; PROFESSIONAL ARMY: A MARCH ON THE DRAFT See editorial page ~I!Ja" ~i~aiIF RAIN?. igh--33 .Low--19 Cool and cloudy. 60% chance of rain 5t Vol. LXXIX, No. 96 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 24, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages 0 ... Studentunion ft Ialinnenta Hays supports reaffirms LSA ban reforms; on sit-ms bans Dionysus SGC By JIM HECK " Atk Li I u, 'l " "Dionysus in '69" was ordered not to perform a second 17 UU.iI1U time at the University of Minnesota last night following the Wednesday production in which two members of the audience took off their clothes.n ito suspen d I, The play, .which is scheduled to play here Sunday and Monday as part of the University Activities, Center's Cre- ative Arts Festival, has been a source of sharp controversy;reo ilatio iI between the University administration and the city police. The Union Board of Directors last night voted to support the statement issued by Dan McCreath, University Activities By CHARLES SILKOWITZ Center president, endorsing the play. The play, to be spon- Student Government Co u n ci 1 5P~declined last 'night to suspend its sored here by UAC, was described in the statement as a bylaws tospermit support of a serious artistic effort." McCreath's statement was endorsed disruptive sit-in over language the previous night by the Board of Governors of the League. and distribution requirements. UAC is a committee of the Union and the League. In effect, Council told Radical, Richard Shekner, production director, told The Daily Caucus, its co-sponsor of a mass last night he was "surprised" at the action at Minnesota. He bution requirements scheduled for Dean backs students.. on opening meetings By RON LANDSMAN Dean William Hays of the literary college yesterday re- commended that elected- student representatives be given full voting membership on the college's curriculum commit- tee and came out strongly in favor of open faculty meetings. Hays also announced that the language requirenient was being added to the agenda of the special faculty meeting next Thursday, in addition to the question of open meetings. He said last night that this may well lead into a general dis- cussion of distribution requirements. Radical Caucus leaders said the statement would have no effect on their plans for a mass meeting and sit-in next week. In a statement on the addition i of the language requirement to the agenda, Hays said that "lestst we be accused of trying to limit debate on the subject, the issue of the language requirements will oe made the second issue on them. The recommendations on the curriculum committee and faculty . h meetings were made in an open r letter to the literary college stu- promised that when the pro- duction plays at the Univer-' sity Sunday and Monday, "We will sacrifice no artistic in- tegrity." The play is a modern adapta- tion of "The Bacchae," a classical' Greek tragedy by Euripides. The Off-Off-Broadway production has been running since June and us- ually includes scenes of nudity. Besides Minnesota, the produc- tion has played only at one other' college, the University of Colo- rado. No major incidents occurred there. The scheduled performance last night in Minnesota's Kaufman Memorial Union was cancelled by a unanimous decision of the un- ion's board of governors. The board is an 11-member body that coordinates al11 university activ- ities and is composed entirely of students. The board paid the company $900 to invalidate the remaining contract agreements and the pro- Monday, that there would be noI SGC backing for the proposed' sit-in. It is expected the sit-in will be discussed and approved by the students aftending the Monday meeting. If Radical Caucus' recommenda- tions are accepted, the sit-in would be held at noon Wednes-' day in the office of literary college Dean William Hays. In addition to abolition of the language and distribution requirements, de- mands would include a statement indicating that students, not fac- ulty, have the right to determinea college-wide curriculum policies. In related action, President Michael Koeneke and Executive, Vice President .Bob Neff an-, nounced they will not attend Thursday's special faculty meeting on current curriculum policy at the college. Though invited by Hays, they said they will not go because the: offer "is merely a small conces- A POLICE CORDON SURROUNDS STRIKERS at San Francisco State College after placing t entire group under arrest. Police awaited the arrival of wagons to take away students and teach who refused to break up a rally. } dent body that was released to The Daily yesterday. The move comes in reaction to increasing pressure from students for abolition of the language and he distribution requirements and de- ers mands that faculty meetings be open to the public. The letter is signed only by Hays. He said yesterday he was unable to get the approval of the members of the executive commit- tee of the college in time to re- lease the' letter over their signa- 380 arrested at. SFS Ilursley sion on the dean's part." From wire Service Reports morale was beginning to lag after "It's been a long-standing SGC +.~-n - -- , o-----------l uaatatv atcctacataauutug v N - -,'-.......zClub-swinging police broke u duction was moved to the Fire policy that we don't go to closed a uorsidng oie oro e House Theatre, a radical repor- meetings," Neff added. a forbidden strike rally at er tory theatre in downtown Minne- Debate on the motion to sus and made the first mass arres apolis. pend Council bylaws to enable the The board cited "the tense sit- body to support the sit-in astedn stba t uation of the campus due to the nearly an hour and half. .t was recent black demonstrations and defeated by a 5-2 roll call vote, sted, the most on any colle the impending action by the state with four abstentions. ares the most ohan 7olle legislature on our university ap- Gayle Rubin and Panther White campus since more than 700 pe propriations" as justification for voted for the motion: Mike Fa- University last April their action. rell, Bob Nelson, Mary Livingston, Univet las pl. k Earlier yesterday the adminis- Howard Miller and Mark Rosen- Some 260 police quickly sui LANSING (R) - Two Republican tration of the university released d b La voted againsttheCarol sure edindedf npaticipants ibn aby ac state senators said' yesterday they a statement saying it would back shead, Bob Neff and Roger Keats ing President S.I. Hiyakawa, a plan to attend Sunday's Crea- any decision made by the board. sta, Nef airesden iysid a t r tive Arts Festival performance of Mildred Smalls, chaii'maa of T m 't dbtsen arre ever sid the ri "Dionysus in '69" to see for them- h aps r ciiscmi- The motion's defeat does not tielaessi hydcd _sn6 o e o hm the campus' art activities commit- See SGC, Page 10 to hold the rally because studer selvesif .the play is obscene. tee and a governor of the board -e- - 0 t Sen. Gilburt Bursley of Ann Ar- concurred in the action. "Because D bor and Sen. George Kuhn of of the fact that our state legisla- DOR SPACES: Birmingham said they will at- ture is in session and the black tend. Kuhn said other senators student uprisings have occurred," have told him they plan to come. she said. "I want to be there to see just Miss Smalls called the produc- 14p how bad this really is," said tion "boring. Even though I saw Bursley. "And I want to be able it for free, I paid too much. It to discuss it with my colleagues wasn't worth it,'' she added. By JIM BEATTIE the students have leases whi when it comes up," he said. Otte Boersma, governor of the they will be breaking, and t Both Kuhn ana Bursley have coffee house and spokesman for About 350 residence hall units University cannot therefore o signed a Senate resolution call- the board, said only "Tt is in the and 11 married student apart- ficially support them. ing for an investigation of stu- best interests of each party con- ments will be available for stu- " dent activists at state-supported cerned t that the production not dents should they be evicted "But we recognize civil di schools in Michigan. continue on campus." during the rent strike, John Feld- obedience as a respected form + Kuhn also initiated the contro- Sources in the capital at Saint kamp, University housing director, protest and will not discrimina versy over a nude poetry reading Paul claimed there was "tremen- said yesterday. '' t d by senior Lee Elbinger at 0 a k- dous lobbying" to get the produc- The announcement, made at a housing with us," he said. land University in Rochester, tion off campus, meeting of the Student Advisory Feldkamp also felt that the Un Mich. University officials met Wed- Committee on Housing, was actu- versity could not supply aid to stl Both senators indicated t h a t nesday with Ann Arbor Police ally iust a restatement of an ex- dents in their disputes with lan talk about the play has been in- Chief Walter Krasny and County; isting policy, but certain members lords other than the normal a cluded in discussion of the in- Prosecutor William Delhey but of the committee viewed it as de vice given through the Bureau< vestigation resolution, which is reached no agreement on how the facto support of the strike. Off Campus Housing. still before the Senate Business police will handle Sunday's per- Feldkamp emphasized that the "Trouble with leases is strict Committee: formance. "strike is essentially illegal since between the landlords and the stu Landlords hold key to rent strike up more than a week o peacesu l an picketing: they wanted to reassure ay that students, not the American ts Federation of Teachers, are lead- ke ing the strike: and strikers wanted to challenge Hiyakawa's Jan. 5 ,re ban on rallies, parades, be-ins. ge hootenanys, hoedowns, shivarees, r- and other public events designed ia to disturb the studious." The rally began at noon. About r- 800 persons moved from picxet ly lines at campus and building en- trances to the speakers pla-i orm nd on the central campus lawn.' .g. Only three persons had spoken ed when a load speaker announce- nt nient ordered them to disperse. strikers0 ch dent," he said. "The office will he help out all it can within the f- present University policy, how- ever." s- According to Feldkamp, students of will probably be given regular te student leases with student prices ng instead of guest rates, although guest rates will be acceptable for short term stays. i- "We're just glad to have the u- business," he said. 'd 1Rooms will be available in any d- of the housing facilities with costs of ranging from about $40 a month 4 in Fletcher Hall to about $120 a ly month for normal room and board '" in one of the auads. The warning was almost compl~te- tures.V ly drowned out by chants of The committee does not meet "power to the people" and "strike. again until next Wednesday. strike." The letter does not speak for Meanwhile, about 260 police be- either the committee or the fa- gan massing on the campus. The culty of the college, Hays said. students pulled into a tight group It does not bind the college to ac- -the tactic they have always used tion on either of his suggestions. when confronted by police-and Hays has invited six students continued the rally. Moments after the lound speak- er announcement the p o Ii c e The complete text of charged, driving about half theID demonst'ators away and forming Dean Hays' letter ap- a tight cordon around the rest. pears on Page 6. Those inside the police cordon p were told they were under arrestI and they would betear ga ssed if to the special meeting as his they resisted guests, although four of them-- By DAVID SPURR The recommendation by Dean William Hays of the literary col- lege yesterday for elected student representatives on the college's curriculum committee drew sup- port from faculty members and skepticism from some student leaders. Hays' personal endorsement of open faculty meetings drew ap- proval from both sides. Prof. James Gindin, chairman agreed with the recommendation of the curriculum committee, for voting student members on the commitee, even if the num- ber of students equal the number of faculty members. "I am going to bring up the matter at Monday's meeting," he said. Although Hays did not specify how many students he thought should be seated, Gindin said he understood Hays would write a letter to the committee before Monday recommending a number, Asked whether he thought the recommendation would be ap- proved by other members of the committee, Gindin said, "I don't anticipate any difficulty." Two other faculty members of the committee contacted last night, Prof. Frank X. Braun of the German department and Prof. Jean Carduner of the French de- partment, said they would support the proposal. Allan David, a stu- dent ex-officia member of the committee, also approved the rec- ommendation. Student Government Couhcil leaders, however,.expressed skep- ticism. "Hays made no indication as to how many students would be on the committee," said SGC Vice- President Robert Neff. Bruce Levine, a member of the Radical Caucus, declined to com- ment. "Our organization needs some time to digest what is hap- pening before it says anything," he said. There was some pushing and shoving between the outer edges of the .crowd and the police line. Several demonstrators were club- bed on the head but police re- fused to let volunteer medical per- sonnel treat them. When one doc- tor finally pushed through the line, he was immediately arrested. Later another group of students' massed in front of the library. ',hey began throwing billiard balls and boards at the windows, driv- ing the policemen standing in front of the door back into the building. The police then locked! the doors and cleared the library while other police drove the crowd out to the main campus entrance where they dispersed. Hiyakawa said the rally was "an act of desperation" by "hard core, radicals and militants." He said he would have to see what happens today before he can decide Wuheth-, er the strike is failing, but he said "I think it is." There was no in- dications what students plan for: Martin McLaughlin and B r u c e Levine of Radical Caucus a n d Michael Koeneke and Bob Neff of Student Government Council -have announced they will not attend. In his letter to the student body, Hays denied the contention that students have the sole right to set curriculum requirements. But he went on to say he did accept stu- dent input into the decision-mak- ing system. "What I do support is the right of students to participate reg- ularly, formally, and on a repre- sentative basis within a large domain of academic decision-mak- ing." This included the elected, voting student members on the curriculum committee. The committee currently has two ex-officio student members appointed by the LSA steering See DEAN HAYS, Page 6 By DAN SHARE The Ann Arbor rent strike is pushing ahead with widespread organization efforts, but no one kpows just when it will be- gin, or how long it will take to reach a successful settlement if and when the strike gets off the ground. The success of the strike hinges on the ability of the strikers to withhold their rent fo.: a long enough time to hurt' the landlords economically, and to prevent the signing of new leases for the fall. Strike organizers cannot pre- dict what action the landlords will take to thwart the strike. The strike steering committee maintains it is unlikely the landlords will take any. immed- If only a few students are con- victed for withholding rent and evicted, the o t h e r students would cease striking to protect themselves, so the reasoning goes. Informed s o u r c e s indicate some landlords have already drafted a letter to the parents of striking minors pointing out the legal responsibility of the lease's co-signer. Although there is no direct action the strike committee could take against this move, says strike organizer Peter Den- ton, Grad, he doubts the letter would influence many parents in view of Ann Arbor tousing costs. , "And if the parents live out- side' Washtenaw County or ihe guesses that real financial strain would begin to show after four months, but even that figure is tentative. Whatever the nature of assets available to the landlords dur- ing the strike - such as ad- vance rent, damage deposits and short term bank loans-it is clear that if the strike begins to seriously threaten them they will not take it sitting down. As Ron Glotta, strike lawyer who has run rent strikes in De- troit and Muskegon, says: "Tnis is not a lark. A rent strike is something which takes a great deal away from the landlords. It is a significant confrontation and you can expect the system to come down hard in every way make or oreak it, say organ- izers. The core of the strike organi- zation is a force of 100 organ- izers presently canvassing every known apartment managed by the target realty firms. Each organizer will be responsible for certain tenants throughout the strike, and will represent their interest before the steering committee. The organizing campaign in- cludes efforts to get dorm resi- dents not to sign off-campus leases for next fall. Initial re- 1111 11G 1 Li1 LIUIUO.tod y Some committee members sug- Tte AFT piotested to SaniFran- gested that the rooms be made cisco Mayor Joseph Alioto against available either at cost oi' for' the use of police "to arrest the nothing in support of the strike. persons attending the rally at But Feldkamp said that straight which there was no violence or; cost of living in the residence halls threat of violence." had never been determined and ruled out free use of facilities in any case. i.t Also regarding off campus hous- iny, the committee recommended revision of residency rules to re- * quire that all students under 21 1vp not living in residence halls must gsp o live in apartments registered with the University. toI pass-fai Previously, the rule had appliedpB primarily to junior women. The recent regental decision al- By BARD MONTGOMERY lowing sophomore women and all Residential College faculty mem-j freshmen to live off campus bers last night approved by a1 prompted the recommendation. "straw vote" continuation of the Hiring former deputy ruled out by Harvey-" Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey said yesterday he would not offer to reinstate a former deputy who a State Labor Mediation Board (SLMB) examiner said Harvey had illegally demoted last June. Harvey said that since the de- puty, William Stander, had re- signed from the force last August' "I 'can't very well reinstate some one who left voluntarily and took another job." SLMB Examiner Bert H. Wick- ling recommended Wednesday that Harvey reinstate Stander against Posthill but recommend- ed reinstatement of Stander. Harvey explained yesterday that since he had not fired Stander, he was under no obligation to re- instate the formed deputy. The sheriff said the SLMB backed his stand in a ruling made a year ago: In the case of another deputy who was fired and subsequently re- fused an offer of reinstatement, the SLMB examiner said there was no further obligation on Har- vey's part. Wicking also ruled Wednesday that under the terms of Public Act 379 of 1965, Harvey sho uld cease from discouraging union organizing efforts by "coercion, discrimination and demotion." The earlier ruling marked the spouses nave been goadaccord-,, The committee felt that incoming present pass-fail evaluation sys- and reimburse him for pay lost ing to organizer Ron Lafferty. freshmen would be ignorant of the tem in RC courses. since the demotion. (The Daily 70. Two-hundred residents o housing market here and might be According to RC Director Jam- erroneously reported Tuesday that ledge i one ight.sgned the at a disadvantage in dealing with es Robertson, affirmation of the the SLMB had made the ruling). The steering committee 'an landlords. current system implies approval Stander and former Deputy