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January 23, 1969 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-23

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Page Eiglif


Thursday, January 23, 1969


Farmer foresees black future
in authority, 'ethnic cohesion'

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not interviews on campus, please call
764-7460 for complete application pro- business areas. Prefer now engrg.,
chem., or physics degrees with exper.
cedures. in business, planning, mktg. res., sales
- --- or engrg. Good writing and oral com-

: : : j
:'. i
: :!:

"The most meaningful thrust
in the black community is to-
ward ethnic cohesiveness," de-
clared James Farmer, founder
and first national chairman of
the Congress of Racial Equality
(CORE). "The black commun-
ity must work toward becoming
a viable, power-wielding eth-
nic entity."
Speaking before a mixed aud-
ience composed primarily of
students enrolled in the newly-
\ created black capitalism course,
Farmer discussed the switch in
emphasis from desegregated
"dispersion" to cohesiveness on
the part of blacks. In his view,
the change occurred because de-
segregation failed to close the
average income gap which
exists between white and black
Americans and to cause the dis-
solution of the black ghettoes.
"Civil rights people underes-
timated the impact of white
racism in this country," Farmer
said. They could not predict
that desegregation in the cities
would drive the whites to the
suburbs. Once they saw the dif-
ficulty inherent in the concept

of dispersion, they realized that
they had to improve the .ghet-
toes themselves, he continued.
In a speech touched with
humor, Farmer emphasized the
several goals which should be
accomplished within the frame-
work of black power as he sees
it. Black power should be used
to develop a sense of "cohe-
siveness, pride and identity" on
the part of blacks. It should be
a means of "wielding levers of
both economic and political
power" from a base within the
black community itself.
"This will, not make people
love you. Black people could
care less about being loved," he
said. "Blacks should demand
that they be respected and
dealt with as eyeball-to-eyeball
According to Farmer, a
"cross-fertilization of ideas" be-
tween civil rights forces and
Black Nationalist forces result-
ed in new efforts to- help the
black man-on-the-street. Tran-
slated ino concrete terms, this
meant a concerted effort to
spread the base of ownership
within the black community.

Union plan
against loev
(Continued from Page 1)
usually 30 days after he has
ceased paying rent.
If the tenant has not paid
after seven days, the landlord
must instigate curt action which
means serving a court summons
at least four days before the
date of appearance. At this time
'Dionysus 69'
(Continued from Page 1)
City Attorney Joel Farner and
City Administrator Guy Larcom.
McCreath's statement described
the drama as a "serious artistic
effort" which is "certainly ap-
propriate for consideration by a
University community."
He called the controversial play
"experimental." "Our hope is to
stimulate serious discussion of this
experimentation," he said.
The Board of Governors of the
League endorsed McCreath's state-
ment last night. UAC is a subcom-
iittee of both the Board of Di-
rectors of the Union and the
Board of Governors of the League,
McCreath said after the League
meeting last night he had no in-
dication of what action the police
might take, nor did he know
whether UAC officials could be
held responsible for any charges
against the play.
The endorsement of McCreath's
statement came at a regular meet-
ing of the League. The Union
Board of Directors will meet to-
night, but McCreath said he had
"no idea" whether his statement
would be endorsed by them.
The League and the Union
jointly have the power to decide
who may use the Union and
League facilities.

s to striie
ii reators
the tenant can request a jury
trial. If the tenant does not an-
swer the summons, his tenancy
terminates in 30 days by de-
Following a jury trial in Dis-
trict Court, which the steering
committee expects to be
"lengthy,"\ the tenant can ap-
peal to the Circuit Court, and
possibly the State Court of Ap-
peals and State Supreme Court.
During the period of litigation
the tenant retains tenancy and
the landlord receives no rent.
The committee states that if
a striker loses his case and has
exhausted all his legal resources
he probably can pay the back
rent and retain tenancy or move
out and take his money with
him. "Any subsequent suit by
the landlord to obtain damages
for non-payment of rent is very
unlikely," the committee says.
At the end of the strike, the
money in the escrow fund will
be returned to the striker or
paid directly to the landlord.
The money in escrow can be
withdrawn by the tenant at any
time. The trustees of the escrow
fund will be bonded - that is
fully insured for the money in
the fund.
Rent will be paid into the
escrow fund by two methods:
-a check, money order, or
bank draft made out to the
tenants' union which will be de-
posited in an interest bearing
account in a Canadian bank; or
-check, money order or bank
draft made out to the individual
which will be deposited in a
safety deposit box at an un-
specified bank.
The strikers are being asked
to deduct ten per cent of the
first month's rent for the
strike's expenses. One of the
issues the union hopes to nego-
tiate on is landlord payment of
the strike expenses.

On the economic front, Farm-
er emphasized black co-opera-
tives and community develop-
ment corporations as a means
of increasing the amount of
black authority to determine
their own affairs. He also
stressed the potential role of
corporations who build factor-
ies within ghetto communities
and the necessity of training
blacks to fill jobs at all levels
in such factories.
Budget eutry b
$8.'7 m.Ilion
(Continued from Page 1)
"We wonder if Gov. Milliken is
aware that his budget recommen-.
dations puts us in virtually the
same position as when we talked
to him in December," Ross said.
Michigan State University will
receive the largest appropriations
of any four-year institution in the
state. Their total allocation, in-
cluding funds for the expansion of
its medical school to a %our year
college, will total nearly $4.5 mil-
lion more than that of the Uni-
In his farewell address, Gov.
Romney said "it would be a trage-
dy if, ini our effort to improve all
our colleges and universities we
were to deny the University of
Michigan the extra financial sup-
port required to maintain its mar-
gin of excellence."
Basing his calculation on a $70
million surplus for fiscal 1969-70,1
Milliken forecasts a surplus of
$12.9 million by June 30, 1970.
The Governor's recommenda-
tion includes:,
-an increase of $27 million for
operations of the state's 13 four
year universities;
-increase of $85.4 million for
public elementary and high school
-creation of an elite mobile
tactical unit for the state police
-an increase of $30 million for
social service programs. The total
spending for these programs
should reach $260 million.
Sen. Charles O. Zollar (R-Ben-
ton Harbor) and chairman of the
Senate appropriations committee
said the projected surplus would be
"considered $25 million deficit
under other bookkeeping meth-
"Much of the money described
in the budget message is actually
committed to paying bills not yet
in hand," he added.
The Milliken budget "would be
slightly cut," he predicted.
Zollar added there is not enough
surplus to provide for parochiaid
without a tax increase.
With a Democratic House and a
Republican Senate, few are willing
to speculate on the outcome of the

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
6040 Admin. Bldg. before 2 p.m.
Friday for Saturday and Sunday.
General Notices may be published a
maximum of two times on request;
Day Calendar items appear once
only, Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication.
For more information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
A representative from George Wash-
ington University School of Law will
be in 1223 Angell Hall to talk with in-
terested students. Appointments may
be made by calling Mrs. Johnson
40312 or by coming to the Junior-
Senior Counseling Office.
Mental Health Research Institute
Seminar, Thursday, Jan. 23. Daniel B.
Suits, Dept. of Economics, University
of Michigan: "Economic Analysis and
Forecasting: A Look at 1969", R oo m
1057, 3:45 p.m. Tea for those attending
at 3:15 p.m. Room 2059.
Cinema Guild: Marlene Dietrich, Or-
son Weiles, and Chariton Heston in Or-
son Welles' Touch of Evil: Architecture
Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
Degree Recital: Elaine Zajac, Saxo-
phone: School of Music Recital Hall,
3:30 p.m.
Department of Chemistry: Dr. O.
Bastiansen, University of Oslo,' "Elec-
tron Diffraction and Intramolecular
Motion". Thursday, Jan. 23, Room 1300
Chem. 'Bldg., 8:00 p.m.
Rhododendron Discussion G r o u p
meeting. U. of M. Botanical Gardens,]
Thursday, Jan. 23, 8 p.m. Public wel-
Bach Club Meeting: Thursday, Jan.
23rd, 8:00 p.m. Guild House, 802 Mon-
roe St. Speaker: Wayne Linder, "Fusion
of Styles in Bach's Cantatas." Jelly
donuts and fun afterwards. Everyone
welcome. Forfurther information call
769-2922 or 769-0995.
Young Americans for Freedom - or-
ganizational meeting tonite! 7:30 p.m.
in the Mimes Room of the Union, 2nd
Society of Classical Liberalism:
meeting - Sunday - Jan. 26th 3:00 p.m.
in Union - See D'ay calendar for room
UM Judo Club: will have a meeting
Jan. 23rd at 7:30 p.m. in the Wrestling
room of the IM Bdg.
HilJel Foundation: 1429 Hill St., Fri.,
Jan. 24th, 7:15 p.m.: Hillel Student
Services; 8:30 p.m. - Panel and open
discussion "Can Judaism Survive in a
Communist Society?"
Graduate Council of Hillel: Jan. 26th
at 8:00 p.m., 1429 Hill St.. Graduate
Coffee House.
Christian Science Organizational
meeting: Thurs., 7:30 Room 3545 SA.B.

General Notices
Broadcasting Service: WUOM R a d i o
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily,
Thursday 1:00 p.m. Assembly for Hu-
man Rights: Three official Assembly
observers and a major delegate discuss
the main trends of thought to come
out of the meetings in Montreal, 1968.
Thursday 4:45 p.m. Conservation Re-
port with Prof. Karl Lagler. 5:15 p.m.
U-M Feature Story with Jack Hamilton.
7:30 p.m. University Symphony Band,
another in a new series of programs
conducted by Dr. William D. Revelli.
Friday 11 a.m. The Eleventh Hour
(repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts
an hour of news and conversation
about the arts and literature. Guest:1
Hans Citroen, Artistic Director of The
Hague Philharmonic; also Sydney Hod-1
kinson and George Wilson of the Con-
temporary Directions Concert.
Friday 1:00 p.m. From The Midway -
"Hypnosis" with Dr. Erika Fromm, Un-
iversity of Chicago. Friday 5:00 p.m.
Focus on Students, produced by
speech department students. Friday
5:15 p.m. Business Review with Prof.
Ross Wilhelm. Friday 8:30 p.m. Hague
Philharmonic Concert - broadcast livep
from Hill Auditorium.1
The make-up exam in Economics 2011
for any student who received an X in
the Fall term and whose absence has
been excused will be given on Tues-
day, January 28theat 7:30 p.m. in
Room 207 Economics Building. Direct
all inquiries to Mrs. Shulman.
Concentration meetings for s e c o n d'
semester sophomores who will become
Juniors at the end of the current term
will be held on the following dates.a
The Field is listed first following by
Date and Time and then Location.
American Culture, Tues., Feb. 4, 4:00
p.m., 2225 Angell Hall.
Anthropology, Wed., Feb. 5, 4:00 p.m.,1
1007 Angell Hall.
Biology, Mon., Jan. 27, 7:00 p.m.,s
1040 Natural Resources.
Business Administration, Tues., Jan,
28, 4:00 p.m., 2225 Angell Hall.
Chemistry, Wed., Feb. 5, 7:30 p.m.,
3005 Chemistry Bldg.c
Classical Studies, Thurs., Jan. 30,1
4:00 p.m., 2203 Angell Hall.
Economics, Wed., Jan. 29, 4:00 p.m.,s
2235 Angell Hall.
English, Thurs., Feb. 6, 4:00 p.m., 351
Angell Hall.t
English T.C., Wed., Feb. 5, 4:00 p.m.,
2235 Angell Hall.
French-Spanish T.C., Tues., Jan. 28,1
4:00 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall.c
Geography, Wed., Jan. 29, 4:00 p.m.,i
1007 Angell Hall.
Geology & Mineralogy, Wed., Jan. 29,
4:00 p.m., 2231 Angell Hall.

German, Wed., Feb. 5, 4:00 p.m., 2231
Angell Hall,
History and History T.C., Tues., Jan.
28, 3:00 p.m., 1035 Angell Hall.; Thurs.,
Jan. 30, 3:00 pm., 2235 Angell Hall.
History of Art, Mon., Jan. 27, 4:00
p.m., 1035 Angell Hall.
Journalism, Thurs., Jan. 30, 4:00 p.m.,
2029 Angell Hall,
Linguistics, Thurs., Jan. 30, 4:00 p.m.,
1007 Angell Hall.
Mathematics (General), Thurs., Jan.
30, 4:00 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall.
Mathematics T.C., Tues., Jan. 28, 4:00
p.m., 35 Angell Hall.
Microbiology, Mon., Feb. 3, 4:30 p.m.,
2003 Angell Hall.
Philosophy, Tues., Jan. 28, 4:00 p.m.,
25 Angell Hall.
Physics, Mon.. Jan. 27, 4:00 p.m., .130,
Political Science, Mon., Jan. 27, 4:00
p.m., 231 Angell Hall.
Pre-Legal Studies, Mon., eFb. 3, 5:00
p.m., 1035 Angell Hal.
Pre-Med and Pre-Dent., 'Tes., Jan.
28, 7:30 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall.
Psychology, Fri., Jan. 31, 4:00 p.m.,
231 Angell Hall.
Romance Linguistics, Wed., Feb. 5,
4:00 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall.
Russian & East European Stud.,
Mon., Jan. 27. 4:00 p.m., Commons
Room, Lane Hall.
Sociology. Tues., Feb. 4, 4:00 p.m., 35
Angell Hall.
Social Work, Mon., Feb. 3, 4:00 p.m.,
2231 Angell Hall.
Speech (General, Speech Correction
and T.C.), Thurs., Jan, 30, 4:00 p.m.
2003 Angell Hall.
Zoology, Tues., Feb. 4, 5:00 p.m., 3082
Nat. Sci. Bldg.
3200 S.A.B.
Due .to the fog conditions, the fol-
lowing companies have altered their
scheduled visits to the UM campus.
1. International Voluntary Service
originally scheduled for Thurs., Jan.
23 and Fri., Jan. 24 will not inter-
view on Friday, Jan. 24 only. Please
contact Placement Service for further
2. Meredith Corporation originally
scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 23 will
not hold interviews on that day.
Please contact Placement Service for
the new interview date.
3. Western Union originally sched-
uled for Friday, Jan. 24 will not hold
interviews on that date. The resumes
of the students scheduled for inter-
views will be mailed to Western Union.
Current Position Openings received by
General Division by mail and phone,

Harvard University, Boston, Mass.: munication skills.
Course Assistants, any lib. arts de- Standard & Poor's Corporation, N.Y.,
grees, apply early in calendar year. Sal-, N.Y.: Security Analysis positions, good
aried, but with option to take summer communication skills, especially writ-
off. Will grade assignments on case ing.
histories. Insurance Rating Board, N.Y.C.:
Warren King and Associates, Inc., Openings in fields of actuarial sc,
Chicago, Ill.: Seek two additions to mathematical statistics and econome-
consulting staff. One specialist . inI trics, BA/MA math, econ., and inita-
educational management, other in tive to dev, programs to meet needs
public administration. 5 years in ap- of public demand in insurance fields.
propriate work required.____
Fairbanks Rehabilitation Association, EDUCATION DIVISION
Fairbanks, Alaska: Director - Admin-
istrator, MSW, MA Voc. Rehab., or re- Overseas Teaching: The following
lated areas, min. 1-2 years exper. in schools located outside of the U.S.
admin, duties and working with handi- have listed teaching vacancies for the
capped. 1969-70 school year.
State of Illinois, Dept. of M e n t a 1 Ghana and Nigeria, West Africa: Se-
Health, Chicago Zone: Child psycholo- condary Biology, Physics, Chem.,
gist. PhD plus 3 years, 2 supv. Social French, Math, Bus. Educ., H om e
Psychologist, similar requirements. Econ. Tch. certification and exper-
Clinical Psychologist, PhD plus 3 years. iences not required.
Administrative Psychologist, PhD plus
cert. in Diplomate of Amer. Board of Cairo, Egypt: Internship program at
Examiners in Psych, 4 years in clini- the English Language Institute at the
cal work and 3 supv. work. American University for those with BA
State of Washington, State Auditor or MA degree. Teach English1 to stu-
BA min., or 18 hrs. acctg., with other dents teing admitted to AUC with
BA r., oe inadequate English.
Imajor. Montreal, Quebec - (English schools)
Midwest Research Institute, Kansas - Elementary, K thru 7. Secondary
City, Mo,: positions in areas of bilo- English, French, Latin, German, Ital-
gical sci., chemistry, economics, en- ian,'Math, Physics, Chem., emB , G. en.
gineering, and management sciences. Sin, Htry, Ce.,'Br., Mu-
Board of Cooperative Educational Science, History, Geog./Civics Art Mu-
Services, Jericho, N.Y.: of-ersic,, P B,(men and women), us., Steno.
Serice, eriho N..:Supervisor,of Bookkeeping, Retarded classes, H o s-
fice of Personnel, MA in personnel ad- clases, d d AtSop.
ministration and expensive personnel Foral classes, Ind. Arts, Shop.
work, eligible for N.Y. State certifica- aFor dditional information contact
tion for principal or school administra- Mrs. Flynn, Placement Services. 3200
tor. SAB, 764-7462.
Local Firm: Assistant to the Presi-
dent, will do mktg. res., editorial work P EEGTNEERI
on company paper, BA degree in any 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg.
area, no exper. necess.
Wayne State University, Detroit Make interview appointment at Room
Mich.: Personnel administrator, screen: 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other-
hire,lnon-academic personnel. pref. wise specified.9r
bachelors level degree in Industrial JANUARY 30, 1969
Psych., or some behavioral sciences, or Bell System
BBA, no exper. required. A.T.&T. Long Lines
Kenyon & Eckhardt Company, De- Bell Labs.
troit, Mich.: Advertising trainees, in Mich. Bell
media area, buying and research for Western Electric
large automotive account. BA in Engl., Sandia Corp.
Journ., Econ., Psych., Poll. Set., no Bell Telephone Labs. & Western
exper req. Electric Co. - Ph.D. recruiting
The Budd Company, Clinton, Mich.: Brunswick Corp.
Management Trainee with BSE in ME Commonwealth Edison Co.
or MSME, industrial or chemical The Duriron Co., Inc.
orientation. General Motors Corp. - Summer.Em
Servomation, Ypsilanti, Mich.: Sales ployment
representatives leading to sales man- The Goss Co.
agement positions, BA, any area, over 2 Gulf Oil Corp. - Gulf Research
years exper in teaching, sales or re- & Development Co.
lated public-oriented work. Hercules Inc.
Banas and Wrobel Cashway Lumber, North American Rockwell Corp. -
Monroe, Mich.: Accountant, BA in any Atomics International Div.
area with coursework and/or exper in Autonetics Div.
aectg. Columbus Div.
Local'Hospital, Social Worker, MSW Space Div. - Rocketdyne Div. &
and 2 years professional exper. Los Angeles Div.
State of Connecticut: Volunteer Ser- Outboard Marine Corp.
vices Chief, BA and 1 year in public Penn Controls, Inc.
relations type work. Sylvania Electric Products Inc.
Robertson and Associates, Inc., Ne- U.S. Gov't.
wark N.J., and nationwide: Manage- Naval Security Engrg. Facility
ment Consultants in technical and Naval Ship Research & Dev. Ctr.



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