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January 21, 1969 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-21

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3sday, January 21, 1969

(ant to go to

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form toI
Room 3528 LSA Bldg. before 2 p.m.
Friday for Saturday and Sunday.
General Notices may be published a
maximum of two times on request;
Day Calendar items appear once
only, Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication.
For more information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Michigan Pastors' Conference: Work-
shops: Fourth Floor, Rackham 'Build-
ing, 9:00 a.m.
Computer and Communication Sci-
ences Lecture: Dr. Frank Rosenblatt,
Cornell University. "Current Concep-
tions of Mhemory Mechanisms," Mich-
igan Union, Room 3S, Coffee 3:30, Lec-
ture 4:00 p.m.
Center for Russian and East Euro-
pean Studies: lecture by Ivan Svitak,
Institute of Philosophy, Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences and Research In-
stitute on Communist Affairs, Colum-
bia University: "The Czechoslovak Tra-
gedy", Auditorium D, Angell Hall, 4:10
p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21.
Spanish Lecture: Dr. Fritz Schalk,
Professor of Romance Languages at
the University of Cologne, will speak
this evening at 8 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing, on the subject: "Don Quijote en

la Cueva de Montesinos".
Lecture - Demonstration: Glennis M.
Stout, Lecturer. "The Flute from Hot-
teterre to Boehm": School of Music Re-
cital Hall, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Broadcasting Service: WUOM R a d i o
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily,
Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Dimensions in
Academic Freedom - "External Rela-
tions of the University", with Arthur
DeBardeleben, former President, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin Board of Re-
gents. Tuesday 5:15 p.m. U-M Feature
Story with Jack Hamilton. Tuesday
7:00 p.m. Studio Showcase - Marianne
Woodson, pianist. Tuesday 8:30 p.m.
Basketball - The U-M vs. Northwestern,
with Tom Hemingway reporting t h e
game from Evanston.
Wednesday 11 a.m. The Eleventh
Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows
hosts an hour of news and conversa-
tion about the arts and literature.
Guest: Jazz authority Father O'Connor.
Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. Latin America
Lecture Series - "The Peasant in Latin
American Church and Society Today",
with Ivan Illich, founder and Direc-
tor, Intercultural Documentation Cent-
er. Cuerdnavaca, Mexico; and E r I c
Wolf, U-M anthtopologist. Wednesday
4:45 p.m. Campus News, produced by
students in the speech department.
Wednesday 5:00 p.m. The Press and
World Affairs, with Prof. Ben Yablon-
ky. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Stanley Quar-
tet Concert, broadcast live from Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Mozart, Webern,
Comparative Studies in History: Prof.
Paul Lucas, Washington University,
"The Influence of Legal Systems upon
Economic Development: A Comparison
of France and England, ca. 1700-1840",
Wed., Jan. 22, Micoigan Room of the
Mich. League, 4:15 p.m.
The Departments of Classical Studies

and History present a lecture by Pro- for a seminar on faculty-student rela-: showing a film descriibng their opera- Oberlin College Offers Mat programs
fessor Sir Ronald Syme, Camden Pro- tions; 6. Bail Fund Policy. tions on Jan. 23 & 24 at 4:00 p.m. in Elementary and Secondary educa-
fessor of Ancient History, Oxford Uni- in room 3532. S.A.B.: any students wel- tion. Financial Aid available, most ma-
versity, England on "Julius Caesar: come. jors sought. Two semesters of course,
Drama. Legend, History" at 4 p.m. on octora work, and 1 full year internship teach-
Wed., Jan. 22 in Auditorium B, Angell Current Position Openings received by ing.
Hall. I x m n i n General Division by mail and m n ti nb phone,' State of Michigan offers booklet on
interdepartmental Fluid Mechanics not interviews on campus, please call opportunities for graduates in natural
Seminar: Prof. Chia-Shun Yih, En- 764-7460 for complete application pro- resources
gineering Mechanics Dept.. University Doctoral Examination for: .D a v id cedures. Bryn Mawr Graduate School offers
of Michigan, "Proof of the Principle of Frances Lean, Economics, Dissertation: To the best of our knowledge all of variety of fellowships, scholarships.
Exchange of Stabilities for Taylor Vor- "An Economic Analysis of the On- the companies listed below are equal traineeships, and assistantships f or
tices", Wed., Jan. 22, Room 315 West Highway Heavy-Duty Truck Manufac- opportunity employers. Practically wrin soial wor asialsear
Eng. Bldg., 4:00 p.m. (Coffee 3:30 p.m., turing Company." on Tuesday, January without exception these companies are leading to MSW and Phd.
Room 214 W.E.). 21 at 1 p.m. in Room 3131 I.S.R,: stressing the desire to interview minor-
Botany Seminar: Dr. Otto T. Solbrig, Chairman: S. Peterson. ity group candidates. Inasmuch as University of Pittsburgh. Pa., offers
Dept. of Botany, _. of M. will speak on'businesses of all types are making a MA and PhD programs in several areas
"et and ouM. will speak on real effort to reach the student body of specialiaztion of Public Administra-
cations of Isoenzymes" Wed., Jan. 22 Foreign isir regardless of race, creed, sex, or re- tion. Comparative Admin., Financial
1c9a :5 . 19a e. Jan. 22g,*ligion we encourage yut tpi tMgmt.. Mgmt. Sci.. and Admin. Theory.
1969 at 4:15 p.m., 1139 Nat. S. Bldg. Placement Services room 3200 SABFinancial Asst. avail.
The U-M Concert Dance Organization The following individuals can be Pademetricerreomn 30S.y
offers beginning and advanced tech- reached through the Foreign Visitor explore current openings. Harvard University School of Business
nique classes in Modern Dance in Bar- Division of the Visitor and Guest Re- Winfield Manufacturing Company, Administration Seeks a Number of New
bour Dance Studio. lations Office. Rooms'22-24, Michigan Inc., New Bedford, Mass.: Sales Repre- Liberal Arts Majors for the position of
Tuesday 7:15 - advanced coed. Union. Telephone: 764-2148. - sentative, BBA or 2 year degree with Course Assistants to assist Faculty in
Thursday 7:15 - men (beginning wel- Mr. Ere Cohen; Department of Soc- exper. Industrial Engineer, BSME. Ac- written analysis of cases type courses,
come). ;o1oy; Hebrew University, Israel. Jan- coutat, BA in acceg. Secretarial help. Writtdoevaluationmen of these frequent
Thursday81-adacdoa. uay1-2. bkepr.witnasgm t. Salaried position.
Saturday 8:15:00 - adva beginners. Mr. Yury Melnikov; Head, Sector on Control Data Corporation, Rochester with option to take summer off. Apply
The Zoology Seminar will present a United States Foreign and Domestic Michigan: Quality Control Engineer,
lecture on Wed., Jan. 22 by Dr. Martin Policy, Institute of World Economy BSME plus 3-6 years exper. Accountant, SUMMER PLACEMENT
Michner of the Shintron Company on and International Relations, Soviety BA acctg. 0-2 years exper. Manufactur- SERVICE
"Pigeon Homing: Pursuit by Plane and Academy of Sciences, Moscow, U.S.S.R. ing Engineer, BSME plus 2-5 years. 212 S.A.B., Lower Level
Radio", 4:00 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Bldg. January 20 - 24. Production Control Coordinator, degree
Department of Chemistry: John W. Dr. Mihai Popov; B'.charest, Ro- and 1-3 years. Electrical Engineer BSEE Last Exam for Summer Jobs in Fed-
Stoddard, Dept. of Chemistry, Univer- mania. Lecturing at Computer and In- plus 2-4 years. Industrial engr., BSIE eral Govn't. due Jan. 30, must put
sity of Michigan, "Eight-Membered formation Control Center. January 20 plus 5 years. Personnel Assistant, BS where you will be on March 8, which
Cyclic Azo Compounds", Room 1300 - March 31. degree with 0-2 years interviewing or is Sat. of Spring. Break, on this appli-
Chem. Bldg., 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Thelma Bristow; Comparative labor relations. Purchasing Expeditor, cation.
Regents' Meeting: Feb. 21. Communi- Education Librarian, London Institute some exper.
cations for consideration at this meet- of Education, London, England. Jan- Department of State, Equal Employ- AENGINEERING
ing must be in the President's hands uary 23-26. ment Opportunity Program, Wash. D.C. 128A West Engrg. Bldg
no later than February 6. - Middle grade officers, BA, little or Make interview appointment at Room
The U-M Student Relations Commit- no exper., positions in administrative. 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other-
tee: Open Meeting, Wed., Jan. 22, 1:00 Counselar, Economic, Labor, Political wise specified.
p.m., SAB Bdg., Council Room. Agenda: PLACEMENT Affairs, and Research. JANUARY 28, 1969
1. Consideration of several sets of min- 3200 S.A.B. Veterans Administration, Depart- Eastman Kodak Co.
utes: 2. Policy concerning student re- ment of Medicine and Surgery, nation- The Falk Corp.
cords; 3. Advisory Committees - OSA; 4. ANNOUNCEMENT: wide - Administrative, Speech, audio General Dynamics Corp.
Restructuring of the OSA; 5. Proposal International Voluntary Services is pathologist. biol., chem., dental., fin- General Motors Corp. - Summer
ancial. dietitetics, engineering, librar- Employment
fan~ med. tech., nursing of all areas, McDonnell Douglas Corp.
personnel, occupational therapy, phy- Astronautics
sicians, psychiatry, psychology, cuon- Douglas Aircraft Co. - Long
seling, social work. 'Beach, Calif.
McDonnell Douglas Corp. - St.
Several Currently Received Announce- Louis, Mo.
meats are available in the Career Plan- The Procter & Gamble Co.
CCningDivision of Placement Services, Sangamo Electric Co.
Ldealing with opportunities for work- The Timken Roller Bearing Co.
IR CL0D Pstudy, government, financial aid, MAT, *
MBA, PhD and other programs of grad. JANUARY 19 and 21, 1969
study. . Egineering Placement Meeting: No.
Come in any afternoon 4. Success on the job." Common dif-
+Es A ficulties of transition from school to
and ask for J.B. work and how to avoid them. Fourth of
Something To Swap?four meetings. Professor J. G. Young.
4+'.n M ~t~rdJanuary 21, 1969, 4:00- p.m. and 7:30
420 aynard Try Daily Classifieds p.m. in Room 325, West Engineering
Building. (Afternoon and evening
''~ .L " 'a~r^";: meetings will be the same.)













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Jan. 21
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