CIVIL RIGHTS: THE MODERATE'S VIEW See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom 41Z IdJ FAIR High--87 Low--60 Sunny and warm with light clouds VOL. LXXIi, No. 20-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 23,1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES KennedyS Asks for Extension Of Unit Jurisdiction Advance Commission Approval May Delay Strike Two Years WASHINGTON (P)-President John F. Kennedy asked Congress yesterday to avert a nationwide 'railroad strike next week by quickly giving the Interstate Commerce Commission unprecedented authority to deal with the work-rules dispute. Kennedy's plan would delay a walkout at least two years by obliging the railroads to submit to ICC, for approval in advance, the proposed rules which would eliminate the jobs of thousands of rail- eks 'cc Settlement of Rails Dispute * * * * * * STANLEY THAYER better communications Senators ar GOP Faults By ANDREW ORLIN Discontent among Republican freshman senators might cause trouble this fall for moderate Re- publican leadership and Gov. George Romney's legislative pro- gram, Five senators have objected to various factors of Senate leader- ship and are sending a list of " "requests," "demands" or "ulti- matums" to GOP caucus leader Sen. Stanley Thayer (R - Ann Those involved in the action are Sens. Garry E. Brown of Kalama- zoo, Milton Zaagman of Grand Rapids, Lester O. Begick of Bay, City. William J. Leppien of Sag- inaw and Emil Lockwood of St. Louis. Thayer holds his Senate post on these moderate votes as he last December edged out conservative Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) for the leadership by one vote. Four of the five protesting sena- t tors reportedly voted for him. Better Understanding "What we're looking for is a better understanding, more infor- mation and a closer relationship with the party leadership," Zaag- man said. He felt "in the extreme sense } the letter could be called an ulti- matum." However, he said "that the situation will probably resolve r itself." Other 'members of the group said the letter, which has not yet been sent to Thayer, could not be termed as an ultimatum. Brown agreed that the situation would be worked out. "Basically there are some things we thought should be done. I think that Thay- er will realize that we can work it out," Brown said. Improvements The "things" consist of more frequent party caucuses, better. communication between the gov- ernor's office and the "back benchers," improved floor organ- ization and the creation- of a new post of assistant majority leader to be filled by a freshman senator. Thayer noted that some of the discontent had been nurtured by "external forces" such ais ex- tremist groups. The main problem is one of communication, he said. "Much of the discontent was caused by the fast session we had." The amount of debate and consul- tation was curtailed. Problems 4 arose because the "freshmen sen- ators didn't understand the legis- lative process in the manner that + the older members did." More Caucuses Thayer added that "we held m..,. na,,nmps in thiq lng sesin *ay firemen. The on-train un- ions' strike threat is tied directly to the carriers' application of the disputed new work rules. The ICC would issue "interim" orders, after hearings on each dis- puted point. These would remain in effect for two years, unless in the meantime the parties had reached a voluntarily bargained settlement. Bargained Agreements Although the effect would be a government-forced settlement for the duration of each such order, Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz argued that the end-aim is for bargained agreements and Kennedy's 10-page special message to Congress said: "Unlike compulsory arbitration, this method would preserve and prefer collective bargaining and give precedence to its solutions." The firemen and their four allied brotherhoods who run the trains-195,000 unionists in all- are committed to strike immed- iately if the new rules are put into effect by the managements of 92 per cent of the country's rail- roads. New Rules Necessary The companies insist the new rules are needed to cut costs, ad- just the railroad industry to auto- mation, and eliminate "feather- bedding." About 10,000 firemen could be jobless at once, and many thousands more would be adverse- ly affected in coming years. In effect, therefore, Kennedy was asking Congress to block the railroads from imposing the new rules pending ICC study andap- proval. He said a strike could "topple the economy into reces- sion," and told the lawmakers: "This dispute has reached the point where onlyhprompt and ef- fective Congressional action can assure that serious injury to the public will be prevented." Exhausted Authority The President has exhausted his authority under existing law to delay the strikerany more and un- less Congress acts by next Mon- day, the new rules can be ordered into effect by the carriers. Republican Congress members have served warning they will not be "stampeded" into hasty action. Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) quickly told the Senate he regards the presidential proposal as the equivalent to compulsory arbitra- tion and reiterated his' opposition to this method of settling labor disputes. Goldwater said also that using a government agency like ICC to prevent a strike "could well establish a precedent that could come back to haunt us." Committee Takes Up Proposal Chairman Oren Harris (D-Ark) of the House commerce committee told newsmen his group would take up Kennedy's rails proposal this week, probably on Wednes- day. Harris said that he expects the Senate will act first, Some House Republicans shared Goldwater's view that the pro- posal amounts to disguised com- pulsory arbitration. But, generally, members of both parties seemed a little confused by the unpreced- ented approach and preferred to study the President's3000-word message before committing them- selves. Neither management nor union sources had any immediate com- ment on the President's proposal, over-all, but one union spokesman did say the brotherhoods regard the ICC as "traditionally a man- agement-favoring agency." U. S., Britain To Aid India By The Associated Press Test Ban Sessions Continue MOSCOW ()-American, Brit- ish and Soviet negotiators worked overtime yesterday trying to re- move the barriers in the way of an early signing of a treaty banning most nuclear tests. Chief of these was understood to be Soviet insistence on the sign- ing of a non-aggression pact be- tween NATO and tle Communist bloc. Chief United States delegate W. Averell. Harriman has no author- ity from President John F. Kenne- dy to negotiate on this matter. Western sources were still wor- ried that Premier Nikita Khrush- chev might insist on tying the two ideas together in a package deal unacceptable to Britain and the United States. Otherwise, they said, the three powers ought to be able to com- plete the treaty by Wednesday or Thursday. Harriman wuld then take it to Washington where a Senate battle over ratification seems likely. The day's meeting was the long- est-three hours and 50 minutes- since the talks began a week ago. Harriman, Britain's Lord Hail- sham and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko huddled ralone for an hour after their aides left ornate Spiridonovka Palace. Police Arrest Bias Pickets By The Associated Press Some 300 anti-bias demonstra- tors were hauled away bodily and arrested yesterday as pickets blocked trucks at a hospital con- struction site in New York City. More than 1,000 persons took part in the demonstration. About 200 foot and mounted pa- trolmen were in action. They worked for nine hours carting the limp and unresisting pickets to patrol wagons. As the pickets were arrested, others took their places in front of the trucks. The pickets were protesting hir- ing practices in the 'construction industry. The downstate medical center, under construction in Brooklyn, was the scene last week of 69 arrests, including 14 Negro clergymen. Disorderly Conduct The arrested pickets were charg- ed with disorderly conduct and released for hearings later. In Manhattan, 26 pickets at a housing project construction site were arrested when they blocked equipment from entering. A group of Negro leaders in Cambridge, Md., went to Washing- ton to meet with Atty. Gen. Rob- ert F. Kennedy. A spokesman for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Cambridge said no decisions on. further demonstrations would be made until after the meeting. Special Committee The AFL-CIO announced in Washington that it has formed a' special committee to campaign] against all forms of discrimina-; tion - in unions, employment, housing, voting, public accommo- dations, services and schools. In Albany, Ga., several bullets were fired into a building oc- cupied by two voter registration1 workers. The men, one white and one Negro, said the bullets missed them by about a foot. U' Receives $5 Million Contract To Build, x Governors End Group On Motions By BARBARA LAZARUS Personnel Director Special To The Daily MIAMI BEACH-The national governors' conference voted yester- day to "excuse" its committee of resolutions for this session, thereby making it impossible for the gov- ernors to take any stand on the controversial issue of civil rights. The amendment was proposed by Democratic Gov. Grant Sawyer of Nevada as a substitute amend- ment to Republican Gov. Mark Harfield's of Oregon earlier mo- tion which in effect, would have allowed for stands on controversial matters. Sawyer's substitute amendment was carried by a vote of 33-16, with most Southern governors vot- ing. for it and a group of northern governors, including New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller voting against it. This amendment virtually means that the governors have done away with making any resolutions at this meeting and future meetings until another rules change in the future. Hatfield's amendment has call- ed for a suspension of a portion of Article VII of the Articles of Organization which states that resolutions disapproved by the res- olutions committee could be brought before the conference only if a two-thirds majority vote was obtained. He also asked that it be added that "any resolution shall be deem- ed adopted by a two-thirds major- ity of those present." After passing the Sawyer sub- stitution for Hatfield's amend- See GOVERNORS, Page 3 Romney Hits Partisanship At Sessions Special To The Daily MIAMI BEACH - Gov. George Romney said yesterday that he re- grets efforts of certain governors to use the national conference of governors for partisan political purposes. Romney said that the "confer- ence should take a stand on civil rights." He also regretted that "the civil rights issue has reached the point where partisanship is so en- tangled with it.- "The conference is in a positionj where there is no way to discuss procedural matters without taking a stand on civil rights." He noted that the only means would be through the inclusion of9 a civil rights stand in a report9 from the committee on civil rights.9 Romney said that he had par- ticipated in the caucus of Repub- lican governors, but he hoped that "we can move away from caucus See GOP, Page 3 Operate 0Observatory .. :.. ::r:" "o: i fr::.i; % ".ti<>:"' 4, T' o C o n stru ct ry,.: " :.3:".New Facility .. h"",4.Within Year. * HAWAIAN SITE-The University's new infrared observatory (A) will be built in an astronomy com- plex on the island of Maui (see insert). Other facilities include the Smithsonian Institution satel- lite tracking station (B), the University of Hawaii solar observatory (C), a "night airglow" observing station of that university (D) and a Federal Avaiation Authority air traffic control facility (E). WAGNER WARNS: Says Vote May Kil Me.asre * * By JAMES GREENBERG "An advisory vote would prob- ably kill any fair housing ordi- nance," the chairman of the Hu- man Relations Commission warn- ed yesterday. Paul Wagner said that "the com- mission believes that greater harm could be done to human relations in this community by opening the issue to public debate." He warned that such a vote would stir up irrational opinions that would be detrimental to the ordinance and to human relations. The Ann Arbor City Council has received petitions containing 1,- 500 signatures favoring calling for an advisory vote before final ac- tion is taken on the proposed fair housing ordinance. Sole Duties "The commission believes that consideration and action on a fair housing ordinance are the sole du- ties and responsibilities of mem- bers of city councilas elected public officials. The public must have confidence that the council seeks what is in the public's best interest." The commission's statement noted the council, through its fair housing committee and other stud- ies of the problem is thoroughly informed on the subject and in a position to render judgment. Council is expected to discuss the ordinance Wednesday in an informal session to be held some- where outside of Ann Arbor. Wagner added that the com- mission has provided necessary consultative work and does not "wish to stir up trouble" by tak- ing a part in the politics necessary to pass it. Seeks Passage He said, however, that the com- mission would like to see a fair housing ordinance passed. Meanwhile, city Democrats blast- ed Mayor Cecil 0. Creal for de- laying action on a fair housing ordinance. Creal said Friday that "it prob- ably will be necessary to hold a first reading on a revised ordi- nance because of substantial dif- ferences between that ordinance and the one passed at first read- ing." He also suggested that fair hous- ing legislation "can be more worth- while if handled on the state lev- el." The Democrats charged that Creal had: 1) Repudiated the GOP plat- form pledge, recently reiterated at the last Republican city commit- tee meeting, to pass a fair housing ordinance; 2) "Passed the buck" to Lansing, "a move supposedly contrary to the GOP way of doing things"; 3) Dismissed as worthless the countless hours of work of his own fair housing committee; 4) Attempted to cloud the issue with an irrelevant reference to the new constitution; Deaf Ear 5) "Turned ideaf ear to the pro- fessional advice solicited by the council and freely given by various members of the community." Members of the Ann Arbor Fair Housing Association-Congress on Racial Equality are staging a 24- hour vigil in front of City Hall, to end at 4:30 p.m., pressing for the enactment of a fair housing ordinance. To See Stars, Missiles With Infrared Tools Oii Hawaii Peak Site By PHILIP SUTIN Co-Editor The Institute of Science and Technology was awarded yesterday a nearly $5 million contract to build and operate an infrared ob- servatory on Mt. Haleakala in Ha- waii. The observatory "will be the first in the world to make exten- sive use of infrared sensing, meas- uring and recording devices to track midcourse missiles and satel- lites. It will also be the first astro- nomical observatory to conduct full-scale astrophysical and geo- physical studies in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum," IST acting-director Prof. James T. Wilson of the geol- ogy department explained. The Defense Department's Ad- vanced Research Projects Agency will give IST $4.35 million over the next three years for the proj- ect. ARPA will also spend more than $500,000 for construction of buildings, dome foundations and instrument pedestals. Developing Laboratory The agency will spend $2.2 mil- linin the first year for building and developing the laboratory, project director Robert L. Boggess of IST's infrared laboratory said. 'Hopefully, construction will be completed within a year and the observatory be fully staffed with- in a year and a half, he added. The observatory will contain one 60-inch reflector telescope and two 48-inch ones. It will also house infrared sensing equipment and cameras. The equipment will be designed to provide comprehensive, on-the- spot information about missiles and satellites as they are being tracked, Prof. Wilson said. It will be rigged so that all equipment- telescopes, infrared detectors -and advanced high-resolution cameras -can focus in unison on a missile or satellite. Divided into Two The instruments will be divided into two sets-one of astronomy and one for satellite and missile tracking although they can be combined for use for either pur- pose. "The new observatory will en- able University students and sci- entists to engage in studies which are fundamental to understanding the universe and the solar sys- tem, while at the same time pro- viding useful data for the De- partment of Defense," Prof. Wil- son declared. Both light and infrared observa- tiops will be made by telescopes. The new facility will allow the infrared laboratory to expand its two research and data collecting jobs. One of the laboratory's divi- sions, the Ballistic Missile Radia- tion Analysis Center, conducted the preliminary feasibility survey which led to the awarding of the contract. Operate Jointly Boggess said that IST will oper- ate the facility jointly with sev- eral other universities, serving as, administrators and principal in- vestigators. Prof. Orren C. Mohler, chairman of the astronomy department, will act as scientific advisor during the construction of the instruments and will conduct projects of in- terest to the department. The observatory is located on land owned by the University of Hawaii in an astronomical com- plex that includes the Smithsonian Institute satellite tracking station, World NewsRonu By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS-A speaker for 32 African countries urged the UN Security Council yesterday to slap a world boycott on Portugal if that should be needed to get her to move her African territories toward independence. LONDON-Premier Cyrille Adoula of the Congo arrived yester- :day on a three-day mission de- signed to bury the hatchet with Britain. SECONDARY SCHOOL ENGLISH: Strom Recommends More Research -4., By RUTH HETMANSKI More evaluative, predictive and experimental research in teaching of secondary school English was recommended yesterday by Prof. Ingrid Strom of Indiana Univer- sity. Speaking at the English Con- ference Series for Secondary Teachers, Prof. Strom listed sev- era. criteria for research. But if an English department revises its course, then asks teach- ers to evaluate it informally, that is not research, Prof. Strom said. Or if a foundation provides a grant for teacher training design- ed to prove that a fifth year of education programs is as effective as other methods of teacher train- ing, that is not research either. nc -nn ,n c .. .y-, r -n. sI e ages of 17-19 have read a book within the past month. The per- centage decreases with age until in the 63-year-old age bracket only 39 per cent have read a book in the past month. Structural Approach Prof. Strom described a study of the structural approach in syn- tax in grade seven. It showed that + n rnofh .,_ ei iv-- tir. ni --nni , SANTO DOMINGO-A leading exiled Haitian yesterday urged American governments to help rebels against Francois Duvalier in Haiti. * * * CAIRO-In a stinging attack President Gamal Abdel Nasser last, night accused the ruling party of Syria of launching a terror cam- paign that has turned that coun- try "into a concentration camp." * * * GENEVA - The Soviet Union yesterday again demanded mem-