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July 13, 1963 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-13

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Sunny and
warmer today






Remove Cubans from Plane

epartment reported yesterday
iat Cayman Islanders forced the,
moval of three Cuban airline
assengers from a plane yesterday,
ut denied a charge by the Fidel
astro government that the dem-
nstrators were United States-
At the same time, State Depart-
ent officials said discussions'are
nder way with. Canada aimed at

clamping down on Torontq-Hava-
na flights. But they said these
flights have not been used for fer-
rying Cuban subversive agents.
Press Officer Richard I. Phil-
lips gave the State Department
version of what the Cuban For-
eign Ministry said was a gathering
of United States-paid hooligans to
block Cuban travelers at the Grand
Cayman airport yesterday.
The State Department ,has al-

Guiana H s Potential
To Be Another Cuba


Associated Press Staff Writer
GEORGETOWN, British Guiana-It is a hot little country where
the ~570,000 people are black, brown, yellow and white.
Most of them live and work in a 500-mile coastal strip. On one
side is the blue Atlantic, on the other tropical jungles apd rain
forest rarely penetrated by civilzed man except to search for gold
and dianmonds.,
This is a country which, some think, promises to become a Cuba-
like republic, providing a wedge for Communism to enter South
America. The key figure is Prime Minister Cheddi Jagan, a dentist

... Marxism?
Britain Tie
To 'Aid Unity
BRUSSELS O)-The Common
Market's offer to renew contacts
with Britain should get the Euro-
pean unity movement moving
It does not mean that Britain
will be invited to join in the fore-
seeable future. French President
Charles de Gaulle made that plain
when he blackballed Britain last
January. But it is designed to
make sure that policies, will be
easier to bring, together if and
when the time comes.
That might be in 1965, if de
Gaulle takes advantage of the
French election in that year to
retire, or it might be in 1966,
when the Common Market rules
provide that France can be out-
voted by the other five members
-West Germany, Italy, Belgium,,
The Netherlands and Luxembourg.'
Periodic Meetings
The offer, approved Thursday
by the foreign ministers of the six
Common Market countries at one,
of their periodic meetings here,
provides for meetings every three
months within the framework of
the Western European union. The
floor would be open to all kinds
of 'economic discussion.
The British would have prefer-
red more frequent meetings, and
within the Common Market frame-
But the agreement to make the
offer may be more important than
the offer itself for what it means
to the unity of the countries in the
the Common Market. The "friend-
ly five" - members who- wanted
Britain to join-have been frus-
trated France at every turn,
bringing the movement toward
internal unity almost to a halt.
Three Main: Fields
Now there are three main fields
in which the six members may
start strengthening their ties
1) By advancing their commop
farm policy toward a reform of the
markets for meat, dairy products
and rice. The French have been
particularly eager for this. Pres-
ent plans call for working out the
rules by the end of this year and
putting them into effect by April
1, 1964.
2) By unifying their position for
the big "Kennedy round" of tar-
iff-cutting negotiations due to

" turned politician. Debate. about
the future revolves around this
self-styled Marxist. The politics
of the situation is further embit-
tered by racial differences.
This was an early. Dutch colony
which the British took over in
1796. Last year British Guiana re-
ceived internal self-government,
with defense and foreign affairs,
remaining in British hands. Full,
independence was to follow, but
now it appears several years away.
The sugar-cane workers and
rice growers are largely people
whose grandfathers came from
India as indentured laborers.
These East Indians make up half
the population, and they follow
Jagan. They vote for him not be-
cause they understand Marxism,
nor because they are poorer than
the rest-the annual per capita
income of Guianese was $250 in
1960, against an average of $210
in Latin America.
They vote for Jagan because
his grandfather, too, was an illit-
erate laborer from India.
The East Indians live in little
wooden houses, work hard in the
canefields, grow a plot of rice,
own a cow, and save their money.
' More Children
They also produce children fast-
er than the Negroes.
A third or more of the Guianese
are descendants of A f r I c a n
slaves. When the slaves were
freed in 1834, many bought land
and formed villages. Today East
Indians run most of the former
Negro villages. The Negroes pre-
fer white collar jobs. They prefer
to live in Georgetown, with its
neat, white - painted w o o d e n
houses built on concrete pillars
seven feet above the moist earth.
They. predominate among the
Portuguese, other Europeans and
Chinese, as well as Indian mer-
chants, in the capital's 160,000 in-
In all but politics these people
live together peaceably, a Negro
and an East Indian of George-
town's middle class agreed. In
politics they line up behind Jagan
and Forbes Burnham.
Burnham, a 38-year-91d lawyer
with a London education, helped
Jagan form his people's progres-
sive party but later took his Negro
followers into the rival people's
national congress. Racial tension
grew from this bit'ter split over
leadership. Gaping spaces in the
business hearts of Georgetown,
where whole blocks of stores were
burned to the ground, remain as
scars of wild rioting a year ago.
Six persons were killed before
Jagan called British troops to re-
store order, and save his govern-
ment from overthrow.

leged that the Cubans have been
using the British-owned Carib-
bean island as a transfer point
for potential subversive agents
traveling from Cuba to other Car-
ibbean countries.
No response has been received
from the British to American urg-
ings that Cuban airline flights to
Grand Cayman be barred, Phillips
The State Department spokes-
man gave this account:
"A Cubana aircraft arrived at
Grand Cayman and some passen-
gers transferred to British West
Indies Airways Flight 405 for
Kingston, Jamaica. About 40 Cay-
manians assembled to demon-
strate, parking cars on the runway
and making other moves to pre-
vent the departure of the BWIA
Plane Departs
"After an hour or so a BWIA
official agreed to remove three
of the Cubana passengers from
Flight 405, presumably requiring
them to return to Cuba. This hav-
ing been done, the crowd permit-
ted the BWIA flight to depart."
Phillips identified one of the
three persons taken off the King-
ston-bound plane as Iris Herrera,
wife of the Cuban counsul in
Kingston. He said he did not know
who the other two were.
Phillips said the United States
had no representative on the scene
nor were United States funds used
to pay the demonstrators.
Cuban Version
In other points of variance, the
Cuban version was that the inci-
dent took place Wednesday, and
that instead of only three being
turned back only three-including
the consul's wife-were allowed to
fly on.
Later dispatches from Jamaica
indicated there actually were two
incidents-one Wednesday and one
Concerning the Toronto-Havana
flights, State Department authori-
ties said World Wide Airways, Inc.,
a Canadian company, has been
making occasional charter flights
between the two points. The Cuban
government is presumably doing
the chartering.
Freight Carrying
The flights were described as
basically freight - carrying, al-
though a limited number of Cub-
an government officials and air-
line employes ride as passengers
from time to time.
The State Department authori-
ties said Canadian officials give
close scrutiny to the passenger
lists and they have no reason to
believe subversive agents are
among them.
It was indicated, nonetheless,
that the United States government
would like to see the flights dis-
continued in line with United
States efforts to isolate Cuba.
Meanwhile, the flights have been
getting official United States per-
mission to cross over American ter-
ritory, it was stated. United States
authorities said the aircraft are
the International Civil Aviation
Agreement to which the United
States, Canada and Cuba are all
Rush Assures.
Of No Sellout
W. Va. (AP)-Secretary of StateI
Dean Rusk reassured NATO allies.
today that there will be no United
States sellout at Moscow, and he
urged again the creation of a
NATO seaborne nuclear force.
Rusk's prepared remarks before
the Virginia State Bar Association
dealt with the Atlantic Alliance,
and were his first public report.
since returning from his recent
European travels with President

Senate Continues Probe
On TFX Contract Award
WASHINGTON )-Tempers are flaring again-this time over
a performance chart-as the Senate investigations subcommittee
presses ahead with its probe of the TFX warplane contract.
The latest angry exchanges hits Secretary of the Navy Fred
Korth against Chairman John L. McClellan (D-Ark) and the senior
Republican member of the panel, Sen. Karl E. Mundt of South
Korth spent his fourth day on the witness stand yesterday as
the subcommittee probed the Pentagon's award of the TFX contract
o the team of General Dynamics
Corp. of Fort Worth, Tex., and
Grumman Aircraft Engineering
Corp. of New York. The senators
want to know why Korth and
other civilian defense chiefs over-
rode military evaluations that a
design offered by the Boeing Co.
.of Seattle, Wash., promised a bet-

New Ecuador


Bloc Asks
UN Meeting
request was made yesterday for
"urgent" meetings of the Secur-
ity Council to consider the prob-
lems of racism in South Africa
and colonialism in Portugal's Afri-
can territories.
The request was submitted by 32
African countries-all the conti-
nent's independent governments,
except South Africa. These Afri-
cans regard the policies of South
Africa and Portugal as a threat to
international peace and security.
Ahmed-Taibi Benhima of Mor-
occo. president of the Security
Council this month, is expected to
suggest that the 11-nation Council
convene late next week or early
the following week. The opening
session is not expected before next
African representatives contin-
ued consultations until late in the
day to determine. the details of
their erquest for Security Council
sessions. They submitted two let-
ter and a memorandum on their
complaints against South Africa
and Portugal.
Current plans call for several
African foreign ministers to pre-
sent the complaints to the Coun-
cil. The Africans hope to impose
economic sanctions on South Af-
rica and Portugal or even to expel
the two countries from the Unit-
ed Nations.
The United Nations Charter au-
thorizes the General Assembly to
expel members, but only if this is
recommended by the Security
Council. The Africans are not ex-
pected to obtain the seven votes
required in the Council to approve
such action.
African spokesmen at recent
conferences of United Nations
agencies have been pressing de-
mands for vigorous action against
South Africa and Portugal. The
Africans have employed walkouts
to support their arguments against
the two countries.
The United States has voiced
its strong opposition to racism and
colonialism, but has questioned
the wisdom and legality of impos-
ing stringent sanctions on South
Africa and Portugal. It has also
cited the dangers of expelling a
member of the United Nations.
Copyright, 1963, The New York Times

'Pledge to Crack Down
On C ommunist Groups

. angry exchange

ter and cheaper plane.
Challenges Chart
McClellan challenged a chart
which Korth used to support his
contention that the General Dy-
namics-Grumman design is su-
perior "The way you are present-
ing it, you are distorting the per-
formance of the Boeing plane,
based on the record," the Senator
"Mr. chairman, I deny that we
are distorting it," Korth retorted.
Continuing the exchange, a cen-
sored transcript of which was
made public yesterday, McClellan
argued that the chart failed to
reflect last-minute optional de-
sign changes the Boeing Co. had
offered to make: He said the
changes would have wiped out a
claimed 320-mile-an-hour speed
margin for the General Dynamics-
Grumman plane and would have
given the Boeing craft greater
maneuverability at high altitudes.
Earlier Designs
Korth replied that the contrac-
tors knew only the earlier designs
would be evaluated and that tech-
nical teams never had evaluated
a report spelling out the changes.
"You can talk about 'it has not
been evaluated' from now until
doomsday," McClellan said, add-
ing: "it was your duty to evaluate
(it) if you had in mind the best
interests of the Navy, the coun-
try and to get the best plane."
Reason for Favoring
In another attack on the Penta-'
gon decision, Mundt told Korth he
could not understand why the
contract went to General Dynam-
ics-Grumman "unless there is
some reason that you want to
favor General Dynamics."
Mundt said he suspected the
civilian secretaries read the mili-
tary evaluation report to the point
where it said either design would
be acceptable and quit reading,
before the point wherehthe mili-
tary evaluators said the Boeing
design had a "clear and sub-
stantial" advantage. f
Korth replied with a defense ofa
the Pentagon's decision. He re-
turns to the witness stand Mon-
day for a fifth day of questioning.
UN Observers
Find No Proof
Of Gas Attack
UN observation group has sent in]
a preliminary report stating that
it has found no evidence so far
that poison gas has been used
in the Yemen Civil War.
A UN spokesman said today a
further report is expected after
the UN mission completes its in-
quiry. UN Secretary-General U
Thant ordered the investigation
after the British government call-
ed his attention to published re-
ports that some civilians had been
victims of poison gas allegedly7
used by the United Arab Republic.]
The deposed Imam of Yemen
claims that six children died and
22 adults were injured after Egyp-
tian aircraft dropped poison gas
on Yemen last May.

Thayer Sees
Increase in
Tax Base
Speaking before the annual
meeting of the Ann Arbor Republi-
can Committee, Sen. Stanley G.
Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) called for
rearrangement of Michigan's tax
structure to increase its tax base.
This, he said, could provide more
The object of tax revision, he
stated, is to stimulate the growth
of a dynamic economy, one that
can provide sufficient revenue to
meet the needs of Michigan's
growing population.
. Face Tax
Thayer, Republican State Sen-
ate caucus leader, expressed the
opinion that it appears Michigan
will ultimately face a state in--
come tax. He said that since an-
other major tax base is needed, the
income tax seems the most likely
available one.
He said that the Michigan sales
tax has gone about as far as it
can, and perhaps it has gone too
far in some areas. He also cited
need for some relief in property
The pressure for revision of
property taxes is less than last
year's, he said however, despite
public sentiment increasing in-
terest in fiscal reform, an upswing
in Michigan's economic trends and
reductions in its deficit.
State Conferences
Thayer noted that conferences
are being held around the state
to explain the problems involved
in this. It is important that the
public be informed, he said, in
order to accomplish significant re-
One problem, he noted, is that
improved medical care is extending
the life-expectancies.of people who
sometimes become state charges.
Broad Base
He said the problem is one more
of rearranging the structure to
produce a broader base than to
increase taxes, he said.
Now, he said, the structure is
not flexible enough and is often
a burden on marginal and new
businesses, therefore inhibiting the
incentive to expand.
Also, at the meeting at the Pub-
lic Library, Raymond J. Smit was
re-elected Republican Committee
chairman. Smit was first elected
last December to fill the unexpir-
ed term of Norman J. Randall who
had resigned. Smit and the other
officers elected Thursday night
will serve one-year terms.
Other officers elected were:
Louis Dreyner, vice-chairman;
Mrs. Paul Gikas, vice-chairman;
Mrs. Wendell Forsythe, secretary;
and third ward city councilman
Paul H. Johnson, treasurer.

. .. ousted
State Head
Sees Hope
Gov., George Romney believes
that there is -great hope for tax
reform this fall.
However, his first meeting with
legislators showed no clear cut
path and "differences with respect
to- the degree of tax reform
This meeting was held Tuesday
and Wednesday at Mackinac Is-
land with 14 Republican senators.
In the coming weeks, Romney will
meet with other House members
and in August he will meet with
prominent tax committee mem-
bers. The governor said that he
will meet with the Democrats
Romney said that he will reach
a decision in August on the
method he will use in approach-
ing the legislature in the fall. He
will then put his staff to work on
the legislative message while he
visits his son, Scott, in Mngland,
the last two weeks of the month.,
"I still haven't decided whether
to make proposals complete in
legislative detail or whether to
-set up goals and leave details to
the legislature," the governor said.
While Romney said he is not
trying to achieve "a consensus of
opinion" with legislators now, he
noted that 'he will try to do so in
early September before the special
session gets under way.
Income Tax
Most reliable sources believe
that Romney's program will in-
clude an income tax. However,
there is difference of opinion as
to whether he will ask for a state
income tax or a local option one.
Some sources believe that he
might ask for both.

Junta Sets
Martial Law,
Key Appointments
Begin New Cabinet
QUITO (P)-The military junta
that ousted Ecuador's President
Carlos Arosemena, calling him a
drunk who symphathized with
Communism, pledged today to
crack down on pro-Castro Com-
munist terrorist bands plaguing
Martial law and a 9 p.m.-to-6
a.m. curfew were proclaimed by
the junta, headed by Navy Capt.
Rainon Castro Jijon. Strict cen-
sorship was imposed.
Creation of a cabinet was begun
with the appointment of colonels
to three key ministries. Castro
Jijon said civilians may be given
the other posts.
New Posts
Col. Luis Agustin Mora Bowen
became Interior Minister and, as
such, is in command of the na-
tional police. Col. Aurelio Naranjo
was named Defense Minister. The
Public Works Portfolio went to
Col. Segundo Morocho.
Under Mora Bowen's command,
police quickly rounded up an un-
announced number of Communists
and other leftists for questioning.
Among those detained was Os-
waldo Guayasamin, 43, a painter
of Indian birth.
The capital was quiet after
the brief uprising Thursday which
unseated both Arosemena, 44, and
the man who ordinarily would
have succeded him, Vice-President
Reinaldo Varea Donoso.
Three Killed
4t wyas announced three persons
were killed and 17 injured in the
shooting affray outside the Presi-
dential palace when troops and
tanks moved in to back up the
military demand that Arosemena,
quit. Two of the dead were sol-
diers, the third a civilian.
Arosemena was exiled to Pan-
Varea was , under arrest and
awaiting deportation.
Fruitless Effort
As chairman of the Senate, he
had made a fruitless effort to
summon Congress to challenge the
armed forces coup.
Top officers had little liking
for the Vice-President even be-
fore that. Last year the Chamber
of Deputies charged that, as a
cabinet minister in a previous ad-
ministration, Varea showed neg-
ligence and ineptitude in the pur-
chase of armored cars. The senate
found him innocent. But that did
not put the cars in shape. The
army complained it was stuck
with vehicles that couldn't be
Jijon said in a statement that
the junta is anti-Communist and
democratic. He declared it plans
to return the country to con-
stitutional government after con-
solidating its position and clearing
out pro-Castro bands that have
been increasingly active in the
past two weeks.
Army Uneasy
The junta chieftain indicated
that the Army and Navy brass
had been increasingly uneasy over
Arosemena's inability to function
against terrorists who have troub-
led Ecudador's major cities with
bombings and vandalism.
Delta College
To Remove
Cigaret Units
By The Associated Press

MIDLAND-Delta College voted
to remove all cigaret vending
machines from the campus Thurs-
Delta President Samuel B. Mar-
ble, who said he doesn't expect the
move to eliminate smoking at the
school commented:
"We're just removing tempta-
Only one trustee opposed the
move. Leonard Bregstein, a Mid-
land druistsa id hefeare"cier..

Panelists Discuss World Role of Student

Name Barense as Prosecutor
To Fill Rest of Ager Term
William D. Barense, chief assistant prosecutor; was appointed
prosecuting attorney yesterday to fill the unexpired term of William
F. Ager, Jr.
Ager was sworn in as a circuit judge on Wednesday. It is
expected that he will run for election in November, 1964.
The appointment was made jointly by Circuit Judge James
R. Breakey, Jr., and Ager after conferring with Barense. "It will
--°_ _ __be a pleasure to work with Judge
Ager and William Barense in the
administration of justice in the
court and the county. I have
complete condifence in the work
G roup I know Mr. Barense will do. He
~ is a worthy successor to'his prede-
cessor. Term after term I have
Pakistani student groups are still approved his appointment to the
largely centered along social and prosecutor's office," Breakey said.
cultural lines. "Mr Barense has always been
The African student movement, a tremendous help as chief as-
according to Frances Ndeti of sistant prosecutor. During my
Kenya, has newly arisen after it term in office I have rleaned on
had been prohibited by European him very heavily. He will do a
colonial powers for many years. tremendous job . . . " Ager said.
Ndeti emphasized the active par- Barense was appointed an as-
ticipation of African students in sistant in the prosecutor's office
both the physical and political de- on Sept. 29, 1953, by DeVine and
velopment of their countries, was later made chief assistant. He
stating that "African students headed the Ypsilanti office of the

"The student must be most
sensitive to infringements of lib-
erty-he must act as the voice of
Howard Abrams, '63, speaking
as a student panelist last night
at the International Center. told
a small crowd that this is "the
students' role in national and in-
ternational affairs."
Attempts to fulfill this role
through the formation of student

will Quppn t strongly the struggle
against colonialism, Shorisb said.
Blit once independence is achieved,
student organizations may begin
to oppose the policies of the new
Swiss national Eric Keller, dis-
cussmg, student organization m
Western Europe, contrasted the
vigorous student movement in
France and West Germany to that
of Portugal and Eastern Europe,
where such grouns are suppTessed



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