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January 09, 1969 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-09

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Thursday, January 9, 1969


Page Thirteen

Thursday, January 9, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thirteen

Schembechi er



-- -- -

apoplexy -
d oU g heller

There's been Fielding, Fritz,
Bennie, Bump . . .
... And now there's Bo.
Glenn Edward Schembechler -
who compensates for his last name
with the nickname 'Bo' - has
succeeded Bump Elliott as Michi-
gan's head football coach.
Schembechler's a p p o i n tment
was announced December 27 at-
ter Elliott resigned to accept the
long vacant job as associate di-
rector of intercollegiate athletics.
Schembechler's coaching ca-
reer includes six years at Miami

University in Oxford,
where he compiled a win
ord of 40-17-3.
Miami was the startin
for such noted football cc
Woody Hayes of Ohio St
Pont of Indiana and Ar
ghian of Notre Dame.
Athletic Director Don
explained the guidelir
choosing the new coach
were three major quali
"We wanted a northe
because the style of play
differs so greatly from ti
"We wanted someone



Welcome to the
hot seat, Bo
In the early '60's when the Detroit Lions had a respectable foot-
ball team, one of America's most forgettable comedians was lament-
ing the death of appropriate names for sports heroes.
He said, "Years ago, there were MEN like Red Grange, the
Galloping Ghost, Bronko Nagurski and Johnny Blood lugging the
"Now, who is that great leading Detroit against Green Bay?
- Milton Plum, that's who."
So where does this leave Bo Schembechler? The name may be
hilarious but the role he has to perform isn't much of a joke. Soon-
er or later he has to produce a highly successful football team.
Schembechler does have one thing going for him. He joins the
great non-Michigan tradition of Wolverine coaches. Coming from
the University of Miami, Ohio, the starting point of many'great men-
tors, Schembechler, along with basketball coach John Orr, has suc-
ceeded in breaking the old system of having Michigan almuni named
to coach Michigan teams.
That habit did seem rather silly in view of the fact that the
outstanding records of non-alumni like Fielding Yost and Fritz
. Crisler easily surpassed the more mild success of Wolverine All-
Americans Harry Kipke, Benny Osterbaan and Bump Elliott, when
they became coaches.
Curiously, it was Crisler, a University of Chicago grad, who was
most emphatic in hiring alumni to revitalize the Michigan tradi-
But all that is water over the dam. Schembechler is faced with
the necessity of having to win and win big; if not quite in the order
of Ara, at least as much as Duffy or the infamous Woody.
The reason is simple.
Michigan football teams must win consistently on a year to
year basis or the fans won't provide the support that they might.
And despite all the wizardry of Athletic Director Don Canham,
the financial position of Michigan's nearly autonomous athletic
department won't get any better unless attendance goes up.
The past season is a great example of where the trouble lies.
Michigan's record was 8-2 as the Wolverines challenged for the Big
Ten championship. Attendance per game however, was down 6,000.'
And because of the size of the stadium, Michigan had more empty,
seats than anyone else in the conference.

Ohio -. good educational institution who
ning rec- knew what kind of problems we
have at Michigan.
g ground "And we didn't feel we could af-
oaches as ford to train a bright, young hope-
ate, John ful. We wanted an established
'a Parse- coach."
In looking for an established
Canham coach, Michigan found a man with
nes f o r experience as an assistant under
. "There both Parseghian and Hayes and'
fications. someone who, whilethead coach,
rn coach not only won two-thirds of his
up here games, but for a single t h r d
he South. place, never placed lower than
from a second in his conference.
Schembechler described isi s
coaching personality as "semi-
conservative. I don't like the odds
on riskkplays. I like to rely on
what I know is successful.
"And I'm a tough and unyield-,
ing coach if I think I'm right," he
Despite his tough guy attitude.
towards coaching, Schembechler
feels he is equally devoted to the
players as to the game.
He explained, "I like a close as-
sociation with the players. I don't
h want to know them just between
four and six each day at practice.
<< "My players take precedent over
anything if they have a problem
and need my counsel. I'll be avail-
able at all times.
'I don't want them to feel all
I give a damn about is t h e i r
knocking around the football."
Schembechler also feels that the
player in turn has an obligation
to be a good representative of the
team, and to obey the subsequant
"When there are 75 people to-
gether, there must be restrictions
? n them in order to be successful
- it's not unlike a military situa-

life during the season. He needs
to think about the game and his
physical condition, and not about
his hair."
Schembechler practices what. be
Devoted to the g a m e twelve
months a year, Michigan's new
coach "feels guilty if I don't do
something about my job every
day - Sundays too."
Although he is a fan of most
other sports, especially baseball,
Schembechler has no hobbies, ex-
cept playing handball at noon to
keep in shape.
He explained that "since I don't:
smoke, and I don't have any hob-
bies, I eat when I'm nervous. Af-
ter a game, I eat and go to bed
to work off nervous energy. I sleep
until ten the next day and then
go over to see the game films. I
like to get at it right away."
Young and Personable, Schem-
bechler appears to be much like
Elliott - only with a stronger de-,
sire for his own way.
He commented on his role in
coordinating the offense along his
way of thinking. "In the first
year, it'll be tough to get the

daily sports
SPORTS SECTION: pages 13-17

quarterback to think the way ,I
"I will be calling quite a few,
of the plays, along with the of-
fensive coach in the press box. Al-
though, the quarterback will prob-
ably be calling some automatic
Schembechler went on to ex-,
plain that Woody Hayes' formula
for winning "isn't too bad. Hayes
figures, that the only way you can
be sure to beat the other' team is
to outwork them.
"I guess I follow that philosophy
because I spend most of my time

on football and I expect a sim-
ilar attitude from my players."
Asked if his name was derived
from some connection with foot-
ball or athletics - as didJ the
nicknames of Fielding "Hurry-
Up" Yost and Chalmers "Bump"
Elliott - Schembechler explained,
"when I was about a year old, my
sister started calling me "Bo-Bo"
- probably because she. couldn't
pronounce brother.
"It stuck with me all the way
through school. In fact. I think
some of my friends don't e v e n
know my real first name."

Major changes result as
Bo shuffles. football aides

not o

"Football requires more concen- cur ity
tration than any other sport, and ThE
therefore I don't want a self- cen- is no
tered player on my team. a'riva
"For example, I despise long Michi
hair. It shows that someone is revan
worried too much about himself. Sch
"Football dominates a player°s day t
sha des

all sports fans know, the po-
of head football coach is
one that possesses -great se-
e lot of the assistant coach
better, though. and with the
al of Bo Schembechler the
igan coaching staff faces a
hembechler announced Tues-
hat he is bringing six of his

staff members at Miami up to,
Michigan with him. One of the
six is his highly-touted defensive
mentor, Jim Young, the man Bo
recommended for the head <..oach-
ing position he left at Miami.
The -others are Chuck Stobart,
Schembechler's offensive back-
field coach; Dick Hunter, defen-
sive backfield coach; Jerry Han-
lon, offensive line coach; Larry
Smith, end coach; and Gary'
Moeller, freshman coach.




The cause of the small crowds was Michigan's poor record inP
1967, which made people suspect more of the same in 1968. The
Wolverines' surprisingly strong showing this 'past year was sim- By BILL LEVIS
ply not enough to make people change their plans. Advanced Associate Sports Editor
sales mean so much to Michigan that the Wolverines must win It was Rudy Tomjanovich's game but
and win plenty to keep athletics out of the red.
Still, no matter what the Schembechler era might bring, Michi- Bob Sullivan's two free throws with 10
gan is not quite ready to dump big time football in favor of the Ivy seconds left in overtime Tuesday nightgave
League variety or none at all. Despite the decrease in attendance, Michigan's cardiac cagers their second extra
the Wolverines were merely fourth in the nation in drawing crowds period victory in two Big Ten meetings.
(behind Ohio State, Southern Cal, and Michigan State). Coach Johnny Orr's Wolverines blew a
And Schemechler's brand new five year contract gives him nine point lead midway through the second
more security than any previous Michigan coach has had since half before beating Indiana 89-87 for their
Crisler was coach and athletic director at the same time. This sixth straight conference victory over two
certainly shows that Michigan is going to continue and possibly
strengthen its emphasis on major league football. Sullivan, the Wolveriness' valuable sixth
It also shows that Bo Schembechler will be in the hot seat man, only scored three points in the game,
hi quite meed Wathe ckhian'ssibly geterratic football all on free throws, but the last two turned out
to be the difference in the game.

Stil, it was Rudy T.'s game all the way.
The 6'8" junior who sometimes plays offense
like a gijard sank 24 of 31 field goal attempts
on his way to a 48 point night. Tomjanovichs
performance, including 47 in regulation, tied
Michigan's single game set by Cazzie Rus-
sell who scored his 48 against Northwestern
on March 5, 1966.
With 10 minutes left in the game Tom-
janovich smashed the old Events Building
record of 34 set by Dennis Stewart against
Western Michigan in December. On the
way to his record breaking exhibition, the
junior tipped in five shots in the first half.
Tomjanovich also scored on a driving layup
after a Kenny Maxey field goal attempt was
wide to the right.
' The Michigan center did most of
his damage in the first half while
the other Wolverines were cold
from the floor. Michigan shot only
39.5 percent in the first period.
Tomjanovich netted 28 as the Wo-
verines went into the looker room
at half time on the short end of
a 43-39 score.

Young was the prime architect
of the Miami defense which was
second in the nation in scoring
defense and third in rushing de-
fense last, season.
In all three of his years with
Schembechler, Young's defenses
have led the Mid American con-
ference in total defense.
Young, who is 31, came to Mi-
ami after coaching high school
football at Lima Shawnee in
Ohio, and before his departure.
Lima Shawnee won 23 straight
At the present time f o ur of
Bump Elliott's aides definitely
will be staying, one has already
left and the other two are exam-
ining job offers.
The four who will be staying on
under Schembechler a r e Hank
Fonde, George Mans, Frank Ma-
loney and Bob Shaw. Mans, Ma-
loney and Shaw will continue in
actual on the field capacities but
Fonde is moving to an adiinis-
trative position.
Fonde was defensive coordina-
tor under Elliott but now has been
appointed by athletic director Don
Canham to the post of director of
academic counseling and recruit-
ing coordinator.
Fonde's main responsibilities
will now rest in the important off-
the-field matters of getting play-
ers to come to Michigan and then
making sure that they remain In
Of the other three remaining as-
sistants only Mans will retain his
present job, that of offensive end
coach. Maloney and Shaw, though,
will be taking on new responsibili-
Maloney, a first year man from
Chicago's Mt. Carmel High, will
be switching from the post of of-
fensive line coach to that of de-
fensive hiie coach. Shaw, who is
also a first year man, will reverse
positions with Maloney and take
over the offensive line duties.
The one aide who has already

Cagers take two of three ath


Tomjanovich was the leader in all

The Michigan basketball team three w i t h an average of 27.7
spent a busy vacation in non- points and 15 rebounds.
conference play preparing for the Strong performances from new-
Big Ten season. comers Dan Fife and Rick (Bird)
In the' six games between De- Carter were also major factors in
ceber 20 and January 4, the the Wolveine wins.
Wolverines lost just two - to Michigan opened its holiday
SKentucky and Davidson-to leavei schedule on December 23 with a
them with a 7-3 season record. 'solid 111-74 trouncing of Utah -
Michigah won t w o of three a member of the Western Athletic
games on its home court. Rudy Conference.

Holding a substantial 40-28 lead
with five minutes left in the first
half, Michigan scored 16 straight
points to lead at the half, 56-28.
The flu-plagued Utes never had
another chance. In' t h e second
half, they couldn't come closer
than 26 points,
Michigan shot 50 7 to Utah'sI
39%, with Tomjanovich scoring
the game high of 28 points, while
Fife hit for 22 - marking his
third consecutive game of 20
points or -more. (Captain K e nj
Maxey, injured knee ahd all, con-
tributed 15 points.)
Michigan outrebounded t h e
Redskins by 15 and gained aos-
session of the ball 21 times due to
Utah turnovers.
Jerry Pimm, stand-in coach for
Utah's ill Jack Gardner, said,'
"Michigan really blew us out of
"I don't know when I've seen a
team get its fast break underway
like that. When we hesitated for
the slightest moment, they were
Michigan cdach John Orr felt
the Utah win was significant be-
cause "it showed us we could suc-
cessfully run the fast break!
"It also proved we could work
together. It was a strong team ef-
The Wolverines then went on
the road to play two games at the
Kentucky Invitational. Michigan
split, with a loss to Kentucky the
first night and a win over Bradleyj
in the final night of the tourney.
(See related story).
The Wolverines returned home
for a New Year's Eve match w:th
second-ranked Davidson in front
of a crowd of 11.969.
The Wildcats racked up their
eighth straight win for the season

second high for Michigan with 16 Michigan had taken an early - " <' .''left Michigan is Dennis Fitzgerald,
points, although he was held to 5-2 lead in the game but the Wol- former Wolverine blocking back
only two points in the second half, verine's cold shooting took its toll and Pan - American wrestling
Orr explained the loss, "We had as the Hurryin' Hoosiers jettison- champion. Fitzgerald has moved
to play 100% all the time to win ed themselves to a 30-18 lead with on to Kentucky where he will
But we weren't as active as we nine minutes left in the half. It work under Johnny Ray, who is
should have been. took Tomnjanavich's superlative . also new at Kentucky.
"We weren't going to the boards performance to get Michigan The greatest speculation, of
and we didn't get back on defense, within four at half-. time. course, involves Tony Mason, of -
T h e team didn't shoot well The junior center had little fensive coordinator and the man
partly because we weren't doing trouble outmaneuvering Indiana generally acknowledged to have
the other things." -centers Mike Branaugh and Bill -Daily-Jay Cassidy been Bump Elliott's chief aide,
He added, "The loss might have DeHeer as he singlehandedly' led RUDY TIPS IN TWO of his record tying 48 points, leading the Mason had often been mention-
been good for us, although I hate lthe Michigan attack. way to Michigan's frenzied overtime victory against the Hoosiers. ed as a possible successor to Elliott
to lose any -game. It gave us an The Hoosiers man-to-man de- Following up the shot are Bird Carter (25) and Ken Johnson (33). See COACHING, Page 14
incentive to work harder," ense hampered the rest of the ~ .-- --- - - --
Apparently the hard work paid Wolverines, however. Dennis Ste-
off as the Wolverines opened the wart, who went into the game
new year and the Big Ten witn a with a 17-8 scoring average, did-
99-92 overtime win egainst Iowa n't make a field goal in the first
on January 4. stanza.
In a tight game against the de- The 6'6" forward was a totally
fending co-champs, the Wolve- different performer when the se- a lso'
rspytalsotto piundSpor.ts tsff
sive game of the season. Tomjan- three buckets in a row to give the
ovich led the team witho 19 of Wolverines their first lead since By BOB LEES ever, Smith realized that le was And this year's editor (who, by
Michigan's 48 rebounds. early in the first half. Michigan Associate Sports Editor only dissipating his Talent. Noth- the way, is one of the few journ-
Michigan was also able to hold continued to ripple the cords Once upon a time there lived a ing less than absolute domination alism majors on the staff) is one
Hawkeye John Johnson - who throughout the second period rather uninspiring man named of the world could be an adequate of the fortunate few who may
broke Sam Williams single game a 50 percent clip as the Wolver-moftsend rtuf e workay
scoring record in his third appear- ines built up a nine point lead with Beauregard P. t. M. St, refleco o the a this fair state,
anefrIw.-tosi points. ls hnegt.iue ean as did too many men of his time, sessed. on the highways iti arsae
, . . .thanks t,,' ~rierift Harvey's brand
ance for Iowa to six points. less than minutes remain- worked at a dull factory' job for , But of course such a magnifi-
The Wolverines played a h o t ing. Buthi of discipline.
first half, leading I o w a by as But like the Iowa game the Sa- eight hours of the day, and spent cent scheme requires a little plan- Buthere are lots of sides to the
See WOLVERINES, Page 15 See 'M', Page 15 the rest of his time idly dreaming ning. So Smith retired to a near- staff - 1i k e a present female
of new-found wealth. His w a s by mountain lodge;~ gaining pri- night editor, who broke one of the
hardly an eventful life - until vacy by merely telling all the most hallowed of Michigan's tra-
that fateful day . . . guests to leave, and settled down
V acafionditions by covering a game sitting
Suinr iary One evening in June, Mr. Smith to plan his moves. . in the press box of Michigan Sta-
was standing outside the b a c k Three days later, his plan was dium. POWER!
door of his city's burlesque house, complete. Exhilerated, he climbed And lots of topics are covered,
BASKETBALL-The Wolverine cagers triumphed over Duke 90-80 hoping to catch a glimpse of one the highest mountain to survey Have you ever noticed the picture
on Dec. 9. In the Kentucky Invitational Tournament they lost to of the professionals therein - for the area which would soon be his of Hiawatha, standing Jesus-like
Kentucky 102-94 before shading Bradley 95-93 for a third-place Mr. Smith was a Stagedbor Beau- dominion. In sheer exaltation, he on the wall of the old Admmiistra-
finish. Then followed 111-74 and 101-79 routs of Utah and Butler regard. Suddenly, the star of the looked out and shouted, "DROP tion Building? One editor d i d,
before a 94-82 loss to Davidson. In its first two Big Ten games, week passed into view, causing the I DEAD!" once, and was inspired to heig its
Michigan edged Iowa 99-92 and Indiana 89-87, both in overtime, hero of this tale to mutter to! The next day, two young child- of poetry in a column.
OCKEY---Michigan took a 3-2 victory over Michigan State but then himself, "I wish I could find her : ren playing in the wooded area We write about the roads of
--- -- ~~-~ ma e. ,, ma t . n - ,- in my room tonight." discovered his body - lying next West Virginia, the advantages of

i ,..

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