Friday, January 24, 1969
Frid~y, January 24. 1969
Dean Havs Text of letter to LSA students
: ti
i i
Ibaeks open
Continued from Page 1)
committee, which is also self-se-
1, travel, meet people, lective through appointments.
es, 9 paying job cate- There is a third representative
m literature including chosen by SGC, but which has
dmissions, 866 United lapsed recently.
-Profit Student Mem-
Hays' suggestion would replace
them by students elected by the
literary college students as a
Hays did not specify how many
seats the students would be given,
although he indicated last night
that the current membership of
three might be a good precedent.
That, however, would depend on
the final form the faculty might
approve, he added.
In his letter Hays noted that.
while he favored open meetings,
"this is properly decided by the
faculty, and under their own rules.
But I believe that open meetings
would be a substantial means for
full and thoughtful communica-
tion between faculty and stu-
Hays' letter recounts the history
of the fight over the language re-
quirement and the role that stu-
dents have played in it. He notes
the open forum last Tuesday and
said that "students do vary in
their points of view and attitudes
toward these requirements-any
J possible decision that will be made
cannot represent the absolute de-
sire of all students."
grammer no matter what your major. We'll
start you off with up to twenty-six weeks of w
classroom and practical training.
An open letter to members of
the Student Body, College of
L. S. & A., from Dean William
I am taking this means of ex-
pressing to you a few personal
opinions growing out of the cur-
rent debate on language require-
ments. It is perfectly clear that
a significant portion of the stu-
dents affected by the language
requirements find them objection-
able, overly demanding of time
and effort, or simply irrelevant to
their other studies and. career
goals. On the other hand, a sizable
number of students support the
requirement as a valuable part of
study for a degree. The point is
that students do vary in their
points of view and attitudes to-
ward these requirements - any
possible decision that will be made
cannot represent the absolute de-
sires of all students. In the same
way,' there is no monolithic atti-
tudt on the part of the faculty
toward language requirements.
Those of you who attended last
Tuesday's open forum heard fac-
ulty members take as wide a
variety of positions on this sub-
ject as did the students who spoke.
/ Nor do I believe that the Facul-
ty is opposed to change, whenever
they 'feel such change is con-
sistent with their ideal of an ed-
ucated person. Naturally, that
ideal too varies just about as
widely among faculty as among
The Curriculum Committee of
the College is charged with con-
stant study of our degree require-
ments and 'curriculum, and to re-
commend and help to implement
changes that will improve the ed-
ucation of our students. Clearly,
the kinds of expectations we have in courses such as anthropology,
of students, and students have of linguistics, cultural history, and
us, may be very different in 1969 the like: shifting responsibility
than they were only a few years for the specification of language
ago. The Curriculum Committee,.
together with the entire faculty,
feel a deep obligation to keep our
educational offerings to students
as good and as meaningful as pos-
sible. Anyone who doubts that
change does come about should
compare rtquirements and cur-
ricula now and those of only a few
years ago. The Residential Col-
lege, the pass-fail option, the lib-;
eral studies major, the individual
concentration, the liberalized dis-;
tribution format, Project Out-
reach, the Course Mart - all these
have come about in the past four
years. Not instantaneously? Of
course not, but all the product of
a tremendous amount of study,.
thought, and effort by students,
and faculty alike in order to ar-,
rieve at innovations with clear
educational goals in view. In every
instance there was a very largeJ
student input into the planning]
operation. In fact, the most cre-1
ative innovations to be put into1
effect were student ideas in thei
first place.3
Is it time for a change in ther
language 'requirements? The Cur-
riculum Committee thought so as
long ago as last Spring, and beganl
studying various proposals, a num-
ber of which came from students
both on and outside the Commit-
tee. These included such ideas as
putting all elementary language
courses on a pass-fail basis; a two-
track system in language in which1
students could take either aI
straight linguistic track or one
with a reading and cultural em-
phasis; a substitute requirement
M1"rV t.:".4. S i }J:}}::"C"Y};""« .:t:^.:."^ "":':.} . .L".:".. . 4" "L.i"!: :.4b.'::"
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General Notices may be published a
maximum of two times on request;
Day Calendar items appear once;
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For more information call 764-9270,
Day Calendar
South and Southeast Bag Lunch:
Eva Mueller, Dept. of Economics,
"Economic Outlook for India, 1969",
Lane Hall Basement, noon.
Cinema Guild: Marlene Dietrich, Or-
son Welles, and Charlton Heston in Or-
son Welles' Touch of Evil: Architecture
Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
Degree Recital: Elaine Zajac, Saxo-
phone: School of Music Recital Hall,
X1:30 p.m.
Degree Recital: Robert Odmark,
French Horn: School of 'Music Re-
cital Hall, 8:30 p.m.
Choral Union Series: The H a g u e
Philharmonic (Het Residentie-Orkest)
- William Van Otterloo, Conductor:
Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Recreation for Women of Non-teach-
ing Staff: Barbour Gymnasium will be
-open from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Monday
evenings for the recreational use of
non-teaching staff women. Come and
enjoy volleyball, badminton~ or other
activities of your choice.
100 per cent Withdrawals. Those who
withdraw from Ann Arbor schools and
colleges of the University between
January 9 through 24* shall pay a dis-
enrollment fee of $40 but will be re-
funded any part of the fee which has
been paid. The Withdrawal Notice
shall not be dated later than January
24, 1969,* to qualify for this refund.
50 per cent Withdrawals. Students
who withdraw January 27 through
February 21* shall pay a disenro lment
'fee of $40 or shall forfeit 50 per cent
of the assessed fee, whichever is larger.
The Withdrawal Notice shall not be
dated later than February 21, 1969* to
qualify for this refund.
Withdrawal Notice, Form 615. Apply
at your school office.
The approval of the following stu-
dent sponsored events becomes effec-
tive after the publication of this no-
tice. All publicity for these events
must be withheld until the approval
has become effective.
Approval request forms for student
sponsored events are available in rooms
1001 and 1546 of the Student Activities
1. U. of M. School of Nursing Class
of '71 - Candy Sale - Jan. 22, 23, 24
8 a.m. 5 p.m. - Diag.
2. American Field Service Confer-
ence - Jan. 30, 31, and eFb. 1 - Union
8 a.rn.- 5 _p.m.
3. Forester's Club Mixer - Feb. 1 -
8 p.m, - 1 a.m. - Union. 0
Concentra~tion meetings for s e c o n d
semester sophomores who will become4
Juniors at the end of the current term i
will be held on the following dates. t
The Field is listed first following by
Date and Time and then Location. t
American Culture, Tues., Feb. 4,.4:00 o
p.m., 2225 Angell Hall.
Anthropology, Wed., Feb. 5, 4:00 p.m.,
1007 Angell Hall.
Biology, Mon., Jan. 27, 7:00 p.m., d
1040 Natural. Resources.
Business Administration, Tues., Jan.
28, 4:00 p.m., 2225 Angell Hall.
Chemistry, Wed., Feb. 5, 7:30 p.m.,t
3005 Chemistry Bldg. i
Classical Studies, Thurs., Jan. 30,i
4:00 p.m., 2203 Angell Hall.
Economics, Wed., Jan. 29, 4:00 p.m.,d
2235 Angell Hall
English, Thurs., Feb. 6, 4:00 p.m., 35d
Angell Hall..
English T.C., Wed., Feb. 5, 4:00 pm.,r
2235 Angell Hall.-
French-Spanish T.C,, Tues., Jan. 28,
4:00 p.m., 2235 Angell ;Hall.
Geography, Wed., Jan. 29, 4:00 p.m.,d
1007 Angell Hall,
Geology & Mineralogy, Wed., Jan, 29,b
4:00 p.m., 2231 Angell Hall.
German, Wed., Feb. 5, 4:00 p.m., 2231a
Angell Hall.
History and History t.d, Tues., Jan.
28, 3:00 p.m., 1035 Angell Hall.; Thurs.,
Jan. 30, 3:00 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall.
History of Art, Mon., Jan. 27, 4:00 1
p.m., 1035 Angell Hall.
Journalism, Thurs., Jan. 30, 4:00 p.m.,
2029 Angell Hall.
Linguistics, Thurs., Jan. 30, 4:00 p.m.,o
1007 Angell Hall.t
Mathematics (General), Thurs., Jan.
30, 4:00 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall.V
Mathematics T.C., Tues., Jan. 28, 4:00
p.m., 35 Angell Hall. t
Microbiology, Mon., Feb. 3, 4:30 p.m.,
2003 Angell Hall. '"
Philosophy, 'Tues., Jan. 28, 4:00 p.m., b
25 Angell !Hall.'t
Physics, Mon., Jan. 27, 4:00 p.m., 134:
Physics-Astronomy. .
Political Science, Mon., Jan. 27, 4:q01
p.m., 231 Angell Hall.i
Pre-Legal Studies, Mon., Feb. 3, 5:00
p.m., 1035 Angell Hall. .
Pre-Med and Pre-Dent., Tues., Jan.1
28. 7:30 p.m., 2235 Angell Hallt
Psychology, Fri., Jan. 31, 4:00 p.m.,
231 Angell Hall
Romance Linguistics, Wed., Feb. 5, C
4:00 p.m', 3201 Angell Hall.
Russian & East European Stud.,
Mon., Jan. 27, 4:00 p.m.,, Commons
Room, Lane Hall.1
Sociology, Tues., Feb. 4, 4:00 p.m., 35b
Angell Hall.!
Social Work, Mon. Feb. 3, 4:00 p.m.,
2231 Angell Hall.
Speech (General, Speech Correctionn
and T.Cg Thurs., Jan. 30, 4:00 p.m.C
2003 Angell Hall.
Zoology, Tues., Feb. 4, 5:00 p.m., 3082a
Nat. Sci. Bldg.
Broadcasting .Service: WUOM Radio
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
Saturday 12 Noon to 11 p.m.; Sunday
12 Noon to 6 p.m.I
Friday 11 a.m. The Eleventh Hour
(repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts
an hour of news and conversation
about the arts and literature. Guest:
Hans Citroen, Artistic Director of The
Hague Philharmonic; also Sydney Hod-
kinson and George Wilson of the Con-
temporary Directions Concert.
Friday 1:00 p.m. From The Midway -
"Hypnosis" with Dr. Erika Fromm, Un-
iversity of Chicago. Friday 5:00 p.m.
(Continued on Page 7)
study to the concentration pro-
grams, as the Graduate School
has done; simple abolition of these
requirements; and so on, almost
without end. Each proposal had
its supporters and its opponents,
among students and faculty alike.
Finally, the Committee felt it
could not come to a recommenda-
tion without (of all things!) more
systematic feedback from stu-
dents. How did students who had
actually been through our lan-
guage requirements tend to judge
their educational value? There-
fore, a systematic survey of stu-
dent reactions was undertaken.
But by this time it was almost
April, and students have a way of
disappearing during and after
exams. In \.order to get a good
sample of student responses, there-
fore, the survey had to be post-
poned until Fall. In the meantime,
however, study, hearings, open
meetings, all of this subject have
been carried on by the Curriculum
Committee this year. They will
reach a decision on a recommen-
dation to go to the faculty in
March. Progress may have been
slow by some standards, but it has
been progress. The recommenda-
tion will be based on as much, arid *
as good, information as the Com-
mittee can assemble.
When the petitions"calling for
the abolition of language require-
ments were received, they were
presented by the Curriculum Com-
mittee to the Facilty at their
meeting 'of Dec. 2. The Faculty 9
voted to ask the Curriculum Com-
mittee to complete its work and
come up with a recommendation
by the March Faculty meeting.
The Curriculum Committee ex-
pects to do so.
The Faculty is by no means
united in opposition to changing 4
the requirements, nor does it stand
obdurate in the face of student
opinion. tIt has asked otily that
the Curriculum Committee be al-
lowed to finish its study and make
its recommendationf. In view of
the time difference involved' be-
tween the next meeting at the end
of January, and the March Meet-
ing, one short month, that posi-
tion hardly amounts to extraor-
dinary delay.
Of course, the actual status of
the language requirement is not
the sole, or even the primary issue
in the current debate. That issue
is the-right claimed by some stu-
dents to set the requirements. I
do not agree with this, but if I
did I would certainly call for that
right to be extended for students
to award their own degrees. What
I do support is the right of stu-
dents to participate regularly, for-
mally, and -on' a representative
basis within a large domain of
academic decision-making. My
personal view i that the faculty
of this college is, on the whole,
willing to have such student par-
ticipation, if it is representative of
the student body and if the stu-
dents will work toward the kinds
of constructive educational' solu-
tions this and every other Uni-
versity needs.
As a small beginning, toward
this end I intend to propose ri-
mediately that student electios
be. held before the end of this
term for full, voting, memberships
on the College Curriculum Com-
mittee. This is a very small step,
it is true, but perhaps it will, be
a fir t step towardl solving the
major problem: truly representa-
tive student participation in the
academic decision making of this
I also advocate the open meet-
ing concept for the Faculty. I ber
lieve that this is,properly decided
by the Faculty, and under their
own rule, but I believe that open
meetings would be a substantial y
means for full and thoughtful
communication between Faculty
and students.
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