'AND A, CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM' See Editorial Page Y Sitrtgi :4I itn WARMER High-90 Low--70 Humid, showers through tonight I Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 16-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES i Leaders Renew Talks In Search of Solutions Railroad Chiefs Differ With Mansfield on Strike WASHINGTON (P)--Top railroad executives said yesterday it will take Congressional action to head off "a calamitous nationwide rail strike." This differed with an earlier statement by Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana who said the administration is hopeful an agreement can be reached without the need for legislation. The comments came as a special six-man presidential board met again with both sides before drafting a report to President John F. Kennedy on the issues in the four-^ year-old railroad work rules dis- u !jo ut.R H RESTRICTIONS CUT: Cambridge Race Tension Eases 4) By The Associated Press I Banning Nuclear ests MELLOW MOOD-United States Undersecretary of State W. Averell Harriman (right) and Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko exchanged pleasant reminisces of past negotiations in a lull between the current series of test ban talks in Moscow. KALEIDOSCOPIC WORLD: Bu etiik blames Loss Of Morality on History By RUTH HETMANSKI "Our world seems more like a'kaleidoscope than an ordered city," Prof. Emeritus George Buttrick of Harvard University said yesterday. Speaking on "A Revolution in Morality," Prof. Buttrick said it seems as if there.are no standards today. He quoted Ogden Nash as saying: "Morality as it is generally conceived will have no place in the coming world." According to Nash, "morality as it is generally conceived" in- cludes the concept of following a set of rules. Rules can be laid down 'only in a stationary society; but Hopes High As Delegates Leave Talks Nonaggression Pact Tabled Temporarily MOSCOW (P) - United States and British diplomats met with Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko for about three hours yes- terday in the renewed quest for a nuclear test ban agreement. The atmosphere on both sides seemed optimistic, though there is a good chance that some of this may fade in later negotiations. United States Undersecretary of State W. Averell Harriman and Lord Hailsham of Britain beamed at the close of the second round of the Moscow parley on a for- mula to outlaw nuclear weapons tests. They left together in an American limousine. Soviets Smiling The Russians also were in a good mood.' One of the Soviet delegates, Valerian A. Zarin, was asked by a correspondent before the opening of the day's session whether he believed the talks were proceeding satisfactorily. "In my opinion, yes," Zorin re- plied. Coming from Zorin this had special significance, for he is a veteran of many such conferences. Put Aside Pact Talk The negotiators put aside for the time being talk about an East- West nonaggression pact, advo- cated by the Russians, which may later complicate efforts to end the blasts. A communique said: "They con- tinued in a friendly atmosphere the discussion which had begun on July 15 with N. S. Khrushchev, Chairman of the Council of Min- isters of the U.S.S.R., on matters relating to the discontinuing of nuclear tests and on other ques- tions of mutual interest." Further talks are scheduled to- day. United States Ambassador Foy D. Kohler was host to some of the delegates in a reception at his official residence, Spasso House, for United States Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman. Freeman is in Russia for a farm tour. Premier Opens Meeting Premier Khrushchev, who open- ed the talks amiably with Harri- man and Hailsham at the Krem- lin Monday, met with French Am- bassador Maurice de Jean, whose government is standing aloof from the nuclear test ban discussion. The topic of the Khrushchev-de Jean meeting was not disclosed. The scene of the Big Three ne- gotiations shifted from the Krem- lin to a Czarist-period chateau in the center of the city, the Spiri- donovka Palace. In a mood of relaxation, the diplomats allowed cameramen to photograph the start of work on what normally would be called "the. expert level." That meant that, for the Rssian side at any rate, the pattern of negotiations had been outlined by Khrushchev and he left the negotiators skilled in these matters to fill in the picture. Mansfield Hopeful A f t e r the regular Tuesday morning meeting of Democratic Congressional leaders with Ken- nedy, Mansfield told reporters: "We're very hopeful there will be a settlement in the discussions now going on in the presidential board . . . because if there is not there will have to be a presidential move." The board is scheduled to make its report to the President Friday on the facts and issues in the dis- pute. Kennedy will send the report to Congress Monday along with his recommendations for )egisla-- tion to solve the crisis., Latest Extension The latest extension of the strike deadline by the railroads and five operating unions runs out at midnight July 29. Shortly after Mansfield's com- ments to reporters at the White House, the chief executives of the members of the Association of American Railroads, including vir- tually all major lines, issued a statement. They said "the refusal of the railroad operating unions to con- sider any reasonable proposal for settlement of the. work rules dis- pute" had brought the nation to the brink of a nationwide rail strike. Preferred To See Settlement "We would have preferred to see a negotiated settlement to this long-drawn-out issue," the railroad executives said. "But, though management made every effort to get the unions' leaders to engage in realistic negotiations, they refused to come to grips with make-work practices across the bargaining table." They said the railroads had ac- cepted the proposals p s e by two previous presidential study groups, by Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz and by Kennedy but the unions had rejected them all. In accepting these proposals, the railroads said, "we have made the most generous and costly con- cessions to protect our employes against hardship." Seeky To Alter SEC Rules WASHINGTON ()-The Senate b a n k i n g committee yesterday unanimously approved proposed changes in the Securities Ex- change Commission Act that would tighten up on firms not now listed on major trading exchanges. The measure also would stiffen requirements for persons entering the securities business. The legislation will go next to the Senate floor. It was recom- mended by the SEC several weeks ago and drew quick and near unanimous agreement from maj- or trading organizations such as the New York Stock Exchange. A major provision of the bill would require corporations of more than 750 stockholders which issue stocks that are not listed on any major exchange to follow the reporting procedures now required of firms which are so listed. This would apply to financial condi- tion statements, proxy arrange- ments and inside trading. Within two years the bill would permit the SEC to apply these regulations to firms with more than 500 stockholders. Red Chiniese Developnient I MOSCOW (M)-Red China's en- voys to Moscow's Communist Par- ty "peace talks" retired to the se- clusion of their embassy yester- day as Soviet propaganda brick- bats flew past their ears. The Chinese delegates were be- lieved drilling for parleys with So- viet spokesmen which Communist sources said would be resumed to- day. Teng Hsiao-Ping, head of the delegation to the 10-day-old So- viet-Chinese ideological talks, maintained a glum silence. Anti-Chinese Campaign Soviet propaganda o r g a n s, meanwhile, pressed a shrill anti- Chinese campaign that would have been beyond belief a few months ago. The attacks on the Kremlin's erstwhile ally were being conduct- ed in thetones usually reserved for indignant outbursts against the West. In one move, a former top of fi- cial of the Soviet aid program in Peking charged Communist China had wrecked aid projects because of the ideological dispute. Blame China for Losses IvantBelobrov, former chief con- sultant to the Chinese Ministry of Iron and Steel, told Tass the Chinese attitude led to great loss- es and slowed down the rate of Chinese development. "Interparty differences were transferred by the Chinese into the sphere of business contacts," Belobrov told Tass. The interview with Belobrov, distributed by the official Soviet news agency, was obviously aimed at bolstering charges by the Soviet Communist Party that it was China which cut back on the trade- and-aid relations between the two countries. Western experts had said previously that the Soviet Un- ion withdrew its help as a form. of pressure during the dispute over control of the world Communist movement. The open letter from the Cen- tral Committee of the Soviet Com- munist Party about the Moscow- Peking split said trade between the -two countries had dropped 67 per cent during the past three years. Pickets March For Legislation About 180 persons picketed City Hall Monday night in support of swift passage of a strong fair housing ordinance while another group petitioned for a delay caus- ing advisory vote. The council's housing legisla- tion committee will hold another informal meeting tonight. The council has passed an ordinance at first reading presented by the city's Human Relations Commis- sion. No date has been set for the final reading of the ordinance. Two approvals are necessary for adoptions. The committee is expected to make a report on its study later this month. -Associated Press CLOSED BY MARTIAL LAW--When National Guard troops came in to try to cool off racially tense Cambridge, Md., they placed a 7 p.m. curfew on all businesses and a 9 a.m. curfew on civilians. This unidentified man has two hours with nothing to do. VIET NAM: Buddhists Stage Rally For Religious Equality: SAIGON, Viet Nam (P)-Approximately 1000 Buddhist monks, nuns and young women followers tried to claw their way through po- lice barbed wire today in a new anti-government demonstration., Charging combat police drove them back. The monks and young girls, many carrying flowers, hurled them- selves into the barbed wire hastily stretched across a main street. Key streets were sealed off as Po- " FRB Raises Interest Rate WASHINGTON (P)-The Feder- al Reserve Board fired the first gun yesterday in a government- wide campaign to correct a wors- ening deficit in the nation's bal- ance of payments., The discount rate-the interest charged on loans to member banks of the reserve system-was raised from 3 to 31/2 per cent by seven of the 12 reserve banks. The others are expected to follow promptly. Al m o s t simultaneously, the White House announced President John F. Kennedy will send a spe- cial message to Congress on Thursday describing other meas- ures planned to help check the outflow of dollars. However, no new legislation will be requested, the White House said. Higher Cost The higher cost of reserve bank borrowing will be passed along to commercial borrowers, and should bring about a general rise in the interest yield of short-term credit -generally that of 90 days to a year. This, it was explained; should check the overseas drain of Amer- ican dollars to European and oth- er countries where short-term in- terest rates are higher and more, attractive to investors seeking quick profits on their loose capital. Called in for Questioning Chairman Wright Patman (D- Tex) of the House Banking Com- mittee, called the move "terrible" and said he will call the whole Federal Reserve Board in for ques- tioning, probably Friday. Patman, who already had an- nounced hearings on the balance of payments problem, said they now will be expedited and will pay } particular attention to the inter- est-rising move. "I don't think their plan is to' restrict this to the short-term in- struments supposed to be mostly involved in the balance of pay- ments difficulties," Patman told newsmen. In a statement the Reserve Board said the discount action was taken "to aid in the United States' efforts to combat its international balance of payments problem." Ex-Cuban Boss ours is a society of change; there- fore, there is little to be gained from the past'. Apparent Chaos Greek morality was formulated after the city-states were dissolv- ed, which was a period of appar- ent chaos, however, Prof. Buttrick said. Enumerating change's in the viewpoint of ethical standards since the Victorian Era, Prof. But- trick used sex and power as ex- amples of such changes. The Kinsey report, though it is based on questions too naive, an- swers too untrustworthy to be, considered infallible, reveals facts' about our attitude toward sexual morality which are fairly obvious to those experienced in counseling, Prof. Buttrick said. "It's a safe guess that there is more liberty in things sexual than in our father's time," he added. Power Is Key Power is a key to the way our society works. The word "politics" has become a cynicism. "Millions of dollars are spent to convince us that one brand of soap or beer is startlingly different from anoth- er. And yet it doesn't distress us in the least that millions of human beings are dying of starvation," Prof. Buttrick commented. There has also been a turning away from Biblical sanctions.part- ly because people felt that Biblical study refutes Biblical teaching. They felt the three-story world of Heaven, earth and hell to be out of date. In a depersonalized world, ero- sion struck the home, Prof. But- See DEPERSONAL, Page 2, lice feared an outbreak of major violence.- Hunger Strike The new demonstrations came on the heels of an anti-government hunger strike begun yesterday by more than 200 Buddhist monks and nuns before the residence of the United States ambassador. It was a loud but non-violent gather-\ ing. This was followed by an open call by Buddhist leaders to South. Viet Nam's largely Buddhist pop- ulation to play an action role in the country's religious crisis. Viet- namese soldiers and youths were asked to "begin a struggle for re- ligious freedom and human rights." Most soldiers in President Ngo Dinh Diem's army, now fighting against Communist Viet Cong guerrillas, are Buddhists. Seek U.S. Aid During the demonstration at the embassy residence, they demanded that the United States come to the rescue of embattled Buddhists in their struggle with Roman Catholic President Diem. "This morning's demonstration was only a rehearsal," a Buddhist spokesman told a newsman. "The struggle is on. I think you can ex- pect more and more demonstra- tions by monks, nuns, laymen and even students." More Barbed Wire Vietnamese police retaliated quickly by throwing fresh barb- ed wire barricades around Xa Loi, the main Buddhist pagoda in Sai- gon and the "command post" of the recently aroused Buddhist movement. The Buddhists did not spell out the aid they wanted from the United States, but in the past they have expressed hope for increased United States pressure on the gov- ernment of South Viet Nam to help in their demands for religious equality and social justice from the predominantly Catholic rulers. Clinic Moves To Vaughin By PATRICIA LEFTRIDGE The current renovation of Victor Vaughn House will provide addi- tional space and facilities for the Speech Clinic and the School of Public Health.' The former residence hall is be- ing adapted to fill the need for research and office facilities. The Speech Clinic will occupy the basement, ground, first and second floors, and the top two floors 'will be used by Public Health. Plans are to. have the building ready for use by the fall. The various clinical divisions for the treatment of speech and hear- ing difficulties will be in the Speech Clinic section. These divi- sions include audiology, an exam- ining outpatient section, children's therapy, adult aphasics and a di- vision for diagnosis and therapy of students a n d non-aphasic adults. To Provide Offices - In addition, offices, seminar rooms and classrooms, and teach- ing research facilities will be pro- vided. All needed special equip- ment such as soundproof rooms is being built in. The adult aphasi- section will include resident quar- ters for 20 aphasics who can be given concentrated speech correc- tion. An elevator for the use of the aphasics and a stairwell are be- ing constructed in an addition to the building on the east end. An- other addition on the north will provide a fire escape. Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer, Speech Clinic director, said the building was needed "not only for more space, but becausenit is better adapted for our work." Air Conditioned There are 43,000 square feet in- cluded in the project, with a con- tract value of $747,572. This in- cludes complete air-conditioning. The School of Public Health will have several departments in the. Vaughn building. A new program in nutrition will have its head- quarters here. other departments will includethe department of health development, and the in- ternal health, child health and mental health departments. In addition, a special bio-medical data processing training program, and research units in the Bureau of Public Health Economics will be located in the building. Install Centre x WASHINGTON-Racial tension eased in two Southern hot spots yesterday while seven civil rights groups set up a co-ordinating council and Congressional battles continued. Tension eased in Cambridge, Md., after Negro leaders decreed a 24-hour moratorium on marches, picketing or other demonstrations. It was further eased when the national guard announced to an uproarious crowd of businessmen that curfew rules were being re- laxed, allowing businesses to re- main open until 9 p.m. instead of 7, and people to travel the streets until 10 pm., instead of 9 pm. Face Problems A bi-racial committee was form- ed in Birmingham to grapple with the grave social and economic problems which Mayor Albert Boutwell said confront the steel city. Approximately 20 Negroes were named to the committee, which numbered 211. In Washington, Defense Secre- tary Robert McNamara issued or- ders sharply restricting participa- tion by military personnel in racial demonstrations. . Limit Soldiers McNamara, however, did not specifically forbid members of the armed forces from demonstrating in civilian clothes while off duty. But he did attach several condi- tions which may have the same effect. For instance, none may demonstrate when the activities constitute a breach of law and order, or when violence is reason- ably likely to result. In New York leaders of seven civil rights organizations last night officially formed a group to co- ordinate their efforts in the in- tegration struggle. Roy C. Wilkins, executive secre- tary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said the group took the name "Council for United Civil Rights Leadership." New Council Organizations represented on the new council are the NAACP, the National Urban League, Con- gress of Racial Equality, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Student Non-Violent Co- ordinating Committee, the Council of Negro Women and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Inc. In Congress, most of the steam in the row over President John F. Kennedy's civil rights proposals was coming from the Senate where the judiciary and the com- merce committees are holding hearings. The 'commerce committee will hear Baseball Commissioner Ford C. Frick and the heads of the National and the American profes- sional football leagues, Pete Ro- zelle and Joe Foss, for their views on legislation to bar segregation in places of public accommoda- tion. Question Leaders The commerce committee also faced a decision on how far to go in taking testimony about the leadership of recent racial dem- onstrations. Governors Ross R. Barnett of Mississippi, George C. Wallace of Alabama and Atty. Gen. Bruce Bennett of Arkansas, All vehement opponents of the bill, urged the committee to investigate what they pictured as Communist in- fluences bent on a divide and conquer strategy. Sen. Olin D. Johnson (D-SC) invoked a' rule under which a single objection halts the proceed- ings of most committees while the Senate is meeting on the floor. Music School Construction Moves Ahead The music school's new building, currently under construction on North Campus, will be finished and ready for occupancy by Decem- ber, music school Dean James B. Wallace announced yesterday. The completion of the new fa- cilities will mean that, for the first time, most of the school's ac- tivities will be housed under one roof. The only missing item will be "a sorely needed large concert au- ditorium," according to Dean Wal- lace. The present timetable calls for equipment to be moved into the building during the spring semes- ter, 1964. The first classes will be held next summer. The official SHAW PLAY:. 'U' Players Present 'Androcles and the Lion' By RASHEL LEVINE "One of the best recommendations for theatre goers is one and a half hours of Shaw in top form," Prof. Claribel Baird, of the speech department and director of "Androcles and the Lion," said in a refer- ence to the opening of that play this evening. The University Players will open in "Androcles and the Lion" at 8:00 p.m. tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. It will run for four days. "It is a good summer play because it is short. 'Androcles and the Lion' is a witty and sometimes serious-though never sentimental play about some of Shaw's ideas about the aspects of sainthood," Prof. Baird explained. She considers the topic of sainthood as one of Shaw's favorites. { ih1w. :- iY. i:: }:::. :::v::: :v ::::::::::::::w:: ::v$::. :.: :. 3: }:{ i:i:';:;:3.: :-ii:f:i i' ' . ' !........ I