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January 23, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-23

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Ci 4c

Lilt ija


Cloudy and mild.
rain likely

Vol LXXIXNo95 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 23,1969 Ten Cents

Eight Pages












U, city officials


Budget cut by
Dion ysus $8.7 million


Reach no agreement
ater police warning
University officials met yesterday with Ann Arbor Police
Chief Walter Krasny and County Prosecutor William Delhey
but reached no agreement on how the police will handle Sun-
day's performance of the controversial play "Dionysus in
University Activities Center President Dan McCreath
attended the meeting and later issued a statement confirm-
ing UACs intention to go ahead with the performances Sun-,
day and Monday night.
The police and prosecutor were
presented with information on the
nature of the production. Krasny
s said later that "from what they
told us it appears to be a legiti-
mate performance."

army bill
Hatfield Pushes
for abolition
of draft system

Gov. William Milliken yesterday recommended a $67.2
million appropriation to the University - $83. million less
than the University's request.
The $1.5 billion budget message, submitted to the Legis-
lature shortly before Milliken was sworn in as the State's
44th governor, did not provide for any state aid to non-public
schools. The parochiaid issue threatens to become the largest
question facing this session of the Legislature.
The University's allocation, which allows for a net increase
of only $4 million over this year's state appropriation, falls
short of the expected $6.9 million increase suggested by Gov.

Romney's austerity guidelines.
' The University had requested a
$12 million increase.
University officials were sur-
prised by the provision of the

,best prices'
SGC's Student Consumer's Un-
ion may have found a solution to
the problem of high Ann Arbor
In Consumer Report No. 1,
which was released last night,
SCU claims that selective shop-
ping habits can save up to 43 per
cent on toilet articles alone.
"Central campus merchants are
exploiting the student consumer's
ignorance," the report explains.
"If students, after reading the
report, want to continue their
same old buying patterns -- it's
their money," warns SGC Co-
ordinating Vice President Larry
SCU is confident that students
can save money by taking ad-
vantage of the tremendous price
divergencies a m o n g individual
stores in the central campus area.
For instance, "VIP Discount
Drug store was found to be far
and away the most reasonable
place to shop, on the average, for
personal articles on the central
campus," the report reveals.
On the other hand, prices at
Stephan's, which "were almost al-
ways among the highest on cam-
pus," reached 34 per cent higher
than VIP's, for the products
"VIP's closest competitor (State
Drug) charged nine per cent more
per item on the average than the
discount store," the report con-
Included among the expensive
stores are: Tice's, Michigan Phar-
macy and Marshall's, whose aver-
age prices were about 23 per cent

Howevert the police reserved
judgment until the play is actual-
ly performed.
There was no agreement be-
tween UAC representatives and
the police, McCreath said. "The
meeting was purely informa-
"Dionysus in '69" is a modern
adaption of "The Bacchae," a
classical Greek tragedy by Euri-
pedes. The modern version em-
ploys "environmental theatre"
techniques including audience par-
ticipation. The script and chore-
ography of the play vary from
performance to performance and
sometimes includes partial nudity.
Krasny confirmed the polic;
and probably the prosecutor's of-
fice will attend the play, but said
they probably would not interfere
unless some "overt act" involving
someone in the audience oc-
Krasny said the police officers
will only be there as "observers"
and have "no intention of arrest-
ing people." The decision of
whether the play is obscene is "a
matter for the prosecutor" Krasny
"Dionysus in '69" was performed
last night at the University of
Minnesota and is scheduled for
another performance Saturday in
Prior to the performance of the
play at Minnesota, Richard Shek-
ner, director, met with university
officials and agreed to clothe the
actors in the scenes which pre-
viously involved nudity. John Mor-
ris, chairman of the theatre where
the play appeared, said the deci-
sion was made because "nudity is
not essential to the play."
The University was represented
at yesterday's meeting with city
officials by Vice presidents Barbara

WASHINGTON (.) - A bill to 'budget message which suggests
abolish the draft and provide in- that the University apply its $1.75
ducements to establish and main- million working capital reserve to
tain a volunteer professional Army fill the financial gap.
was reintroduced, in revised form, The $6.9 million increase was the
in the Senate yesterday. minimum needed to cover a $5.4
Sen. Mark O. Hatfield (R-Ore, million salary increase, $805,000
principal sponsor of the measure, for Dental School expansion.
called the dart system "militarily $328,000 for operation and main-
inefficient" and "a drastic inva- tenance of new facilities and
sion of individual liberty." He was $429,000 for increased Flint en-
joined by a bi-partisan group of rollment. It would not have pro-
eight cosponsors. vided for any new programs.
Hatfield said that President "This $4 million increase leav-
Nixon has supported the idea of es the University in an unten-
an all-volunteer Army. But Nixon able position. We are mystified by
called for a goal of doing so only the recommendation," University
after the Vietnam war ends. President .Robben Fleming said.
' The mnrpLo -- tr a ote


sue viegun seiiai:ur saga me;

Associaed Press
( eorge~s new job)
j Former Gov. George Romney was sworn in as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development yester-
day in a White Douse ceremony. Chief Justice Earl Warren administered the oath of office while
Mrs. Romney held the Bible and President Nixon watched. Nixon also witnessed the swearing in
of the rest of his Cabinet with the exception of Secretary of the Interior-designate Walter Hickel
who is expected to win Senate approval today.
'U' to s uppliy rental facts
By DAN SHARE University involvement or ap- Steering committee member
The University has agreed to proval of the strike. Barry Cohen, '70, denied the re-
comply with one of two requests However, Steude said the Uni- quest was ever withdrawn. "We
versity will not provide the strike never said anything of the kind,"
for assistance made by the rent committee with a list of all reg- he said in reply to Steude's state-
strike steering committee last istered landlords, the addresses ment.
week. of their holdings, the number of Steude said that different mem-
William Steude, director of stu- units at each address, and the bers of the subcommittee were,
dent-community relations, said mortgage holders of those proper- bound to have 'different subjec-
yesterday the University would in- i ties. tive impressions of what went on
yestr y stue n ersistewoul in- Steude based the University's at the meeting. "Anyway you look
the rent strike decision not to provide the strike at it, though, the information will
committee with this information not be provided," he insisted,
Acting through the Bureau of after he attended a meeting of Cohen charged the University
Off-Campus Housing, the Uni- the Student Advisory Committee decision was "unnecessary ob-
versity will distribute a fact sheet on Housing. "It was my under- struction of the activities of the
to students seeking housing infor- 'taning "he ofdt"eatcthvTtnnss'fnthn
mation. The sheet, prepared by the standing." he said, "that the M Tenants' Union."
strike steering committee. willj steering committee agreed to with- Mark Schreiber, '69, ex-officio

'. #
_. }.

volunteer service system, bolstered
by pay raises of $100 a month fort
enlisted personnel and improve-
ments in educational, social and
recreational opportunities, "would
provide an efficient military force
wvith emphasis on quality rather
than quantity."
In addition to pay raises; the:
bill would provide for in-service
education for enlistees at techni-
cal, vocational and college levels.
There would be increased em-
phasis on officer training for men
in the ranks and reduction of time
in grade and in service for pro-
motion eligibility.
Another provision would accele-
rate substitution of civilians for
non-combat military personnel.
Under the proposal, the draft
would end six months after its
enactment, but registration would
continue and the draft could be
reinstated by Congress in ; an
emergency, upon recommendation
by the President.
Hatfield estimated the cost of
the proposed $100 a month pay'
raise for enlisted men at $3.7 bil-
lion a year. But he said it costs
about $3 billion to train draftees
now in uniform "who will leave
the service the moment their two-
year hitches expire."
Other sponsors of the bill were
Senators Marlow W. Cook (R-
Ky.), Robert Dole (R-Kan.), Bar-
ry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), George S.
McGovern (D-S.D.), Gaylord Nel-
son (D-Wis.), Robert W. Pack-
wood (D-Ore.), Winston Prouty

Claiming that the student-fa-
culty ratio at the University was
too low, state budget officials last
November slashed Romney's re-
commended $6.9 million increase
by $2.8 million. For the pasttwo
years. the University has in-
creased tuition to maintain this
low ratio.-
However, following a Dec. 18
meeting between budget officials,
University representatives and
then Lt. Gov. Milliken, the Uni-
versity received "indication that
Milliken's decision would be favor-
able to restoring the cuts," said,
Arthur Ross, vice president for
state relations and planning.
"It wasn't until yesterday that
University officials learned the
cuts would not be restored and
that their working capital would
have to be used to offset the rev-
enue loss. -
Ross declined yesterday to spec-
ulate on a possible tuition in-
"The matter of spending our
working capital was never dis-
cussed at any of the budget meet-
ings. This factor was introduced
subsequent to our conversations
with state officials. We had no
way to comment on the develop-
-ment," Ross added.
Within the next several days,
President Fleming will be sending
a letter to Gov. Milliken stating
the University's position and ask-
ing for another meeting with the
See BUDGET, Page 8

Labor law'
The State Labor Mediation
Board ruled Monday that Wash-
tenaw County Sheriff Douglas J,
Harvey violated the provisions of
state employment act in demoting
Deputy William Stander and in
attempting to discourage forma-
tion of a deputy's union.
The board cleared Harvey of
another charge of illegal firing
in the case of Deputy Fred Postill.
The board concurred with Har-
vey's action and recommended
that Postill be permanently sus-
Under terms of Public Act 379
of 1965, the board ordered Har-
vey to:
- cease and desist from dis-
couraging union organizing ef-
forts through coercion, discrim-
ination, and demotion.
-- Offer Stander his immediate
and unconditional reinstatement
to his former position, with re-
imbursement for lost pay.
The ruling was the climax of
a dispute beginning in December
1967, when Postill was first fired
by Harvey. According to the find-
ings of the board, Postill was fired
at that time because of his in-
terest in the Washtenaw County
Sheriffs' Association.
The board ordered Postill rein-
stated in a March, 1968, ruling.
Howevek, Harvey countered the
ruling by giving Postill the job of
turnkey - a job which Postill
charged was a demotion from his
original standing as a road pa-
Increasing bad feeling between
Postill and Harvey developed into
open animosity by May of last
year, and culminated/in a shout-
Lng, name-calling dispute a f t e r
which Postill was fired for in-

higher than VIP's. Newell, Wilbur Pierpont
In computing the costs at .each Michael Radock. University
store for five toilet articles, SCU torney William Lemmer was
discovered that the shopper "who present.
knows where to go for the best The city's representatives
deal" spends 26 per cent less than cluded Krasny, Delhey, Assi
See SGC SURVEY, Page 2__.. ' See 'U', Page 8____


+carry a statement disclaiming any draw or not press that request."

Tenants- build strike momentum

The Ann Arbor apartment sit-
uation, like its weather, has long
been the cause of considerable
student anger but little action
- until now.
Now, the Ann Arbor Tenants'
Union's proposed rent strike
against the Ann Arbor Property
Managers Association is gain-
ing momentum.
Landlords in the association
which the students plan to
strike include Apartments Ltd.,
Ann Arbor Trust Co., Arbor
Mgt., Charter Realty, Dalhman
Apts., Miscoe Mgt., - Patrick
Pulte Inc., Summit Associates,
Walden Mgt., and Wilson-White
The union's strike steering
committee lists the reasons for
strike as "unusually high rents,

-immediate handling of all
complaints; and
- free parking for e a c h
For the duration of the strike,
the union has established an es-
crow fund for the protection of
the strikers. Instead of paying
no rent at all during the strike,
strikers will pay their rents into
the fund. The amount of money
in the escrow fund will consti-
tute the union's economic bar-
gaining power. The fund will be
protected from creditors.
The rent strike could be one
of the largest ever, steering
committee members say. By
withholding rent and refusing
to sign leases for the fall,
strikers hope to force the land-
lords, who operate on a tight
financing schedule, to negotiate.
T h e steering committee esti-

intermediary between realtors
and students. Negotiations broke
down Oct. 30 when the property
managers refused to negotiate
with a group other than Uni-
versity officials.
Peter Denton, Grad, a mem-
ber of the strike steering com-
mittee, says the strike will seek
its success through numbers
and within the legal system.
The strike is scheduled to be-
gin when 2000 students sign
pledges to withhold rent and
refrain from signing new leases
with struck members of the As-
sociation. The steering commit-
tee hopes to begin the strike in
The strike's legal staff has
prepared an information sheet
which explains that while rent
strikes in buildings which con-
form to housing codes are illegal

strike, says during rent strikes
he has handled in Detroit and
Muskegon, no tenants were
evicted for non-payment of
University law students, who
have organized to act as law-
yer's aides for the strike, say
the right of the individual to a
jury trial makes it highly un-
likely the courts could process
more than a handful of stu-
Under new Michigan law, Dis-
trict Court has jurisdiction over
"tenant-landlord disputes." In
Ann Arbor there are just two
District Judges, S. J. Elden and
Peter Thomassen, who handle
a variety of other cases as well.
In times of a heavy docket,
visiting judges could be brought
in, but the law students say the
county's jury list is limited. The

member of the steering committee,
indicated the University refusal
to provide information was not
really crucial, "We have most of
the information they could pro-
vide us with anyway," he said,j
"and most of our unofficial ex-
changes have been very fruitful."
Cohen said the strike committee
hopes to obtain the information
from lists the Ann Arbor Depart-
ment of Building Safety and En-
gineering are supposed to com-
I Both city and state laws require
owners of multiple dwellings to
register their names and addresses,
I the number of dwelling and room-
ing units, the address of the dwell-
ing, and the name of any man-
aging agent with building safety
| and engineering department.
The city ordinance was passed
I last April and the state laws take
effect Feb. 13.
Assistant City Attorney John
Etter said he was "virtually cer-
tain" the lists would be a matter
I of public record.
- The steering committee is seek-

Caucus rejects Hays'inivitation
to closed LSA faculty meeting

Radical Caucus last night re-
jected a possible offer from Dean
William Hays of the literary col-
lege to invite two caucus members
to next Thursday's special faculty
The caucus also decided to begin
the proposed disruptive sit-in in
Hays office at noon Wednesday
instead of Tuesday' The sit-in will
protest the current curriculum
policy of the college.
Earlier in the day, Hays in-
formed Radical Caucus chairman
Martin McLaughlin that he was
inviting six students-McLaughlin
and Bruce Levine of the caucus,
Michael Koeneke and Robert Neff
of Student Government Council,
Ron Landsman of The Daily and
Simon Benninga, chairman of the
LSA steering committee-to at-
tend the faculty meeting.

the sit-in in Hays' office to speak'
to the faculty on the protest.
The caucus reserved the right'
to determine how many represent-
atives they would send and who
they would be.
SGC will meet tonight and may
decide on what action Koeneke
and Neff should take.
The discussion of the sit-in last
night centered on exactly how it
should be handled. In addition to
demanding the abolition of the
language and distribution re-
quirements, it will also seek a
statement to the effect that stu-
dents, not faculty, have the right
to determine curriculum.
A statement has not yet been
drafted, but it may include a spe-
cific mechanism for joint student-
faculty decision-making on curri-
culum matters.
The beginning of the sit-in was
moved back to make it easier for

required courses on the agenda
for Thursday's meeting. Presently,
it is limited to discussion of open
meetings, but they believe that
since Hays is calling the meeting.
he can extend the agenda as well.
Such a move would make it
possible for the faculty to act on
the issue by the following Mon-
day, Feb. 3, when it holds its reg-
ular monthly meeting.
A lay-over rule prohibits the
faculty from acting on any mo-
tion until the first meeting which
the motion is made.
Gary Rothberger of the caucus
argued that the purpose of the
faculty, meeting is to co-opt the
movement behind the abolition
of the requirements. "It's a great
tactic," he said. "The faculty
would have us think that they are
a group of concerned gentlemen
pushing for democratization."

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