Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January 19, 1969 ARMBAND PAGEANT Fordham: Catholic colle! re rebels p I U. 110w to Finterview '0con[an 1 'Cs. maf an our. By BILL FREELAND College Press Service NEW YORK (CPS) - In this age of secularization of almost everything, the church related college almost seems an educa- tional anachronism - except that this year almost one million stu- dents are being educated in them. A large percentage of that en- rollment, about 435,000 students, attend schools connected with the Roman Catholic Church. And if the events of recent disruptions at Jesuit Fordham University are any gauge, the growing mood of 'disaffection with Church control among some of the more liberal clergy over such issues as birth control is -beginning to spread to Catholic college students as well. The issue of student power has been raised on a mass scale for the first time at this 6,000-student, co-ed university, and while the students have been generally well- behaved and at times even earn- est, their actions may reveal the emerging pattern of- protest on the increasingly political yet more conservative campuses. Fordham looks like a university experiencing at least a mild case of student upheaval. The protest supporters, calling themselves the Student-Faculty Coalition for a Restructured Uni- versity, are easily identified by red arm bands, although the title is something of a misnomer. The coalition contains only five faculty members, compared with about 1,200 signed-up student backers. Students opposing the coalition wear blue arm bands, but their HAIRCUT Michigan Union Barbershop BOWLING 1 P.M. to 12 P.M. Michigan Union {9 role so far has consisted mostly of issuing bogus leaflets under a variety of organizational names and pirating literature from the' coalition's tables when nobody 'with a red arm band is looking. Other students with a less clear 'position on the issues are seen 'wearing green arm bands signifying "Hope" or black arm bands for "Anarchy" or white arm bands -standing for a so far undetermined perspective on the events. Amid all the fun and confusion of a student body suddenly faced 'with a significant, organized fac- 'tion of dissident students, a core ,of real issues is beginning to emerge-as is the administration's method of dealing with those is- sues. The questions began to develop 'in mid-October when the univer- 'sity, faced with a growing finan- cial crisis, released a study pre- 'pared by two Columbia law pro- 'fessors recommending a number Hof changes aimed at making the university eligible for state finan- cial aid. When the administration, com- posed almost entirely of Jesuit priests, was reluctant to institute some of the more important of these recommendations, students began organizing a broad-based coalition asking even broader "structural" changes in the uni- versity, including a major role for students and faculty in the decis- ion-making processes. The study, which became known as the Gilhorn Report after one of its authors, set forth 16 con- clusions, whose overall intent was making Fordham less directly under the control of the Church and thereby eligible for what could amount to about $1 million in state aid annually. The students, however, are not so much interested in maintain- ing Fordham's identity as their. own. For them the central ques- tion is how they can expand the posed of faculty and students to role of students and faculty in a advise the trustees - but without decision-making process which is so far outlining what its powers now totally controlled from above would be or even on what topics it by a strict hierarchy of clergy. would be permitted to advise. Mobilizing opposition against The only clear-cut victory of that hierarchy is particularly dif- the protest so far came when a ficult at a university like Ford- delegation of 17 black students ham because almost 90 per cent met with the dean of students and of the student body comes from a extracted a promise that the uni- Catholic background which h a s versity would never provide the taught them all their lives to re- names of students involved in spect the hierarchy. The job is peaceful demonstrations to the even more difficult because the federal government under a pro- administration has made some posed new bill that could mean conciliatory moves. such students would lost gov- Before the protest was initiated, ernment financial assistance. the university moved to expand Most of Fordham's 100 black stu- the all-Jesuit, nine-man board of dents receive such assistance. trustees to 31 to allow for a lay Meanwhile the protest contin- majority - but no students or ues, but whatever passion was in faculty are permitted. it, is diminishing quickly. Ford- When presented with student ham, like so many private and demands last week, President Mc- church-related schools, is facing Laughlin announced the forma- the harsh world of declining al- tion of a university senate c o m- ternatives. McCarthy considers ianiday1n1972, NEW YORK & - Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy said yesterday night he would not rule out another run for t h e Democratic presidential nomination in 1972. The Minnesota Democrat, who said last October that he would not run for re-election as a Dem- ocrat, said he would make a de- cision on another presidential race before the 1972 Democratic con- vention. McCarthy made the comments in an interview after he urged party reforms on 2,000 state Dem- ocrats attending an all-day con- ference in a Brooklyn hotel. The conference was sponsored by the Coalition for a Democratic Al- Just talk to the man from General Electric. He represents 170 separate GE "companies" that deal in everything from space research to electric toothbrushes. And each of these product depart, ments is autonomous. Each has its own manage- ment and business objectives. So a job at General Electric offers the kind of immediate responsibility you might expect to find only in a small business. Right from the start you get a chance to demon- strate your initiative and capabilities. And the mate you show us, the faster you'll move ahead. As you do, you'll find that you don't necessarily have to spend a lifetime working on the same job in the same place. We have operations all over the world. Chances are you'll get to try your hand at more than one of them. Our interviewer will be on campus soon. If you're wondering whether it's possible to find chal- lenging work in big business, please arrange to see him. He speaks for 170 "companies." ,ENE RAL*ELECTRIC An equal opportunity employer ternative, t h e organization that won McCarthy the bulk of New York state's convention votes in his losing bid for the Democratic presidential nomination last year. McCarthy made it evident he was irked by recent criticism of him by party leaders, especially for his vote against Sen. Edward M. Kennedy for the Senate whip |and for stepping off the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for a lesser committee role. McCarthy said he went into the presidential race last year "hunt- ing for big game - President Lyn- don B. Johnson - and most of the rabbit hunters talking the past 30 days weren't there." Before McCarthy spoke, Paul O'Dwyer, an unsuccessful candi- date for the U.S. Senate in 1968, told the coalition audience that Kennedy has replaced McCarthy a's the hope of the, new politics, O'Dwyer said Kennedy's "courag- eous" fight in winning the job of Senate Democratic whip was "a good omen for 1969." But McCarthy made light . of Kennedy's victory. "If I knew how important the, whip was, we wouldn't have gone to New Hamp- shire last year," he said. "I could have waited and had a caucus."' * 4 _ SPANISH LECTURE iDon Quijote en la Cueva de Montesinos" by Dr. Fritz Schalk Professor of Ro,, ance Languages University of Cologne, TUESDAY JANUARY 21 West Conference Room _ 8:00 P.M. Rackham Building :r) t~.? ? ":3) t)....tyt) :-.. t)Y t)..C_..IU-. -.Yt) " S h. The brothers of TAU DELTA P11 will be rushin from the I ETA NWR * Sorority house 836 Tappan All rushees welcome e~,v ___ _ _____ OPEN HOUSES BEGIN w Sunday, Jan. 19th is I I rk r %AN/ 11 0