Friday, January 24, 1969 ,"" ' '$s . .w r . x ":??is : :r;.;: # o- secretary, latter requires better typ- a.m.-5 p.m. Gen. Couns., spec, in ing than former, both prefer journ. or waterfront, arts & crafts, nature-camp- DAiLY OFFICIAL engi. bkcrnd., but not mandatory, and craft, tripping, music, dramatics, unit would like some IBM exper., will take supervisor & asst., caseworker, truck- BU L T Nno exper. however. bus driver, nurse and camp physician. BICity of Detroit, Mich.: Med. Labora- Univ. credit given up to six quarter ; . ".,::. ""r ,.":1:; ". ,t MA"~'. .'. tory technicians in general areas, and hours for ,camp work with this organi- cytology and histology. Recreation Aide, zation. (Continued from Page 6) for young men. Last time to sign up for examination l'ocus on Students, produced by State of Michigan: Training School for Federal Jobs in the Summer is Jan. speech deparItment students. Friday counselor, B9 with min. 30 hours in 30. Test is on weekend of spring break, 5:15 p.m. Business Review with Prof. soc. and/or psych. Water quality in- say on application where you will be Ross Wilhelm. Friday 8:30 p.m. Hague vestigator. biol. sci, bckrnd. Public March 8. Philharmonic Concert - broadcast live health consultant, MPH and 4 years from Hill Auditorium. exper. ENGINEERING Western Interstate Commission for : PLACEMENT SERVICE Saturday e A p.m. Center for South Higher Education, Boulder, Colorado: 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. and Southeast Asian Studies Lecture --Assistant Director, Regional Mgmt. Make interview appointment at Room Anil Seal, Lecturer in History. Univer- Info. Syst. Prog., substantial exper 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other- sity of Cambridge, and Fellow, Trinity with mgmt. related to higher ed., and wise specified. College, on "Imperialism and Colonial graduate degree. Regional Information JANUARY 31, 1969 Nationalism, Comparative Perspective". systems coordinator, some exper. and Allied Chemical Corp.s Saturday 2:15 p.m. Basketball - The adv. degree. U M vs. Michigan State, with Tom Hoag, Wismar, Henderson Associates, Hemingway reporting the game from Cleveland, Ohio: Architecture, C i v i I East Lansing. Saturday 5:15 p.m. Jazz Engrg., Structural Eng., Mechan. Engr., Revisited - Hazen Schumacher pre- and Electrical Engr. also Landscape sents Parallels: St. Louis Blues, Lime- Arch. and Site Planning specialists. house Blues, etc. Saturday 8:00 p.m. Can adopt program to pt. time, sum- Contemporary Direc ons Concert - mer, co-op, evenings etc. broadcast live from ckham Lecture Fisher Cheese Company, Wapakon- Hall. - eta-Ohio: Industrial Ener. B3SIE and Ey THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pooe S .v. Bell System A.T.&T. Long Lines Bell Labs. Mich. Bell Western Electric Sandia Corp. Calgon Corp. Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. Digital Equipment Corp. General Motors Corp. - Summer Employment Farris-Intertype Corp. Jones'& Laughlin Steel Corp. Lockheed-Georgia Co. North American Rockwell Corp. - Atomics International Div. Autonetics Div. Columbus Div. Space Div. - Rocketdyne Div. & Los Angeles Div. Rice University George E. Snyder Associates, Inc. Page Seven I l . ,. % '' Winter Term Fees: At least 50 per cent is due and payable on or before January 31, 1969, Non payment of at least 50 per cent by January 31, will result in the asses- ment of a delinquent penalty of $5.00. Payments may be made in person or mailed to The Cashier's Office, 1015 L.S.A. Building, before 4:30 p.m. Fri- day, January 31, 1969. 1MAIL EARLY Mail Payments postmarked after due date, January 31, 1969, are late and subject to penalty. Identify mail payments as tuition and show complete ten-digit student number and name. Doctoral Examinations Doctoral Examination for: Robert Everett Gernant, 'Geology, Dissertation: "Paleoecology of the Miocene Choptank Formation of Maryland ,and Virginia," on Friday, January 24 at 2 p.m. in 2045 Nat. Res. Eldg., Chairman: R. V. Kesling. PTlacement PLACEMENT 3200 S.A.B. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Attention Students Interviewing to- day, Western Union, Scheduled for Fri- day, Jan. 23, will be unable to visit MichIgan, your credentials will be for- 4V'warded to them, International Voluntary Services film shown today, Fri., in room 3532, S.A.B. at 4 p.m. Next FSEE, (Federal Service En- trance Examfiination) test application due Feb. 12, test given on March 15. Current Position Openings received by General Dlivision~ by mail and phone, not interviews on campus, please call 764-7460 for complete application pro- cedures. Detroit Public Schools, Mich.: Senior Data Processing Programmer, spec. in acctg., bus, ad. math }or public admin., with trng. and exper. in EDP. Fidelity Union Life Insurance Com- pany, Dallas, Texas - Openings in personnel, agency management, and life underwriting. Business oriented, no special, degree, some post college ex- perience. Local Firm: Editorial assistant, and ORGANIZATION NOTICES Society of Classical Liberalism: meeting - Sunday - Jan. 26th 3:00 p.m. in Union - See Day calendar for room .lumber, Hillel Foundation: 1429 Hill St., Fri., Jan. 24th, 7:15 p.m.: Hillel Student + Services; 8:30, p.m. - Panel and open discussion "Can Judaism Survive in a communist Society?" Graduate Council of Hillel: ;Fan. 26th at 8:00 p.., 1429 Hill St., Graduate Coffee House, ,uvn;xnuta rjgr., manu 3-5 years indust. mgmt/ exper Girl Scouts of America, Ann Ar- bor area branch - Field Director, BA in liberal arts, or social sci. area, some exper working with groups, volunteer or paid. City of Milwaukee, Wisc.: Marketing Specialists, formulates adv. and pro- motional and public relations pro- grams to enhance city's business image. degree in adv., sales, mktg., journ., lib. arts, or soc. sci. and min. 5 years exper. In a related area. State of Washington: Administrative positions, Financial, mus. mgmt., and staff services, education and informa- tion, employment security and social services, law enforcement and medical, engrg., and agricultural services. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICES 212 S.A.B., Lower Level: INTERVIEWS AT S.P.S.: January 28 and 30: Camp Nahelu, Mich. coed. 1-5 p.m. Coun elors, water- front .director, arts and crafts,_ gym in- str., dramatics. January 30 and 31: Camp Tamarack: Fresh Air Society, Detroit, Mich. 10 Or Restoration Drama, or any other class where you're missing half of what's going on be- cause you don't get enough sleep and your eyes keep closing. Take a Tirend and stay awake. Just one or two Tirend tablets help keep you alert and on your toes when over- cramming or lack of sleep makes everything a drag. (Try the samples given out.) Or pick up a box at the nearest drug counter. And only nod if you agree,: when we say there's a real opportunity for you here 1. .1 LOX and BGLBUC SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 Noon $1.25 per person followed by a panel discussion on The Student Rent S trike featuring: MARK SCHREIBER-Student Housing Assoc. PETER DENTON-Tenants' Union TOM BROWN-U. of M. Student-Community Relations MICHAEL FORSYTHE-Attorney HILLEL FOUNDATION 1429 Hill St. Before you decide what you are going to do with the new life your degree can open up for you, think- about all the possible opportunities. Don't just answer the usual questions about big company versus small company, service company versus product company, industry versus academe, or public versus private business. Think about where you can do most of what you like best, where you can make the most meaning- ful change. We think you can do it here if what you are inter- ested in is making specific, measurable improve- ments in the wormk. We build electronic systems to communicate, gather and process data, defend the country, and study inner and outer space. We expect that our systems approach will also help us solve some of the big problems in our day-to-day concerns like medicine, education, and city planning. We need men and women withdegrees in busi- ness administration, engineering, and liberal arts to help us realize the full potential of these systems. We need individuals who know that formal edu- cation can never stop for system builders, who will tike advantage of our many education opportuni- ties, including prepaid tuition, in-plant graduate degree programs, and fellowships. Achievements in this atmosphere can be extremely Satisfying, acadeniically as well as personally and profession- ally. To find out what you could do at Sanders, in ny* of our 13 major facilities along the East Coast, telI your placement office you want to talk with t e Sanders representative when he is on campus. ) CREATING NEW DIRECTIONS IN ELECTRONICS L SANDERS . SANDERS AOCiATES, .L ES N . An Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer M/F NASHUA, N.H. * MANCHESTER, N *H BEDFORD, MASS. * CAMBRIDGE, MASS. PORTLAND, ME. 0 PLAINVIEW, LI., N.Y. * WASNIMGTOU, U " - v . i Herds one card~ fro m the establishment that no student will ever burn. h : 'h 1C ' -. i. S w,: . . C t Li . SY 'fif, Nr. . tip:' iv::" ?:.... k : "?j!"}}} 1::::::. :, {'":1 ' ''", '"."J:j':::::?., ,+ ; C GY,. ;. v.. : i4' iX i };E 'et:c' ;g".7 Ct} .i\ :"}:a tc:,"+.v:?o,.:..,x.-: .. 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'%"f}d:: . :i;:;:: Sji3{:i:< \: : :ri'vy u ?j.i ' . %.i : Y. .Yti ( ' h ; }f .}v ,fit' }"£y." . v:{ ; i!f' Nj fib: ' ;; f >< . F l 3b I COTH-ESIN o 0AN It's TWA's 50/50 Club Card. And if you're htween the no-onf 12 and 91 it entit1 Vyo un fly swimming, fly home, fly anywhere. TWA f es iust about everywhere. See vonr travel i