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January 19, 1969 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-19

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Sunday, January 19, 1969


Page Nine

bVnday, January 19, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine

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Britbih student's score'


Future intervention policy unclear theological training

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By JACK BELL few weeks for a public expression Constitution also confers foreign-
An Associated Press News Analysis of athe- new administration's atti- policy advisory authority on the
WASHINGTON (R) - Reintro- tude. Senate. He was quoted as saying
duction of a measure calling for Rogers is reported by members that whether to pass the proposal
congressional approval of any to have said in an informal closed is a matter for the Senate to de-
commitment of U.S. troops to for- 'session Wednesday that he thinks cide for itself.
eign soil will underscore for Rich- the resolution contains some am- The Fulbright bill would reas-
ard M. Nixon a major problem he biguities so far as the president's sert the congressional right to
will face as president. power as commander in chief is initiate war.
Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark), concerned. It would put the Senate on rec-
has made clear he intends to press He added that the Constitution ord as saying that affirmative con-
for such legislation from his posi- determines the president's power gressional action would be re-
tion of power as chairman of the to act, implying that the resolu- quired to commit U.S. armed for-
Senate Foreign Relations Com- tion would have no binding effect ces "to hostilities for any purpose
mittee - a panel which was a on the chief executive. other than to repel an attack on
perennial pain to the Johnson ad-' But Rogers conceded that the the United States or to protect
ministration on the Vietnam war.

i TT"i+ari Gf- hao nif4nar5c v. rir+nri-+cv k_/

uiteu uates citizens or property
properly . . ." LONDON (P) - Britain's the-
Former Undersecretary of State ological students protested yester-
Nicholas Katzenbach infuriated day, saying they were being train-
Fulbright and a number of other ed like monks f o r their future
senators when he testified in 1967 work in a modern world.
that any formal declaration of "We feel isolated from almost,

war by Congress is "outmoded in
the international arena."
Members generally expect Rog-
ers to take a much more con-
ciliatory position. But they don't
believe he will concede that any
congressional action can diminish
the president's ultimate power to
act initially.

a 11 aspects of modern society,"
they said in a manifesto drawn]
up by men from six denominations
at a meeting called by the Stu-
dent Christian Movement.
The protest went to the heads
of more than 100 theological col-
leges a n d similar institutions
throughout thedcountry. It also
landed on the desk of every An-
glican and Roman Catholic bish-
op who has responsibility for
training in his church.
The documenthwashsigned by
Anglicans, R omii a n Catholics,
Methodists, Presbyterians, Con-
gregationalists and Unitarians.

and college principals that there
had been considerable inertia by
those in authority to carry out the
many recommendations made in
the last 20 years regarding min-
isterial training.
The Church of England propos-
ed reforms in training in 1944 and
again last year. The British Coun-
cil of Churches and the World
Council of Churches made sugges-
tions about fitting theologital ed-
ucation patterns to modern needs
in 1965 and 1967.
The students say these recom-
mendations have been largely ig-
nored. Only one out of four Meth-
odist colleges in Britain acted on
a Methodist reform plan.
One of the main complaints of
many students is that they feel
their training has little relation
to such issues as race, poverty, in-
justice and political turmoil.

on the
see JANE or SUE
at 420 Maynard

, ,
, - '



Fulbright probably will give the
new administration's foreign-pol-
icy, officials time to find their way
around their jobs before he sum-
mons them before the committee
to give their views publicly on this
touchy proposal which was op-
posed vigorously by the Johnson
mInvolved is the Senate's resent-
ment against being denied a
chance to share in' the decision
before a chief executive dispatches
troops abroad.
This applies to all presidents
but more emphatically to Presi-
dent Johnson's initial military in-
tervention in Vietnam and his or-
dering of U.S. fighting men into
Santo Domingo.
Sponsors describe the measure
as one that would provide some
assurance that there will be' "no
more Vietnams."
The resolution, amended to ap-
ply only to future presidential ac-
tions so as not to passijudgment on
Vietnam policy, got overwhelming
committee approval in the 90th
William P. Rogers, secretary of
state-designate, already has been
,r- put on notice that the committee
will call him before it in the next

Space agency budget request
Aefn cfe


The space agency's budget' re-
quest for fiscal year 1970 includes
several new programs, but major
'new decisions are being left to
the incoming administration of
Richard M. Nixon.
In presenting the budget briefing
last week, Dr. Thomas O. Paine,
acting administrator of the Na-
tional Aeronautics and S p a c e
Administration, termed it a
"holding budget."
"It does not," he said, "make
full use of the aerospace capabil-
ities that this nation has develop-
ed in government, in industry
and in universities . . . it does per-
mit a balanced program of useful
work in critical areas."
Paine said the Nixon admin-
istration will have to make early
decisions on "manned lunar ex-
ploration, on future space station
development and, after further
studies are completed, on an un-

V1UAll want radical changes in the
way they are trained for the min-
manned expedition in 1977 or Apollo applications mission, a mo- istry.
1979 to the outer planets - Ju- dest three-man space station, is They w a n t instruction to be
piter, Saturn, Uranus and N e p- scheduled for launching late in ecumenical, with students from
tune." 1971. different churches working to-
Te. bl g -s.sgether. They, want specialized
quest, matching wohatudASA mo-Decreasing Apollo costs means ministries and new techniques en-
e-more money for research for such couraged. And they want to be
ceived in fiscal 1969, includes new programs as development of the less cut off from parish life.
programs to develop large sta- { Nerva nuclear rocket engine. Present training methods, they
tionary weather satellites, t wo More than $27 million has been say, do not equip them to be min-
satellites to survey the earth's re- earmarked for Nerva in the bud- isters in the modern world.
sources, a spacecraft to probe get This latest evidence of student
both Venus and Mercury in 1973 fe t h b fo
end five small satellites to orbit The schedule of manned space ermen tasbet Ocsimmering uor
Venus and Mars in the early flights calls for five Apollo mis- of England students sent a 12-
1970s. sions in calendar year 1969 and oin d reform proposals
The Apollo program, which five more in 1970. After the first to the archbishops of Canterbury
hopes to land men on the moon moon landing, additional landing and York. The archbishops set up
next summer, is budgeted f o r flights will be scheduled at three-'a joint planning group to study
$1.65 billion. This is down from to-four-month intervals until as- ithem.
$2.025 billion this fiscal year and tronauts have planted at least The Rev. Ian Ross, an Angli-
reflects the program's approach- three lunar surface experiment can who is secretary of the stu-
ing end. packages on the moon. dent movement's theological col-
\Apollo applications, the follow- These packages contain a great leges department, said the mani-
on program, is slated for $308.8 array of scientific instruments to festo is "a further sign of growing
million, more than double what it relay data long after the astron- discontent."
received this year. The first auts return to earth. The students told the bishops




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Rituals are strange events,
and America has the oppor-
tunity to watch just such a
strange ritual on television this
Monday. By Law, Richard Nixon
will be inaugurated at 12 noon,
Jan. 20, 1969. Yet this Inaugura-
tion is not the only attraction,
the National Mobilization Com-
mittee to End the War in Viet-
nam decided that this would be
an opportune time to tell the
new 'President just what they
thought of the War in Vietnam.
The Inauguaration events,
which officially started yester-
day, include a Governors' Re-
ception at the Sheraton Park
Hotel this afternoon, followed
by a Reception honoring Vice
President-elect and Mrs. Agnew,
at the Smithsonian Museum,
and an Inaugural Concert at
Constitution Hall.
Today, the Mobilization plans
a rally at the Ellipse near the
White House, followed byamarch
down Pennsylvania Ave., in the
oposite direction as the official
Inaugural parade. Sunday night,
Judy Collins and Phil Ochs will
nerform at a counter inaugural

up to $400,000. 18,500 people
will sit eighteen inches off the
ground on a wooden platform
to watch the ceremony.
According to Rennie Davis,
the Mobilization will dominate
the parade route for the offical
parade. The committee has pur-
chased 100 grandstand seats for
the Inaugural parade at a cost
of $1,000. Davis, Mobilization
National Coordinator, said the
tickets were purchased on the
parade route as part of its plan-
ned "peace presence' during the
Inaugural ceremonies.
The exact plans of the Mobili-
zation are not final since they
are subject to the approval of
city officials. The Mobilization
people have stated that they do
not want violence and they be-
lieve that Washington Officials
do not want to turn the In-
auguration into another Chi-
Approximately two hundred
people from -Ann Arbor have
gone to Washington. They left
on Friday in rent-a-cars for the
500-mile journey. On many a
campus. however, the Inaugura-

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