GsIir 1Mfr§au Dain Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under autloority of Bbard in Control of Student Publications 20 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints. The night they raided... >AY, JANUARY 24, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: RON LANDSMAN A march on the draft By HENRY GRIX THE TWO year old newspapers containing reports on the seizure of an allegedly obscene experimental film from Cinema Guild have al- ready yellowed. But no campus event since has stirred and united faculty and student interests quite so much as the Ann Arbor police censorship of Flaming Creatures - at least no event until the threatened "raid" against University Activities Center's Dionysus in 69. Unlike "Dionysus", however, Flaming Crea- tures was admittedly a hot item. It had been banned in New York state and had to be sent to Ann Arbor by freight to .avoid problems with the post office. A special showing of the film before the Cinema Guild advisory board convinced the board that "Creatures," had "redeeming social value," and should be shown. However; Ann Arbor police Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier "declared it was obscene be- cause of my previous experience." Staudenmeier apparently tipped off by an anonymous phone call, had confiscated the film at about 7:40 p.m. on Jan. 18 after it had been showing for about 20 minutes. That night the aroused audience trailed the police to city hall and sat-in until midnight. BUT THE UNIVERSITY kept its cool. Be- fore the showing, Richard L. Cutler, then vice- president for student affairs, had warned the Cinema Guild members "You know you're re- sponsible for anything that happens tomorrow and the University isn't." And the University kept its distance from the issue during the entire year of court bat- tles. Although the Civil Liberties Board of the Faculty Assembly quickly came out against the police action, although University President Harlan Hatcher voiced defense of Cinema Guild's academic freedom, although several fa- culty members urged University support for the four Cinema Guild officers arraigned and tried for a misdemeanor, the University remained concerned but aloof. FOR MONTHS THE TRIAL dragged on. A New York critic's testimony explaining the merits of the film was ruled "immaterial." The court costs sent the Guild into debt, and it had to launch a fund drive and hike its prices from 50 cents to 75 cents for a showing. Then the trial was postponed. Finally, in early December, 1967, the trial began, But it ended one month later as Mary Barkey, one of the defendents, pleaded guilty. She was fined $235 for disturbing the peace, and the charges against the others were dropped, Unwilling to go through the tedious legal rang- ling and string of appeals the case might have involved, Miss Barkey seemingly opted o u t for a light sentence. The Cinema Guild case had a letdown fin- ish; nothing about censorship was settled. And the officers of UAC are getting worried. THE PROPOSAL before the Senate to abolish the draft and create a volun- Veer army should be enacted into law.' Legislation i n t r o d u c e d Wednesday would end conscription except during national emergencies, when the President- would have to ask Congress to reauthor- ize the draft. Military manpower needs, would be met through volunteers. To in- duce volunteers, enlisted men's pay would be increased $100 a month, costing the government an additional $3.7 billion a year. Nine senators ranging in ideology from Goldwater to McGovern are sponsoring the bill, and that range indicates how myriad and divergent are the reasons for supporting the proposal. Chief among thei is the feeling that abolition of the draft would be a major victory for the liberties of the individual. OF ALL THE recent encroachments on civil liberties, none is so dangerous as the peacetime draft which America has suffered throughout the Cold War. Not only is it a naked expression of govern- ment coercion, but by 'its continued existence it has sapped resistance and promulgated the 'perilous assumption that the government has a right to two years of a man's life. In a time of reaction, with individual liberties threatened from all sides, any limitation of the government's coercive power must be applauded, but especially the destruction of this most insidious power. Furthermore, according to some studies Including one commissioned by the in- st itute for Defense Analyses, elminating the draft would increase the efficiency of military administration. And while the bill before the Senate dollar diplomacv THANKS TO THE Ann Arbor Police De- partment, Dionysius in 69 has become a minor cause celebre, a status which cer- tainly won't hurt its box office. Could Lt. Staudenmaler have an economic interest in the play? -T. COPI Editorial Staff MARK LEVIN, Editor -STEPHEN WILDSTROM URBAN LEHNER Managing Editor Editorial Director DAVID.KNOKE Executive Editor WALLACE IMMEN ......... ... . .News Editor CAROLYN MIEGEL.....Associate Managing Editor DANIEL OKRENT................. Feature Editor PAT O'DONOHUE..................... News Editor WALTER SHAPIRO......Associate Editorial Director HOWARD KOHN ...,... Associate Editorial Director AVIVA KEMPNER ........ .....Personnel Director NEAL BRUSS....................Magazine Edito? ALISON SYMROSKI.......Associate Magazine Editor ANN MUNSTER...............Contributing Editor ANDY SACKS................ ..Photo Editor Sports Staff would perpetuate selective service regis- tration and allow conscription in time of emergency, it would still end the draft- ing of men during peacetime. Moreover, it would force the President to obtain Congressional assent before making a major commitment of fighting men. MANY FEAR a volunteer, professional army would mean incipient Prus- sianism. They predict the further limit- ing of civilian control over the military, the perpetuation of a large standing army, and the strengthening of militarist attitudes in the armed services. In mo- ments of paranoia, they shudder at the thoughthof a military coup d'etat, made possible by the provision of a ready force of manpower committed to the political viewpoint of the military. But the real danger of a professional army lies in the creation of an officer class with a vested interest in the con- tinuation of certain defense policies. That situation, unfortunately, already exists and is partially responsible for such tragic mistakes as the Vietnamese war and such expensive ones as continued spending on bombers in an age domi- nated by missiles. But elimination of the draft would neither strengthen nor weaken the position of that officer class; it would only affect the method of pro- curing enlisted men. OF THE ENLISTED men now serving, only 15 per cent are draftees. In peacetime, that figure is 'undoubtedly far lower. Even allowing for those who volun- ther knowing that otherwise they will be drafted, the percentage of military man- power affected by the bill would be small. In other words, the present army, consist- ing of 85 per cent volunteers, would sim- ply become an entirely volunteer army. And enlisted men, whether draftees or volunteers, must obey military orders or risk court martial and dishonorable dis- charge. Changing the form of procure- ment would not increase the authority of the officers or the manipulability of the soldiers. By relying solely on volunteers, the armed services would perhaps be com- posed of ,enlisted men whose political feelings were more authoritarian and militarist. But since the lobbying power of the average private is negligible, that increased militarism is unlikely to have any effect. The Senate legislation deserves support as a significant step in preserving indi- vidual freedom. And Prussianism, while too prevalent now, will not be increased by ia volunteer army. President Nixon is said to favor the bill, but only after a significant reduction of tensions in Viet- nam. In this interpretation, the bill was introduced now only as a symbol of con- cern. Perhaps overwhelming public sup- port can translate that symbol into law. -URBAN LEHNER Editorial Director I rDionysus 69: An orgy for censors By JIM HECK WHEN UNIVERSITY Activities Center officers decided last fall to schedule "Dionysus in 69" as part of this year's Creative Arts Festival they had no idea it would turn into the hot potato it has become. Although their intentions were pure, they failed to foresee how aroused Puritanical citizens might become at efforts on behalf of culture. Richard Shekner, director of the play, shared in this naivete. Shekner admittedthe was "ex- cited" in taking the production to several college communities where he expected it would be re- viewed favorably. But state universities are gen- erally not places where the avant- garde can be successfully exploited today. Not only have Ann Arbor police, upset by the play's nude scenes, hinted they may raid the produc- tion here Sunday night, but the play was banned from Minnesota campus last night after being per- formed without any of the nudity that has been the major concern of the play's critics. MINNESOTA STUDENTS-not the administration-made the de- cision to ban the play. They were upset because members of the au- Letters to the Editor 'Paradise' later To the Editor: ALL REFERENCES to possible obscenity action concerning Dionysius in 69 throw back to Flaming Creaturesy when just last month there occurred in these very environs-yea, in the very Michigan Union Ballroom -, a much more pertinent point of reference. The Living Theatre invaded, and, having seen "Dionysius" in New York, I can say the Per- formance Group's production com- pared to Living Theatre is like Snow White compared to Virginia Woolf. There is no total exposure for anyone in "Dionysius," while at the Living Theatre celebrations here Dec. 10 and 11 there was joy- ous and sensual nudity by the cast and the audience, as the play developed (Paradise Now). It mys- tifies me that we had no trouble securing the production in the Union ballroom, sinceI read in The Daily that approval must be given- by the Union and League boards for all productions, and I'm sure that had they know the involvement Living Theatre de- mands as an experience, we would never have been able to put on the show there. AND' THEREIN, PERHAPS, lies the reason why there was no hint of harrassment by Staudenmeier and his thugs-they just didn't know about it, until it was too late. One plainclothesed cop appeared midway during "Paradise," but saw that taking police action on 1,000 "soul-grokking" celebrants would have been disastrous. Judging Py Living Theatre's ex- perlences at busts in Philadelphia and other places, any legal action (especially such mild stuff as "Dionysius") would never hold up in court anyway. Perhaps, in retrospect, we were the ones who blew it, for we had to rely.on ad- vertising to get publicity. But it was more fun. It's just too bad that all the people who show up Sunday expecting to witness or take part in an orgy are going to be sorely disappointed. --Ken Kelley, '71 Jan. 23 Contraband culture To the Editor: THE ULTIMATE FATE of con- traband marijuana seized by the Ann Arbor Police has long been a subject of considerable cur- iosity. And surely the zeal with which Lt. Staudenmaier and his force confiscated.and re-screened Flaming Creatures cannot p as s unnoticed. (I imagine a smoke- filled basement, deep beneath City Hall. The rookies stare, mouths hanging open in simple amaze- ment, the sergeant giggles, puff- ing nervously on an Old Gold, an elderly j u d g e reminds the au- dience, "Quiet down! This is ser- ious business." . .). In a letter published- in T h e Daily (Jan. 23) Miss Ellen Frank lamented the planned prosecution of Dionysius in 69 and condemned our self-appointed guardians of public morality, Lt. Staudenmaier and the boys Downtown. But I say there is no cause for alarm. Dionysius in 69 (like the Living Theater and Marat/Sade) cannot be presented in the basement of the stationhouse. -Robert Spertus, Grad Jan. 23 dience, not the cast, stripped dur- ing the production. The play, a modern version of "The Bacchae," a Greek tragedy by Euripides, has played off Off- Broadvay since June. When it opened it received a surprising amount of acceptance. Clyde Bar- nes of the New York Times led those praising it. And although he didn't hail the play, Stanley Kauf- man, writing for the New Repub- lic, accepted it "as legitimate theatre." The birth and death scenes of the play are now done entirely in the nude. Shekner explains the cast agreed by contract to per- form fuly clothed at Minnesota on the insistence of the students there; he justified the contract artistically "on an experimental basis." Originally there was no nudity in the play. But shortly after it opened in New York, Roman Po- lanski; director of Rosemary's Baby, talked Shekner into "either doing it all in the nude" or changing the script. THE PLAY was performed with little incident at the University of Colorado, the first college campus toh host the production. Shekner says the response was "truly an aesthetic one." However, there were demands by legislators and faculty to have the play banned. "My impression of the Minne- sota campus," Shekner explains, "is a double one. They wouldn't let us play there in the nude but scheduled right next to us was the 'Wide World of Sex.' It was advertised with full color pictures of vaginas distorted by syphyllis." The sex-education series was a two-day program on homosexuals, disease and the "Art of Love." "I call this a double standard," Shekner says. "They accept 'nud- ity only if it is diseased and frightening." The play here is scheduled for Sunday and Monday night. Shek- ner has promised he will "sacri- fice no artistic integrity" in pro- ducing the play at the University. He is backed by many individ- uals in UAC who have privately said they will take a court battle as far as possible if police raid the production. "If we're raided," Shekner ex- plains, "we'll go to court. We have lawyers and I hope the Un- iversity will assist." THIS IS CAVALIER, but un- fortunately not very realistic. The University probably won't assist the production in a court battle. The UAC Board of Directors will probably also back down, which leaves the battle to Shekner and a few students. UAC has sold out Sunday's per( of 41 Eormance and by this afternoon will probably sell all of the tick- ets for Monday's performance. "Some UAC officers conscientious- ly attribute the increase in ticked demand to the "cultural, aesthe- tic" worth of the play. But, plainly, students here will now flood the productions out of curiosity, to see Lt. Staudenmeir play the censor and the fool or to gratify their desire -to sin. WHETHER A BATTLE will come at all is still uncertain. Hopefully, C o u n t y Prosecutor William Delhey ,has already realized the hopelessness of pro- secuting the play. But 4his deci- sion will not be based on legal ex- pertise alone. The action will un- doubtedly be influenced by the .pressure of legislators and "con- cerned citizens" demanding t h e play be banned. If the battle doescome, it should be only a matter of time before the play returns to the stage. Recent Supreme C o u r t decisions and the fact that the production has been running suc- cessfully since June are reasons enough to believe there is no real basis for legal prosecution. DAVID WElR......... ...........Sports Editor DOUG HELLER............Associate Sporto Editor BOB EES.............ssocateSports EditorN o BIBLLE LEVIS........... Associate Sports EditorN o C DAVID DUBOFF..............Contributing Editor Business Staff IF THE NAVY RANDY RISSMAN, Business Manager Lloyd Bucher,E KEN KRAUS........ Associate Business Manager and places him in DAVE PFEFFER............ . Advertising Manager surrender, will he JEFF BROWN.........x.;Senior Circulation Manager served in North K JANE LUXON................. Personnel Manager MARTI PARKER................Finance Manager anguage and omment court-martials Cmdr. skipper of the Pueblo, the brig for his 'craven be credited with time orean prisons? -MAYNARD STEPHEN WlLDSTROM-m' Exitsag1igt IMMEDIATELY AFTER the election of Richard Nixon as President, many commentators expressed hope tat the expected excesses of the Nixon administration would in some measure be counter acted by a healthy spirit of opposition in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Yesterday's 73-16 vote by the Senate: to confirm Walter Hickel as Nixon's secretary of the interior dashes all such hope. Both before and during confirmation hearings by the Senate In- terior and Insular Affairs Committee, reams of evidence were produced to demonstrate that the former Alaska governor had neither a deep interest in not more than a shallow understanding of conservation. It was shown that Hickel was far more interested in enrlching domestic oil producers than in protecting the Eskimoes from starvation and extermination. THE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Washing- ton) cited a tremendous amount of mail, almost all of it opposing Hickel, received by the committee which rarely hears from constituents. But none of this swayed the members of the committee, who voted 14-3 to recommend confirmation, nor the Senate membership at large. It is understandable that no Republican who valued his career in the party could afford to cross his President on confirmation of a cabinet member. But the motivations of the Democratic majority members are less easy to evaluate. Obviously, they were not acting in response to a groundswell of popular opinion supporting Hickel. It has long been suspected that big business, which for the most part has no particular interest in conservation, owns a number of Senators, but it seems un- likely that they own all but 16. Certainly, by his past actions in the name of consumer interests and conservation, one would not suspect that Michigan's Philip Hart was bought by business interests. Yet Hart voted with the majority for confirmation. THE ONLY EXPLANATION is that most of the Democratic sen- 40 f the crisis"ofthe intellectuals The author is a member of the Radical Caucus and has been a - tive in that group's efforts to abolish course requirements. By BRUCE LEVINE IN THE WEDNESDAY (Jan. 22) issue of The Daily, President Fleming reviewed the "pros and cons" of the distribution require- ments, and in doing so illustrated a, profound misunderstanding of the issues involved. Arguments which he sees ranged against the Radical Caucus position included the importance of knowing a for- eign language and the need for specialists (e.g., lawyers, doctors) to meet prescribed standards in their fields. able lawyer or doctor. Here, some mix of student and faculty decis- ion-making for the setting of re- quirements seems reasonable. It is, however, absurd to assume that faculty have 'either the wisdom or the right to decide for students which courses they must take in order to be duly-accredited "well- rounded human beings." INDEED, IF WE ARE interested in fostering in students real in- telleptual expansion, distribution requirements seems the least ef- fective method. The real crisis of the modern intellectual is his dif- ficulty in asserting his own po- sition against t h e prescribed. What makes us narrow is far less bution requirements and the stu- dent drive to do so are crucial here. And this President Fleming does understand: "t h e ultimate question is who decides whether the requirements shall remain." He admits that "the students do have a legitimate role to play in such a decision. They are the ma- jor clientele for the courses .. . there is unquestionably wide- spread opposition among students to the requirements . " THEREFORE President Fleming advocates students "being heard." Also, he thinks we should be per- mitted to "hear faculty debates on the Cihiju+ Rii+ e +frthe rd. students will accept that kind of arrangement. We don't think so. Neither, judging by the timing and tone of his letter, does President Fleming. "In a rational commu- nity," he warns, "one would sup- pose that an appropriate debate could be carried on in which the merits of the issue would be ex- plored." Anyway, he adds, what's the rush. ". . . The problem does not have such an earthshaking urgency that there is no time to consider it." HOWEVER, THE LSA faculty has been considering and reject- ing the proposed abolition of the requirements for eight consecutive ..-nr 'Wh " hnicar- a iarn about us. At the forum Tuesday, not a single faculty member would move to convert that talk-fest into a decision-making body. Finally, the special LSA meeting scheduled for next week specifically excludes the requirements question from its agenda. All this is probably be- cause the faculty agrees with Pres- ident Fleming - that "the prob- lem does not have such earthshak- ing urgency . DIALOGUE IS A useful tool.' And for some months students have been using the dialogue to tell the faculty we don't recognize their right to impose distribution requirements on us. The faculty ha-- hpn nmna r, nan r1 A *n 4+ . n *I