SMichaels Predicts Inv
Snow Cites New Worries About Population Growth
blooded man. Nuclear is deplor-
able, he declared.
Snow said that his recent state-
ments on nuclear war had been
interpreted to pessimistically.
There may be no nuclear war, but
"as weapons perculate, the chance
that one or two- may go off is
"Personally, I am quite sorry
about the moon program com-
petition between the United States
and the Soviet Union. Both spend
a disproportionate amount of
money on it. The benefits are
quite small compared to the ex-
penditure of men, money and
spirit," he declared.
Seeks "Magniminity"
Snow called for "magniminity"
in foreign aid, especially in the
spending of men, money and capi-
tal goods. Otherwise, the West
would get richer compared to Af-
rica and Asia. This, he warned,
has practically and morally, "far
too many dangers."
The distinguished between the
scientist speaking out on public
issues as a scientist and as pri-
vate citizen and hoped that scien-
tists will continue to speak even
as "concerned citizens."
"The scientists must make clear
when he speaks as a scientists--
where his knowledge is part of his
skill-and when he speaks as pri-
vate citizen-where his certainty
is not of the same order," Snow
Snow praised American educa-
tors for making "immense strides"
in shortening the gap between
scientists and literarily-oriented
people. He noted several exciting
attempts to bridge this cultural
gap at several American univer-
The American "resiliance and
enterprise of educational ad-
ministration" is beginning to be
reflected in Britian's newer uni-
versities, but "to get the old uni-
versities to change takes several
decades," he said.
advantage in using science effec-
Soviet policy makers have an
tively and imaginitively, Snow
added, because a large number
have had scientific training,
Bridge Gaps,
Snow cited the late Pope John
XXIII as an example of sincere
leadership in attempting to bridge
both gaps-the scientific-literary
and the rich-poor.
Discussing these problems with
Snow were Professors Kenneth
Boulding of the economics depart-
ment, Samuel Estep of the Law
School, Irving Copi of. the philos-
ophy department, Philip Elving of
the chemistry department and
Herbert Barrows of the English
We may be faced with a social
inversion with the masses at lei-
sure while the elites work, Donald
N. Michael of the Peace Research
Institute in Washington, said at
the 16th annual Conference on
Aging June 18.
This could come about because
top persons will always be in de-
mand, while lesser workers, faced
with automation and earlier re-
tirement, will have more time on
their hands. "We are on our own
and will have to invent our own
Warns 'Three Dragons' Face World
(Continued from Page 1)
America, ne adueu. Northern hemisphere is annihi- together too many for comfort."
Snow, declared that the prob- lated. There are libraries in the 3) Maldistribution of goods. The
lem was incontestible, citing es- rest of the world; there mankind world is divided, he explained, be-
timates that world population will would start again," Snow asserted. tween 40 per cent-the United
reach 5 billion by 2000 and 25 He added that he hoped his States and Western Europe essen-
billion by 2050. He noted that his calculations would not be mis- tially-relatively rich and 60 per
native England will contain 65 understood as that of a cold- cent-Latin America, Asia and
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Africa-"where starvation is a fact
of life."
Animal Problem
"The world has the technical
resources to remove this. Every
scientific idea exists to cope with
this crucial animal problem. The
political means are difficult, but
they must be devised," Snow de-
To offset these pessimistic pre-
dictions, Snow sketched out a
biological revolution that will ef-
fect the modes of thought like
nothing else since Darwin.
Snow warned that graduates not
to give up the struggle. "It is our
world to make or die in the at-
tempt. It can be done with wisdom,
courage and imagination.
Human Personality
In this undertaking, they will
need a sense of the human per-
sonality which "once departed,
then everything will truly be lost,U
he declared. The essense of each
individual, is equal to the essense
of every individual and despite
individual excellences the essense
is more important than the dif-
ferences,h e explained.
Snow cited the late Pope John
XXIII as "the only world leader
in our time who will make this
Weigh Chances
If the graduates do not succeed,
"the world will be hell in 50 years,"
Snow asserted. If they do, "it will
be better for the majority than
ever before."
The University awarded a doc-
tor of humane letters degree to
Snow. Other honorary degrees
went to Alden B. Dow, Midland
archetect, doctor of architecture;
John F. Gordon, president of the
General Motors Corp., doctor of
engineering; the Rt. Rev. John M.
Burgess, Episcopal Suffragen Bis-
hop of the Massachusetts diocese,
doctor of humanities; Judge Cyrus
N. Tavares of the Hawaii.district
court, doctor of law; Prof. Roman
Jakobson of Harvard University,
doctor of letters; Nathan B. Eddy,
narcotics consultant to the Na-
tional Institutes of Health and
former professor of pharmacology
here, Emory W. Morris, W. K.
Kellogg Foundation president, and
Floyd L. Thompson, director of the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration's Langley Research
Center, doctors of science.
Rain Trouble
This year's commencement was
plagued by rain - the first time
this has happened in many years.
Rain was predicted for 6 p.m.
when the commencement started
at 5:30 p.m. so Snow was advised
to and did shorten his speech.
Short showers did hit the
Stadium about 6 p.m., as pre-
dicted, occurring during the pre-
sentation of Gordon's honorary
degree. It was brief, only to be fol-
lowed by a destructive thunder
storm later that night.
A new national commission on
aging reporting directly to the
President was called for by Char-
les E. Odell of the United Auto
Workers at the 16th annual Con-
ference on Aging June 17.
Odell, director of the UAW old-
er and retired workers depart-
ment, said he felt "we were mov-
ing backward to the 'county poor
house' approach when the U. S.
Office of Aging was subsumed
under a newly created Welfare
Administration in Washington."
However, Dr. Ellen Winston of
the new welfare administration
stated that incorporation of all
programs--those for children, juv-
enile delinquency, youth develop-
ment, aging-into a single admin-
istration is a recognition that hu-
man problems cannot be compart-
mentalized by economics or age.
"Thus,. while we have our spe-
cialists in these programs, we now
have a mechanism which makes it
easier for them to team together,"
Dr. Winston said.
She mentioned as an example
to the homemaker programs to
assist elderly persons too frail to
manage entirely on their own. To
promote these, the Office of Ag-
ing, the Children's Bureau and.
the Bureau of Family Services are
working together not only to help
the aged and inform but to open
uh new employment opportunities
for able-bodied older women.
The Phoenix Memorial Project
for research on the peaceful uses
of nuclear energy recently an-
nounced grants of $54,932 for 18
projects by University faculty
members in 14 different fields.
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