Tuesday, January 21, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven TuesdayJanuary-1, 1969 HE MICHIAN DAIL k SACUA MOTION: Assembly cites ban on class intrusions (Continued from Page 1) search Policies Committee. The plan calls for the appointment of three graduate students and one undergraduate student to the com- mittee by Graduate Assembly and Student Government Council.. The committee't original pro- posal had been returned to it by the assembly in December for clarification of the selection proce- dure. The additions to the committee dent Relations Committee and the Civil Liberties Board had student members prior to the passage of the resolution. The assembly also asked SACUA Ito investigate the possibility of establishing a grievance commit- tee for faculty members. Copi ex- plained that the type of commit- tee which would be considered would advise faculty members on whether they had a reasonable grievance and would offer them assistance in taking their griev- ance before the proper authorities. Legislators doubt rise c in 'U' funds (Continued from Page 1) two or three per cent. However, they want us to hit it on the head," Fleming explained. "We stressed that the Univer- sity is very anxious not to increase tuition. We pointed out that tui- tion has been increased for the past two years," Vice President for State Relations and Planning Arthur Ross said. However, he added, the legis- lators "made no suggestion of a tuition increase." Several legislators asked wheth- er the proposed increase in med- ical school enrollment would at- tract a greater number of doctors to the state. "We pointed out that you can't have a greater number of resident doctors without having a greater number of medical students," Fleming said. ORGANIZATION NOTICES Michigan Rugby Football Club - An- nual general meeting - film, election of officers and discussion - Weds., Jan. 22nd, 7:00 p.m. Room 131 Bus Ad. Bach Club Meeting:HThursday, Jan. 23rd, 8:00 p.m. Guild House, 802 Mon- roe St. Speaker: Wayne Linder, "Fusion of Styles in Bach's Cantatas." Jelly donuts and fun afterwards. Everyone welcome. For further information call 769-2922 or 769-0995. * * * UM Scottish Country Dance Society: Dance meeting, Weds., 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., W.A.B. lounge, instruction given - beginners welcome. $ ~ f bring its membership to 20. The Presently all faculty grievances Research Policies Committee is the first of the assembly's com- mittees to add students to ts membership following the assem- bly's resolution last October en-t douiraging such action. The Stu- are considered at departmental, and school or college level. Facul- ty members have the right to ap- peal decisions to Allan Smith, vice president - for academic af- L- r BEFORE FINAL STRIKE AGAIN! " Increase your comprehension " Triple your reading speed SAVE 50% SPECIAL SPEEDREADING HOME STUDY COURSE AVAILABLE UNTIL FEBRUARY 21, 1969 ONLY $20 COMPLETE What SPEEDREAD, International offers you! 1. You must at least triple present reading speeds (if average) and increase your comprehension, or your money bock. Increase your present reading speed 50% after the first two lessons! Complete the entire course in four to six weeks. 2. You study at home, at your own pace. No notes to take, no homework to turn in. Use your everyday reading materials for practice! No special books to buy. Right now you have every- thing you need! 3. New, simplified approach takes you only a few minutes a day. You have a personal counselor assigned to you for criticism, corrections, and advice on all work in progress. 4. You receive the complete course, with all materials, with no materials to buy, no extra charges of any type. Even postage-free envelopes are included for your convenience. 5. You learn to read without vocalizing--by phrases, groups of words, lines, paragraphs, even pages WITHOUT SKIPPING A SINGLE WORD! You become familiar with techniques of skim- ming, scanning, handling all types of material from light fiction to intricate technical data. You learn to read a newspaper column in seconds, a magazine article in minutes, a complete novel in a half-hour. You learn how to study for and take tests to score the highest possible grades! WHAT SPEEDREAD, International is: More than a decade ago, a group of college professors, realizing the demands of educational requirements, began researching faster reading. Since students, bogged down with masses of in-class and supplementary reading, must either learn to read faster or fail- methods and experiments all over the world were studied. Finally, a simplified, highly effective reading course evolved which, because of its world's-wide aspects, earned the name of "Speedread, Inter- national." Presented first as a college extra-curricular activity, it was final- ized into a method of learnin gso concise that it could be used for home study. To date, over 20,000 students have taken the Speed- read course through the mail, at $40 per course.* Why SPEEDREAD, International is making this special offer: Every year, the greatest demand for our course occurs at final examination deadlines. Faced with hundreds-sometimes thousands of pages of incompleted outside reading, students panic because there is not enough time left to do it. By the time they start their SPEEDREADING course, IT IS TOO LATE TO HELP! For the first time, the Board of Governors has decided to contact students directly through their college newspapers now--far enough in advance of final examinations to enable them to fully develop and perfect rapid reading skills and increased comprehension. To encourage them to act NOW, we are experimenting with a select group of 17 universities and making this special half-price offer (the regular $40 course for only $20) to those who enroll between now and February 21, 1969 only. Simply fill out and return the coupon below, with check or money order for $20-BEFORE FEBRUARY 21, 1969. Your Speedread, In- ternational course in rapid reading will come to you by return mail and set you on the road to faster, better, more compehensive reading, long before finals, SPEEDREAD, International The Michigan Daily Suite 212, Prudential Plaza thru February 21, 1969 only Chicago, Illinois 60601, HEALTH SERVICE INFORMATION University;Health Service is now seeing stu- dents onan appointment basis in an effort to decrease waiting time and more efficiently schedule doctors' time. A certain number of appointments will be served each hour for emergency walk-in patients. For appointments call: For special services or information, call your own doctor at Health Service or I I Tuberculosis contact Dental emergencies 764-8330 764-8385 No specific doctor Dr. Robert Anderson Dr. Thomas Clark' Dr. Max Durfee Dr. Paul Durkee Dr. Albert G rz Dr..Lucile Kucliera Dr. John Maley Dr. Leornard Price Dr. Mrvel Rathbun Dr. Maria Segat Dr. Marguerite Shearer Dr. Edmund Whale 764-8325 or 764-8326 764-8336 764-8338 764-8334 763-0284 763-3144 764-8328 764-8330 763-0276 764-8335 764-8327 764-8331 764-8328 Problems relating to women students: (Infections, pre-marital advice, contraceptive advice, menstrual 763-0284 Male doctor 764-8331 Female doctor 764-8335 Female doctor r 764-8327 Female doctor problems) o Problems relative to Male stulents: (Infection, pre-marital advice, contraceptive advice) Food poisoning, Environmental Health problems Veneral Disease Information 764-8336 764-7330 764-8310 764-8336 Male doctor 764-8331 Female doctor Mental Health 764-8314 764-8347 NAMF ADDRESS Immunization advice II CITY- ,._,..... ... l STATE. 71 P_ __ CLIP AND SAVE Order Your Daily Now- Li a 3 ,n. --._ .,_ _.._ , _ .. * * * * _,_ " 4 " t. / ~ // f * * * * * * . J'4 " vy ,i i rV 4 ,P f u ,_ ,.- i STUCK WITH AN APARTMENT TO SUBLET FOR THIS SUMMER? Here's How To Rent It Quick Through The Michigan Daily's "Student Housing Guide" DEADLINE- MONDAY, FEB. 3 The quickest and easiest way to sublet your pad is through The Daily's special apartment supplement to be published Sunday, February 9th. For only $5. you can place a 1 Col. x 4" advertisement with a guaranteed circulation of 10,000 copies and 35,000 readers. EXAMPLE THE FINEST IN APARTMENT LIVING MODERN 4-MAN APT. with central air con- ditioning and heating, garbage disposal, parking lot facilities, large front view picture window, completely furnished, live-in manager. 2 large Bedrooms CALL 769-3247 for personal inspection of Apt. No. 5 320 E. Madison r r ' NAME r U r , ADDRESS_______ * PHONE r , * Print or Type Copy Legibly in E Space Provided as You Would; Like it to Appear., r ' r ' r , M , r. 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