Elff3r *At an Date3 Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications . Nixon's the one ...e" C ontoversy... with dign ity 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in the Michigon Doily exp ress the individual opinions of starf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVE NISSEN The classroom beat: A tale of two freedoms THE RECENT disruption of classes by members of Students for a Demo- cratic Society has had odd repercus- sions. Early last November, SDS members broke up a number of class sessions as part of their ';rotests of the national election. They entered lecture halls un- invited and rudely interrupted the pro- ceedings. Naturally, the incidents and the possibility of recurring incidents concerned the faculty deeply. Two days ago, Senate Assembly re- sponded to the disruptions by reaf- firming a policy that persons not en- rolled in a class may be admitted to the classroom only "by explicit permis- sion of the instructor." The motion, which was proposed to the . assembly by its executive arm, the Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA), passed unanimously follow- ing brief debate. Indeed, the brevity left unclear how many members of the assembly under- stood the intent of the motion. For it aimed as much at reporters covering intrusions of classes as at the intrud- ers. - ONE OF THE disrupted classes was a lecture in American foreign policy taught by Prof. Henry Bretton of the political science department. The scen- ario of the events in Bretton's class- room was recorded in a subjective ar- ticle by a Daily reporter, who observed, the incident by chance. The issue raised by the affair is the sanctity of the classroom versus free- dom of the press. Prof. Bretton feels that what transpires in the classroom; is privileged and should not be covered or reported. In his opinion, a reporter who enters a class must announce his presence. He fears that to relax that rule would invite abuse and endanger academic freedom. Since the disruption, Prof. Brettpn has vigorously pressed his view. SACUA presented the motion passed Monday only after considerable consultation with him. WHILE AGREEING fully that under normal circumstances the class- room is a , privileged sanctuary, we think the assembly's resolution too sweeping. The destruction of normal order in a class is news of such impor- tance that the media has not only a right but an obligation to cover it. The' Daily will continue to refrain from covering classes under normal circum- stances, but it cannot evade its respon- sibility to report incidents of disrup- tion. Prof.,Bretton's suggestion that a re- porter covering such an incident make his presence known while events are" in progress cannot be implemented. 'A reporter who followed this advice would be guilty of influencing rather than merely observing events. In addi- tion, he would leave himself open to charges of collaborating with the in- truders. When legitimate rights conflict, de- ciding which should prevail is always difficult. The issue here is whether the right of freedom of the press (which includes access to information) should under certain circumstances outweigh the right of academic freedom. By merely restating academic free- dom as a general assumption, SACUA and the assembly have begged the question and done a disservice to the University community. -THE SENIOR EDITORS A hearing nobody heard The RegensGreat Leap .. . ...and' the locus of conservatism THE REGENTS. surprised just about everybody last week as they took what must have seemed to them like Mao's Great Leap Forward by allowing all stu- dents to live outside the dormitory sys- tem. Some vestiges of the past still remain. Freshmen men and all undergraduate women under 21 will still need parental consent to move into an apartment. In this small way at least, in loco parentis lives on. Nonetheless, the action hints at a new concern on the part of the Regents, a new respect for the interests of the. students. Other indications are dribbling in. The Regents, for example, may be mov- ing away from the policy which bound them during the Hatcher years of bar- ring official University groups from go- ing into competition with local m e r- chants. This is evidenced by the informal support they reportedly gave to Student Government Council's new discount store at their December meeting. BUT THE EMERGENCE of this new lib- eralism among the Regents only helps to pointy out the real locus of conserv- atism at the University-the faculty.' Editorial Staff MARK LEVIN. Editor STEPHEN WILDSTROM URBAN LEHNER Managing Editor, Editorial Director, DAVID KNOKE. Executive Editor WALLACE IMMEN t...... ........News Editor CAROLYN MIEGEL ...... Associate Managing Editor DANIEL OKRENT . ....................Feature Editor PAT O'DONOHUE...................News Editor WALTER SHAPIRO ...... Associate Editorial Director HOWARD' KOHN . Associate Editorial Director AVIVA KEMPNER ........ ......Personnel Director NEAL BRUSS.......................Magazine Editor ALISON SYMROSKI.......Associate Magazine Editor ANN MUNSTER ................ Contributing Editor On the day before the historic Regents meeting, the faculty-dominated Board of Governors of the residence halls re- affirmed its position that freshmen should be forced to remain in the dormi- tory system. This decision came despite the recommendation of Inter-House As- sembly that freshmen be given apart- ment privileges. The objection of the board of gover- nors was, not surprisingly, on academic grounds. They argued that the "innocent freshman" needs the orientation and the educational environment which a year in the residence halls can provide. This is the argument which the Re- gents must have scrutinized in! their closed-meeting deliberations, an argu- ment they wisely rejected. Most freshmen will undoubtedly con- tinue to live in the dormitories. Thos6 who come from out-of-stateor far from Ann Arbor-those who really need the orientation and the increased opportun- ity to makefriends which the residence halls provide -- these students will no doubt choose to live in the- dormitories. Studies show this will constitute about 90 per cent of the incoming class. BUT THOSE who feel ready to come to the University without that first year of cubby-hole living should be allowed to do so. They would only resent being, forced into the dormitories and are un- likely to garner those advantages which it does provide. More simply, students cannot be coer- ced into an educationally profitable ex- perience. On the academic side of Uni- versity life, this is precisely the kind of coercion the facultys continue to press upon the students. The most flagrant example is, of course, the literary college language re- quirement. The distribution require- ment, which does provide some choice of courses, is a close second. This kind of coercion, like old dormi- tory requirement can not result in a n...n*afininlannca r onaran a By RON LANDSMAN IT IS IRONIC that the forum of the literary college faculty called specifically to discuss the study of language should suffer so badly from a failure to communicate. Communication is admittedly difficult' at mass meetings. They are not suited to serious discussion, and this forum was no exception. But the greater difficulty was the seeming inability of the faculty and the students to talk to each other. Criticisms-devastating ones oc- casionally-were made against the language re- quirement by a few professors. But both faculty and students who advocate the requirement never answered the charges leveled against their position. They obviously weren't listening, just as the audience didn't listen to the original speakers or to each other: The apparently massive display of student and faculty concern was belied by the actual conduct of the meeting. Few dared to debate or analyze. For example. Prof. Richard Brandt cited surveys of alumni from another large university who reported that they thought they had gained nothing from having been forced to learn a language. Unfortunately, no speaker after Prof. Brandt commented on his information. They ignored him. They would not talk to him. Likewise, when Prof. George Piranian forwarded a novel suggestion about students conferring their own degrees, there was no response. THE FORUM also revealed how desperately the audience required information. Except for Brandt's contribution, there' was almost nothing substantive offered. No one, including the literary college curriculum committee, has gone to educational experts to ask about the require- ments; no one has gone to the best laboratory available-alumni who have gone through the requirements and seen how effective or ineffec- tive they were. And not even the right questions were raised. Blanket assertions about the nature of educa- tion, the means of implementation and the im- portance of language all went unchallenged. Part of the problem was the unwillingness of the faculty, with a few exceptions, to really join the discussion. Despite the large number of faculty members present, students formed the lines behind the microphones. And if most esti- mates are correct, the number of faculty who spoke against the requirement reflected the sentiments of a smaller proportion of the faculty than was apparent. THERE SEEMS to be willingnes on the part of the faculty to listen to students, to listen and Lette~.rs to B equals V Economicsm B~f~d $cently signed F To the Editoroto the Textbook EADING OF Professor Mc- We stated that Cracen'appointment to th Book Service w C.E.A. put me in mind of part of pruiyt a letter my girl friend sent me portunity to last January, f r o m Stanford Textbook Rep (where she was then taking an in- would order a troductoy economics course.) I SBS. quote that part of the letter ver- Our position batim: we believe that Prof. Gurley, the economics Pro- age competitio fessor, is carrying on for the ben- feasible and a efit of an Econ. I class, a tele- and because we graphic conversation w ith Paul we should con McCracken, "the University of of commercial Michigan's own economist," about to the exclusio a statement of McCracken's in the over, we are u Wall Street Journal, in the time-co Gurley to MeC.: In a Wall ficient practice Street Journal quote attributed book order forat to you does b equal 1/? eachoer. ,e . Prnf rlv!. 1-b each term. then decide by themselves. But there is not; as teaching fellow and graduate student Michael Davis pointed out, a willingness to tell the stu- dents why, to answer the student arguments as to what's wrong with the requirements. One can almost hear the faculty asking, "Why .then all this restlessness?" when students sit-in, and I suppose the faculty will not under- stand why even if students try to tell them then. It is in this regard that the rambling dis- cusion of "democracy" becomes relevant. To a certain degree, students are not asking for an- archism, which seems to be the prevailing faculty impression. But "democracy" is the only alternative they can find to the autocratic handling of affairs up to now. Certainly, students do want some kind of democracy here, and they want it, I should hope, for educational reasons. It has been argued be- fore-and the faculty has never answered the charge-that there are solid educational benefits derived from self-determination, that there is a positive virtue in a student doing much on his own, and having a say in the institutional voice. - BUT THERE WERE other, more disturbing implications at the meeting yesterday. Prof. Piranian's suggestion cut to the very heart of the literary college's most profound problem. His proposal amounted to having students teach and give degrees if they didn't like the ones now available from the University. This' proposal blatantly acknowledges the intran- sigence of the present University faculty and its inability to accept or even consider student proposed reforms. The Piranian plan seem to constitute an answer to the faculty question posed yesterday by Prof. E. Lowell Kelly's ques- tion: If students don't like the University structure, why don't they go elsewhere. FURTHER, MANY FACULTY seem to .ask, doesn't the University have a "moral commit- ment" to maintaining high standards and re- taining course requirements. In their one-sided advocacy of this position, the faculty display an insensitivity to teaching what students want to learn. Their dedication to teaching seems limited to accommodating only their own needs. "What do I care about the MAs?" one his- tory professor is/reported to have asked recently. With the emphasis obviously on the production of PhDs, the education of undergraduates be- comes irrelevant. The college is becoming less an educational institution, and more a professional, research one. I do not pretend to play the the prophet of doom; perhaps the University has always existed this way. However, the desire for a more relevant education is increasing, and the Uni- versity is woefully unwilling to meet the chal- lenge. By ROBBEN W. FLEMING The author is the President of the University THE WRIGHT COMMITTEE on Communications Media recently suggested, in connection with its review of the status of The Mich- igan Daily, that the campus needed a newspaper which represented the views of students, faculty and administration rather than just students. I agree with that conclusion, though not with its proposed imple- mentation. Since we now have an issue-the language requirement- which is of interest to the entire academic community, I am, by agree- ment with the editors of The Daily, using this method to express my views on the question. I hope that it will encourage others, both stu- dents and faculty, to do likewise. The focus of the present dispute seems to be the requirement of the Literature, Science and Arts College that every degree candidate have the equivalent of two years of study of a foreign language. THERE ARE A NUMBER of arguments against required language courses. Effective elementary language teaching may have to take place in the elementary or secondary schools, unwilling students are not the best students, such a widespread requirement may impose so heavy a teaching burden on any given department that the level of teaching may be unsatisfactory, interested language students may suffer from inclusion with a group of those who are not interested, etc. Some of the counter arguments are that even if elementary and secondary schools are more desirable locations for elementary language training, all statistics show their total inability at this point in time to take over that task, unwilling students may not be the best students but there are thousands of examples of unwilling students who became excited about subjects with which they were not familiar and who then concentrated in those areas, if teaching is unsatisfactory the problem is to correct the deficiencies, not to throw out the requirement, there is a certain intellectual arrogance in assuming that only one's native language (in this case English) is necessary in a world which daily grows smaller, etc. THERE ARE, OF COURSE, many other arguments that can be made. The significant point is that the validity of the language require- ment is not easily determined. In a rational community, one would suppose that an appropriate debate could be carried on in which the .merits of the issue would be explored. Whatever happens, no change will be made with respect to students enrolled in language courses during the current semester, therefore the problem does not have such an earthshaking urgency that there is no time to consider it. A major question which seems to be emerging is the one of what role, if any, students are to play in the decision. My own view, with which others are free to disagree, is that students do have a legitimate role to play in such a decision. They are the major clientele for the courses, they do know from direct experience how well the courses are taught, they do ad- vance substantive a r g um e n t s against the requirement; there is unquestionably widespread op- position among students to the re- quirement, and all of this opposi- tion deserves to be heard. Beyond the question of making , it possible for students to be heard, I would myself vote in favor of making it possible for them to hear faculty debates on the sub- ject. This position naturally as- sumes an orderly presence and if that presence cannot be orderly my own support for it would cease immediately,1?_;.x"Ns.>. PERHAPS THE ULTIMATE QUESTION is who decides whether the requirement shall remain. On that The Daily has quoted various members of the Radical Caucus, who have taken an interest in this issue, as saying that the issue is not the educational merits of the re- quirement, but the right of students to make a11 of their own academic decisions. The Radical Caucus is also said to propose a disruptive sit-in to demand the end of the language and distribution requirements. Both of these positions are, in my view, wholly untenable A student can make his own decisions right now as to what courses he will take- but he cannot get a degree by pursuing this approach. Surely no one can seriously propose that the degree requirements of the University I would myself vote in favor of making it pos- sible for students to hear faculty debates on the 0 A subject. This position naturally assumes an the Edi~tor yself included, re- a letter addressed Reporting Service. , until the Student as afforded the op- participate in the orting Service, we all textbooks from was taken because we should encour- n whenever it is ppropriate to do so. do not believe that tribute information advantage to some n of others. More- nwilling to engage nsuming and inef- of filling out text- ms more than once mation relating to either side of it. Our letter to the Textbook Re- porting Service will be delivered as intended. We hope that it will have its desired effect. --Prof. Harvey E. Brazer, chairman of the economics department Jan. 17 Scapegoating To the Editor: SO OUR ESTEEMED State sena- tors would like a special com- mittee to investigate student ac- tivism and "disorders"? This is a typically American approach to problems. It's another c a s e of tossing a b o n e to their myopic constituents, w h i 1 e appearing orderly presence, and if that.presence cannot be orderly, my own support for it would cease immediately. of Michigan are a matter solely within the interest of the students. Within the professional areas this is relatively easy to see, but it is not basically different in the College of Literature, Science and Arts. No one would want to be treated by a medical doctor who got ,his degree by taking only those courses which interested him. No client would want a lawyer who picked only those courses which pleased him. It is not different in the non-professional areas, and our faculties have been continuously ready to recognize a wide variety of com- binations of study which do warrant a degree. I WAS NEITHER A GOOD nor an interested language student during my college career. Had I been free to choose, I am sure that I would have taken neither Latin nor German, as I did. Now, with a great deal of world travelling behind me, I am glad that someone in- sisted that I ought to have at least a passing familiarity with a lan- guage other than English. Perhaps others have had a quite different experience. I cite it only to suggest that the ultimate in wisdom with respect to what he must take in order to get a degree does not lie entirely with the student. Finally, I note that SGC has been asked to join in and support the disruptive sit-in. Since SGC has itself passed rules against such dis- ruptive tactics, it would be a curious thing for it to endorse violation of the very rules it has passed. One would suppose, on the contrary, that it would be appropriate for SGC to consider withdrawing recognition from a student group which refused to abide by its rules. Bad as disruptive confrontations are, there are things that are worse. One of them is to make academic decisions in response to force. When Brandeis University was recently faced with a disruptive sit-in, the Administration showed great restraint, but it did not retreat an inch on the question of delegating the right to others to hire and fire facul~t. -l