UNDERWAY THIS F. * l 4fSidritjau Batty Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED Y STUDEwTS OF THE UNVERsITy OF MjCHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are SFreeSTUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARKox, MIcH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Wil Previl" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. it Service Corps RedToRl ATURDAY, JULY 13, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: RUTH HETMANSKI MSU Recruiting Policy Results in False Image THE DAY may come when Michigan State University and the Sears-Roebuck Founda- tion find themselves in a neck and neck race to see who can grab the sponsorship of the largest number of Merit Scholarships. At present MSU has already surpassed the record of the 175 business corporation's for total sponsorship over the eight years the program has been in existence. That is with the exception of Sears with 502 and Inter- national Business Machines with 273. What is MSU doing in the midst of the Boeing Company and the Chicago Title and Trust Company? MSU is building up its image as a school of such high caliber that it can attract more Merit Scholars than Harvard, Yale, or Radcliffe. Perhaps this is true and perhaps overnight Cambridge has moved to East Lansing, but until such a mirage is proved tangible there is room to question the honesty of MSU's move. NOT THAT THERE was anything under- handed about the process MSU went through to acquire her 190 protegees. She legitimately announced her intention to join the program set up in 1962 enabling colleges to sponsor Merit Scholarships. At that time eight private colleges participated offering a limited. number of scholarships. No college offered any-, more than six. The colleges who take part in this program select the winners of their scholarships from students who have qualified as Merit finalists and who have expressed an interest in attend- ing their respective institutions. The only dif- ference in the administration of this scholar- ship from that of the industry supported ones is that the student may keep his scholarship only as long as he attends the college or uni- versity granting him the scholarship. MSU slipped quietly in among Bennington and Harvey Mudd colleges. There was nothing blatantly dishonest. The fact that MSU sent out letters to a major por- tion if not all of the 11,000 Merit semi-finalists asking them to preference MSU and receive financial aid could be overlooked. True MSU Vice-President Gordon Sabine declared that letters were sent out only to those students who expressed an interest in MSU, but it seems there are quite a few people around who never even whispered the word and never-, theless where miraculously visited by the mail- man. EVEN IF THIS is overlooked, which it really shouldn't be, there is something about the whole situation which smacks of a fall from grace. Institutions of learning are created to teach and to help those it is in the process of teach- ing explore and discover the wonder of the world. They are to introduce young minds to old minds and to teach these young minds re- spect and reverence for the ideas which have gone before them and upon which new ideas are being created. They are not supposed to be used as bawdy market places. There exists among institutions of learning a certain cohesion, a feeling of union-un- expressed but evident through the respect such institutions have for one another. There are certain acts forbidden under the code of in- stitutions of learning. One of them is to betray the trust of the member institutions by pro- porting to be something they are not. MSU has transgressed this law. Nobody punishes those who have failed to adhere to the standards. The transgressor is just never invited to the same parties again. MSU IS PROBABLY proud of what it has done. Justly so. It is a healthy tonic for a school to have 190 students of Merit Scholar- ship capability coming in to stir up the cob- webs. In itself this is a positive event. Unless it is made amply clear, however, under exactly what condition each student attends any of the hundreds of campuses Merit Scholars go to, an injustice will be done. Everyone will not know that MSU is not a Harvard-is not even a Harvard of the mid- west. If a student goes to MSU believing he is going to a school equal to Yale on the basis of. the number of Merit Scholars that school ,has, then he is being tricked. -JEAN TENANDER TA-E Rout t -PiK VOTE ALBANY NEGRO: Nobody Knows His Name (EDITOR'S NOTE: Roger Ebert is the editor of the Daly Illini, the student newspaper at the Univer- sity of Illinois. This article is re- printed from the Summer Illini. By ROGER EBERT W ASHINGTON (Special)-Half a block down Franklin Street, off Pennsylvania Avenue, stands a crumbling brownstone house with a flight of greenish concrete steps. This structure houses, on its third and fourth floors, the Presi- dent's Study Group on a National Service Program (known to its members as the Task Force). The first and second floors of the brownstone are occupied by an Army Translating Office and, one suspects, mice. When you stand on the green- ish steps and turn around, you have a distant view of the White House grounds and, through new spring foliage, the sparkling White House itself, surrounded by tour- ists. It could be that this is more than coincidence; the idea of a Domestic Peace Corps is said to have originated with Bobby Ken- nedy, and has been promoted with vigor recently by his brother, the President. * * * IT BEING 1:15 p.m. (still the lunch hour in official Washing- ton), we were greeted by the only person then in the office: a dark- haired, appealing public informa- tion official named Ann Anderson. Mrs. Anderson signaled us to chairs while finishing the last of her carry-out hamburger. We identified ourselves as writ- ers for the Roosevelt Torch and The Daily Ilini. "Out by 'Chicago," Mrs. Ande- son said. "We've had some terrible editorials from the Sun-Times. Really. And the worst Sun-Times editorial about us has been re- printed in papers all over." We shook our heads in consola- tion and asked how things were with the Task Force otherwise. MRS. ANDERSON said 40 rep- resentatives and 25 senators have agreed to be sponsors of the Na- tional Service Corps bill when it comes before Congress later in the year. "We think we have good support in the Senate," she said. "The House is the big problem- especially the House Rules. Com- mittee. In the House, we think we have a 50-50 chance." As Mrs. Anderson explained it, the National Service Corps will hopefully get underway in, the fall with 150 to 300 corpsmen in the field. At the end of the first year of operation, it is hoped to have 1,000 domestic corpsmen at work, at a cost of around $5 mil- lion. * * * "SOME OF our Southern critics have expressed fears that corps- men will be used to advance in- tegration in the South," she said. "But the community invitation clause prevents that. Our people must be invited in by a commun- ity, and if the South doesn't want us it doesn't have to take us." She said situations "which might develop into trouble-spots" will be dropped by the corps."Just like the international Corps," she said, "we don't want to go where we're not welcome." How many people work here? we asked. About 25, more or less," Mrs. Anderson said. "The number var- ies. We're all on loan from other government agencies." THIS BROUGHT to mind the recent attack on the Task Force by a conservative congressman. The congressman, pointing out that Congress has appropriated no money for the Force, said the 25 people on "loan" were a "sure tip-off" that other agencies "must be over-staffed." We tactfully avoided this subject, however, and asked how college students could help in the corps campaign. "Write to your congressman, I suppose," Mrs. Anderson said, "and support the idea at student meet- ings. We can't solicit volunteers yet, of course, because we're not an official program. But we've actually received hundreds of un- solicited applications, and about 50 communities have contacted us on possible programs . ." And what do we tell those people who claim the government can't afford to appropriate money for a National Service Corps during a tax-cut year? "The slum children, the mental- ly ill, the American Indians, the migrant workers, all the people who need help," Mrs. Anderson said, "will be there whether taxes go up or down. That seemed to make sense. We nodded to the Army transla- tors on the way out, and when we reached the street Tom said: "It's sort of inspiring, somehow. To knowthe government does things like this." The sight-seers were still gawk- ing in front of the White House. LETTERS to the EDITOR FEEL THAT Michael Hyman's editorial of July 11 has omitted some errors of reasoning which I feel should not stand uncorrected. The Negro is not searching for a panacea; neither does he feel that integration is such. However, the objective, which you claim does not exist, is this: the elimination of discrimination. When a man is considered to be inferior; when he isidenied his constitutionally guaranteed rights, when he is harrassed and illegally pressured, he cannot be expected to attain his full potential as a man, and as a citizen. Nevertheles s, the Negro has to a large degree, a fantastic degree, contributed to ou society. From the battlefields of our wars (even though in segregated divisions) to our music, our government, and our culture, the Negro has con- e tributed tarmore than he should be expected to. Could Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and "other self- made men" have been quite so self-made if they had been Negro? The "achievement" of which you speak has, indeed al- ready been achieved, and will con- tinue to be achieved, in spite of your "artificial obstacles." The equal rights of every man before the law is a goal with a definite. objective, purpose, and meaning. The, equal opportunity for a quality education is a similar goal, as is the equal opportunity to compete for work in the highly competitive labor market. * *. . YOU SAY THAT no government can grant equality, that it must come from the conscience of the white man. This may be true, but it does in no way serve as an ex- cuse for continuing governmental and legal discrimination. A man's conscience is his own; it cannot be controlled by others. But the ac- tions of man are the province of others when he interferes with the rights of others. And the law is clear; some may disagree; that is their right as individuals; but no-one has the right to depive another of his rights. A man does not have to win his rights, or at least he should not; they are con- stitutionally guaranteed for every man. When equality before the law becomes the rule rather than the exception, then and only then will the specter of bigotry be banished. I should like to ask a question, one which you may well choose to decline to answer: What do you fear? Does indeed the guilty weight of the past century weigh on your mind? Or do you fear for your own little rut, and not wish it disturbed; are you the watch- man for the status qo; the guardian of the dead past? The ideals of human equality are at last becoming, in one giant step, much closer to reality. No gradualism or other attempt at blocking the rights of free men can be tolerated by any man who values his own rights and citizen- ship. Sincerely, Robert Sinclair Knapp 4 Hail T A CHILIDREN'S concert featuring march music last week in Philadelphia's Fair- unt Park Robin Hood Dell, the finale was ail to the Victors." As Assistant Conductor illiam Smith told the audience that although was not a graduate of this University, many ,hestra members were, the Philadelphia Or- estra played, sung and shouted the song. It was fun. Perhaps at the next May Festival, in an extra rformance... RICHARD KELLER SIMON TODAY AND TOMORROW: {y Events Of The Times THINGS ARE moving so fast in both the Communist world and ours that it is hard for -the observer to keep up with them. Yet there is already sufficient reason to ask our- selves whether, along with and no doubt af- fected by the rupture inside the Communist orbit, there is not also, long before most people expected it, a profound change within the Western system. We can begin to see dimly that events are overtaking the standard con- ception of Western unity as preached for the past 15 years and preached again recently by President Kennedy.: The standard conception of Western unity is that of a rally of beleaguered forces in a lire emergency. It originated in the years im- mnediately after the war when Western Europe was devastated and disarmed, and there was nothing but a meager supply of American atomic bombs between the Red army and Paris. In that climate of imminent peril, there were conceived and constructed in a dazzling lisplay of statesmanship the postwar institu- ions of the Western world, the Marshall Plan, NATO and the Common Market. As is evident from the flourishing condition )f Western Europe today, these postwar in- titutions accomplished wonders. But they con- ained within themselves an obvious, but un- vowed difficulty which was destined to make hem transitory. The difficulty was that the Federal Republic of Germany is not "Ger- nany," but the Western section -of a divided Germany; the six countries of the Common Market are not "Europe," but only one part >f the non-Communist part of Europe. And Editorial Staff RONALD WILTON...................... Co-Editor PHILIP SUTIN ......................... Co-Editor DAVE GOOD... ..............Co-Sports Editor "HARLES TOWLE................ Co-Sports Editor UTH HETMANSKI ..................... Night Editor EAN TENANDER ....................... Night Editor ANDREW ORLIN...................... Night Editor . NEIL BERKSON................... Night Editor UARILYN KORAL.................... Night Editor Walter Lippmann non-Communist Europe is only a part of Europe. UNLESS I AM misreading the present course of events, we are looking backward when we base American policy on the revival of the partitioned, divided and fragmented postwar "Europe." There is much ground for thinking that the main movement of affairs is away froma closer organization of postwar Western Europe and toward a loose association and increasing intercourse with the whole of Eur- ope. The exclusion of Britain, together with Ireland and Scandinavia, from the six has been followed by many signs of stagnation and even fragmentation within the six. if certain indiscreet, off-the-record remarks of General de Gaulle have been correctly re- ported, he-as so often before-has begn one of the first to see a new development. He has recognized that there is not much of a future in the Paris-Bonn axis within a very small Europe. In any event, as the recent visit of the general to Bonn showed, the two countries collaborate as well, but no better than most neighbors. The West Germans are not only but are looking also to Eastern Europe and the. looking to Britain and across the Atlantic, Soviet Union. The post-Adenauer Germans like Erhard and Schroeder and Brandt are not interested in the small postwar "Europe." They have no passionate enthusiasm for a close poli- tical integration of the partitioned Germany in a truncated Europe. N THIS CONNECTION, there is great im- portance in the changing relations between the Catholic Church and the East European States. There is much evidence that in Poland and Hungary and perhaps in the other Central European States the church may be on the way to winning freedom for its pastoral, and per- haps even for its teaching, function. This is certain to diminish the antagonism between the peoples on both sides of the iron curtain. The confusion and the disarray, the aimless- ness and bewilderment, which are more or less prevalent everywhere, are the concomitants of the break-up of an established order. We are living amidst the break-up of the established order of the postwar world, and we are find- By JEAN TENANDER NOBODY KNOWS his name. No- body knows where he is going. Nobody really cares. The Negro in Albany, Georgia, does not know what path he is to follow. He does not even know for certain whether he has a choice of paths. He is involved in the struggle for equality but to what extent any action he takes will af- feet the overall pattern of Integra- tion in the city he has no clear idea. The struggle is a blind one- a spontaneous and a correct one but a blind one. It is made blind by everything that has already been done to the Negro and by every- thing that it is feared may be done to him in the future. Past and present injustices bind the Negro tightly and although some of the ties are breaking they break with- out him taking full cognizance of their meaning. The breaks are not put into any context or marshall- ed into any kind of formation. They just happen and are left alone. WHAT DOES the Jailing of nine sit-in demonstrators mean. Does it mean the community is one step closer toward school integration or will its only effect be to in- crease Police Chief Pritchett's ar- rests of Student Non-violent Co- ordinating- Committee workers. Would it be better to be more cau- tious or is direct action the solu- tion. The Negro doesn't know and he is presented with conflicting solutions to his dilemma by those he comes in contact with daily. Perhaps the widest divergence of opinion the Negro in Albany encounters on what his proper role in the civil rights battle should be occurs when he is faced with advice from the clergy. The church and the family are the two forces holding the Negro's life together and therefore the minister's words are not taken lightly. - When a minister, whose face is as familiar to a family as theirs are to each other, urges that mod- eration and negotiation are the correct solution and that any other course of action will lead back- wards rather than forwards why has the family any reason to dis- believe him. It would not occur to them to attribute any motive oth- er than interest in their well being to his advice. PEOPLE WHO HAVE barely enough money to feed and clothe their children are not versed in the anxieties and wories brought on by the fight to preserve middle class income and a middle class social standing. They have nothing to preserve, nothing to lose. Why then should they suspect that per- haps the well meaning clergy might have colored their advice with a little concern for the re- tention of their own position. On the other hand, why shouldn't the minister who has finally managed to establish a sizable parish hesi- tate to lose it by advocating that sit-ins, and kneel-ins will work to advance the cause of freedom. He is angered by the ministers who urge their congregations to fol- low the slow road of negotiation. He claims they are not being true to their people. "This is a black brother, and I was planning to worship in your church this morning with a white friend of mine," he drawled slow- ly into the telephone to the First Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning. There was a long period of silence while Wells murmured politely. Then grinning he hung up and said, "I guess we won't worship at that Presbyterian church." He and two Negro girls and his white friend, a law student difficulty of bringing up a fam- ily under anywhere near normal conditions. Those that remain have little work to spend their time on. A number of gangs have sprung up in an effort to combat the restlessness the boys feel. They are not just friendly clubs for poker games and trips to the swimming hole. Eddie Brown, an influential gang leader, walks around with a shotgun over his shoulder at night. The scars on his hands testify to numerous knife fights. It's not just a pose either. Eddie and his boys have on occasion served as body guards for SNCC workers and if there is police harrassment dur- ing a mass meeting silent guards will be posted around the building. The boys in the gang and espe- cially the leaders know every bit of gossip that is going on in town (in Harlem that is). They know who did what, when and why. A word to Eddie will return -in a few days time, a tape recorder, for example, stolen from the SNCC of-- fice. ** * THE BOYS in the gang are not children and they suffer acute an- guish watching Pritchett push their fellow workers or their peo- ple around. They would like noth- ing better than to use some of the hardware they carry around with them. The day that they may do so seems to be coming closer and closer. The Negro's patience is be- coming extremely strained. The Negro families in Albany seem to be for the most part com- mitted to the movement. The Al- bany Movement was founded in November of 1961 by a coalition of the colored ministerial alliance, SNCC, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and other Negro organizations. It grew from there until today every- one in Albany speaks of being eith- er for or against the movement. Although most families support it verbally, here again it is hard to tell whether they actually un- derstand what a: commitment to the movement means in terms of its ramifications, not only on the white community in Albany but on white communities all across the nation. PERHAPS it doesn't make any difference whether or not there is an understanding of the total picture. The things that are be- ing done have to be done, and as long as they continue to be done equality is one small step closer. On the other hand, if the Negro community in Albany could be made to see the tremendous power they have at their disposal, if they chose to utilize it, so much more could be hoped for. It is hard to lift events out of their personal contexts and make them seem rele- vant on a larger scale but in some instances it is necessary. It is not just going to a mass meeting or taking part in a dem- onstration. The mass meeting and the demonstration are going on in other places. There are others ALBANY NEGRO ... nameless working for C. B. King, the one Negro lawyer in Albany, were ask- ed to leave another Presbyterian church in town later in the morn- ing. * * * WHICH WAY does the Negro choose. What will his choice mean. What are the choices. These are the questions few are even able to ask let alone answer. There is another more volatile controversy tearing the younger Negro in half. College age boys in Albany have nothing to do. Few of them can afford to attend colleges outside the state and Albany State College, a Negro college, is not a very high caliber school. The stu- dent government was disbanded two years ago on the grounds that "other schools across the country are getting along without one so we can too." This from a girl who was permanently suspended from the school because she took part in anti-segregation demonstra- tions. Several other students have been either permanently or tem- porarily suspended. The college's administration will tolerate no initiative on the part of the ,stu- dent body and does its best to pre- vent any discussion or action on the part of the students in any area even remotely connected with civil rights. If the Negro does not go here he can apply to either Spelman M * Cold Lie r I'-~- -.5- 3