform- ance Group, "Dionysus 09'' is vital, honest, and nearly Tier-. fect. Euripides' "The Bacchae" is not a simple play with one or two simple ideas. Shechners adaptation is. By emphasizing the ritualistic at the expense of the verbal, he destroys- every- thing at all remotely complex. But this is to criticize Shech- ner for something he is not try- ing to' do. His goal is participa- tory theatre - which he TODAY Chryssa 7pm., Union Assembly Hail The Eastbound Mound 9 p.m., Union Ballroom --Daily-Peter Dreyfuss achieves magnificently. If the price he must pay is oversim- plification, and stress on the techniques of children's theatre, he seems more than willing to To heaudience took an active part in "Dionysus" and became al part of the play. It was drawn into the ritual when it entered the cool ballroom," in small groups, after sweltering mn the hallways outside. It was can~- fronted with the Performance Group d o i n g acting exercises a n d singing Gregorian-style chants at the same time. It last- ed ford an hour. During this time,athe actors mnovedu amon dents, and gently carrying them around. The whole thing was relaxed. However scared some of the girls looked on the backs of the ac- tors, they all had self-satisfied grins on their faces when theic rides were over. When actors confronted actively hostile, scar- ed students, they tried for a while, and then gave up. No one appeared to be kidnapped. By making t h e audience a part of the performance from the very beginnin~g, the actors Our lists must be complete. Contact the Tenants Union of your building has not been canvassed. CALL 763-3102, 1532 S.A.B. V I Info: 662-6~64 H E LD OVER 6t WEK... ,- 't A3m NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES Presents REGORY PECK - EVA MARIE SAINT on a Pakula-Muliigan Production Of H T L IG M V rECHNICOLOR-PANAVISION' 1969 GRADUATES: Engineering * Science * Business Administration * Liberal Art& and thorG cops--and thn there's BIWOJNI Bares opts for New T heatre -By HENRY GRIX -"New 'Theatre" makes Olive Barnes feel "up tight"; so does giving lectures. But the estimable drama critic of The New York Times managed to please his audience Sunday afternoon by solidly endorsing -youth, truth and nudity, and by simply being -agreeable-. As the first speaker in the University Activities Center's Creative Arts Festival, Barnes made a case for experimnentation in the American thea- tre "whose vitality has been debilitated" by the economics of the Broadway businessman. Broadway has -become a "showcase" where no one 'has the. right to fail. And it is the basic right of every~ artist to. fail, Barnes said. He be- lieves many artists did fail in producing natural- istio theatre which subsequently has become oitmnoded. "The 'race of world theatre overtook the niaturalistic American theatre that was wait- imng for Lef tie, while the rest of the world was waiting. for- Godot," Barnes explained. .But regional theatre and off-Off-Broadway have succeeded in creating a resurgence of the American drama,- by providing opportunities for the young writer and by being as professional and every bit as interesting as the newest mtsical comnedy. . "However, the price we must pay for freedomn is some abuse of it," the critic said. "But I think its tbetf'er that .some people abuse it than have it taken away from them." And if free people wish to take off their clothes, Baines .said, it is -"a legitimate protest, -some- thing like Shaw saying -'bloody'," to rouse an audience out of its stupor. On naked bodies, he added, 'flll, -they're -'not so unattractive!" "It is a newv function of the theatre," Barnes excplains; ''to reflect the political activities of the Theatre""self-indulgent." - However, Pat -McDermott, a member of the nation. The whole theati'e has changed" and has become a "political meeting." He cited the case of Joseph Heller's "We Bombed in Newv Haven," "an interesting, flaw- ed play" which bombed in New York, baut which stimullated the audience. "You couldn't stop V h e audience from talking," when the players began discussing Vietnam," Barnes explaihs. The increase of audience involvement in New Theatre has accompanied the rise of actors "trained in a physical way, a completely differ- ent method," Barnes said. These actors are pre- pared for "'the invasion of moral privacy" which Julian Beck's Living Theatre has launqhed. However, it is just this invasion which several members of- Barnes' audience found irritating: "Do you have to go to the theatre to be your- self?" one girl asked. And Barnes obliged her criticism explaining he often feels disturbed by the "embarrassing" elements of "new" produc- tions. He confirmed the observation of several members of the audience who found the Living Performance Group arrested Sunday night after 'Dionysus in 69". rose to the defense of Julian Beck. He said the draft was away from "textual theatre" toward more spontaneous art. McDer- mott said it was up to the audience to determine "whether a performer speaks for just himtself or for' you." "If he only speaks for himself, the play' is self- inrdulgent and that is a -valid criticism," Mc- Dermott explained. Barnes agreed with McDermott too: "Artistic expression -is not necessarily intellectual expres- sion." Indeed the critic admitted, "If you don't understand" what goes on in many new publica- tions, it really doesn't matter." are COrdia/1~ in tOan interWeIAfited '4'ith Our represent You are Cordially invited to an interview with Our representative invited - IKTITAF AS EU4TTY ~SUSEST FOR MATURE AUDIENCES TECHNICORfRGM ARNER 3108.-SEEN ARTS iE SHOWS AT: 1 :00-3:00-5:00-7:00 & 9:1 5 OUrrerI~Iew with epresentat, .1* I I - FEBRUR SD- This is a copy of a p of an invitation to interview you may not know well eniough. Making copies is only part of the story. You can get the other part straight from the source. Talk to our representative and ask him about R&D looking ahead to major advances in education... in areas like color xerography and 3-D imaging...about refinements in combined xerography and EDP systems to process and graphically reproduce any theory or fact available...at any distance. 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Nights A 9 A Nationaal Educational Television Film series prepared under the direction of HU$TQN SMITH, Professor of Philosophy, M.I.T., author of RELIGIONS OF MAN (available in paperback) JAN. 28-FEB. 7 FEB. 4-9 Hinduism: -Part 2 Buddhism: Par t 1 H induism: Part 3 Buddhism: Part 2