Seventy-Third Year EDirED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS here Opinions Are Pe STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 T'ruth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, JULY 20, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MARILYN KORAL Race Problems of Albany Typify Those of South Y3: ." i7"br~Z c a~ x: ,Et r a ti i > , r . .f i ,f:t m'Y «6 1 rp F fr~ttxY f . q 79- DESPITE THE indignant if not clearly out- raged tone of the recent series of editorial features written for this paper concerning Albany, Ga., it should be noted that the intent of the series was not to voice screaming dis- approval of a solitary city. Albany is, rather, merely a case in point-a representative pic- ture, although not entirely so, of the racial situation- common to many places in the Deep South today. Unfortunately, much of the information coming from this one trouble spot could just as easily pertain to Savannah, Ga., Cambridge, Md., Charleston, S.C., or even several cities of the North. A common, and perhps justified, question asked of Northern reporters investi- gating the Southern cities is, "What do you want down here? Why don't you settle your own problems back home?" Indeed, this would be a particularly penetrating inquiry were it not for the fact that the South appears so blatantly outspoken on, unwillingly involved in and adroitly evasive of the kaleidoscopic question of civil rights. It is outspoken in its segregationist policies and, actions yet evasive in the sense that it seldom takes the necessary responsibility for coming directly to grips with the problem-or even, for that matter, admitting seriously that there is a problem. ECAUSE OF its perhaps unique law en- forcement system -and the far reaching effect on the Negro community, Albany lends itself to an enlightening study of the Southern Negro and his role in a- constantly ripening struggle to end racial inequality in'this country. The foregoing is submitted in an attempt o answer the probable question, "Why, Al- bany?" A more pertinent question further would be, "Why the series?" The importance of the Albany study tran- cends a portrait of a city with one foot in in- lustry and the other planted firmly on the face of the Negro. It serves to illustrate graph- cally, although unhappily, the very condi- ions - regardless of the extremes discovered here - which have fermented the entire issue >f civil rights and civil liberties and brought it , tthp headlines of both the domestic and for- ign 'press. In a sense it points up the need, iot only ,for. the South but indeed the -wholoe Suntry, to re-evaluate its present position re- #ding the 4aic foundations of liberty and Lemocracy. ESE VERY foundations are almost entirely lacking in the city' of Albany. Overall social irogress, despite the short range progress of he Albany Movement and its fight to end acial suppression, is at a standstill with re- ard to the South and moving backwards with egard to the ideals of this country. The slothful pace of most of Albany's judi- lary in cases pertaining to civil rights is urther evidence of the city's unwillingness to eke a rational stand on the matter. A re- pected legal figure from Albany's South Side regro section has quipped, "Any time a Negro s on trial you have a civil rights ease." The strongly illegal and now entirely be- evable charges of police brutality in Albany re evidence of the lopsided yet effectively rushing wheel of discriminatory law enforce- ient. CIE UNITED STATES can no longer display crass ignorance nor cowardly evasion of a atter~ which affects the course this country to set in attaining any aspirations toward, r semblance of being, a truly free nation. With demonstrations and occasional out- reaks of violence, the press for racial equality as graduated from test track to, the trial eats of a vital race against time, to the degree iat no responsible citizen can remain unaware even unconcerned about it. Whether or not ie final lap is a dead heat or a victory for >th races is, naturally, left up to the nation SECURITY RESTRICTIONS: Federal Research Brings Problems as a whole-it is not an affair to be relegated to scattered bickerings of uncoordinated groups of "integrationists" battling it out with "segre- gationists., Without the cooperative interest and voice of all citizens, and by this it is meant a voice clearly toned with honest and objective re- appraisal, the home stretch may be littered with the wrecks of half-planned "solutions": the final result being a United States crippled by a flooded engine. CENTURIES AGO this problem did not carry. the weight it has at present. Nations merged almost completely over several generations without anyone giving it much thought. Now however, the technological advances of the present century have accelerated the pace of American life and social change, resulting in a minority race which will not wait many more- I By PHILIP SUTIN Co-Editor T HE UNIVERSITY s e e m s to have made a pragmatic peace. with two of the most vexing ques- tions facing research in physical sciences - the ethics of defense work and secrecy-while a sister university-the University of Chi- cago-is wrestling with its con- science on them. Chicago's plight came to light in late May, when Prof. Lucien M. Bibermann angrily resigned from the institution, charging that Chi- cago was insufficiently supporting efforts to gain the necessary de- fense contracts needed for his re- search. "I think the university's involve- ment in the development of atomic energy left a deep scar on the moral fiber of this place from which it never has recovered. I do not believe that'they wish again to get involved in developmentss that are for the military.", The first successfully controlled chain reaction occurred in an atomic pile under Chicago's Stagg Field in 1942, paving the way for the development of the atomic bomb. CHICAGO IS a member of the Institute for Defense Analysis and ranks eighth in the nation in research grants received from the federal government. The de'fepse department and related agencies; provide the bulk of this money.. Prof. Bibermann's superior, di- rector of the applied research lab- oratories, explained that Chicago disliked having defense work in peacetime because it requires sep- arate. guards and other special measures. These comments point up some of the dilemmas in defense re- search. While most research deals with theoretical concepts, these can easily be turned by other scientists a n d engineers into death-dealing weapons systems. Further, the needed secret ap- paratus and classified- reports . places a great burden on univer- sities. Elaborate security precau- tions must be established. Re- searchers and graduate students must get clearance, locks must be put on file cabinets, guards must be hired and whole research com- plexes must be fenced off. * * * SOME OF the more philosophic scientists have been concerned about the death-dealing potential. -of their efforts. This worry is par- Pu r enL zoir te ust time last year. * * * INSTITUTE FOR Science and Technology acting director Prof. James T., Wilson of the geology department lumped defense re- search and applied research to almost-identical categories, say- ing the University will accept theoretical research that provides' studies and theses for gi'aduate students. Just as a testing laboratory provides little new knowledge, so does the operation of a heavily- secret' military-research installa--- tion or the development of mil- itary hardware. Thus the Uni- ! versity avoids such research and does not run a Los Alamos. The Phoenix.Project is designed for exclusively peaceful use of the atom, but it allows its reactor to be used for the irradiation of materials used for other's defense- oriented protects. IST IS "willing to live with classified material" as long as it does not impede research. This pragmatic approach of avoiding the extremes of military commitment, but adjusting to it. in moderation pays rich dividends, both- in knowledge and funds to the University. Continued large-scale participa- tion allows University scientists to be in the forfront of the phys- ical sciences. But this is avoiding the moral issue of defense research. What good is defense research when its products may destroy the society- that makes the University's wide- rainging research program possible and 'allows for the freedom of thought that best stimulates imag- ination? The University's exten- sive peace efforts in the conflict resolution center and the Mental Health ,Research Institute-negi- lible compared to the defense effort-does not make up for this blind pragmatism. The moral issue deserves further thought. ticularly acute at Chicago with its long humanistic history. Secrecy is a great impedement to information and the invasion of personal life required in clear- ance investigation is distasteful. The University-a yearly recip- ient of $15 million from the de- fense department-takes a more pragmatic view. It seemingly wel- comes defense department work, yet proudly boasted that other fed- eral agencies spent more at the. University than the defense de- 'artm~n tr f fie it-la x DEMONSTRATION RESTRICTIONS: Decision Hurts- Democracy TWO ALBANIANS tomorrow generations to achieve its rightful place in society; an American society is capable, at present, of undergoing such a revolutionary process as that of granting the Negro his civil rights and liberties, removing seemingly in- surmountable barriers of hate and prejudice against him and even assimilating him and his culture. The real issue, then, if it can be assumed that Americans seek such social change at all, is that of means to an end. Ideally, the matter could be settled peace- fully at the state level and even more ideally, there would be little need for sit-ins, freedom rides or demonstration, peaceful or otherwise, as implements whereby the Negro gains recog- nition. R EALISTICALLY,' however, the situation is far beyond that. Moreover, it has progress- ed (or regressed) to the point where, unfor- tunately, the Federal government feels ob- ligated to legislate the social change. Admit- tedly Washington has previously enacted "so- cial" legislation such as the graduated income tax, social security and prohibition. Some of it' has been repealed, such as prohibition, while most of it has remained-but it is necessary to note that until President Kennedy's present, civil rights bill, the enactment of such meas- ures has not been aimed directly at forcing the United States to change both its way of life and its outlook. By ROBERT SELWA rpHE MILITARISM that wounds American democracy has now cut deeper with defense secretary Robert McNamara's orders on civil rights demonstrations. McNamara ruled that military personnel "may not under any circumstances participate in civil rights demonstrations" when the following, conditions exist: 1) Dur- ing hours when they are required to be present for duty'; 2) When they are in, uniform; 3) When they are on military bases; 4) When their activities constitute a breach of law and order; 5) When violence, is reasonably likely to result McNAMARA was reacting to an attack by segregationist Governor George Wallace of Alabama, Wa- lace had attacked an Air Force policy that said its servicemen could participate In civil rights demonstrations provided that they were off duty, in civilian clothes and that there was no danger of injury to themselves or of dam- age to government property. The Air Force policy was re- strictive enough as it was; Mc- Namara's orders further impede the right of Americans to par- ticipate in democracy. The success of American democracy depends a great deal on the extent of citizen awareness of public issues, of citizen commitment to sound pub- lic principles, sand of citizen par- ticipation in public affairs. Mil- itary men are Aherican citizens and should be given the equal protection of the law as reflected in the due process and Fourteenth amendments. Just because a man is drafted into Universal Military Training, his duty as a citizen to participate in American democracy is not less- ened. American democracy re- quires political parties, m a s s media, ballot boxes, open forums - a n d demonstrations, whether they be pro or anti on any subject. Demonstrations serve to promote awareness of the issues, commit- ment to principles and partici- pation in affairs. * * * THE FOUNDING Fathers noted th importance of demonstrations when they wrote in the very first amendment to the Constitution that "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition their government for a redress of gilevances." If it is unconstitutional for Congress t make a law abridging freedom of assembly, the legality of the Ex- ecutive Department issuing orders abridging this freedom is at least questionable if not also uncon- stitutional. The defense secretary's orders also abridge the right of Ameri- cans caught in Universal Military Training to "petition their gov- ernment for a redress of griev- ances." That is what the civil rights demonstrations mean; all over America, people by their demonstrations are petitioning Congress to pass effective civil rights legislation. Thus, McNa- mara's orders damage not one but' two civil liberties. people." This is a cardinal prin- ciple whidh is also eroded by Mc- Namara when he declares that military discipline is paramount over the right of the individual to participate in nonmilitary activities. * * * THE CONDITIONS McNamara sets for a curb on participation in demonstrations deserve analysis too: 1) During hours when military men are required to be present for duty. The word duty in this case refers to a military obligation; and while an argument could be inade for militarism as a prevention of subversion from without,an argu- ment could also be made that mil- itarism subverts American de- mocracy from within. A military duty can have good and bad ef- fects. But even if it had only good effects, would not a civilian duty -the civilian duty to participate in American democracy-be more basic? In government the..super- iority of the civilian over the mil- itary is supreme; in citizenship the same should hold true. 2) When military men are in uniform. It could be argued that the military as a police enforce- ment agency might be hampered if its neutrality were clouded. But the participator in a demonstra- tion is not representing the Armed Forces; he could not begin to represent the vast diversity of opinion and policy found in such a huge establishment, * * * 3) WHEN MILITARY MEN are on military bases. Here would be a real clash of Freedom and Authority. The forces of Authority ruled the world and its nations for cenuries and epochs; now the forces of Freedom have emerged in a limited extent in a few spots in the world. The stirring words of Jefferson, the expanding en- franchisement of Jackson, the ,nobling ethics of Wilson, the hard- hitting libertarianism of Truman -in general the growth of Amer- ican democracy-should spread everywhere, including the military establishment. Demonstrations on military bases would work wonders for a hangover of the Middle Ages. * * * 4) WHEN THEIR activities con- stitute a breach of law and order. But does not civilian law and civilian authority take care of this?Civilian authority is superior over military authority in govern- ment and the same should go for Answers W E HAVE NOT seen it made clear how the peace move- ment and the desegregation move- ment might work together effec- tively. Certain individuals, of course, are active in both move- ments. Both are liberal causes. But there seems no particular reason to expect the Negro to develop a special interest in the peace question. He is, understand- ably, putting his time, money and energy into the racial struggle. Moreover, he probably has diverse the activities 'of citizens. Further- More, law is not as stiff as un- educated men think, nor as fluid as educated non-lawyers think;, it. needs the prodding and the cases provided by occasional acts of peaceful civil disobediance. 5) When violence is reasonably likely to result. This condition has pragmatic benefits in that it pro- tects the safety of demonstrators. But this protection is& offered in the same way the Monroe Doctrine was offered the Latin American, countries-constituting and um- brella held over one's head not when it is raining but when it is "reasonably likely" to rain. And one can't even hold the handle of. the umbrella. It was small wonder that the. Monroe Doctrine irritated Latin America, and it would also be a small wonder if military men become irritated by McNamara's umbrella. McNamara urges "every man and woman in uniform to conduct himself accordingly." This is a' good suggestion in that every man and woman in uniform as well as every man and 'woman not in uniform should conduct himself according -to the practices of American democracy. One of these practices, engrained in the Con- stitution and re-emerging today as a viable force of American democracy, is the demonstration., Military men, like civilians, should make maximum use of this means of communication and commit- ment. Military men, like civilians, should demonstrate not only for civil rights but also against Mc- Namara's edict. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following was received by the Washington Post from Sen. Clark. To the Editor: IT WOULD BE a great pity if Walter Lippmann's excellent' column of July 4, "Strength to Govern Well," were to pass with- out the commendation it so richly deserves. While I do not necessarily share his priorities, I wholeheartedly support Mr. Lippmann's proposal for a rule which would force the Senate and its committees to act upon important administration proposals. In the last Congress, and again in this Congress, I introduced a resolution (S. Res. 42) which would require each standing committee of the Senate to considler any administration bill TO n,. Edo, referred to it ' within a reason- able time prior to July 4, and to report its recommendations for or against enactment tothe Sen- ate so that the Senate as a whole will have a chance to act upon it before the end of the session in which the bill was offered. This proposal, along with num- erous others, is now pending be- fore the Senate Rules Committee, and two days of hearings have already been held. I hope that these hearings will continue, and that a number of the more im- portant rules change proposals now pending will be favorably re- ported to the floor of the Senate before much longer. It is later than many think. --Sen. JosephS.'Clark (D-Pa) I Namaa'sedit. o cosidr ay aminstraionbil -Sn. osep S.Clak (-Pa Wall-To-Wall Under-The-Carpeting Loyalty. RKANSAS Attorney General Bruce has once again invoked the cryc nist" against those who disagree iefs and desire freedom and equalil 3ennett did not call Martin Luthe mnmunist, he just said that he a h them. Along this line of reasoning, Bennett uld be investigated on account of th comes from. Such coercive steps to help the Negro, and e Bennett he has admittedly asked for them, will prob- of "Com- ably never change the outlook but will rock with his the foundations of our way of life. They may, ty for all. in fact, produce more animosity toward the r King a Negro and serve only, to deter his progress, associated however slow, to gain what is rightfully his. What is most needed is not Federal inter- V's loyalty vention which inches boldly out on a shaky he society limb of the Interstate Commerce clause, but an increase in enlightened city and' state lead- -A.O. ers who are willing to responsibly evaluate the present problem in realistic and permanent terms and initiate action at their own levels. 1T WILL BE noted, however, that should the flow of the racial crisis at a future date explicitly demand such action by Congress, there is still a last chance for the states to Co-Editor aquit themselves with some degree of maturity. orts Editor While Kennedy's bill makes specific proposals, rts Editor it carries no specific penalties, thereby leaving ghnt Editor ght Editor the matter to the courts of the states-which ght Editor could still take the initiative to fulfill its ob- ght Editor ligations to humanity. II { l . h ~ "trr .f ". Editorial Staff PALD WILTON..................... SLIP SUTIN ....... ........... 7E GOOD ........................ Co-Sp hRLES TOWLE............Co-spo rH HETMANSKI .... ............... Nip )REW ORLIN...................... Ni N TENANDER....................Nig VEIL BERKSON ...................... Ni I ar-