Snvty-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Wil Prevail"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. INTEGRATION STRUGGLE: Albany Negroes Press for Ri ghts . 1 TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW ORLIN Good Times May Obscure Fiscal Reform Needs POLITICING for state fiscal reform is now beginning in earnest, but it should not be allowed to obscure the need for the overhaul- ing of Michigan's tax structure with a state income tax as its base. Gov. George Romney has called in all GOP legislators and is scheduling extra conferences with the leadership and with the taxation com- mittees of both houses. He has also confered with the leaders of the influential segments of the state's citizenry and has sent mild feelers to the Democrats. Nothing tangible has come from these ses- sions as the governor is trying to instinctively feel his way to the best tax package that stands a chance of passage. He has sent up eight trial balloons. But none have soared and none have crashed to earth. Probably the general shape of the tax pack- age will be determined in the next three weeks as the governor winds up his conferences with key legislative leaders. TH US FAR, the governor has made a good case for fiscal reform. A projected budget prepared by Controller Glenn S. Allen shows that even if the state stagnates, it will be still in the red. Not only that, it indicated that the state has to extend services, no matter the size of its tax base. Under his projections, higher education spending for the 10 colleges and universities and the 20-odd partially state- supported junior colleges would only increase $10 million next year-just enough to -provide for a little added enrollment. Mental health, in poorer economic shape than higher education, would only get $1 million more. Allen further points up the need for in- creased state spending by his 11-point expand- ed services list and by marking the critical areas of higher education and mental health as the first cut when revenue fails. DESPITE THESE dire warnings a pleasing mirage hovers over the state. The auto- mobile industry has put two good years back to back and the resulting increased tax-especial- ly sales tax-collections have cut the state deficit by nearly two-thirds. Another good year would substantially cut this deficit or wipe it out completely. BUT-a balanced budget depends on con- tinued high prosperity and on curtailed state services. Let business lag, let unemployment rise, let the Legislature properly provide for mental health and higher education, and the same old deficit will reappear. The opponents of fiscal reform are playing on the current rose-tinted atmosphere to lull the public asleep. The public has ashort poli- tical memory, especially for governments- like state government--it is not interested in. Nor does it like to pay additional taxes. Cur- rent federal, state and local taxes are enough of a burden. UT THE STATE'S good fiscal times rests" on a fragile base. Its leaders recognize new revenue is needed just to keep the state going, let alone provide for necessary services. But a number of legislators do not. Sen. Clyde Geerlings (R-Holland) opposes a state income tax and said he will vote against it in the Senate taxation committee. He is its chair- man and can stall fiscal reform in his, com- mittee. Several house leaders are only' luke- warm about a necessary income tax. The problem is further complicated by money-hungry school boards and city councils who see an income tax as a way to free them- selves from a declining property tax base. Like the state; their needs are outstripping their tax base. So, some formula for aiding them and the state government at the same time must be devised. The new revenue must reach more units of government. Most of Romney's eight plans-t-seven fea- ture a state income tax-will do the job. It is up to the governor and his legislative lead- ers to pick the best plan and then sell it to the state. --PHILIP SUTIN Co-editor (Fourth in a Seven-Part Series) By JEAN TENANDER BEFORE 1961 very little had happened in Albany, Ga.. There had been few sit-ins and fewer "freedom marches." It look- ed as though there would continue to be few. The integration move- ment which had been upsetting other Southern communities had not yet arrived. But then things started jumping. On Nov. 1, 1961-the day the Interstate Commerce Commission prohibited terminal segregation- the local Student Non-Violent Co- ordinating Committee tested the Trailways bus terminal. A group of Negro students .were turned away. A few days later five Albany State students were arrested for trying to use the resturant in the building. Then the Albany Movement was formed. SNCC, the National Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Colored People, a coalition of col- ored ministers, and various other Negro organizations combined to lend their efforts to the problem. * * * IN THE WEEKS that followed the ICC ruling was ignored a third time and eight SNCC work- ers, both Negro and white, were arrested for "obstructing traffic, disorderly conduct, and failure to obey an officer." This seemed to ignite the fuse. Albany has never and will never be the same. During the few weeks before Christmas the mass demonstra-' tions that aroused the nation took place. The movement organized mass protest meetings followed by marches into the downtown area. Hundreds of marchers were ar- rested. The Rev. Martin Luther King and Rev. Ralph Abernathy spoke at a meeting at Shiloh Bap- tist Church. Later they led a march downtown. They were not arrested but the number of ar- rests totalled 737. Police Chief Laurie Pritchett negotiated with the Negro leaders and agreed to release people on the signing of property bonds and a hearing for Negro demands at an early busi- ness meeting of the city commis- sion. * * * IN JULY of the next year King and Abernathy were found guilty of leading the December demon- strations and sentenced by Re- corders Court to 45 days in jail or $178. Both King and Amernathy decided they would go to jail. An immediate furor was aroused in Washington. Nobody seems to know how but the next day both King and Abernathy were released. There followed a period of in- tense demonstrations ranging from attempts to integrate the library, lunch-counters, the bus terminal, to attempts to use the city's public recreational facili- ties. All trials resulted in jailings. All those taking part in protest marches were also jailed. Mrs. Slater King, wife of the then vice-president of the move- ment, was kicked and hit on the side of the head while attempting to bring food to her daughter who BIRCH GROVE: English Town Shak en By Kennedy Visit had been jailed outside of town for demonstrating. She lost con- sciousness but was left lying on the ground until she revived and drove back to town herself since there was no one else except her three smaller children with her. She was six months pregnant at the time. * * * A NUMBER of similar incidents followed including the sheriff's department's beating of the Negro lawyer C. B. King. King has been the legal backbone of the move- ment since its beginning. He was attempting to check up on the condition of a SNCC worker who had been arrested and beaten in jail when he was hit over the head with a walking stick. The walking stick broke. By August the total number of arrests since the December dem- onstrations had surpassed 1100. On August 15 the movement finall met the city commission and requested: 1) Compliance wit hthe ICC rul- ing on bus terminal desegregation; 2) A refund of the cash bonds of those arrested and acceptance of tax receipts; 3) Assurance that the city would desist from interfering with peace- ful protest; and 4) Assurance that the city's buses would be desegregated if they were operated again. These were refused or perhaps not even considered. * * * THERE WAS an air of discour- agement over the city. Things quieted down for awhile. The movement concentrated on voter registration. The community settled down for a respite between beatings. Although the voter registration drive was fairly successful, since tampering with voter registration attempts is a federal offense and the most ardent segregationist has by now come to realize that he may get his fingers burned, this year the movement has once again decided to move into the streets. Impatience with the slowness of the progress is beginning to be felt and the people want to see something they can grasp as an improvement in their position. The people who make up the Albany Movement are not just young people and a handful of leaders. Much of the hard core of the movement's support comes from the women of the commun- ity. The women, because they are the ones who can still get jobs, are often a family's primary source of support. It is the Negro women who are Albany's maids and cooks. There is no segrega- tion in housework and it is vir- tually the only common job avail- able to the Negro. Most of the jobs for men are segregated and with the increase in racial agita- tion in Albany, intend to remain so. This means that in a majority of cases the head of the house- hold is the woman. The husband has been reduced to a figurehead whose only solution to his pre- dicament is to sit on the front porch all day or leave town. Many have chosen the latter course of action. Among the men that have jobs and remain in Albany there are many who are afraid to take part in demonstrations for fear their tempers and emotions will get the best of them. * * * ALBANY NEGRO society is not a normal one. The wives come to the weekly SNCC mass meetings. They bring their children with them. The Shiloh Baptist Church is filled with singing female voices with only a handful of male ones sprinkled in. The wives march. The children march too. Boys march but the men do not. Man- hood loses something when it is left jobless and tired on a hot front porch. There are so many wrong things growing out of seg- regation-the undermining of a people's self respect can take place in a thousand, different ways. It is not all women who devote their time and energy to the move- ment. The greatest bulk of un- tiring support comes from three families in Albany, the Christians, the Gains and the Jenks. Each of these families have marched, dem- onstrated in sit-ins and been sent to jail. Mrs. Christian and Mrs. Gains have both seen their daugh- ters dragged off to jail more than half a dozen times. Jo-Ann Chris- tian has been in jail 17 times. She is fifteen. His ten year old sister has been in jail seven times. Their mother has been jailed. Even Mrs. Gain's two year old daughter Peaches has been booked for pa- rading without a permit. It is hard to understand how a mother could stand to see her children go through more than once the horrible experience that is the Albany jail. Jo-Ann was beaten the last time she was ar- rested and the community has still not forgotten. An officer banged her head against the cell door re- peatedly later justifying his ac- tio& on the grounds that she had kicked a police officer. She was dragged into her cell and beaten first, however. * * * SINCE JO-ANN was released Mrs. Christian says she has been unable to feel at rest. Although she vows she and her family will continue their support of the movement she is visibly tired. Gains and Christian too have to watch their children being push- ed and shoved into paddy wagons by six foot police officers who pride themselves in their ruthless- ness. The police, as a matter of fact, have it in for the two families. They are tired of arresting a Christian or a Gains and have threatened that if they are fore- ed to do so again things will not be pleasant. Very few parents can possibly conceive of the courage it takes to welcome their fifteen- year old daughter home from two weeks in jail after she has been beaten and refused to eat in pro- test for the entire duration of her stay. * * * OF THE OTHER families in the movement there is not a great deal to be said. Not because they are not as active as the Christian's and the Gains but because there is a tendency to hesitate before chiding mothers and their child- ren for not willfully entering and re-entering a foul smelling dank cell again and again for the priv- ilege of being treated with the respect society offers jailers. Still, there are many families in Albany who have had dealings with the jail. Some of them re- turn for a second or third en- counter. Some stay away after the first time. It is a mark of pride to have been jailed. People say "have you been in jail" or ask "did they let so and so out yet" with as much casualness as you would ask about the weather. But how many times can the experience be en- dured by the same person. People in Albany are getting tired. There have been very few tangible results of their struggle with injustice. The library has been integrated but all the chairs have been removed. Few Negroes dare enter the supposedly integrat- ed bus terminal. The accomplish- Thurmond's Outburst Deserves Senate Censure FOR A SOUTHERN SENATOR to be adamant or even vituperative when it comes to speaking against civil rights is nothing new. But when such an individual becomes so choked up with his own bias that he all but calls the secretary of state a card-carrying Communist, then it is time for his fellow legislators to "view with alarm" the implica- tions of such a rash outburst., The case in point: Strom Thurmond, a Dixiecrat all the way, the senior senator from the sovereign state of South Carolina and a prominent thorn in the side of every person who desires equal opportunities for the Negro in this country. It is quite understandable that any spokesman for the narrow-minded South- ern segregationists would be just as narrow- minded himself, although there is little doubt that Thurmond's actions do not stem merely from a desire to stay in the good graces of his constituents. But the slanderous state-' ments the senator chose to make in the Senate caucus room a few days ago are a discredit to the Senate and to the nation. IE OCCASION was a Senate Commerce Committee hearing dealing with the con- troversial "public accommodations" clause of President . John F. Kennedy's proposed civil rights package. Speaking before the commit- tee, Secretary of State Dean Rusk had noted that the Communists "clearly regard racial discrimination in the United States as one of their most valuable assets." This fired up Thurmond, who caused the audience to gasp. in horror of asking the secretary of state whether his own statements before the com- mittee were not "tacit support and approval of this Communist line." It is to Rusk's credit that he did not lose his temper when slandered in such an open attack, although there was no doubt among the assembled spectators, as well as the other committee members, that he was visibly shaken by the remark. When Rusk asserted in return that he hoped "no committee of the .Congress would ever take the view that a secretary of state can't come before it without having it said he is supporting a Communist line,' all of the members of the committee joined the audience in vigorous and prolonged applause. All of them, that is, except Thurmond, who was so angry that' he turned upon his fellow com- mittee members and demanded that the "dem- onstration" cease, calling down the wrath of Thurmond upon the "civil righters and left- wingers" in the audience. Whether Thurmond would have been so eager to enforce the Sen- ate rule prohibiting demonstrations by specta- tors if they had applauded one of his wittier comments remains to be seen. Sen. Thurmond should have been censured for such an unfor- givable attack upon the secretary of state, but he was not. Instead, he was free to shove his way' out of the chamber and go on his merry way. IT IS SIGNIFICANT to note that the only people who commended him on his remarks' were a lone group of Goldwater supporters. For their part, the other members of the committee were too busy to notice as they crowded about Rusk. Perhaps they thought Thurmond's temper had been acting up and paid the episode no further attention. But I would not be surprised if many - of those assembled were reminded of the last time Robert Welch, head of the John Birch Society, referred to Dwight Eisenhower and Earl War- "ren as "card-carrying Communists." Or perhaps they thought back to 1953 and a former mem- ber of the Senate, the late Joseph R. McCarthy. Perhaps the far Left and the far Right are not so widely separated after all. -STEVEN HALLER Goidwateritis LIKE THE ASIAN FLU a few years back, a tide of Goldwater brand conservatism is currently sweeping the country, striking down all who are susceptible to this crippling disease. Although its presence has been noted throughout the nation, this malady has struck with devastating effect in the South, where at last count nearly half of the population had been afflicted. It is also prevalent among col- lege students, usually affecting those with an unhappy childhood. The epidemic has arrived more than a year early, despite previous predictions that it would begin in mid-July of 1964 in San Francisco. In the interest of public safety we take this opportunity to inform as many as possible about the disease in order to prevent further spreading. THE SYMPTOMS of Goldwateritis are easily recognized; victim begins to see things: Communists under his bed, for example; vic- tim may express strange desires, may want to return to the "good old days"; a slight swell- ing of victim's head might be. noted, probably due to optimism about Republican chances in ,64; victim will become violent at mention of certain words-Supreme Court, Kennedy, Rock- efeller, etc.; victim is given to scurrilous name- calling and may accuse everyone of being Communist, or if his attack is more severe he may call them socialists, liberals or even moderates (very severe case). If emergency treatment is required, follow this procedure: strip the afflicted person of his John Birch Society card and all Goldwater buttons, remove his Goldwater t-shirt to allow him to cool down and keep him away from all liberasnd oathers upon whom he might (EDITOR'S NOTE: Jeffrey Shero is a reporter for the Daily Texan, the student newspaper at the 'University of Texas. This summer he is travelling in Europe. His article is reprinted from the Sum- mer Texan. By JEFFREY SHERO EXCEPT FOR those confined to bed, President Kennedy's visit was a heady time for the resi- dents of the hamlets near Prime Minister Mcmilla'n's estate in Birch Grove. Droves of Secret Service men arrived in advance, filling the local inns, poking about farm cottages, and tramping through every field and thicket in search of suspicious activity. A link with Washington was established in the only hotel in the vicinity. The villagers enjoyed; however, the man who had been stationed in the cricket field near the Prime Minister's house. His farming dis- guise was complete with a mid- western straw hat and a black cigar planted firmly between his teeth. Long-handled scythe in hand, he stalked about looking for an occasional weed which he would attack with a vigor danger- ous to any nearby mole. * * * . , ON THE DAY of the President's arrival, a crowd of 200 gathered before the Prime Minister's gates. Curious spectators shielded them- selves from the cold rain with black umbrellas; the more than 100 peace protesters used their plastic-covered placards. Many shortened the long after- noon hours by journeying to the Red Lion, a nearby pub whose hours were extended by licensing officials during the Presidential visit. Pausing momentarily, the joyful manager announced that business was 2000 per cent above normal. He then returned to dis- pensing more beer, ale, and cider to the thirsty throng. At 4:30 p.m. it was announced that there would be an hour delay in the President's arrival. Tired groans arose from the crowd. One woman exclaimed, "This is idiotic! I'm going home and watch it all on the tele." A man said, "I don't think he really wants to come to England." Finally the Presidential helicon- ter was heard. It flew low over the typical English Saturday af- ternoon cricket match. As soon as it had passed, the water-log- ged, typical Saturday afternoon cricketers hurried for shelter. It had been the first game played this year on the grounds. * * * THE HELICOPTER landed in- side the walls of the estate, so the demonstrators marched to the gate and announced to the cap- tain of police that they wished to present the President with three letters. The letters, welcoming the President and urging him to take further steps toward peace, were signed by religious and peace campaigners, and Labor party leaders. A hurried conference ensued producing "two high governmental officials." They took the letters and promised to personally give them to the President. Sunday morning President Ken- nedy, Secret Service men, and his personal bodyguards drove to Our Lady of Forest Row. Over 1000 people dressed in their Sunday finery were waiting for the Presi- dent. They were disanointed Elderly Father Dolman found he had the most popular church in the predominantly Anglican town and had issued tickets for the service. After Mass Father Dolman es- corted the President to his limou- sine. The President started to get' in, changed his mind, and strode toward the crowd. A horrified bodyguard exclaimed, "Oh, my God, he's done it again!" * * * THE PRESIDENT grasped out- stretched, hands in the straining, enthusiastic crowd, while security men tried to keep it from engulf- ing him. A little girl smiled shyly, looked down, and held out a red rose. The President took it, squeezed her hand, apparently touched by the spontaneous ges- ture. Along the road, demonstrators stood quietly holding signs with quotations from his speeches and Pope John's "Pacem in Terris." One read, "Is not peace, in the last analysis, a matter of human rights. JFK 1963." The President acknowledged them with a smile' and a wave. At Birch Grove a more vocal group of protesters had gathered. They rushed into the road shout- ing, "Polaris Out! Out! Out!" It was a tense moment for the Eng- lish police, but they succeeded in quickly getting the protesters to the side of the road. Late that afternoon the Army helicopter bearing the President departed. Newsmen, police, dem- onstrators, photographers, a n d mere spectators had had their moments and were also leaving. In a few hours West Sussex was again the tranquil spot it had been 10 days earlier. ments seem small for all the an- guish that the people have suf- fered. * * * THE LEADERS of the move- ment, the Kings, its president, Charles Sherrod, head of the Southwest Georgia Project of which the Albany Movement is a part, and Rev. Samual Wells have been working toward the goal of equality for a long time. They are not tired nor do they intend to give up. But there is discourage- ment sometimes. C. B. King hand- les all the court cases involving Negroes. The job seems far too big for one man to handle although he is doing it. Slater King feels op- timistic about future events in Al- bany but he has seen a great deal of pain. He was jailed a week ago Sunday for trying to swim in the Tift Pool. Sherrod is a quiet man. He is constantly on the move. He shakes off his tiredness in front of a mass meeting and imbues the audience once again with the ability to look ahead. It is hard to tell what he is thinking. Pre- dicting events in the future is somehow senseless when there is so much at stake. Wells Is a cheer- ful warm person. His hope seems to give strength to those around him. The movement is a mixture of optimism and despair. But the pre- vailing spirit is the hope. Despite the lack of tangible gains it has achieved it has brought a new feeling to the Albany Negro. In- distinct though it may be there is now a goal in front of him. Thing are not the same in Albany and not even the thickest-skinned white is able to fool himself into believing they are. Outwardly there is no change but the spirit of freedom is in the air. People have to breathe in spite of them- selves. STRATFORD: Brilliant Purcell STRATFORD-In an interesting program of mixed fare that sometimes rose to glory, the Cana- dian Stratford Festival celebrated its tenth anniversary Sunday. Led by Adele Addison, Elizabeth Benson Guy and John Boyden, the Stratford troupe put on a brilliant concert performance of Henry- Purcell's opera, "Dido and Aeneas." This work is one of the real gems of English vocal writing, and stands as evidence that Purcell, had he lived beyond 36, might have founded an important Eng- lish operatic school. The perform- ances, particularly by Miss AddIA son in the great aria "When I am laid in earth," were outstanding throughout; Soloists, chorus and orchestra, under the baton of El- mer Iseler, brought a real sense of the dramatic to the work. However, I would like to regis- ter a strong protest with the Strat- ford management: after seeing the often brilliant staging and dra- matic effects which the Shake- spearean directors contribute to the Festival, one could expect that Purcell's opera, following seven- teenth-century tradition, would be presented with imaginative dance sequences (which were even printed in the synopsis of the opera Sun- day). With such an approach, the short Purcell play could have been considerably extended into a de- lightful, homogeneous afternoon. But the directors had a differ- ent idea in this case, and added other works to the Anniversary Concert program: Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Flo Campi," a sort of watered-down British "Schelomo" for viola (ably played by Lillian Fuchs), small chorus and chamber orchestra, and Handel's coronation anthem "Zadok the Priest" (in wvhich "long live the king" was suitably modified). Between these two last number the Stratfordians showed they owed allegiance to God as well as the Queen by call- ing forth a minister to lead the audience in responsive prayer, ending with the Lord's Prayer. -Mark Slobin SCHWARZKOPF: Wond erful Vienna THERE ARE three times and places in the last sixty or so years that absolutely ooze with atmosphere, Vienna in 1890, Paris in 1920, and Berlin in 1930. A glorious illusion took place last night. Hill Auditorium was swept back to Vienna. Elisabeth Schwarz- kopf accompanied by Willi Bos- kovsky and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra gave a recital. Miss Schwarzkopf is one of those few great artists who has the ability to completely transfix and transform an audience. Her sing- ing and acting are so exquisite. And when she sigh brave field- marshalls melt into lollipops. The music was so beautiful and Miss Schwarzkopf so divine. "Fleder- j " i