THE MICHIGAN DAILY ;roes Press for Full CivilRights in Nation, C I / r. 4 ing closely on the heels, admittance of two Negro Vivian Malone and food, to the University of at Tuscaloosa, President Kennedy sent a five point its program to Congress. rogram called for the eli- 1 of segregation in pri- wvned public facilities, such s, restaurants and sports Kennedy asked for an in- : $400 million to the bud- nlarge programs aimed at al training and expanding me nt opportunities for, d part of the presidential asked that the attorney be empowered to initiate court suits when students m denied the equal pro- f the laws through segre- f schools and colleges. Federal Agency o asked for the establish- a federal community re- ervice which would work' er-racial civic groups in apt to ease tensions and relations between the two.! Y, the bill calls for a law, clear that the federal ent is not required to ... any kind of financial as- . . . to any program or in which racial discrimi- ccurs." I ill joins another now pres- fore Congress calling for of literacy tests and six elementary education as! literacy. Balked Action eting the racial problem ral government has been a the past by Southern op- -in Congress, especially in bate. However, many ob- believe that if Southern attempt a filibuster to current proposals, the vill invoke the cloture pro- f its rules to force an end n the face of such action opponents lead by Sen. B. Russell (D-Ga) are strategy to defeat the ad- tion's program. Russell ,t he was "very bitterly to legislation that would impinge on the right of ptoperty in this country." me 11 radio and television Kennedy said that the tates was committed' to a le battle "to protect all, to wish to be free." not ask for whites only," he said. Although the United States Su- preme Court handed down its famous school desegregation.- de- cision In 1954, limited-usually token-integration has resulted. With ever increasing action on the part of the Negro to achieve the rights that he has heretofore been denied, racial conflict be- comes more and more intense. Hence, the 22,000 federal troops in Oxford, the necessity for army units outside o fracially split Bir- mingham and the need to nation- alize the National Guard to re- move an obstinate governor from "the schoolhouse door" at the Uni- versity of Alabama. Demand Change In addition to their fight in the South, Negroes are demanding changes in many Northern states. Therefore, Negro students have been conducting sit-ins in Engle- wood, New Jersey in an attempt to force the New Jersey school system to integrate. New York and New Jersey schools have been ordered to end racial "imbalance." In New York, Negroes struck the construction of a hospital being built in Harlem because of Job discrimination concerned with the project. Negroes are now striving for equality and full-fledged citizen- ship that they feel belongs to them. Good Money, Good Service Since their money is good enough to buy goods in Southern stores they desire to eat at the lunch counters in these establish- ments. However, integrated lunch coun- ters and the right to vote will not solve the conflict now. Equal job and educational opportunities are being demanded as the Negro seeks t oassume a greater place in so- ciety;; The federal government is seek- ing to aid this task up to a point. But after that the individual com- munities are cleft to iron out the racial difficulties confronting them. However, many o the Southern communities have shown an unwillingness to discuss the problem. Violence has forced white leaders in Birmingham to seriously' sit down and discuss the problem with Negro leaders. More violence is likely before conditions change. In fact, the situation is again getting tense in Albany, Georgia where Negro leaders are charging the police with excessive"brutality. A number of demonstrators were severely beaten while being taken into custody. Eclipse The major events concerning the passage of a fair housing ordinance have been the continued urging for a' strong housing ordinance by the Democrats, the proposed form- ing of a "grass roots" citizens com- mitte e appointed by council and , . - the rejection of the idea of a housing ordinance by the Ann Ar- bor Board of Realtors. The local Democratic party has Scontinuedpressuring for a strong k fair housing ordinance. Robert W. - Carr, vice-president for city issues and policy, has demanded that the ordinance cover the great majority of housing in the city. Carr also stated that, "We are agreed that realtors and brokers clearly ought to be covered under an ordinance ...he continued. t Cripple Ordinance "To omit those who make their living in the business of selling and - .rrenting housing would cripple the ',N 4ordinance to the point where we in the committee could not sup- port it, and would actively oppose f git." In other actions taken by the Democratic party there has been a -- resolution endorsing President John F. Kennedy's recent mes- sage. The resolution called for continued action against local prejudice in housing, schools, and job opportunities. A 50-memberscitizens commit- f". w'."+ P' tee has been proposed to obtain a "grass roots" understanding and discussion of the city's proposed anti-bias housing ordinance. It REAL ESTaedrTE: Sheehan Defends Broker Role was proposed by the council hous- ing legislation committee. Fourth Ward Republican Coun- cilman Wendell Hulcher said that his proposal "will not interfere in any way with the timing of the committee or council action on legislation. He also stated, "The eradication of the citizen fear that is fed by misinformation about an ordinance is a prime ob- jective." All Segments The 50-member citywide non- partisan citizen committee would be appointed. All geographic and all social-economic groups would be represented. The goal would be to organize neighborhood discus- sion groups to present the pub- lic with facts the city deems off i- cial. The Ann Arbor Board of Real- tors in a statement June 20, said that a fair housing ordinance would "tend to defeat the rights of the property owners" and "con- fuse and confound a situation that is truly a moral problem." It urged the council to drop the idea of passing such an ordinance. The board cited a 10-point "bill of rights for property owners" is- sued by the National Association of Real Estate Boards. The state- ment defends the property owner's 'right" to buy and sell property as he sees fit and his "right" to de- termine his surroundings. The board said the civil rights section of the new constitution adequately covers this problem. Carr lashed back at the board statement, calling it "utter non sense." He said the statement was the formal expression of what long had been informal policies an practices of discrimination. Carr also blasted the 50-man "grass roots" ccommittee propos ed by Hulcher saying that number ous public hearings and statement make it clear that a fair housing ordinance has a large degree o public support. NAACP Reaction The local chapter of the Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People said it was "neither surprised nor shocked" by the realtors' statement. It declared that the group ha been attempting for 10 years to inform the community that the realtors have capitalized on ignor ance and false fears limit Negro home purchases, gain exhorbitan profits from whites fleeing Into segregated subdivisions and pre vent the building of decen low-cost homes for Negroes. Meanwhile, the new city hall has been picketed every Monday nigh for the last month by the Ann Ar bor Fair iousing Association-Con gress on Racial Equality group in an effort to speed the passage o the ordinance., 'Condone' Bias At its last working session the council refused to set a deadline for a second reading of the pro posed fair housing ordinance an the AAFHA-CORE group has call- ed this delay "condoning discrimi nation." - Lamar Miller, head of the group declared that while the counc e proceeds at its "leisure," Ann Ar g bor Negroes are suffering injus d tices that could be corrected b council. He warned that neithe ni the group, nor Ann Arbor's Ne - groes will take the "inaction o - council lying down." s Also criticizing council actic g is the newly-formed Interfaith In f terracial Council of local rehgiou leaders. In its two sessions, tU group has urged the passage of - fair housing ordinance. It crit - cized the real estate board ft s compromising the same mora y principles it upheld in its state ment. . s Mayor Cecil O. Creal declare o that Ann Arbor "should be th e last city in the world where w - should have picketing on cii o rights." t 'Fine Job' 0 Creal said that the Human Re t lations Committee has "done a fin job" and that the passage of ti s ordinance is a "matter of deliber t ation." - He added that the ordinanc n must be "fair to all the people." f Republican c i t y committi chairman Raymond J. Smit note that "emotionalism" will not a: e the cause of the ordinance. H e noted that the Republican pos - tion has not changed since the la d platform as adopted. The part - called for an ordinance that woub - protect both civil and properi rights. (41 By PHILIP SUTIN Co-Editor Stressing the right of property owners to sell their property as they see fit, Daniel F. Sheehan, Sr., president of the National As- sociation of Real Estate Boards, said last Thursday that realators had the obligation to sell land ac- cording to the ishwes of the own- er. Acknowledging during a visit to Ann Arbor the principle of equal opportunity for all citizens in housing, Sheehan declared, however, that "I do not believe forced housing laws that compel people are effective." Non-dis- crimination, he added, "comes from education in the home and church." Sheehan said that in selling on the basis of race, the real estate' "Whites Only" mericans are sent r West Berlin, we to do Religious Leaders Form Council,' Action ToFgtDsrmnin broker is only carrying out the at- titude of the property owner. "The broker is a middle man. This ac- counts for 99 per cent of his business," he explained. Remove Mention He noted that the mention of race had been removed 14-15 years ago and that a.subsequent inter- pretation of the NAREB's code of ethics made it permissible for a broker to sell to a non-white in a white area if the seller agreed. However, race is a permissible basis for sales. But, Sheehan add- ed it is unethical for a broker to inject racial fears to stimulate sales. "If fear is not injected into an area, property values do not change when a non-white buys a home," he said.' Protect Owner While not thoroughly studying President John F. Kennedy's pro- posed civil rights legislation, Shee- han indicated that he would sup- port the program as long as "the property owner-white or non- white is guaranteed to own and dispose property to whomever they see fit. If this right is taken from the whites, it is also taken from the non-whites." NAREB recently issued a policy declaration and a 10-point "bill of rights" for property owners. It stressed the right to make sales without outside limitations, but condemned "block busting" and urged the selling to all groups if there are no restrictions imposed by the seller. The 10-point "bill of rights" said that property owners of all races or religions have: "1) the right of privacy; "2) the right to choose his own friends; Enjoy Property "3) the right to own and enjoy property according to his own dictates; "4) the right to occupy and dis- pose of property without govern- mental interference in accordance with the dictates of his own con- science; "5) the right of all equally to enjoy property without interfer- ence by. laws giving special privi- lege to any group or groups; Congenial Surroundings "6) the right to maintain what, in his opinion, are congenial sur- roundings for tenants; "7) the right to contract with a real estate broker or other rep- resentative of his choice and to authorize him to act for him ac- cording to his, instructions; "8) the right to determine the acceptability and desirability of any prospective buyer or tenant of his property; Choose Neighbors " "9) the right of every American to choose who in his opinion are congenial tenants in any property he owns-to maintain the stability and security of his income; and "10) the right to enjoy the free- dom to accept, reject, negotiate or not negotiate with others." TEE AND SKI I, SKY DIVING NIGHTLY STARTING TONIGHT-3 Jumps at 7:00 P.M. From 5500 ft. up to our 8 fft. wide WADING POOL Presented free of charge by Ann Arbor's OUTSTANDING NEW GOLF DRIVING RANGE and 18-HOLE MIN IATURE 2455 S. State .. 1 Mile South of Campus on State St. I 1: religious leaders, af- ,lks demanding strong t local discrimination, st month's two-day ashtenaw Conference ,nd Race into the In- rracial Council and nti-bias actions. I was formed May 25 ne 21 to urge the a fair housing or-' nn Arbor and oppose Ann Arbor Board of nst the ordinance. feeling of the con- the statement"-say- nance would defeat property owners and i1 issues-"is in con- very moral principles e board appealed as the religious tenets of us profess," the IC Session will also send a rep- > the .July 2 meeting n Relations Commis- it rights groups. 1 May 25 urged: 1) the adoption of a strong fair housing ordinaice without delay; 2) governmental action to end discrimination in the county; 3) meetings between the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Human Rela- tions Commissions and civil rights and religious groups to discuss human rights; Clerical Leadership 4) civil rights leadership by the clergy; and 5) the establishment of social action committees within the churches. The council also noted develop- ing de facto segregation at Ann Arbor's Mack and Jones Elemen- tary Schools and the need to ex- tend equal opportunity hiring practices, review textbooks to place minorities in their proper perspective and undertake further' studies. "Social Justice" Prof. Albert Wheeler of the medical school, a former president of the local chapter of the Na- tional Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People, called on churches to initiate programs for "social Justice." He rapped the churches for hav- ing "closed their eyes to the facts of discrimination around them" pointing to job discrimination in particular.- "Let me ask you to recall when and where you have seen Negroes in the following capacities: pastor or assistant or secretary of your church; more than one or two as teachers in your school; more than policeman or fireman or clerk in City Hall; salesclerk or cashier in local retail businesses or supermarkets; or a factory worker at a local plant; or even as a carry out boy in the super- markets," Prof. Wheeler challeng- ed his audience. Walter R. Green, chief of the Equal Employment Opportunity Office for the Detroit and Cleve- land Army Procurement Districts, cited a chain of discrimination running from the high school counselor who steers Negroes from certain fields to unions and em- ployers who restrict job openings. 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